As You Are // D.M.

By Ethereal6513

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Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... More



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By Ethereal6513

Draco Malfoy

I watched with narrowed eyes as Diggory brushed a strand of hair out of her face. I watched as she jerked out of his touch, her emerald green eyes landing on me. Diggory wasn't taking the hint that she didn't want that, that she didn't want his fingers grazing her skin. 

Would she want mine?

From the past month that I have spent with her, I felt like I already knew her boundaries even if we were just getting to know each other. I felt like I knew what she liked and didn't like— and she without a doubt in my mind, did not like Atticus Diggory touching her.

I took a sip of my firewhiskey, letting the brown liquid burn my throat. I knew that I would have to be home soon, I would want to see Scorpus off to bed. That was one thing that I wanted to make sure didn't fall through the cracks. My mum was always there for me when I was growing up. I was her only son and most prized position but to my father, I was nothing. I was the heir to the Malfoy estate and he was Lucius Malfoy. I wanted to be there for my son and to raise him better than my parents raised me. It was one promise that I made to Astoria on her deathbed. But instead of leaving the bar, I found myself wanting to protect Armena.

So I would stay until she got home safely.

Those emerald green eyes of hers were so mesmerizing, I could stare at them for hours and still not be fulfilled. I clenched my fist tightly into a ball as I watched him flirt with her. He was a fucking prick and a playboy, he just wanted to get into her panties. He had no desire to get to know the real Armena Lestrange. She was just a prize to be won to him. He would brag about his conquest tomorrow and share a round of high fives and pats on the back with his mates. He wouldn't want to stay in bed with her and trace each one of her vertebrae. 

No, he would just fuck her and probably pretty fucking badly too. 

I couldn't think about him fucking her. It was an image that I never wanted to cross my mind but it did. I let out a loud groan through my lips and turned to whoever was next to me. Adrian Pucey was saying something to me about how there was a Ministry league Quidditch game tomorrow, but I could give two fucks. I found myself keeping her gaze, refusing to look away while he was standing next to her.  

"Excuse me" I muttered, slipping back into the crowd.

I walked along the outskirts of the bar, keeping my eye on her the entire time. I watched as she looked back over to the direction that I once was, her face dropping when she realized that I was not there anymore. Armena excused herself, slipping from the chair that she was sitting in.

"The night is still young!" Diggory shouted at Armena, who just kept walking forward towards Parkinson and Weasley.

I was about to make my move and walk towards her when Potter stepped in my line of vision. I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a long sigh, taking a sip of my drink.

"The boys and I are playing in a small game tomorrow, I wanted to see if you wanted to join us?" Potter asked.

I leaned around him slightly, watching as Pansy waved over Atticus. The man smirked and walked over to their table, carrying another glass of red wine. He handed it to Armena who took it cautiously.

"Malfoy?" Potter asked again.

"Um yeah sure," I sighed, sipping the firewhiskey. "What time?"

"Normally the game starts around ten so we like to warm up around nine. I was going to take the position of Keeper this game, if you want Seeker?"

"You sure you want to give up your position to your rival?" I raised my brow at him, smirking at him.

"Hey!" he raised his hands in defense, "it seems only fair."

Just then sounds of cheers erupted from Parkinson and Ginny. I could recognize Pansy's high pitched squeal anyday. Potter turned around, watching the same scene play before my eyes as I was. Armena was walking through the bar hand in hand with Diggory who was grinning ear to ear like a toddler with a brand new toy. Potter let out a loud whistle, bringing his hands to his mouth.

"Damn, didn't see that one coming" he smirked, bumping his shoulder with my own.

I felt my jaw clench tightly as I stared at her. She looked visibly annoyed as she dragged the man behind her. She whispered something in his ear and then motioned for him to walk forward. He shook his head and insisted that she should go first. I watched as she stepped into the flue, her eyes meeting my own instantly. A wave of something washed over her face as her mouth fell into a frown but she was gone in an instant. Green flames swallowing her whole.

I felt something that I hadn't felt in a very long time— jealousy.

Pure white stone cold fucking jealousy. It was absolutely nauseating to feel this way and I hated myself for it. 

"Malfoy? Are you alright?" I heard Potter ask.

I turned my head slowly to look at the dark headed man, he was looking down to the floor and back up to me. I followed his line of vision, watching as crimson blood dripped from my hands. The glass of firewhiskey was half broken in my hand, while the rest was on the floor with droplets of blood coating it.

