Does It Still Hurt?

By Razia101

33.4K 1.9K 310

Copyright© He held me and asked "what's wrong?" I looked at his beautiful forest green eyes and smiled and s... More

Chapter One: Welcome To Forest High
Chapter Two: Hello Beauiful, I'm Xavier
Chapter Three: Im Your What?...
Chapter Four: Starbucks
Chapter Five: Thinking Out Loud
Chapter Six: The Smile Is Fake, The Tears Are Real
Chapter Seven: You Wouldn't Understand
Chapter Eight: My Story (Part One)
Chapter Nine: My Story (Part Two)
Chapter Ten: Truly Beautiful
Chapter Eleven: Have Fun For Once
Chaper Twelve: Broken... Again
Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!
Chapter Fifteen: The Punishment
Chapter Sixteen: The Game
Chapter Seventeen: Audition
Chapter Eighteen: There's A Bump
Chapter Nineteen: Girls Night!
Chapter Twenty: Pack Doctors
Chapter Twenty One: "Im Sorry"
Chapter Twenty Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty Three: Lucy's Funeral
Chapter Twenty Four: The New Beginning
Chapter Twenty Five: Hugs Give Me Life
Chapter Twenty Six: "Its Coming!!"
Chapter Twenty Seven: "There's A What?!"
Chapter Twenty Eight: Surprise
Chapter Twenty Nine: Amulet
Chapter Thirty: Intruder
Chapter Thrity One: Ross?
Chapter Thrity Two: Secrets Hidden
Chapter Thrity Three: Golden Eyes
Chapter Thirty Four: Parents
Chapter Thirty Five: Moving Out
Chapter Thirty Six: I'm Back
Chapter Thirty Seven: Captured
Chapter Thirty Eight: Time Stood Still
Chapter Thirty Nine: Moon Goddess
Chapter Forty: Second Wish
Chapter Forty One: Thank you
Chapter Forty Two: The Big Question
Chapter Forty Three: Forgetful
Chapter forty four: Graduation Day
Chapter Forty Five: Official Prom

Chapter Thirteen: Hell Broke Loose

656 44 8
By Razia101

Dedicated to: ★amongthewolves


Everything she saw was black.
So she began to turn her wrist red so the world wouldn't seem so dark. -tumbler


{Meghan's POV}

It been three days now since the party. All hell broke loose that night. The only thing was I felt very sick the last week. I've been puking since I was with Josh. Josh came and checked up on me, but I told him I would be fine soon.

I wasn't gonna let him worry about me, he was the beta of the blood moon pack. He has duties to do than worry about his mate .At least Rosalina was there beside me the whole time.

I was thankful of that I really was. But ever since Xavier that basterd cheated on her, she's been a whole different person. She doesn't talk to any of us anymore. I know she tried to act strong in front of us, but I always hear her crying in her room.

Usually at night time. I would always check up on her with the girls. She would pretend she was sleeping every time we asked if she was okay.

I just want the old Rosalina back I miss her a lot. I was currently watching TV my favorite Spongbob episode was on. Hey don't judge Spongbob is bae. I kept stuffing popcorn in my mouth. I was so conferrable on the couch it felt like heaven.

"I'm going out to get you something". Rosalina said winking. while putting on her leather jacket on. 

She was probably gonna get me Starbucks. I laughed and nodded to her as she left.


{Rosalina's POV}

I walked to my BMW as I drove off to the pharmacist. I knew Meghan was pregnant, with Josh's baby of course.

She has been talking about him a lot lately its getting annoying. I love her and everything but if you could choose who talks about boys most in our little group. You would pick Meghan. Whatever she is going through right now I'm gonna be by her side no matter what.

I pulled up in the parking lot of the pharmacy. I saw Xavier's car in parking lot. I raised an eyebrow thinking why he is here. Is he okay? was he sick or something? All of these questions flooded through my brain. Giving me a headache. I shrugged it off I'm not gonna worry about him why should I? I don't like him anymore. I never loved him... or did I?

I got out of my car. I walked up to the main entrance. I walked in seeing Xavier in the sun glasses booth. I can't hold back the laughs. He looked so stupid trying on different glasses. He made faces in the small mirror I laughed to myself.

He turned around quickly taking of the glasses. I quickly turned around to run. I didn't want him to see me. I took one step when I heard his voice.

"Rosey!" He said while walking towards me. I had a blank expression on my face.

"You mean Rosalina you don't have permission to call me that. Only the people I love call me that". I said with a smirk on my face.

I crossed my hands over my chest. I turned around and walked to the front desk of the pharmacist. "Two pregnancy tests please" I smiled at the old women behind the desk.

"WHAT!" Xavier said looking over my shoulder. "Who have you been fucking?!"

I got so mad at his comment he said to me. His face was red and his eyes turned black not the forest green eyes I love. "Who have YOU been fucking?" I glare back at him I was very angry. He deserved that. "It isn't for me dip shit, it's for a friend" I said as I payed the pharmacist.

I head out the door leaving Xavier speechless. He just stared at me. I flipped my hair as I stepped in my car. I knew he was watching. I finally reached home.

Meghan was still  on the couch covered with blankets. Her face was pale as if she puked. I felt so bad for her.

"Oh my god Meg" I said covering my mouth. I hated seeing my best friend like this. I hand her the pregnancy test as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Shit" she said. She now knew what was wrong. She stood up as her messy bun swing to the side of her head.

Hairs flew to all different directions, she looked like she didn't brush her hair for weeks. She groans as she held her stomach.

A couple minutes she walked out of the washroom. A shocked expression written all over her face. "I'm pregnant" she managed to say as she plopped on the couch. Her face was in the pillow.

"This is great!" I said while hugging her. A big smile was plastered on my face.

"No it isn't my mom will freak out. I'm only 17" she said with a sad look on her face.

"I have to get an abortion or something" she said while whining like a baby. I shake my head

"You can't Meghan, I can't believe those words came out of  your mouth just now" I said. She rolled her eyes as her eyes shut. She was tired from all this work, and now she is pregnant.

"I'm gonna sleep forever" she groaned while covering her face with the blanket.

"You do that, I'm gonna make lunch" I said laughing to myself. I got up to make lunch for the girls.

"Hey Meg just know you weren't the only one that created the baby, Josh is in this to and I bet he would want you to keep it. So don't make any big decisions without him okay?" I said with a sympathetic look.

"Okay whatever" she said her eyes were shut. I kissed her for head. "I love you Meg, forever and always" I whispered to myself.

My cooking was interrupted from someone crying. I recognized that crying. Lucy. I walked to Lucy's room to see her crying on her bed. "Whats wrong?" I asked hugging her.

She cried in my arms. She could barely talk. "My dad said I have to move back in the house, I can't live with you and the girls anymore" she said collapsing on her bed. I was speechless her dad was this dumb guy that never gave Lucy the attention a father should to his daughter.

He would just scream and yell at her for no reason. Just to make her miserable. I got her up and hugged her. "Its okay we'll visit everyday" I said trying to comfort her.

"No I'm just gonna fucking kill my self" she said as a tear slipped from her eye.

"Don't, that's silly" I said shaking my head.

"Whatever, I have to move out tomorrow" she said while wiping  her tears away.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" she said as she ran out the apartment door.

"I love you Lucy!" I screamed but I don't think she heard me.



HEY GUYS sorry for the short chapter I've just had so much shit in my life right now.

But that's not a good reason I'm just really sorry I'm committed to this books so I'll try I will. I promise thanks for all the reads it means a lot .

Also happy valentines day guys remember you don't need a guys for this day. All you need is a bag of chips and a comfy couch.

Don't forget to ...



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