Ouran High School Host Club (...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

21.5K 482 92

This is a fanfic story of OHSHC. I recently started watching this anime. More

Starting Today, You Are Hosts!
The Jobs of High School Hosts!
Beware the Physical Exam!
Attack of the Lady Manager!
The Twins Fight!
The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!
Jungle Pool SOS!
The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!
A Challenge from Lobelia Girls' Academy!
A Day in the Life of the Kikuya Family!
Big Brother is a Prince!
Haruhi in Wonderland!
Covering the Famous Host Club!
The Refreshing Battle of Karuizawa!
Operation-Wait What?!
Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!
Chika's "Down with Honey" Declaration!
Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!
The Door the Twins Opened!
Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin!
Mori Has an Apprentice Candidate!
Tamaki's Unwitting Depression!
And so Kyoya Met Him!
The Host Club Declares Dissolution!
This is Our Ouran Fair!

Honey's Three Bitter Days!

587 16 0
By IsabellaAnne1803112

Usa-Chan was on a table, tea split all over him.

"Now you've done it!" Tamaki starts to freak out.

"It's done all right." Hikaru says.

"But it wasn't our fault." Kaoru adds.

"What?! You idiots! You're the ones who bumped into it, right?!"

"Only because Katsumi was running away!" Hikaru explains as he and his brother were holding onto the heterochromia girl.

"We were trying to catch her cause we wanted to have some fun and dress her up in cosplays." Kaoru adds.

"So what? We cosplay all the time!" Tamaki exclaims.

"We weren't going with the usual Host Club costumes!" Hikaru smiles.

"We want to see Katsumi in bunny cosplay!" Kaoru adds.

"What?" Haruhi deadpans.

"B-Bunny cosplay?" Katsumi stutters.

"You'd like to see it too, wouldn't you?" the twins ask the president.

The blonde blushes as he imagines Katsumi in a pin up bunny cosplay, "I definitely want to see that..." he grabs his hair, "What am I thinking?! There's no time for stuff like that right now!" the blonde points accusingly, "I know what you're up to! You're trying to distract me from the mess you made! Get away from Katsumi, you punks!"

"No way!" the twins exclaim.

"Let her go!" Haruhi demands.

"I know you're-"

Kyoya types on his laptop as Mori reads a book, "Excuse me. We don't have any guests at the moment, so I don't mind if you make a racket, but please be careful." he turns to Tamaki, who was shaking the twins as Katsumi was being held by Haruhi, "You don't want to wake Honey-senpai."

The three boys tense up and turn to Honey, who was sleeping on a couch with a huge bed canopy over it.

"He's a third year who still takes afternoon naps?" Haruhi asks.

"Guys, we're gonna have to tell him about it sooner or later. Let's just wake him up and apologize." Katsumi starts to walk over.

"No, wait! Don't get any closer to Honey-senpai!" Tamaki and the twins told them as the blonde waves the two girls over.

"Come back! It's safe over here!"

"What're you talking about?" Haruhi asks.

"Honey-senpai wakes up in a very bad mood after napping!" Tamaki explains.

"Huh?" Katsumi tilts her head.

"Now this may just be a rumor, but the Haninozuka family once visited a U.S. military base to give combat training. Supposedly, Honey-senpai slept through most of it because of his jet lag. Then a soldier came in and carelessly tried to wake him up since he had been sleeping for so long...On that day, he wiped out two entire platoons of soldiers, and not just any soldiers, green berets! And I've heard we've had diplomatic issues with America ever since that day!"

"How terrifying!" The twins quiver in fear.

Haruhi deadpans as Katsumi looks concerned.

"And we've got a bigger problem. Usa-Chan was handmade for Honey-senpai by his deceased grandmother. You've seen the way he carries it around! That little bunny is his most prized possession! I can't imagine how he's going to react when he wakes up and sees that his precious Usa-Chan is ruined!"

Tamaki and the twins start to freak out, "He's gonna do to us what he did to those green berets!"

"You're exaggerating. It's impossible for that story to be true. I mean, c'mon." Haruhi told them.