I shook my head and set down the rest of the glass on the table beside me. I pulled out my handkerchief that my mum gave me for my birthday and wrapped my bloody hand in the white cloth. The red spread like Feinfyre as it saturated the material. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was back home in my living room. The green flames disappeared behind me.

"Fuck!" I screamed, waking up some of the portraits around the room.

I rolled my shoulders and headed to my bedroom, tossing my black coat on the chair. I threw open the bathroom door with the wave of my hand, throwing my hand under the facet. I watched as the dark blood washed down the drain.

I don't know why I was so jealous but I was. I was so fucking jealous that Atticus was taking her home. I shut the faucet off and wiped my hands, I would need to get some ointment tomorrow from the nurse. I threw off my clothes, not even bothering to change into my pajamas and slipped into bed. I felt my mind spin at a thousand miles per minute. All of the images that I saw were images of a brunette, with green eyes and an aura about her that I couldn't shake. I don't know when I fell asleep but the next moment I realized that I wasn't in my bed at Malfoy Manor anymore. 

No— I was somewhere familiar.

The sounds of water filled our bed chamber. I stretched my hands over my head, letting out a loud yawn. I felt my body stretch as I carefully slipped out of bed, walking towards the bathroom. I could see through the crack that the bathroom was foggy, the sounds of a female humming made me realize that I was not alone. Clouds of steam poured out as I made my way in. I quickly stripped off my clothes, opening the glass door to the shower. Without even realizing it, my hands found their way around someone's frame. She smelt so good, like roses and fall. She smelt like fresh parchment, the kind that they would give to us at Hogwarts. I placed my lips onto her shoulder, carefully planting light kisses against her soft skin.

"Good morning" the voice breathed.

"Mmmm" I moaned into her soft skin.

I moved her hair to the side and continued planting kisses, nipping at her skin as I moved my way up her neck. She arched reflexively at my touch, exposing her neck to me. My other hand moved around to her breasts, carefully pinching her nipples between my fingers. She let out a delicious moan and rested her body against my torso.

"Someone is eager this morning" I whispered into her ear, nipping at the skin.

She just nodded her head as my hands trailed down her body. I slowly let my fingers slide over her lips, feeling her arousal pool on my fingers. She was so wet, so open and ready for me. I glided my finger into her, entering her at a painfully slow pace. I pulled out and entered another finger inside of her, leisurely pumping in and out of her tight opening.

"Fuck" I growled, feeling my dick push up against her leg.

I had never been this hard before. I was dying to know what it would be like to fuck this women in front of me. I tried to get a better look at her but her wet hair was covering her face. I let out a groan as I pulled my fingers out of her, bringing them to her juicy pink lips. I watched as she took my two fingers into her mouth, swirling her tongue around them and sucking on her own juices.

"Good girl" I growled.

I brought my other hand around her neck, pulling up on it roughly. My lips went to her ear.

"Bend over, I want to fuck your brains out."

I watched as her breath hitched in her chest, her nipple hardening with my words. With my other hand I pushed her down, watching as she placed her hands against the tile wall of the shower. My hand pushed into her lower back, as I aligned myself up with her wet opening. She let out the sexiest moan as I rubbed my tip over her entrance.

"Fuck" I groaned.

This was too fucking good. I slowly pushed into her, but not fully all the way. I moved in and out of her, watching as my dick stretched her out. I could see her wetness coating my erection. I grabbed onto her hips and pushed in a little further, causing her to moan.

"Please... m-more" she begged, almost like a whine.

Her fingers gripping the tile, like she was trying to grab onto something. She was desperate for me to enter fully inside of her and I was just as needy.

"So desperate for my cock" I chuckled darkly.

"Draco" she moaned, "I want it, I want you..."

My name rolled off her tongue like it was dripping in honey. It was so familiar at the same time, like she had said it time and time again. I still couldn't see her face but I felt like I had seen her countless times before. Like we had done this countless times before. I gripped her hips harder, pushing my rings into her skin. I watched as the metal created indents on her soft skin. I slowly pushed my entire length into her, filling her up and stretching her out. It felt so good being inside of her.

"Please..." she moaned.

I felt something kick in high gear inside of me. I stilled for a second, feeling her clench and release around me. Her walls pulsating against me.

