Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee •...

By _MissH_

58.1K 1.7K 805

(#1 in motleycrue 5th April 2021) ❤️ Vanessa is a shy girl. She isn't really great at anything and knows a lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 5

2K 50 26
By _MissH_

"Okay! 3...2...1!" Me and Sharise said in sync as we started to down a mixture of tequila and vodka shots.

We both reached for the lemon slices as we cringed at the taste and the burning in our throats.

"We should go!" Sharise said as I nodded and covered my mouth with my hand, trying to keep the alcohol down.

I grabbed the bottle of Ouzo I'd bought for Tommy as Sharise grabbed my hand and we walked out the door, locking it behind us.

The courtyard was full of people, me and Sharise looked at each other as we watched the carnage unfold around us. Someone had set a fire, there was a bunch of people doing some kind of Satanic dancing, another person was doing doughnuts on the grass with his motorcycle.

I could see Mr Kavinsky poke his head out through the nets he had in his window, he looked scared.

I strutted over towards the fire that was burning outside his home and kicked over the trash can. There was a pile of damp mud next to it, so the fire went out almost instantly and groans filled the air.

"There's fucking old people that live right there! Have some god damn respect" Sharise yelled as she grabbed this dudes crotch and squeezed it hard.

"Now you're gonna apologise and behave like a civilised person, kapish!?" I yelled.

Sharise squeezed his balls harder.

"Say you're sorry or I'm about to make wine out of these grapes" she yelled.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" He said, almost crying.

I looked over at Mr Kavinsky's window and he nodded his head almost thanking me so I flashed him a smile.

"And you! Keep messing up my lawn like that and I'm gonna mess up your face, fat Gandolf" Sharise yelled over to the older biker doing the doughnuts on his Harley.

He held his hands up in the air and I caught a glimpse of everyone looking at us as we pushed past a bunch of people and walked up the stairs.

Tommy's POV:
I was playing beer pong in the kitchen with Vince and two random girls.

"Ohhhh! It's in! Okay you gotta drink dude" I bellowed over the counter.

I watched Vince drink and glance over towards the window as he put his cup down. I looked behind me and saw Vanessa adjusting her skirt. She looked in-fucking-credible!

Vanessa's hair and outfit.

"Duuuuude!" I said quietly as Vince walked over and stood next to me.

We saw Nikki start walking over towards them. There wasn't a chance in hell I was letting that motherfucker get his hands on her first!

I jumped over the kitchen counter as Vince ran around the outskirts. We both caught up with each other, stopping as we reached the girls and almost crashing into Nikki.

"Hey! How's it going!?" Vince said, trying to hide his panting as he leaned against Nikki and tried to act cool in front of Sharise.

"We totally thought you guys weren't gonna come" I said as I rested my elbow on Nikki's shoulder and tried to brush the hair out of my eyes.

"Well here we are. We're gonna get a drink, catch you boys around" Sharise said as she gave us a sarcastic smile and held Vanessa's hand and shoulder, pushing her towards the kitchen.

The three of us turned around, watching them walk away. We were left dumbfounded and stood there scratching our heads.

All the chicks dug us man. We didn't know what to do! Especially Vince, he was like the cheap David Lee Roth of the strip, he wasn't used to rejection.

"What do we do now!?" I said as I looked at Vince.

"They want the chase" he shrugged.

"Fuck that! No chick is worth this much hassle" Nikki smirked as he walked off to find another chick.

"Right, new game plan..." Vince said as he turned to me.

"Dude, do we really have to call it a game plan" I asked.

"Tommy! Focus!" He said as he pointed at his eyes and then at mine...

I caught Sharise out the corner of my eye so I slapped Vince's arm and nodded over to her.

"Okay...the plan is there is no plan! You go have some alone time with Nessa and I'll go make a move on Sharise!" He said quickly as he pointed at me and left.

Vanessa's POV:
"Sharise!" I whispered as I glanced back at Tommy.

"I told you...they'll come over soon, I can guarantee it. Now let me have some of this Ozzo or whatever it's called" she said as we walked into the kitchen and she picked up two red cups.

"You can't... It's my ice breaker for Tommy" I said as I pulled the bottle away.

"I'll go and get the vodka then" she sighed and rolled her eyes.

