As You Are // D.M.

By Ethereal6513

192K 4.3K 9.7K

Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... More



4.8K 131 92
By Ethereal6513

Armena Riddle-Lestrange

Monday: May 10th, 2010

I stared at the book in front of me, trying to decide which one would be best for Draco's lecture this week. It was ironic that we were now sitting in the library at the Ministry. A library housed with all the history that the Wizarding World has ever experienced. I knew that my file, as well as Draco's, was somewhere in this room, waiting to be stumbled upon and filled with dark secrets of my past .

I threw back my head, letting a loud groan escape my lips. I needed to walk around to get my thoughts organized before Draco arrived. I pushed back from the wooden table and walked down the long tall rows. Books flew over my head as they were being restacked on the ancient bookcases. I nodded my head at the various witches and wizards as I passed through the rows. I found myself letting my mind wander as I walked through the rows.

The week moved by slowly, almost painfully slow. I did exactly what Potter told me to do— I just treated Draco like any other Auror coming through the Ministry. I wasn't going to let my underlying feelings affect my work.

But I couldn't help let the small touches, the brushes, and the sideways glances get to me. It was like a thousand alarms went off inside of my head, they were all warning me not to react but I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but melt under his slight touch even if it was only just a brush. The electricity that we had, when we were teenagers, was still there. I wondered if he still felt the same or if it was all just in my head. I knew that I could have slipped into his mind, we were so vulnerable in that training room that it would have been easy but I didn't want to. I was honestly scared to face the truth so I would rather just be left in the dark.

Before I knew it I was deep into the rows, finding myself in the familial history section. My fingers trailed along the spines of the ancient books, which housed the deepest and even darkest secrets of all of the wizarding families. Some of the information in these books would shock you and some would scare you half to death. I paused, my finger laying on an emerald and gold bound book.

House of Lestrange

Un jeu différent

Est. 1600s

"A different game" I whispered our family motto.

I knew that if I opened this book, it would open a thousand different doors that I didn't want to be opened. I let my mind think back to that day, it was so raw in my mind like it happen yesterday. I knew I was in no state to rehash out my past memories of killing my mother and uncle under my fathers command but I wanted to. I couldn't really put the blame on him, I was in full control that day. I knew exactly what I was doing when I cast the unforgivable curse on Bellatrix Lestrange. My uncle's murder was preformed out of pure blood lust. I couldn't help but let my rage that I experienced from The Dark Lord's torture on Draco. It has sparked something in me, deep down that I had been suppressing— my dark blood. As much as I would love to say that I didn't remember what it felt like to slaughter an entire room of Death Eaters, I knew I would be lying through my teeth.

I felt my body start to buzz with the thought of my dark magic running through my skin. These past two weeks with Draco have brought out something that I hadn't experienced in a long time. Passion— pure lustful passion that came with dueling someone who you loved but also hated. With Draco, it was a dance that we both knew well. We were well matched partners in every sense. If they ever put us out in the field together, there would be no doubt in my mind that we would wipe out everyone in a matter of seconds. Azkaban would be singing our praises for our quick work.

I placed my hand over my forearm where my black ink rested. The dark mark was still there. It would never go away until the day that I died, then it would fade into nothing. I was the one who carried out my father's bloodline still, not that I was planning on using the Death Eaters but it always made me wonder. I had always thought about this when lying in bed at night, I always wondered if Draco ever stared at his dark mark— wondering why it was still so prominent on his arm. Potter's scar had healed into a faded red mark but our dark marks remained.

I shook my head, letting my fingers run over the other spines until I landed on the book I had been trying to avoid.

Noble House of Black

Toujours Pur

Est. 1500s

I waved my hand over the book, watching as it floated in front of me before setting into the palms of my hands.  I didn't even realize what I was doing until the page flipped open to the one I was avoiding.