"How do you want it?" I hissed.

She glanced over her shoulder, her lip between her teeth. Her green eyes meeting my own.

"Fuck me, Draco."


I felt myself get even harder inside of her, I didn't even know if that was possible but she made me harder. I grabbed onto her hips, snapping my own against her over and over again. I pounded into her like there was no tomorrow, desperately trying to reach my end. She was so good for me, so ready, so fucking wet.

"Such a good fucking girl" I growled.

"H-harder" she stuttered.

Her fingers gripped the wall desperately trying to grab onto something to hold herself up. Her dark hair plastered to her face as she threw her head back. She was using all of her strength to hold herself up and not collapse onto the floor. I took one of my hands and wrapped it around her hair, pulling her so her back was flush against my chest. My hand wound around her neck, choking her slightly. I trailed my other hand down her wet body, finding the sensitive area. I rubbed circles around her clit, sending her completely over the edge. Her legs started to tremble under me. In a matter of seconds she was coming around my dick, covering it in her slick arousal. Silent moans escaped her lips, her voice muted from my grip around her throat.

I could feel myself slipping and falling into a pleasurable abyss. I moved my fingers from around her neck up to her mouth, sticking my finger into her lips. She opened her mouth and sucked on my finger, her tongue swirling around it again and again.

"Oh fuck-k" I felt my cock jerk as it released my seed inside of her.

She moaned, giving my finger one last lick.

I shot up out of bed, grabbing my chest. I was drenched in sweat and my hand was throbbing. That wasn't the only thing that was throbbing. In-between my legs sat my length, pulsating with the need. I wanted so badly to wank off but I knew that I didn't have time.


I waved my hand towards the window, light streaming into my once dark bedroom. I rubbed my face with my hands, trying to make sense of my dream. It was so fucking real, like a memory of a past life.

It had been like that for a while. I would dream of Armena and half the time it would be sexual in nature. The encounters I could never explain. It made zero sense where any of it was coming from. Armena and I had not even touched skin. I didn't even know what it would be like to feel her body against my own, I didn't know what kind of scars coated her body or what it would taste like under my tongue. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to know what it would feel like to place my lips onto hers, to trace the outline of her mouth and memorize it. I wanted to know every inch of her body as intimately as I know my own. I wanted to touch every corner and crevice that I possibly could so that even the spaces that she couldn't reach, I could touch. I wanted to memorize every freckle and mole on her body. That wouldn't even be enough. I wanted to know where her waist ended and hips began. I wanted to know her.

But the sobering fact was that I knew nothing about her. I was fully dreaming about fucking her senseless in a random shower yes, but I didn't know her.

I rubbed my hands over my face again, slowly getting out of bed. I would need to ask the nurse to whip me up a large cup of coffee and some ointment for my hand. I pulled up my joggers and threw on a black t-shirt before heading down to the dining room.

"Dad!" Scorpius ran into my arms the moment I entered the room.

The smell of fresh pancakes and maple syrup filled the air. I picked up my son, spinning him around before planting a kiss on his cheek. I set him down, watching as he ran back over to his chair. His pale blonde hair matching my own as it formed waves to his shoulder. I sat down at the head of the table, flicking my hand towards the pot of coffee. I watched as it poured into my cup and then floated back down the table.

"Good morning Master Malfoy" the nurse called, entering the dining room.

"Morning" I muttered, picking up some eggs to put on my plate. "I was wondering if you could make some ointment for myself. I seemed to cut my hand on some glass last night."

The nurse nodded her head and then rushed back into the direction of the kitchens. I took a sip of my black coffee and watched as Scorpus stabbed his plate, shoving a fork full of pancakes into his mouth. I couldn't help but smile at the child that Astoria and I created together. I wanted to say that Scorpius was a perfect blend of us but in all honesty I saw mostly myself in the child. I wondered if he would be placed in Slytherin when he was sent off to Hogwarts. Would he find a gang of friends like I had with Blaise, Theo, Oliver, Naomi and Pansy? Oliver and Naomi's twins were the same age as Scorpius so if they were still planning on moving back here in the next year then they would probably all go together. It would be weird going to the platform without Astoria, just like it would be weird not boarding that same train.

"Dad?" Scorpius asked, his eyes wide and curious. 

"Yes?" I leaned back in my chair, looking at my son.

"When will you teach me how to ride a broom?"

