Alpha and elas

By Abccosplays

2K 11 1

some short stories i wrote about my oc and another oc, some have more parts. includes aus, dnd world, smut, a... More

breakfast time
Two will give in
all mine
Practice makes perfect
Party for two
GC: man whores (+anyk)
daddy's pup (πŸ”ž)
The wolf moon
the backalley
Caught redhanded
Bad day
Akkar being a cockblocker for 6 minutes straight
forgotten days pt 1
forgotten days pt 2
first meeting
jazz traditions
by the fireplace
missed u
oblivious elas (πŸ”žπŸ”ž)
flying lessons
long time no love
late night drive in
down by the willow
the wish of life
a kelhana's way
the prince and the wolf
knight to remember
knight to remember: part 2
a king to rule them all
top student
double dare
blessed life
dear soon-to-be mr kelhana
surprise visit
an eventful morning
a mind of his own
liar liar
To, my king
backstory alpha dnd
(info dnd session 2022)
far far away
alpha's diary
enchanted au
enchanted pt 2
the 4th date
our heroes
nightshift pt 1
nighshift pt 2
enchanted au pt 3
park day
a helping hand
Bounty Hunter pt 1
a father's love

the gang in a whore houseπŸ’€πŸ’€

40 1 1
By Abccosplays

*ayo i know the picture doesn't suit the fic but hear me out.....THE KELHANA'S*

"well fuck me if im wrong but this doesn't just look like a normal tavern.." alpha said as he and his friends walked into the building. anyk sighed,

"this isnt a tavern, this is a whore club or whatever you call those things" anyk said as akkar's eyes widened and he pushed everyone out of the way.

"y- you mean,, women whose joB IT IS TO FLIRT WITH ME?!" akkar said as he looked at the women inside.

"yeah well a little more than flirt im afraid" alpha rolled his eyes. elas walks into the building and goes to the bartender.

"do you happen to have a sleeping place for me and my friends? we've been on our feet for days" elas asked him, the bartender gave a sweet smile as he nodded.

"just right upstairs, the rooms on the left are all taken but the ones on the right are free to take good sir" he smiled as elas gave a nod. he walked back to stand infront of his friends.

"the rooms on the right are ours for the night, lets go put our stuff there and have a drink at the bar" elas said as he lead everyone upstairs. once they're there they saw that there were only three rooms.

"roommates it is." anyk sighed. akkar quickly walked to the first door.

"i want my own room, i hope i dont sleep alone tho" akkar smiled before walking inside, making alpha look at elas and fake gag, making elas laugh.

"ok well, ive been rooming with the three of u continuously. so enjoy eachothers company" anyk said before taking the second room and leaving. alpha just shrugged.

"guess you're stuck with me, it's not that bad right?" alpha said as he walked to the door, elas following behind him.

"no, i like being with you" he said softly making alpha turn around.

"what did you say?" he asked. elas shook his head and pretended he didnt say anything. alpha just shrugged and walked inside, the group settling in and placing their bags there before meeting eachother at the bar. currently it was akkar and anyk downstairs. akkar's eyes were glued on something else though.

"oh will you sTOP-" anyk hit akkar's arm, making akkar look away from the women.

that's when elas walked downstairs as anyk looked at him confused.

"where's alpha?" she asked as elas sat down next to her, ordering a drink.

"he said he'd just grab something from the bag, he'll be here in a minute." he said with a smile. everyone got into a little more presentable clothing, not too fancy but good enough for a night out.

"alright amazing, elas is here, anyk, have fun" he said before walking to a table with ladies and sitting down. anyk rolled her eyes as she mixed her drink a little more.

elas turned around to face the bar before anyk looked behind her.

"wow" she said, making elas look at her before looking where her eyes went. there was alpha walking down the stairs, he was wearing a blouse that was opened to his collarbones. elas's eyes widened as he gulped. but elas's attention isnt the only one he caught, ladies all over the room looked at alpha coming down. as soon as alpha reached the floor one walked up to him, playing with his blouse's collar and staring at him seductively. elas felt a jealous feeling starting in his gut.

"so, what would someone like you be doing here, im sure your girlfriend wouldn't like you being with us huh?" she said before alpha noticed akkar walking behind the lady.

"well actually, my buddy akkar over there is very rich and wanted to see you girls" he said nodding at akkar. akkar's mouth dropped but quickly closed as the woman turned around to look at akkar.

