𝑔𝑟𝑦𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟, 𝙝𝙖𝙧�...

By _myaghm

108K 4.2K 1.1K

With Voldemort on the rise once again, will Leonardo have the strength to defeat him? Follow the second half... More

V. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
Homeless Howard:
VI. Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Enoch Beckett:
Author's Note!
VII. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II:
19 Years Later:


1.1K 59 13
By _myaghm

"'Stupefy!'" Harry yelled, the locket flying from Umbridge's neck. Leo only apparated behind Umbridge. "You have something that belongs to me!" The boy let out, grabbing ahold of the woman from behind and trying to rip the ring off of her finger. "Mr Black!" She screamed, the trio watching shocked, before a spell shot at Leo him ducking as he didn't have his ring on, finally taking his Mother's engagement ring and jumping down to the three. "Come on!" Ron yelled, dragging Mary along as the five ran from the Court Rooms. "Go!" Hermione yelled, Leo looking back to see the Dementors chasing after them. "It's Leonardo Gryffindor and Harry Potter!" Mary let out amazed, Ron nodding. "It is, isn't it? This'll be one to tell the kids-" "Oh, shut up!" Leo yelled back to Ron, Mary shocked before Leo pushed her and Ron into the elevator, creating a shield that blocked the elevator door. "Wow..." Mary 'complimented', Leo doing a small bow before the elevator went away.

Harry and Leo stood side by side when the elevator opened the latter patting Harry's shoulder. "Ok, go." Leo whispered, the group walking out of the elevator, keeping their heads down before Leo heard Ron stop. The boy turned back, as did Harry and Hermione to see Mary kiss Ron, Leo shocked as Hermione was kind of jealous. "Wow." The boy laughed, Ron turning back to himself as Mary looked at him again, shocked this time. The real Reginald then shoved past the trio, Leo smiling as this just got a lot better. "Mary? Who's that?" He asked, Ron looking to him embarrassed and speechless. "Long story." Ron told Mary, her still scarred for life. "It's Harry Potter! Leonardo too! It's them!" A man exclaimed, Leo's face dropping. "Time to go!" He exclaimed, the Quartet running through the crowd as more people noticed the two boys. "Split up?" Leo offered when two groups of guards ran at them from either direction.

"No-" "Fly!" Leo whispered once getting his ring back on his hand, his Mother's engagement ring replacing it. "Leo, you git!" Hermione shouted up when Leo flew up, most people watching him before one of the guard groups tried to shoot spells up at him, the boy flying anywhere safe. Leo watched as Harry made their wanted posters fly at them, distracting them before the fireplaces locked, gates over them. "Oh no..." Leo let out, seeing the man with the ponytail still following them. Leo flew down to the man, knocking them both down to the ground as the shouting increased, Harry looking back to see Leo get up with a wince and kick the other man away, scrambling to them. Ron ended up being last as the Quartet ran to the last open fireplace, Harry and Hermione going up first. "Come on, Ron!" Leo yelled, him seeing warps of the man wit him and Ron. Leo grabbed Ron when he heard the boy yell in pain, pulling them both up.

"Holy!" Leo grunted as he landed on a forest floor. The boy decided to just lay there for a while as it seemed peaceful, a sharp pain in his shoulder. "Leo!" The boy heard Harry call, getting up with a wince and waving to the boy. "Hi!" He called back, Harry rushing to him as they both were up, the locket in Harry's hand. "Harry, quickly, in my bag." Hermione called, both boys looking to see Ron whimpering on the floor as Hermione hovered over him. Harry went over to Hermione's bag, the girl telling him to grab Essence of Dittany as Leo hurried to the other side of Ron, seeing his arm cut in spirals. "Harry!" Hermione yelled, leo quick to turn to point his Father's wand at Hermione's bag. "'Accio Essence of Dittany!'" The boy chanted, Hermione thanking him as he passed her the bottle. "This will only sting for a moment, okay?" Hermione told Ron, the boy whimpering and crying in response.

"I thought we were supposed to be going back to Grimmauld Place?" Harry asked quickly, Hermione dropping the Dittany onto Ron's arm as the wide cuts healed themselves. "We were. But Yaxley had hold of me." Hermione spoke breathlessly, Leo keeping his eyes on Ron's arm as it healed completely. "He saw us and Ron got splinched-" "Mione, he's gonna he okay..." Leo wrapped his arm around Hermione, her too stressed to be confused as she cried into Leo's shoulder. The girl got up after a while, leaving Harry and Leo with Ron. She chanted multiple spells, Leo recognising them as protective spells. The boy stretched his back in discomfort, hearing a couple cracks. "You okay?" Harry asked, Ron looking to Leo weakly. "Oh, yeah." Leo shrugged them off, sitting comfortably, Harry patting his shoulder. "I saw you fly into that guy, it was cool." Harry complimented, Leo shrugging again. "I saw it too." Ron croaked, Leo shaking his head quickly as he laughed.