I couldn't help but let the corners of my lips pull up into a wide grin. I leaned forward, reaching out to smooth his pale blonde hair.

"I'll tell you what, this week I will go to Diagon Alley and pick you out a training broom and we can learn together in the backyard. I would want nothing more for my birthday than to do that with you. Does that sound alright?"

The child nodded his head rapidly, his pale blond hair flying over his grey eyes.

"Good" I smirked, "it's settled then."

After breakfast and saturating my hand in ointment, I found myself staring at my closest trying to figure out what to wear. My fingers trailed over my old Slytherin uniform, curious if it still fit. I didn't have anything athletic to wear so this was honestly the only thing. The last time that I played Quidditch was probably back in school our eight year.


"Well, well, well" I smirked, walking onto the field. "It looks like we all had the same idea."

I stared at Pucey and Zabini, who both had on their old Slytherin uniforms. I tossed my black lacquered broom into my other hand, getting my teammates.

"You have got to be kidding me" I heard Potter behind me.

I turned around watching as the female Weasley and Potter strolled up also wearing their old Gryfindor uniforms.

"Are you sure you weren't sorted into the wrong house Potter? Red doesn't seem to be your color" I snicker, biting my cheek. "I always thought you were more a snake than a lion.

"Oh shove off Malfoy..." He mutters, pushing up his glasses. "Alright, chasers are Ginny, Pucey, and Zabini. Beaters are Thomas and McClaggen. I will play keeper and seeker is Malfoy. Does that sound alright?"

I nodded my head, looking around the field. On the other end I spotted some faces that I recognized from my time at Hogwarts and Diggory. He was strutting on the field like he owned the goddamn place. I felt the overwhelming urge to punch his face in.

After a quick warm up session, I found myself in the air searching for the golden snitch. It felt good getting back on the broom after all these years. I had always enjoyed the game but felt like I had abandoned it all those years ago. In my sixth year, when I was tasked by the Dark Lord, I simply gave up on the sport. I faked an illness and let the replacement take over the team. I was vetted to be captain that year but I simply abandoned it all.

"Alright Malfoy?" Atticus called, positioning his broom beside me.

"Alright Diggory" I muttered, not enthused with the thought that he was the other seeker for the team.

"Say—weren't you at the bar last night?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly where this was going and I was not amused.

"Yes" I muttered, my eyes searching around the field.

"Mate, I'll tell you that Lestrange is a real freak. Let me fuckin tell you, she wanted it all rough, let me fuck her from behind and was so controling. Damn, I definitely have to shag her again."

There it was again, except this time I was welcoming it in like an old friend.

Mother fucking jealously.

I hadn't felt like this in a while. I felt defeated and royally pissed off that I was. It's not like Armena made any sort of notion that she was into me. She was always so jumpy and skittish around me. It's not like if I had asked her to come home with me that she would. I could feel my pulse start to quicken the more I thought about her— the more I thought about him with her. The rage started to move through my body at a quick pace. I needed to get away from Atticus before I did something royally stupid.

"She fucked like a whore last night. So fucking wild, so needy— it was insane."

"Don't you dare call her a whore" I growled, my eyes narrowing at the prick beside me.

Atticus raised his hands in defense, smirking at me. It was an infuriating smirk, the type of smirk you made when you knew that you had won. Everything was a fucking competition with Attius, he knew that was hot shit and that I was turning down the obessive witches left and right. I knew that he saw the way that I was watching Armena, he wanted her to himself and he did just that.

"Hey mate— no need to get all defensive. Say you have been pretty close with her lately, you know working with her and such. Do you think you could put in a good word with me? You know, I'd really like to take her out."

Like that would fucking happen.

I turned my head ignoring him as he continued to ramble on and on about Armena. It was absolutely disgusting the way that he kept referring to her as a whore, freak, slut. It was degrading her as the witch that she was. There was no doubt in my mind that she was all of those things in bed, but to call her that like she walked around shagging the entire Ministry was just— it was vial.