"It is! And there's other evidence that Honey-senpai has an evil side to him. Listen to this, his blood type is AB. How do you like that?" Tamaki says.

"What does that mean?" Katsumi asks.

"That means he's the same blood type as Kyoya!" the blonde told her.

The heterochromia girl and Haruhi gasp as they and the other three hosts turn to look at the vice president.

"What's the matter? You guys have a problem with my blood type?" Kyoya asks.

"Oh, those of you watching with type AB..." Haruhi starts to say.

"Please don't take any offense to this." Katsumi continues.

Honey sighs as he turns in his sleep, scaring the five hosts.

"This is bad! We have to do something quick before he wakes up. Hikaru, Kaoru!" Tamaki snaps his fingers.

The twins salute, "Sir!"

"Go get your folk's Cessna. Fly to Osorezan and bring back a medium. We'll channel his grandmother and she can guide us through it! We can make a new Usa-Chan for Honey-senpai!" Tamaki holds up a map, "Take this map of the Aomori Prefecture with you and don't forget to bring back apple juice, apple jam, and Nebuta souvenir dolls!"

"But we don't have that much time." Hikaru told him.

"We're used to your crazy ideas, but you should come up with something more practical." Kaoru adds.

"All right, how about this. We'll send Usa-Chan to the cleaners. Katsumi!" Tamaki turns to the heterochromia girl.


"You're gonna have to wear the bunny suit!" the blonde blushes as he holds up a bunny costume.

"Yeah! Good idea, boss!" The twins give thumbs up as the three imagine the brunette in the bunny suit.

"There's no way she's wearing that!" Haruhi exclaims.

"He'll know it's me!" Katsumi says.

"No, he won't! He won't be able to tell the difference if he's just waking up from a nap!" Tamaki reassures her.

"Then why can't you wear it?" the heterochromia girl asks, blushing slightly at the idea.

"It won't be as cute if I wear it! Come on, this is the least you could do! Since we can't get another bunny, you're going to have to step in!" Tamaki gasps as Honey sits up, "He's awake! We'll have to use a substitute! We've got no choice!"

Honey rubs his eyes and spots Tamaki's teddy bear, Kuma-Chan.

Tamaki and the twins silently panic.

The 3rd year grabs the teddy bear with an unreadable expression and slams it down onto the ground.

Tamaki freaks out, "Not my teddy bear!"

"He's gonna come after us next!" Hikaru adds.

Kaoru slightly screams, "He just spotted his bunny rabbit!"

Honey walked over to the table and picked up the stuffed animal, turning to the three, "Who's responsible for this? Who got Usa-Chan dirty?"

The three hosts panic, "Someone help! Mori-senpai, don't let him hurt us!"

"He wanted tea, so Usa-Chan decided to have a drink." Mori simply explained.

Honey's usual expression returns to his face, "I see! So that's why his face is all dirty, isn't it? Hey, do you think he wants some cake too?"

Tamaki and the twins collapse, looking baffled.

"That's all it took?" Katsumi turns to Haruhi.


"Honey, how do you like to have chocolate? Mousse? Bonbons? Wait! I bet chocolate cake is your favorite, huh?" A guest asks.

"Um, let's see...Well, I like them all! I love anything chocolate, Usa-Chan, and all of you ladies!" Honey exclaims.

"Oh, he's so cute!"

"Mitsukuni Haninozuka, otherwise known as Honey-senpai, age 17. Ouran Academy 3rd year Class A and a member of the Host Club. Favorite things include cake, chocolate, and bunnies. He's famous for his enchanting boy-lolita characteristics." Renge narrates.

"That was a close call earlier! Right, Senpai?" Katsumi smiles at the president.

"No kidding! I'm glad we settled that Usa-Chan issue without any violence." Tamaki told her.

"Honey-senpai's catchphrases include "I love candy!" and "I love cute things!" and while some find these charming, I'm not quite sold on his cutesy loli boy image. It's not exciting enough. It feels like something's missing in his character arch!" Renge continues.