"Ok, shut up now."


"You first." Hermione told Harry, Leo sat with Ron behind the two on a log. The locket was placed ahead of them, the Quartet taking turns to shoot spells at it to destroy it. They had decided if normal spells wouldn't work, Leo would take care of it himself, the boy glaring at it. Harry casted a spell that lit the log on fire slightly, the locket flying onto the ground, still intact. The Quartet walked to see the locket in this state, Hermione pointing her wand towards it. "'Incendio.'" She chanted, Leo watching as the locket stayed unharmed, Harry's rage increasing. The boy continued to chant spells at the locket in anger, Ron, Hermione and Leo only watching as Harry chased after the Horcrux, shooting spells at it rapidly. Everyone looked to Leo when one of Harry's spells stopped before the locket, Harry confused. "Leo?" He asked, Leo not answering as he flicked the spell elsewhere, walking and picking up the locket.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked as everyone watched Leo put the locket on and tuck it under his white button down. "The agreement. If you can't destroy it, I'll try with my powers." Leo spoke as he walked off, Hermione and Ron looking to Harry as Leo walked into the tent. "We'll take turns wearing it." Hermione nodded as Harry spoke, Ron nodding too.


Leo had walked out of the tent in anger, Hermione sitting in front of Harry. "You okay?" Harry asked, Leo kicking the leaves in anger as he stormed past Hermione and Harry, the two following him. "It's Ron and his-" Leo was cut off when the radio retuned itself, Hermione putting a hand on his chest when he started to storm towards the tent. "Leo! It comforts him." She scolded, Leo rolling his eyes. "What does he want to hear!" Leo shouted, his eyes going red as Harry put his hand on his wand handle. "Good news?" Leo asked, breathing heavily as Hermione sighed. "He hopes he doesn't hear bad news." She spoke softly, Leo's anger not settling. "How long is it before Ron can travel?" Leo asked quickly, Hermione looking to him. "I'm doing everything I can-" "Well it isn't enough, is it?!" Leo interrupted, Harry pointing his wand at Leo's throat. "Stop!" Hermione scolded Harry.

Leo stormed away, Hermione taking Harry's wand and storming after Leo. "Take it off." She ordered, Leo squinting at her. "What?" He laughed, Hermione getting in the boy's face. "I said take it off now." She ordered again, Leo sighing aggressively before harshly taking the locket off. His face seemed to settle as Hermione took the locket with a sigh. "It's the locket. We'll take turns wearing it." Hermione nodded to Leo, him shoving past the two and storming into the tent again.


"Leo!" Ron shook the boy awake, Leo groaning. "What!" He let out, Ron walking off and ushering Leo to follow. "For Merlin's-" Leo was cut off when Harry and Hermione were walking towards the tent looking all lovey-dovey. "Sake..." Leo trailed off, Harry smiling as Hermione leant into his shoulder. The boy felt Ron storm past him into the tent again, following after him. "I'm sure it's nothing-" "It didn't look like nothing." Ron spat, getting back into bed with a wince from his arm. Leo tried to form a sentence as Ron turned his back to the tent doors, Harry's voice getting louder. "Leo?" The boy turned to see Hermione and Harry at the tent doors, confused. "What're you doing?" She asked, Leo clenching his jaw at them both. "Nothing." He spoke, walking to get into his bed as Harry and Hermione looked to each other in confusion. "You know Snape is the new Hogwarts headmaster?" Harry asked Leo, trying to change the subject as Hermione got into her bed.

"Cool." Leo sighed, Harry sighing himself and getting into his bed. "We saw Xaviero and the Snatchers." He spoke further, Leo rolling his eyes tiredly. "Scabior was with them-" "No offence, Harry, but I'm tired." Leo snapped, Harry nodding after a short silence as he watched Leo get comfortable. "Night..." Harry spoke cautiously, Leo grunting in response. "Yeah." He replied, Hermione sighing as the four slowly went to sleep.


"You're arm alright?" Leo asked as him and Ron sat beside one another on Ron's bed. Leo knew Ron had feelings for Hermione and tried to comfort the boy as much as possible, even listening to the radio with him. "Getting better..." Ron trailed off before they heard scissors, looking to see Hermione cutting Harry's hair. "Oh God..." Leo trailed off, Ron huffing as Leo patted his head awkwardly. "Oh my God!" Hermione let out, Ron looking to Leo confused. "What?" Harry asked, seeming to voice their thoughts as their voices got more distant. "I'll tell you in a minute." She spoke, Ron about to get up before Leo stopped him, putting a finger up. "What?" Ron whispered harshly, Leo pretending to pounce on him. "Shh!" He scolded, Ron slowly getting the idea. Neither Harry nor Hermione were shouting for them to come see whatever it was. Leo just scoffed, leaning back as Ron stared at the ground.