As she left the apartment and went back down to ours, I looked around at everyone to see if there was anyone I knew...

"Hey!" Tommy said as he made his way over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi! I'm so sorry about all that with Sharise...again" I said as I started to blush at his touch.

"Oh it's cool! Can I get you a drink or anything?" He said as he smiled at me.

"Actually! I bought this. Wanna open it with me?" I said as I showed him the bottle.

"Dude! I haven't had this in forever, man!" He said excitedly as he took the bottle off me.

"Okay! We're drinking this right now!" He said as he put some ice into some cups and made us both a drink...

"Guys! Guess who I bumped into on my way back!" Sharise interrupted as she came over towards us with Vince in tow.

"Hey Vince!" I said.

"Hey! Vanessa, right?" He asked in his nasal voice as he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

"That's me!" I giggled.

"So! What are we drinking?" Vince asked as he rubbed his hands together.

"Oh! You guys have to try this!" Tommy said excitedly as he started making Vince and Sharise a drink.

We stood around making small talk and drinking for a little while before we ended up playing Beer Pong. Obviously, me and Tommy were on one team, Sharise and Vince were on the other.

"It looks very cosy over here!" Nikki slurred as he stumbled over.

"Are you always such an ass?" Sharise asked.

"Feisty" he pouted as he leaned against the counter.

"Come on Sixx, leave it out man" Tommy said as he threw the ball for us.

"Ugh. You guys are no fun" he groaned before 2 girls came over, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

"I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go hang with the fun people" he smirked as he put his arms around the girls and walked to what I could only assume was his bedroom.

"He's a real dick, you know that right?" Sharise snapped as she threw the ball.

"That's just Nikki. He's cool once you get to know him" Tommy smiled as I threw the ball, landing in one of their cups.

"What a shot!" Vince cackled.

"Yeah! That's how we do it!" I said as I threw up some devil horns and chest bumped Tommy.

Vince and Tommy were actually really cool. Vince was such a smooth fucker though, he could sell salt to the god damn devil he was that good!

We finished our game of Beer Pong, Vince and Sharise won and he made a move by celebrating with a kiss, which left a bit of awkward tension between me and Tommy as we looked away.

"Hey! You guys wanna play 7 minutes in heaven?" Sharise said.

"We haven't played that since high scho-" I said before I got cut off.

"Yes!" Nikki shouted over me as he stumbled back over with a different girl and poured himself another drink.

I looked awkwardly at Tommy.

"I'm sorry about him. I swear he's not always like this" Tommy sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"Come on! We can go to my room, there's a closet in there" Nikki said as he grabbed his cup that was filled with nothing but Jack Daniels and put his arm around some girl.

I rolled my eyes and followed the 5 of them in there. The whole room stunk of sex.

"So we're putting names in a hat right and we just pick one out?" Nikki asked.

We all looked over at Sharise, after all, she was the one who initiated the game.

"How about we just spin a bottle and whoever it lands on, those two go in there" she said as she picked up an empty beer bottle that was on Nikki's dresser.

We all agreed and sat on Nikki's bedroom floor as Vince spun the empty Budweiser bottle.

"Nikki!" Sharise called out.


"Uhh...sorry what's your name?" She asked

"Nicole!" She said excitedly.

We all looked at one another as she stood up, taking Nikki to the closet.

We all tried to make conversation but we were all pretty immature and laughed at the moans coming from the closet, Vince compared her to an ostrich being strangled. When the 7 minutes were up, they decided they didn't want to play the game anymore, it was obvious why, but that didn't stop us from playing...

"Tommy!" Sharise squealed as the bottle stopped.

I had butterflies. I wanted it to land on me but then again, I was nervous and I didn't know what I'd do for 7 minutes with Tommy.

She spun the bottle and...

"VANESSA!!!" She shouted excitedly as the tip of the bottle pointed directly at me.

I pressed my lips together, trying to hide my smile as I stood up and walked into the closet with Tommy.


I sat on the floor as Tommy sat down next to me.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Vince giggled as he turned the light out and shut the door.

There was an awkward silence. All I could hear was the heartbeats coming from me and Tommy.

I started to get really warm and I didn't know if it was from all the booze or if it was nerves, or both!

"W-we don't have to do anything if you don't want too. I just...I don't want you to feel pressured or anything because of some stupid game" he said, breaking the silence.