Haruhi walks over to the 3rd year, carrying a tea set, "Uh, Honey-senpai, you can't keep eating nothing but sweets all of the time. You know, you're gonna end up with a cavity."

"Oh, don't worry! I always brush my teeth!" Honey reassures her before taking a bite out of a piece of cake, a sharp pain going through him as the Hosts look over.

"Honey-senpai...is it...?" Haruhi starts to say.

Honey holds his cheek, "Nah! It's nothing, kay?"

Hikaru and Kaoru hold the 3rd year in his chair as Katsumi walks over.

"Here, let me just take a look in your mouth..." the heterochromia girl told him as he squirmed around.

"Hold still!" Hikaru told him.

"Honey-senpai, please quit squirming!" Kaoru adds.

"There's nothing wrong! Quit messing with me! Leave me alone!" Honey exclaims as tears well in his eyes.

Suddenly, Mori walked over and pinned him to the couch, forcing him to open his mouth.

The guests start to fangirl.

"Yes! That's it! That's it! That's what was missing! It's moe!" Renge exclaims.

Honey eventually opens his mouth.

"So, is it...a cavity?" Tamaki asks.

"Yeah." Takashi replied.

"It's all right...I'll be okay..." Honey tried to tell them.


"Yes, you're right. I'll take care of this." Tamaki clears his throat to get everyone's attention, "Until Honey-senpai gets over his cavity, I'm afraid he can't have sweets."

Honey lets out a noise of despair.

"Therefore, we'll be supportive and ask that you kindly refrain from eating snacks in the clubroom until this ordeal is over."

"N-No! No, don't Takashi. Please don't take my snacks away...You can't...Don't do it...What'll I do without them?" Honey asks, tears welling up as Mori takes the boy's uneaten piece of cake and walks away with it, "I can handle it! Please don't take away my cake!"

"No more cake." Mori told him.

Honey screams in despair.

"And that's how it all began. One little cavity and suddenly Honey-senpai's life became a living Hell." Renge narrates.


Mori approached his cousin, who had a bandage wraps around his jaw, "Mitsukuni, bag."

"I can carry it."

"Yes you can, hand it over."

Honey reluctantly hands his bag over.

Mori opens the bag and tilts it upside down as candy fell out into a pile.

"I was just looking. I wasn't gonna eat them."

"Really? If you're just looking, then try this." Mori held up a flyer that advertised candy that was half-off, "I'll keep the real stuff."

Honey tears up, screaming again.

"Aw, man. That was rough." The twins comment as they watched.

"I can't help but feel sorry for him." Haruhi adds.

"Poor Honey-senpai." Katsumi awes.

The four first-years walked away.

"You know, I had no idea that Mori-senpai could be so brutal." Hikaru comments.

"You wouldn't expect it. I thought his principles kept him from doing anything to upset Honey-senpai." Kaoru says.

"And to think that he could get the boss to go along with him."


"It's too bad, Tamaki. I wanted to give you some of the chocolates specially made by our new patissier. My family just hired him from France, but I can't share them with you because you're not eating sweets."

"Do not fret, my princess. For the present, I must abstain for poor Honey-senpai's sake. But eventually we'll be able to share chocolate together again."

"Oh, the friendship you boys have is absolutely beautiful."

Tamaki holds the girl's hand, "I believe things will work out for the better this way, my dear. I'm sure it's delicious, but no chocolate could ever be able to withstand the heat wave of my love. So, it would all melt and go to waste."

"Oh, Tamaki..."


"Impressive boss. That was quite an act." Hikaru comments as the blonde walks over to the Hitachiin brothers.

"Missing sweets, aren't you?" Kaoru adds.

"Eh, buzz off. The club's number one priority is our guests. All that matters is their happiness." Tamaki told them.

Kyoya writes down in his notebook, "You had better watch yourselves out there. Don't give any sweets to Honey-senpai no matter what tricks he resorts to. Oh, and incidentally, those instructions come from Mori-senpai. This isn't my doing." he grins as he walks away.