"you don't say! right this way sir, i have friends who are dying to meet you" she said before taking akkar's arm and walking away with him akkar turned his face towards alpha and mouthed "THANK YOU" as alpha just smiled and winked at him. he continued to the bar and stood infront of anyk and elas.

"woah...went to go get something out of the bag huh? what was it? sexiness?" anyk laughed as she turned around towards the bar again. alpha just chuckled as he sat down next to elas and got himself a drink. elas couldn't say anything yet, still kind of shocked at his crush's sudden appearance. anyk noticed and shrugged him on his arm to make him look at her. she stook up her thumb with a questionable look. elas nodded before taking a sip from his drink. suddenly a woman sits down next to alpha as close as possible. alpha looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"can i help you?" he asked, the woman smiled as she put her hand on his thigh.

"you're so cold, i like that in a man" she said rubbing his thigh. elas noticed and took another sip from his drink, a little bigger than before. alpha just looked away.

"i bet you do" he said mixing his drink, suddenly, the woman puts her finger underneath alpha's chin, guiding his face back to her own and pulling him closer than before.

"where are you going darling, we're not done yet" she pouted as she pulled alpha in more than before. alpha shrugged her hand off and sat straight again. elas tried not to look at the scene but that was kinda difficult. suddenly the woman stood up and stood infront of alpha.

"i like your sense of self control, but drop that for tonight" she said as she took his hand and brought alpha to a table with other girls. elas's eyes glued on every move they made. the woman pushed alpha down on the couch and climbed on his lap.

"woah woah hold on this is a little much, can u get off my dick?" he said cold. she pouted as she got off and the other women looked at him.

"what a handsome young man...and demanding too. what's your name baby?" one of them asked. alpha raised an eyebrow.

"alpha kelhana, im not from around here" he said. the girls all giggled.

"well then where do you come from?" one asked.

"im afraid i can't tell you that miss" he said leaning against the headboard. suddenly the woman next to him sat on his lap again, leaving a perfect open gap for elas to see what was happening. alpha's hands automatically held her waist as he didn't want her to fall.

"a man with many secrets, we're gonna have alot of fun tonight girls." she said as the women giggled.

elas was currently on his second shot and third drink. anyk just looked around the bar and didn't really notice.

"im getting uncomfortable in this place to be completely honest with you, do you mind having fun with akkar or alpha?" she asked as elas shook his head.

"its fine, you go upstairs anyk, sleep well" he said slurring his speech a little.

anyk nodded and left to her room, elas sighing and looking at alpha while taking another shot. the night seemed to go very slow... elas just sitting by the bar getting drunk to the point where even the bartender got a little concerned.



a little while later all the women left to their rooms upstairs, a little disappointed to be there without alpha. two girls were still clinging against akkar, leading him upstairs by the hand. akkar turned around to look at alpha and stuck his thumb up. alpha laughed at him as he stook his thumb up aswell. alpha's eyes suddenly fell on elas, who looked passed out by the bar. he chuckled to himself as he stood up from the couch and walked towards him, blouse a little more unbuttoned than before. alpha nudged elas.

"come on get up, you should sleep upstairs" he said as he continued nudging him.

elas groaned. "no, let me beeee" he said before alpha rolled his eyes. alpha turned elas's chair around and wrapped elas's arms around his neck and picked him up while wrapping elas's legs around his waist.

"oh, helloo~" elas said before hiding his face in alpha's neck, placing a small kiss that alpha decided to ignore for the best of him. he carefully carried him upstairs, feeling elas grind against him gently from time to time. he bit his lip as he groaned.

"would you stop that?" alpha asked as he laughed. elas laughed too, though his was a little over the top. they arrived in their shared room as alpha carefully layed elas down on the bed, elas pulling alpha by the neck as soon as he stood up, making his upper body lay on top of him and leaving their faces inches apart.

"woahhh calm down princey, let's not do that" alpha said as he pulled away and stood up.

"but alphie~ i want u to do meee~" elas said making grabby hands at him. alpha chuckled.

"alphie? that's a new one. and no your majesty, i don't do drunk people" alpha said unbuttoning his blouse.

"then why are you getting naked? can't control yourself?" elas asked as he sat up.