Draco Lucius Malfoy

June Fifth, 1980

Son of Narcissa Malfoy (neé Black)

Blood Status: Pure Blood

Married Astoria Malfoy (neé Greengrass) - Deceased 2009

Heir to Malfoy Bloodline: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

I felt my throat tighten up as I read through his history, glancing at the moving photographs on the side. He had moved through the past ten years without me and in those ten years his life completely changed. He has an heir— a son, who he had with a different woman. All of those promises and witching hour talks were null and void with us. I wasn't the one who carried his child in the end, I would never be that person to him. The one who in the throws of pleasure would beg me to carry them, conceive his children when we were ready. I wasn't the person who circled his orbit anymore, he had Scorpius and Astoria.

I closed my eyes as my palm pressed on his page in his families history. I could feel someone behind me, the electricity that was swimming around made it pretty clear who it was. His breath was hot on my neck, as he reached around and pulled the book out of my hands. I spun around, my face in close proximity to his.

"I always hated that my middle name was my fathers" he breathed.

I let myself look up and meet his dark grey eyes. I felt like I was falling deep into them the more I let myself stare into his irises. I took my lip in between my teeth, watching as his eyes tracked down; his pupils expanded as he sucked in a sharp breath.

"My mothers family, the Noble House of Black, had a tradition of naming us after constellations. Draco is a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere."

His voice was low, it seemed to vibrate my body causing my inner thighs to clench. I didn't want to react to him this way, but I couldn't help it. I had been without him for so long that now my body was craving him. I sucked in a deep breath, as he reached around me. I was now encircled by his hands as my back pushed against the bookcase. I could feel my breathing increase by our closeness, the warmth on his body radiating outwards. He placed his family's history back on the shelf, lowering his face down to mine. I flattened myself even further into the shelf, feeling him inch closer.

"We should really start with my training..." he smirked, pushing himself off of the bookcase.

I nodded my head obediently as I watched him walk away. I couldn't bring myself to move, I felt like he had used a sticking charm and I was glued to the bookcase. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with us and libraries!" I groaned when he was out of sight.

I peeled my body off the bookcase and straightened my jumper before following him back to our table. By the time that I returned, Draco was already nose deep in one of the books that I set out for him— Past Auror's: Their Defeats and Faults. This was a darker book out of the four that I had chosen. It basically discussed how many Auror's have failed over the years and ultimately met their demise. It was great for training purposes, to teach the new recruits what not to do, but otherwise nobody really liked to read it.

I sat down in my chair and leaned forward, watching him closely. He didn't even look up as he continued to read. We sat in silence for about an hour, I eventually turned to a book on breaking curses that I picked up earlier this morning. I was curious to see if there was anything in there about Unbreakable Vows. Not that there was any chance of getting Draco's memory back but it would be nice to not have to worry about Pansy's life all the time. Draco eventually closed the book and grabbed another one from the pile.

"I'm surprised you picked that one" I muttered, not bothering to look up from my book.

He didn't answer me but I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. I licked the tips of my fingers and flipped the page, my eyes briefly glancing up to him. He had his eyes glued to my lips, the hunger was evident behind the silver of his eyes. I let out a long sigh and slammed the book shut when there was nothing of use.

"Most people go for the light hearted books first, then they venture to the heavy but you just dived right in..." I sighed, leaning further back in my chair.

"I find it most helpful to figure out where others have failed, so we do not make the same mistakes again" he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. "I have been meaning to talk to you."

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my brow.

"I have been with you nonstop for the past week and I barely know anything about you, Armena. I would at least like to get to know the person who I am spending every waking moment with. I would like to get to know you, Armena."

I bit my lip not sure how to answer him. What was I supposed to tell him? Oh hi, my name is Amrena Riddle-Lestrange, we used to be madly in love until your father set me up to die and then your mother made Pansy Parkinson and I take the Unbreakable Vow. Now you have no memory of me, which if you did we either would be ripping each other's clothes off or you would hate me.

No, I couldn't tell him any of that.

