Trust | Bakugou x Black reade...

By ksksjwhwhwgwh

35.6K 817 1.3K

hii. so i tried to make a fanfiction where y/n is black since I don't see many of them! hope you like it More

#002 Truth or Dare
#003 Silence
#004 Understanding
#005 Training
#006 Partners
#007 Notes
#008 Attacks
#009 Visit
#010 Band Practice
#011 Parents
#012 Sports Festival pt. 1
#013 Sports Festival pt. 2
#014 Amusement park part 1
#015 Amusement Park Part 2
#016 Trust

#001 New start

4.9K 85 441
By ksksjwhwhwgwh

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" you hear your mom yell from all the way downstairs. "huh?..." you groan and see that your alarm is going off. You get frustrated by the noise and just hit it until it stops. "THANK GOSH. THAT ALARM WAS GETTING ON MY NERVES. DID YOU SLEEP IN? GET YOUR ASS UP!" She yells. "ughh... sorry." you say as you slowly sit up and rub your forehead.

then it hits you.

You start your first day at UA today. You quickly jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. You turn on the shower and brush your teeth.

"Y/n, i'm off to work. Make sure you grab your lunch. Have a good day!" your mom yells before you hear the door shut. 'wasn't she just yelling at me two seconds ago??' you thought.

After you took a quick shower, you put on your uniform and combed your hair down. You grabbed your bag and your phone, and ran downstairs.

While you picked up your shoes, you hear a knock on the door.

'did she seriously forget something again?' you thought while sighing and walking to the door to open it.

It wasn't your mom. You saw a girl with a pink complexion, huge eyes and pink hair. There's another girl with short dark blue hair and things on her ears. Behind them you can see a boy with short black hair with a wide smile, a boy with red spiked hair, and a boy with ash blonde hair.

"hello?" you ask. "Hi! I'm Mina Ashido. I heard you were new to UA, so my friends and I decided we might come and walk you to school!" she said excitedly.

"uhh.. okay." You say. You turn around and lock your door, and follow them from behind. 'this is weird as hell. I know these mfs did not just come to my house😭' you thought.

You walk with them, and you hear Mina talk about the most random things. Then, she starts introducing everyone. "This is Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Eijiro Kirishima, and finally Katsuki Bakugou." You look around. "Nice to meet you!" Jirou says. "what's your name?" Mina asks. "Did you seriously pick this girl up without knowing her name-" Sero laughs.

"uh- nah it's fine, i'm y/n l/n. nice to meet you guys I guess" you say. "I guess?" Bakugou asks looking at you kind of livid. "well- I mean you guys randomly came to my house." "I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYWAY YOU DAMN EXTRA!" "wai-" he storms off.

Jirou sighs. "Classic Bakugou. Don't worry, he does this on a daily basis.." 'what the hell have I gotten myself into-' you thought.

You guys finally arrive at UA and you see the huge building. "woah." you say out loud. "pretty cool, isn't it?" Mina asks, smiling. You finally made it inside and follow them into your class.

You go inside and see lots of people. Bakugou was already in his seat, looking annoyed. 'he must have been really mad.' you thought. Suddenly, you felt a hand grip on your butt. "AH- WHAT THE HELL?" You scream, and it soon catches everyone's attention. Behind you, Mineta's nose was bleeding and everything. You push him to the ground and you used your air to blow him all the way down the hallway. "disgusting." you say. You roll your eyes and start to walk into the classroom, but see that everyone was staring at you. Bakugou had a slight smirk on his face.

Mina suddenly started clapping. "Go y/n!" "so manly." "Finally." you heard voices say. You let out a sigh of relief and ran to the back in embarrassment. 'I had no idea they were watching me. That asshole was smirking, too..' you thought. You looked to the side and then you see Bakugou glaring at you. You jumped a little, because you had no idea he was literally just sitting there looking at you.

He chuckled and you rolled your eyes.

Mr. Aizawa finally walks in, and goes to the front of the classroom. "Hi everyone, as you see we have a new student in our classroom." Everyone's eyes darted to you again. "Can you introduce yourself?"
You sighed and stood up. "uhh.. my name is y/n l/n. My quirk is basically just controlling elements. I don't like talking about myself that much, so yeah that's it." You quickly sit down. "Okay, that's that. Let's start." He says.

"Today, we'll begin training. No, you can't wear your hero suits just yet. We'll be doing some partner work today." He gets finished with the instructions, and we all follow him to the training area.

"I'll let you pick your partners." You just stood there like 🧍‍♀️while everyone picked their partners. You shrug and start to see Bakugou walk up to you. You turn to him, and see him getting closer.

"hey air freshener! I-" He gets cut off by Uraraka moving in front of you. "hey Bakugou! Wanna be my partner?" She says with a smile. 'first of all. I know he did not just call me air freshener. Second of all, this bitch is literally getting on my nerves 😐' You thought. "Hi? Hello? How are you? You're literally stepping on my foot." You say to Uraraka, irritated. She turns around with an annoyed look on her face. "Sorry." She says while rolling her eyes. "Anyways. Bakugou, how about we be partners?" "Don't you have that nerd Deku?" He scoffs. "Well, I wanted to be with you." She gets closer, he steps back. "I was going to- fine. whatever, let's go." He walks away and Uraraka clings to his side. She turns around and looks at you and gives you a smirk.

'she is literally testing my patience.' you think.

You feel a tap on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to see a boy with yellow and black hair. "Hi! i'm Denki Kaminari." "oh, hi." You say. "wanna be partners? I noticed you looked kind of lonely." He says. "sure, i'm surprised someone even asked me." you laugh.

"so your quirk is Electricity, right?" You ask. "Yep! and you control elements." "yeahh, but I just use air. The others are really hard to control. A lot of bad things happened in the past due to this, so i think it's better if I not use them for now." You say kind of feeling like you overshared, but just brushed it over.

"it's okay! alright. you ready?" You nod and get into a stance. You see him about to charge electricity to you, so you made a small tornado and sent it towards him. he gets picked up, you laugh and move him around in the air. You start to feel burned out so you drop him. "sorryy!" you say. "no worries-" he says while getting up. "I'm gonna go get some water. I'll be right back." You say, as you walk to a stand and get a cup of water. You look over to your side to see Bakugou walking up to you.

He gets closer to you and stands right in front of you, then he starts to stare right at your face. You sighed. "what do you want now?" "um. water?? which you're blocking. so move." You quickly run out of the way in embarrassment. He chuckles and grabs a cup of water and drinks some. "are you done or what?" You didn't notice you'd been staring at him. "sorry." you say. "whatever air freshener." You looked at him with a 'count your days😐' face. "stop calling me air freshener??" you roll your eyes. "why? it's hilarious." "ok well I don't want a nickname." You smirk at him. "or..i'll let you keep mine if I can give you one too?" You see his face go bright red and you burst out laughing. "ew, you're gross." you laugh and playfully push him out of your way so you can get back to training.

When you walk back to Kaminari, you see Uraraka stomp up to you. 'ugh, this bitch.' (> reference) You thought. "what were you doing with Bakugou?" she asks sternly. "Talking? that's none of your business.." I say. "Well. You took my PARTNER. And you better not be thinking about talking to him again." She says.

"what?" you ask. "You heard me, nigger."

Your face lit up in absolute anger. You crush your cup in your hands, and tackled her to the ground.

"HELP!" She screams. You bitch slap her and you feel people run up and pull you off. You try and squirm out of their grasp, but they pull you out of the training area.

1451 words

lemme know if you see any spelling mistakes :)

hope you like the story so far lol- i tried my best. next part soon :)

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