"im not getting naked im just getting ready for bed, i sleep best without a shirt. you should get ready for bed aswell." alpha said grabbing elas's hand and pulling him up. elas slightly stumbled as he leaned against alpha, his hand casually resting on his abs.

"how did you get thosse?" elas asked, making alpha look at him confused.

"what? my scars?" he asked before he felt elas stand up to stand infront of him.

"nooo~ the abs" he smiled as he rubbed his hands over his stomach. alpha laughed as he pulled his hand away.

"im a thief elas, now can we stop talking about my body and get you into something comfortable please" he asked as elas sat down.

"okayyy do your thing." elas said as he raised his hands above his head.

alpha raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself confused.

"you want me to-" he said cutting himself off as he saw elas nod.

"you're not going easy on me are you," he said softly before removing elas's shirt and walking to get him a new one. he threw it at him.

"here, put this on" he said as elas threw it back to him.

"no" he said sassy, making alpha come his way and crouching down infront of him.

"" he said intimatingly. elas just shook his head.

"fine, but dont murder me in the morning" he said before making his way to his side of the bed. elas rolled over to lay on alpha's chest, arm wrapped around his waist and leg over his hips. alpha quickly looked at him.

"please let me cuddle you at least..." elas pouted, making alpha chuckle at his cuteness.

"alright fine" he sighed as he held elas close.

"im not going to sleep without a goodnight kiss." elas suddenly blurted out. alpha looked at him in shock.

"im-im not doing that your majesty." alpha said as he felt elas scoot closer.

"pleaaasseee" he whined making alpha roll his eyes. he quickly pecked elas's lips.

"i said a kiss not a peck" elas whined as he frowned. alpha widened his eyes in. disbelief.

"im not giving you more than that, go to sleep" he said as he slightly smiled at the prince's needyness. suddenly elas climbed on top of alpha, sitting on his abdomen.

"um- elas i dont think this is a good idea.." alpha said as he tried to keep his hands to himself. elas noticed and carefully grabbed alpha's hands and placed them on his hips. alpha sighed. "fine, the prince wants a kiss, the prince will get a fucking kiss" he said before turning elas around, laying next to him while holding his waist and pulling him in for a long romantic kiss. as soon as elas tried going in for a second one alpha pulled away.

"good night princey" he said softly before smiling and laying comfortably. elas just closed his eyes, satisfied with the kiss he got.




the next morning elas woke up, he held his head as there was a burning pain in it. he quickly sat up and furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember what happened yesterday. as he was thinking his eyes fell on alpha still asleep on his back, the blanket just below his abdomen which left him looking naked. elas's eyes widened as he looked down at his chest, both of them being shirtless. elas quietly panicked trying not to wake up alpha next to him. though that didnt really work out when he started talking to himself.

"goddamn it elas! you just HAD to sleep with alpha didn't you? he just went with it?? alpha isn't even gay...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" he whisper yelled, waking alpha up. as soon as alpha opened his eyes he saw elas lookinh very shocked and scared and somehow angry. he quickly sat up with him.

".....what?" he asked clueless. elas widened his eyes.

"YOU HAD SEX WITH ME!" he said making alpha widen his eyes too and waved his hands infront of him.

"nononono its not what it looks like!" he defended.

"then wHY are you naked?!" elas said pointing at his body.

"also no, look" alpha said as he removed the blanket and showed his pants. elas took a deep sigh of relief.

" anything?" elas asked to be certain.

"no, i don't have sex with drunk people, you sure asked me to do stuff though" alpha teased as elas's face turned bright red.

"dont say that!" he hid his face in his hands before looking back at him, alpha's smile making him smile softly too.

"though, there was one thing that we did...but i guess that's between me and drunk you" alpha teased again as he stood up to put a shirt on.

"nononono you have to tell me, prince's orders" elas said sitting on the edge of the bed now.

"trust me, princey had alot of orders last night. no but really don't worry, you just asked me to cuddle you thats all" alpha lied, keeping the kiss to himself, not knowing if elas was gay or not.

"oh, that's not that bad.." he said. "so...did we cuddle then?"

"yeah we did, don't execute me now alright? you gave me the puppy eyes" he smiled making elas chuckle.

"better start running" he teased playfully, making alpha laugh.

"see you at breakfast!" alpha said before running out the door. elas sighed to himself.

"you get one night to get close to him and you forget it all..." elas said softly. 

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