I felt the familiar buzzing in my ear, the buzzing that reminded me what we were here for. I narrowed my eyes at the golden object, speeding away from Atticus but he was quick to catch up with me. We weaved and zipped through the field, dodging stray budgers and quaffles as they skinner out hair. I glanced to my side, taking note in Atticus's smirk. I clenched my jaw and focused my gaze on the almost invisible golden object. I bumped Atticus in the shoulder, feeling him resist me and fire back at me. I ground my teeth together, hearing the sound of enamel on enamel as I sped forward. I was quicker than Atticus, my broom was quicker and my body was more lean. His build would slow him down as I would speed up. Atticus bumped into me again, harder this time. I felt the red hot of my anger speed through my fingertips. With all of my might and my Slytherin sportsmanship I rammed into him, sending him right into a wooden support beam. I smirked to myself as he flew off his broom and landed face first into the field, crimson blood dripping from his nose. I focused my sights on the goal ahead— the Golden Snitch.


Monday: May 31st, 2010

I walked into the office that morning, my eyes darting over to Armena's desk. She was already elbow deep in work, her eyes not even bothering to glance up at me. I set my briefcase down on my desk loudly, trying to get her attention but she didn't even flinch.

"Morning" I muttered, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Morning" she sighed, still not looking up.

I found myself peering over her desk, she was deep in thought as her eyes rapidly scanned each page. They were flickering over every word as quickly as possible. I looked over at the tidal curious as to what had her intense interest.

Dark Magic: Hexes, Curses, Vows and Spells

Written by Theodora Glint

I furrowed my brow, what interest could she have with Dark Magic? I mean it made sense, considering Bellatrix Lestrange was one of the more devout servants of the Dark Lord but Dark Magic was a thing of the past. If people did practice it, well it was in secret. So what was she doing reading a book on all things darkness? I highly doubted that Armena was dumb enbough to practice Dark Magic while in the Ministry.

I sat down in my chair, pulling out the various stacks of paperwork. Potter had given me the task to sort through each new Auror recruit and create profiles. In a few weeks I would be out of Armena's service and heading my own sector of the Auror department. I couldn't help but taste the sourness on my tongue at the thought of not having to work closely with Armena again. We had only been together for a month but it felt like I still had so much to learn.

There was so much more to learn about her.

I shuffled through the papers, barely noticing as the other Auror's entered the office. That's how I didn't notice Atticus Diggory until his hand slapped my shoulder.

"Good game the other day Malfoy!" His all too annoying American accent was prominent.

I glanced up from my work and gave him a smirk, noticing the bruising under his eyes. He clearly broke his nose when he fell off his broom. I couldn't help but relish in the fact that I helped make that happen.

"Sorry about the fall" I smirked.

"It's alright, it was just a game. Armena—" He turned his attention to the dark haired girl behind me. "You should come to one of our games one time and watch. Malfoy here is wicked fast!"

I could hear Ginny snicker from her desk across the aisle. I shot her a warning glance before looking back over to Armena, she was refusing to meet my eye and Atticus'. She was instead, resting against her arm, her cheek tucked into the palm of her hand. She just stared forward at her desk, playing with her book.

"Maybe another time" she muttered, flipping the page.

"Speaking of another time..." Atticus's voice dropped down into a whisper.

I watched as he leaned his palms against her desk, his body hovering over her territorially. Armena's eyes shot up as she leaned away from him, trying to create as much distance as humanly possible.

"I really enjoyed the other night and I was wondering if I could take you out on a proper date."

I felt my jaw clench tightly at the thought, the thought of him and her—again. 

No, it was too much to think about. I couldn't think about them again. It was all that I thought about since he bragged about his conquests on the field Saturday. I balled my hands up into fists as I watched the embarrassment and the discomfort flood her face. Her lips pulled down into a frown as she played with her rings on her hand.

"Atticus, I'm really not looking for anything right now. I—" she glanced towards me. "I appreciate you escorting me home on Friday but-- but we should just leave it at that."

I felt the corners of my lips pull up into a smirk, relishing in the fact that she had just turned him down. Ginny burst out into laughter, quickly covering her mouth with her hand. Armena shot her a warning glance and then darted her eyes over to me.

"Oh come on, I know you enjoyed it. I can be whatever you need me to be. I appreciate the fact that you were a great fuck and—"

She stood up so quickly that I didn't even have a chance to comprehend. Her fists were clenched into tight balls, she took a moment to breathe and then release her fists.

"I don't appreciate what you are implying! This is not the time nor the place. I said no so please respect that, now if you will excuse me I have a meeting about Trolls in the western regions of Cambodia" she hissed, brushing past Atticus.

She most certainly did not have a meeting about Trolls in the western regions of Cambodia. 