"You're quite the gentleman" I smirked.

"What can I say! Haha. Hey, how about we play 21 questions?" He asked.


"It's just...well...look, I think you're really pretty and I wanna get to know you more" he confessed.


"I guess that's fair" I said, trying to play it cool.

"Okay so, question 1..."

Me and Tommy took it in turns to ask one another questions, I'm sure we went over 21 but we realised we both had a lot in common.

We were both huge T-Rex fans, we loved breakfast food and hated shopping. We both liked Disney movies and made a pact to go to Disneyland one day. We both enjoyed cooking, he liked to sleep on the right side of the bed but I liked the left, we both had our crusts cut off our sandwiches. We agreed on a lot of political and religious views and we discovered that we were both completely and utterly hopeless when it came to love.

"Alright T. 2 questions left, what are they gonna be?" I asked as I sipped the last of my drink.

"Okay...this next one isn't so much a question, it's more of a confession..." he said shyly.

"What is it?" I giggled.

" sister was meant to come here tonight, but anytime she comes here she always scares off any girl that comes near me" he said.

"So she basically does the sister check?" I smirked.

"Basically...but uhhh...I wanted to get to know you first, before I let her come around here" he said.

I rested my hand on his thigh and he put his hand on top of mine and locked our fingers together.

"So, I had to tell my mom why I didn't want her here and I kinda told her about you..." he smiled.

"You told your mom about me!?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

"Yeah...she kinda wants you to come for dinner on Sunday" he groaned, almost sounding embarrassed as he covered his face with his hand.

"Well, I'd love too!" I said.

"What!? Really!? We can just go as friends...we don't have too-" He sounded shocked

The alcohol had really kicked in and I was feeling super confident tonight. After spending time with him, I really liked Tommy, so it was time to make my move.

"Okay, my last question... can I kiss you?" I whispered as I leaned closer to him.

It was meant to be super romantic, but it's me, nothing ever goes right for me. I wanted it to be like in a movie where they go straight in for the kiss and it's super magical. I tried to find his face in the dark and my finger ended up in his nose, he poked me in the eye a couple of times, we head butted each other and I ended up kissing his nose but eventually, we found each others mouths and started to make out.

He was an amazing kisser. He was gentle but demanding and it sent me crazy! I straddled him and he began to take off my leather jacket.

"We should...w-we should wait" he said as he pulled away.

"Yeah...yeah we should...totally" I said as we both panted.

I was so confused. I'd never had a guy turn down sex before.

"You're a beautiful girl you know, a-and I'd really like to take you out on a date first" he panted.

"It's okay. I get it" I smirked as we stood up and dusted ourselves off.

"I swear, it's been longer than 7 minutes" he said.

I felt a breeze as he walked past me. He opened the door and we both walked out...

"What the hell guys!" I heard Sharise exclaim.

Mine and Tommy's face dropped as we were greeted by Sharise lying on her back and Vince mounting her.

"Sorry!" We both said wide eyed as we ran out the room and slammed the door shut behind us.

We started to laugh at what we just saw. Tommy put his arm around me as we walked into the kitchen to get another drink.

"Thank you for coming tonight. You look amazing and usually our parties are fun but, tonight's been something else" Tommy said.

"Well, thank you for inviting me" I said as we downed a shot of whiskey together.

"I guess I'm just doing the all American thing and make an effort with my neighbours, even if they do complain all the time" he winked as he pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.

Sharise and Vince made their way out of Nikki's room, holding hands and they both had huge smiles across their faces.

"Here they cum" Tommy smirked.

I had such a shitty sense of humour so I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sharise said as she tried to fix her hair.

"Oh nothing!" Me and Tommy smirked as we glanced at each other.

The rest of the night was pretty quiet for us. We stayed in our little bubble and kept the drinks flowing. We danced, we passed around the peace pipe and me and Tommy continued to get to know one another. We got the munchies so we all decided to go down to our apartment and practically cooked up the entire contents of our refrigerator.

My night ended with Tommy in my bed. We sat watching a WWF tape I had recorded (another thing we had in common) and ate some chips and dips together. We were a mess but, it was probably the most romantic moment of my life, so far. I was pretty excited to see where things with me and Tommy went from here...

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