"So is it just me, or does he seem to be enjoying this?" Hikaru asks.


Haruhi and Katsumi make their way to the Host Club, stopping and hiding behind a pillar when they see Mori and a girl.

"I just can't hide it any longer. I have to get this off my chest. I need to know what your feelings are towards me, and if you'll accept my love." the girl blushes as Mori stares at her, staying quiet, "Will you please...? Unless, of course, there's someone else. Please tell me, is there someone else who's dear to you?" he keeps quiet as Haruhi and Katsumi watch in awe, "There is, isn't there, huh...I should've known..." the girl tears up and runs off.


Honey uses three different tactics to get sweets.

1. Use the cute.

The 3rd year blonde giggles as he runs to his cousin, "Look, Takashi! My cavity is all better now!"

The other 3rd year was sitting at a table, reading a book, "You sure?"

"The swelling haa even gone down!"

"Has it?"

"So, do you think I can have a piece of cake? Just one? Please?"

Mori shoves a popsicle into the boy's mouth, making him tear up and hold his cheek in pain. The 3rd year walks away from the blonde, "You're not fully recovered yet."

2. The indirect method.

Two guests were sitting at a table, drinking tea and eating sandwiches.

Honey walks over to them as the two girls gulp, "What are you ladies drinking?"

"Um, Darjeeling tea! It's really good!" one answers nervously.

"Yeah? What are you going to have to it?" Honey asks.

"Well, I was going to have a sandwich!" the second answers, just as nervous as the first.

"Know what you need? Some sweets! That tea would go well with something...sweet! Like maybe some cake! Come on! What do you say? Hmm?" Honey pulls his cute act.

"Well, it would be good with cake..."

"It sure would..."

The two guests set their cups down and stand up, running off.

"We're so sorry, Honey!"

"But it's for your own good!"

"B-But wait!" Honey tears up.

3. Pulling at heartstrings.

Katsumi hums to herself as Honey walks up to her, sulking as he pulls on her dress a little, "Hmm? Is something wrong, Honey-senpai?"

"Kat-Chan...Am I a bad person?" he looks up at her with teary eyes, "I just don't understand why God hates me. What have I done?"

The heterochromia girl frowns at this, looking around before sighing, "Okay, but only this once. I'll be right back." she walks off as Honey smiles in triumph. She then comes back smiling as she hides something behind her back.

"Is it a snack?"

"Yeah! Haruhi gave it to me!" she places a box of Kyoto kelp in his hand as he stares at it, "It's the same color as chocolate! Try it!"

Honey realizes that he chose the wrong person to manipulate.


It was the 3rd day of the sweets ban.

Honey had irritable look on his face as he paces in front of a door, everyone looking at him anxiously.

"He's gonna crack." Tamaki spoke.

"Would somebody please talk to him?" Kaoru asks, "He's scaring me..."

Honey opens the door, causing Hikaru to stand up.

"Gah! He's headed for the candy!"

"No need to worry." Kyoya smiles, "We emptied out all the sweets."

"Kyoya-senpai, you seem really chipper today." Haruhi comments as Katsumi nods.

Honey opens a cabinet, seeing Kuma-Chan. He grabs the stuffed bear and slams him onto the floor.

"He keeps doing that to my teddy bear!" Tamaki freaks.

Honey stumbles and falls to the floor.

"Well, there he goes." Kaoru comments.

"Three days and he gives up." Hikaru adds.

Tamaki walks over to him, shaking him slightly, "Uh, Honey-senpai?"

Suddenly, the 3rd year bites onto the president's hand, making him scream and run around.

"Tamaki-senpai!" Katsumi runs over and tries to help him.

"Somebody help me! He's eating my arm off!"

Mori stands up and walks over, "Mitsukuni, don't take this out on other people." this causes Honey to stop biting the blonde's hand.

Tamaki sighs in relief as Katsumi bandages up his hand, "You saved me. I thought I was a goner."

"It's disgraceful." Mori continues.

"Takashi..." Honey flips the boy over his shoulder, "You idiot!"