I narrowed my eyes at Atticus, who just continued to run his hands through his hair. He was smirking and shaking his head. He looked like he had just won the lottery.

"Witches, what can I say. She will come around."

I clenched my jaw at him, feeling my teeth grind infrustration. Did he not fucking get the hint that she wasnt into him the way that he was into her? That she didn't want him. She didn't want him but she slept with him. I couldn't help but let that feeling creep back up. The feeling that was green and rightfully wicked. The feeling that was the same color as her eyes and had envy seeping out of every crevice of the word.

I watched as Atticus exited the office, tossing an apple in his hands as he hummed a tune.

"You know Draco" Ginny broke me out of my thoughts. I turned my attention to the fiery haired girl.

"What Weasley?" I muttered.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you" she smirked.

"I'm not jealous, Weasley" I hissed, turning back to my work.

The rest of the week flew by and Armena was so obviously missing. I knew she was here in the Ministry because Potter told me he came in with her every day but yet she was like smoke. I would see her out of the corner of my eye and then she would disappear.

Shortly after Monday's debacle, Atticus made sure to spread the word about him and Armena's weekend experience. I didn't know what was worse, hearing about it constantly through the Ministries rumor mill or the fact that I was starting to believe the words he was saying about her. They were vial, degrading, disturbing and vicious. The type of words that one did not say if they were trying to court a lady-- such as Armena Lestrange.

The more I sat on the fact that Armena and Atticus had shagged, the more it made me furious. The more I found myself wondering about the what if. I think I was starting to get Blaise sick of my constant pestering. I knew that they were close and that he knew what she was thinking, so it was just a matter of time before I got it out of him.

"Have you talked to Armena?" I asked over lunch at some muggle restaurant.

It was rare of us to break out of the wizarding world but when we did it was only for a brief moment. Mostly for the nightlife and restaurants that our world seemed to be lacking.

"Yes" he muttered, taking a sip of his coffee.

"And? She's been absent from our department. I know that she's either with you or Parkinson" I snapped, pushing around the chips on my plate.

"She hasn't been with me, Malfoy. I can promise you that."

I shook my head clearly annoyed with the situation. Why did I care so much that she was absent in the office. There were probably countless Auror's that were rarely in the office and yet, I never noticed their absence.

"She's so frustrating, Zabini!'' I snapped, tossing down the chip on my plate. "She's so fucking open with you lot but with me shes like a closed book. I don't know why I am like this with her. I can't fucking get her out of my head and to top it off I want to ring out Diggory's neck. The things he is saying-- calling her a slag and whore, bragging about his conquest. It's fucking sickening."

Blaise slammed his palms down on the table, narrowing his eyes at me.

"You sound just like you did when you first met her years ago!" he hissed, a little too loud causing the people around us to turn.

I furrowed my brow confused as what he meant and it seemed that he was confused too. I watched as different emotions flashed across his face. He cleared his throat and ran his hand over his face.

"What do you mean years ago?"

"Fuck—" he paused, trying to orient his thoughts. "I— fuck, w-what I meant was when you met her at the pub we used to go to. Y-yeah? Do you remember that?"

Blaise was talking like he just got caught cheating. He was a foul liar, but I was too confused in his story to try and get the lie out of him.

The pub?

I vaguely remembered my early twenties, it was filled with alcohol to drown out the after effects of the war and lots of muggle drugs.

"You mean the one we used to go to with Allard?" I asked, cocking my head to one side.

"Yeah, yeah" Blaise took a frantic sip of water, "that was the one. Anyways you saw her with Parkinson that night."

I remembered seeing Astoria that night, I remembered talking to Astoria which was how I always assumed we reconnected but I barely remembered meeting Armena.


Then it hit me. I had the overwhelming feeling that if I pursued Armena back then, then I wouldn't have ended up with Astoria. The jealous crept back in but this time it was jealousy mixed with rage. Not just any rage, blinding rage that came out red hot and turned into white.

I stood up from the table, knocking over the fancy vase sitting in the center. I shook my head, as the memories of five years came back to me. I had to get back to the ministry. In a matter of seconds, I had apparated into the black tiled walls. That was when I saw her. She was entering the training room, carrying stacks of books. I wasted no time, scared she would disappear into thin air. I raced after her, stopping at the barrier of the wall. In a matter of seconds, the wall gave way and I stepped into the mirrored training room. Armena was leaning against the mirror with a book in her hand.