"Well— for starters, I know your last name is Lestrange. You live with Potter and Pansy Parkinson, and from what Potter tells me you two are quite close. You like to keep to yourself but you are extremely skilled in dueling, which means that you have either been trained previously because there is no way the Ministry teaches you those skills. You also have scars on your back that match mine. It was a sectumsempra curse I believe that caused them, am I correct? So what else?" his eyes were intense as he stared into my own.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I was drawn to him, like a magnet.

"You think you have me figured out?" I hissed.

"No, I don't Armena. I don't know a single thing about you, but I want to know more about you."

He ran his hands through his hair, roughly pulling at the ends. It was a motion that I had seen many times before when he was frustrated. I took in a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. I was either on the verge of crying or screaming.

"Draco, you really don't want to get to know me. I am not worth your time" I sighed, my hands stretching forward slightly.

"But I do! Armena, fuck I don't even know you but I feel like I have known you before. I would be dumb to ignore the signs that are there. I don't even want anything from you—" he paused, the corners of his lips tugging up into a smile, "... At this point."

Oh fucking hell.

Someone definitely had it out for me. It's definitely either my mother or Lucius Malfoy. Actually, it was probably Professor Snape, since he wanted Draco and I together in the end. Fuck my life— I'm being haunted by my mother, my arch nemesis and my favorite professor.

"You don't want anything from me?" I raised my eyebrows, setting back into the chair.

"Not at this point, no. I just want to prove to you that I am worthy of your friendship. If you would give me the chance" he ran his tongue over his cheek.

I stared at him intently, running over the thousand of different reasons why I should just scream at him and tell him to fuck off. I should just get up at leave at this point, call it a day but I was pulled into him. It was the whole library of it all, it was our thing and even with no recollection of our past endeavours in the stacks at Hogwarts— he knew it deep down.

"Fine" I grabbed the book beside me, "I will try to be more open with you. You can ask me one question if that will make you happy."

I stared at him, narrowing my eyes as my nails drummed on the wooden table before me. I could tell he wanted to ask me a million different questions, it was cruel of me to only let him ask one but I wasn't going to give into Draco's charm that quickly.

"Tell me about your childhood..."

I was taken aback by his question, I found myself befuddled and unable to speak. I knew that there was no way around this question.

"My childhood? You really want to know about my childhood?" I furrowed my brow.

"Yes, that's why I asked you the question" he smirked.

"Fine, my childhood was not a conventional one. I was raised by my uncles and their "friends" basically. My mother is Bellatrix Lestrange and my father--" I pursed my lips, closing my eyes to let out a long sigh.

"Your father?" I heard him ask.

I guess I could just give him the honest truth.

"My father is not important. Anyways, I was born September twentieth, in the year nineteen eighty at Lestrange Manor. I am twenty nine years old."

I opened my eyes and stared right into his silver. I had missed looking into those eyes. Draco didn't look shocked or scared, instead he just leaned forward as if he was interested in what I had to say.

"Did you know your mother well?" He asked.

"No, I was mainly raised by my uncles. My mother did not personally approve of me, she was very wicked. I was the child that my parents didn't want but got."

"And your father? Do you know who he is?" he furrowed his brow.

I couldn't help but laugh at his question.

"If only you knew" I smirked, as I grabbed a book from the stack.

I stared down at my book, rereading the same sentence over and over again. There was a moment of silence as he took in my responses to his questions. For a moment I thought he was going to get up and bolt, never to return to his new job at the Ministry. However he shocked me, like he always did and will continue to do.

"Thank you for letting me get to know you a little better. I appreciate it more than you know, Armena" his voice was low and velvety.

I couldn't help but let the corners of my lips pull up at the thought of Draco wanting to get to know me. It stirred up something inside of me that I haven't felt in a very long time: hope.


Hello all!

I am so fucking excited to start this journey again with you all! I know these first couple of chapters are kinda slow but remember Draco doesn't know Armena and Armena is seeing Draco for the first time in years. A lot more will come into light in these next couple of chapters but I am going to speed through some months so we can see a build on their friendship and where that will take us! Expect a lot of dreams and dirty thoughts!

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