"Welcome to my world, buddy." Leo spoke tiredly, Ron looking back to him in sympathy. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything." He answered, Leo shrugging. "It's fine. Let's just make sure they tell us." Leo spoke getting up, the locket jangling on Ron's jacket as he followed. "...only one problem, of course." Harry spoke before Ron took the lights with his Deluminator. Harry and Hermione looked to see Ron stood there, hurt as Leo stood next to him, a disappointed look on his face. "The sword was stolen." Ron spoke, Leo nodding as Ron put the lights back. "Yeah, we're both still here." Ron spat, Leo flinching a bit at his tone. "But you two carry on, now I see why we didn't tell Leo much. Don't let us spoil the fun." Leo cringed at this, not knowing Ron would get so angry. "What's wrong?" Harry asked, Hermione watching Leo shrug as Ron kept his ground.

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Not according to you anyway." Ron spoke with no expression, Harry sighing as he faced the two fully. "Look, if you've got something to say, don't be shy. Spit it out." Leo glared at Harry for his tone, Ron doing the same. "Alright, I'll spit it out. But don't expect me to be grateful just because now there's another damn thing we've gotta find." Ron's voice raised, Leo having to agree. "I thought you knew what you signed up for." Harry spat, Leo scoffing and looking to Hermione, the girl glaring at him already. "Yeah, I thought I did too." Ron shot back, Harry finally getting up. "I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand. What part of this isn't living up to your expectations?" Harry asked harshly, Leo moving away from the two as it was clear they were fighting. "Did you think we were gonna be staying at a five star hotel finding a Horcrux every other day? You thought you'd be back with your Mum by Christmas?"

Leo felt Hermione stand next to him, the two just watching this unfold. "I thought after all this time, we would have actually achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought Dumbledore would have told you something worth while." Hermione noticed the locket, tapping Leo's shoulder and pointing to it. "Oh..." The boy let out, Hermione going to Ron. "I've told you everything Dumbledore told me and in case you haven't noticed, we have found a Horcrux already." Harry defended himself, Ron nodding sarcastically. "Yeah. And we're as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them, aren't we?" Ron shot back, Leo shocked as he had to agree once more. "Ron, take it off. You wouldn't be saying this-" Hermione spoke as Ron shoved her off. "Do you know why I listen to that radio every night? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name or Fred or George or Mum-"

"Do you think I don't listen too, do you think I don't know how it feels?-" Harry shouted, Leo's eyebrows scrunching up at him. "You don't know how this feels! You're parents are dead! You have no family." Ron spat, Hermione trying to stop them when Harry and Ron started a physical fight. "Oi!" Leo yelled, red essence separating the two from each other as they stood in silence. "Ron's right, Harry. You, and me, we have no blood related family left! Ron does, respect that why don't you!-" "Oh, you're just siding with him because you hate me!" Harry shot back, Hermione trying to get the Horcrux off of Ron's neck, him shoving her again. "I don't hate you, Harry! Nor do I hate Ron or Hermione! You guys just haven't been great friends the past couple of years. Ron's the only one who I actually tolerate in this group!" Harry's demeanour dropped a bit, Hermione and Ron stopping to look at Leo as he ranted.

"One day, Harry, you have to accept that there are other people in this world who have blood related family! Not chosen family, real family! We're not even real family!" Leo shot at the boy, Harry staying silent. "Com on, Ron, take it off-" Harry turned to Ron and Hermione, as did Leo when Ron glared at the girl. "Go then! Both of you!" Harry finally spoke up, Hermione shocked at everything that just occurred. "On it." Leo spat, grabbing his things before Ron started to pack his things, Hermione finally speaking again. "Ron-" "And you." Ron finally spoke to her, Leo making eye contact with Harry. The boy glared at him, Leo only rolling his eyes before Ron spoke again. "Are you coming or are you staying?" Leo turned to Hermione as she looked to him. Leo only raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer as she only trembled, Leo scoffing. "Of course. Follow Harry because he's the Chosen one. Doesn't make him a good person-" "Go, Leo!" Harry yelled at the boy, Hermione flinching as Leo shoved himself past Ron.

The ginger only looked to Hermione with disgust before following after Leo.

Also, if you like Stranger Things then please read the book I recently made called 'Subject 009!' It's about 011 having an older twin brother and it's seasons 1-3!

[2589 words!]

Hope you enjoyed!!!


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