She knew I was in the room, I could tell by the way her fingers twitched. Yet, she didn't bother to even look up. It was as if her book was far too entertaining than what I had to say. I felt the jealousy creep up again, lurking on the surface.

I was fucking jealous of a book in her hands.

I was utterly pathetic.

"You know, you don't have to avoid me Armena" I snapped.

"I'm not avoiding you Draco" she sighed, setting down her book. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Flatter myself? Love, I'm not trying to flatter myself" I forced out a laugh.

I watched as she winced under my words. Her eyes closed shut and her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Please don't call me that" she whispered, there was something dancing on the surface of her voice.


"Why is that what Diggory calls you when you fuck him?"

I don't why I said it but I said it. She dropped her hand to her side, her mouth wide open as she gawked at me. She slowly stood up, raising her wand at me.

"Who I fuck is absolutely none of your business!" she snapped, her body circling me.

"It kinda is, especially when the whole fucking Ministry is talking about it."

"That's not my problem Draco" she snapped, firing a hex at me.

She fired another and another one. I quickly deflected the spell, taking her beating. I deserved it, I was being a right arse but my red hot anger and jealousy was still prominent on my skin.

"You know" I growled, holding my wand at her head. "I figured you out."

I watched as her face when cold, a flash of something raced across her green eyes. Was it panic? She stopped breathing, the color flushing out of her skin to almost a pale grey.

"Please, do tell draco. How do you have me figure out?" she muttered, trying to keep her cool.

"I met you five years ago at the pub. The one that Blaise, Oliver and I used to frequent. You were there with Parkinson, were you not?"

I watched as she swallowed, a sigh of relief seemed to escape her lips as she continued to circle me.

"Yes, I was there" she muttered.

"Then why didn't you say something sooner? Why did you act like I was a complete stranger?"

I watched as she lowered her wand, her body freezing. She lowered her head and shook it, shorter ends of her hair falling around her face.

"I am a stranger to you, Draco. What difference would that have made? It's not like we were—friends or anything. I only saw you once and then—"

Her voice seemed sad and removed, like she was harboring something in. Something of a distant memory.

"It would have made a difference to me."

The words escaped my lips before I even had a chance to realize that I was saying them. It was the fucking honest truth thought, it would have made a difference. I remembered that night like it happened yesterday, I remembered watching her with wide eyes as she strolled into the pub with Pansy Parkinson. The way she laughed at Pansy, the way her brown hair fell around her shoulders, the way her nose was pink from the icy draft of the pub in the dead of winter. The way she looked up at me when she told me her name.

"Armena— Just Armena"

I watched as she flipped a switch, all of her emotions bursting forward at once like a tidal wave. She fired spell after spell at me, not bothering to stop as her anger spread through her arms and directly into her wand.

"You have been avoiding me like the fucking plauge all week Draco and now what? You want to tell me that you wished that things would have been different that you wished you never married Astoria? Well you fucking did!"

"What does Astoria have to do with this?" I hissed, deflecting her hexes and spells.

"I asked what difference would that have made and you told me that it would have made a difference to you! To you!" she screamed, her green eyes dark. "It wouldn't have made a difference if I was a stranger in passing. I was just another girl that you met along the way."

"Is that what you have been telling yourself?" I snapped, deflecting her spells again. "Is that what Atticus told you when he got in between your thighs? That you were just another girl along the way? Is that why you are so frigid and closed off?"

She let out a loud piercing scream, her face going red as her eyes started to blaze bright green.

"Is that what you really think of me? Is that why you have been avoiding me Draco?" she hissed, "have you been avoiding me because Atticus got between my legs and you didn't? You have no fucking right to be even remotly jealous!"

We danced around the room, she kept firing spell after spell but I refused to fight her back. I could feel her rage simmering around the room. I could feel my body feeding off of her energy, ready to strike back but I wouldn't— no, I couldn't.

"I'm not fucking jealous of that slimy serpent!"

Yes you are.

"That's rich coming from you, considering you are a Slytherin. All this talk about snakes when you clearly are one."

"Do you know what he has been saying about you? Fuck! Armena, all of the nasty and vial things that he has said about you to nearly everyone in this fucking Ministry. I would be surprised if the Minister of Magic didn't hear. He is vial, he is slimy and he's worse off than a snake. I would never fucking go around and talk about what intimate moments we would— I mean we could share. You knew this too, you aren't dumb or daft. You knew exactly the things he would say and you fucking took him home, in front of everyone."

In front of me.

"You spread your legs for him. You are acting like a—"

I stopped myself, I bit back my tongue. I wasn't thinking straight, she wasn't helping me think straight. All I could see was jealousy as it plagued my every thought. It was screaming at me telling me that it was okay to be jealous but it clearly was not okay. I didn't even fucking know her and I was jealous because Atticus Diggory would not fucking shut up about how much of a freak she was in bed. I wasn't thinking straight because I wanted that to be me who gave her never ending pleasure. I felt the rage and the mixed emotions swarm through my veins. I had no time to react or think on my words, they were on the tip of my tongue. 

"What am I, Draco!" she screamed. 

I had never seen her like this, she was always so calm and reserved. She never let her emotions get the best of her, she always kept them a bay. She fired spell after spell at me, backing me up so that I was about to be square into the tight corner of the mirrored room. She had anger blazing behind her green eyes.

"Say it!" she screamed, her voice ricocheting off the glass walls.

She kept firing, I was getting more upset by the second. I didn't want to get upset but her energy was like nothing I had ever experienced. It was screaming at me to fight back and so I did. I fought back and I fought back hard.

"You're acting like a fucking whore" I spit, casting a hex at her.

A nasty and sinister hex. A hex that I most certainly did not mean to cast. 

Her wand dropped to the floor with a clank. I watched as shock, then anger and finally pain flashed across the whites of her eyes. She then crumpled to the floor letting out a sharp scream. She grabbed at her shoulder and then looked up to me, the hurt clear in her eyes. She pulled back her hand, dark crimson blood coating her pale skin.

I just hurt her.

"Fuck" I hissed, rushing towards her.

I placed my hands on her body. 

Flashes of blood and screams flashed into my head. My father looming over her as her body writhed in pain. Screams, blood curdling screams filled the air as I watched her bleed all over the floor of Malfoy Manor.

I pulled back from her, my eyes wide as I searched hers. I wasn't sure what just happened but I was curious if she saw the same thing. From the looks of her eyes I seemed like she did.

"I'm fine Draco" she whimpered, shaking her head aggressively. "It's just some blood."

It wasn't just some blood, it was clear that she was in pain.

"We should take you to St. Mungo's. I don't even know what I cast, it could be a curse" I muttered, resting back on my heels.

She debated my request and then nodded, letting me lift her up off the ground.


"You were smart to bring her here Mr. Malfoy" the healer nodded, her quill checking off boxes as she muttered to it.

It was fucking laughable that I was the one to bring her here. That the one who ended up firing a curse at her, slicing her open from the collar bone down to the sternum was the one sitting by her bed. I felt like a hypocrite, I felt like a fraud.

But I had to make sure she was okay.

I watched as she peeled back her hospital gown, rubbing ointment on the scar that ran from her sternum to right under her collar bone. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. My eyes fell on the dark black runes under her right collar bone. I didn't have to be fluent in runes to know where those markings came from. I had seen them on my father and the Death Eaters that used to wander my childhood home.

Those markings were from Azkaban.

"You can stay with her if you would like" the healer, moved back her gown. "I will be in within the hour to check on her again."

I nodded my head and conjured up a chair beside her bed. I couldn't help but let my mind think back to when I hurt her. That memory was so vivid, so raw and real. It made no sense, my father has been dead for ten years. There was no way that was recent. My mind had to be playing tricks on me. I shook my head, trying to get the image out of my memory. It hurt me to see her in pain, it felt like knives were digging into my own flesh.

When Potter had asked what had happened, I couldn't even explain it to him. I told him we were dueling and it got out of control. I couldn't possibly tell him that I let my jealousy get the best of me and lashed out on her. She did nothing wrong, she chose to go home with Atticus for a reason which was unknown to me. I had to respect her choice and move on.

But I couldn't.

I stared at the spot where her Azkaban Prison markings rested on right below her collar bone. There were so many things that I didn't know about her.

So many things that I wanted to know about her.

Jealousy was a fucking bastard. 


Hi! I made a playlist for this book called As You Are user maddieemihle on Spotify! 

Most of the songs are songs that remind me of their relationship and the vibe of this book... anyways 

link attached :) 

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