Everyone gasps in shock.

"A little bit isn't gonna hurt me! You're so mean! You're such a hardhead! That's it! I hate you! I hate you, Takashi!" Honey cries before running out of the room, screaming.



Tamaki and Katsumi run after the blonde.

Mori sits up, saying nothing.

Hikaru and Kaoru walk over to him,

"Hey, Mori-senpai?"

"That was harsh. Will you be all right?"

Mori stands up, leans against a table, falling to his knees as the object tipped over.

"Wow, Senpai, it looks like he really got to you. It don't know what's going on, but it seems like you're self destructing." Hikaru says.

"Maybe Honey-senpai wouldn't hate you if you hadn't have been so hard on him in the first place." Kaoru adds.

"It was on purpose." Haruhi says in realization, confusing the twins.


"Mori-senpai, by any chance, have you been acting like this because you're trying to get Honey-senpai to hate you?" Haruhi asks as Mori looks up slightly.

"Why would he do that?" Hikaru asks her.

"It makes no sense. That would be like the end of the world for Mori-senpai." Kaoru adds.

"Why would he do it on purpose?" the twins ask.

"Well, maybe because he was trying to punish himself." Haruhi answers before looking at the silent 3rd year, "I'm right, aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are. This was my fault. Mitsukuni has a cavity because I'm careless. Twice before his naptime, I forgot to make him brush his teeth."

The twins sweatdrop.

"But that's not really your responsibility." Hikaru told him.

"He should know better." Kaoru adds.

"But if Mitsukuni has to get false teeth, it'll be my fault."

"Ah, don't worry. That's not gonna happen." the twins told him.

"Wow, what a pessimist." Haruhi comments.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself right now, if he hadn't thrown me down."

"Because he felt at fault, Mori-senpai wanted some sort of punishment from Honey-senpai to make up for his failure." Kyoya concludes.

"Well..." the twins trailed off.

"While that certainly makes for a nice story and everything..."

"It was just a little cavity, right?"

The door opens as Honey stands in surprise, having heard everything.

Tamaki places a hand on his shoulder, "Well, there you have it, Honey-senpai. What will you do now?"

The 3rd year tears up as he looks at Katsumi who smiles and nods, gesturing her head to Mori. Honey cries as he runs to his cousin, hugging him, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Takashi! I promise I won't forget to brush my teeth again! I won't forget!"


"A few days later, Honey-senpai recovered from his painful cavity, so the Host Club decided to lift their ban on sweets and Honey-senpai can greedily stuff his face once more!" Renge narrates.

Kyoya sighs as he looks at a bunch of bills while holding a calculator.

"What's with Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asks, "He looks depressed about something."

"Cause Honey-senpai's back to eating snacks again." Hikaru smirks.

"All those sweets get expensive." Kaoru adds.

"Look alive, guys!" Katsumi calls as she enters the room with a familiar looking girl, "We have a new guest with us today!"

"Are you a fan of Mori-senpai?" Tamaki asks, noting the girl's quiet and shy behavior.

Haruhi looks over at Katsumi, who nods.

The girl walks up to Mori, "Well, Mori, I understand now. I know who you feel so strongly about and it's okay." she glances over at Honey, who was eating cake, "I must say I find it a little surprising that it's Honey. To think he's so special to you. I don't know. It's just so...I can't explain it. I-It's just so...yay!"

"Huh?" Haruhi's eyebrow twitched.

Katsumi giggles as she places a hand on the new guest's shoulder, "Welcome to the Host Club!"

"Congratulations! You've just taken your first big step into a brand new world!" Renge adds.

Mori wipes Honey's face with a napkin, "Mitsukuni, you've made a mess." the blonde giggles in response.

The guests and Renge squeal.

"That's right, ladies! It's moe! It's the greatest! I just can't get enough of it!"

"You know, even though this whole thing may look and feel just like a happy ending, I'm not sure everyone out there would think moe is the best way to wrap things up." Haruhi comments.

"Come on, Haruhi! Let them have their fun! On three, ladies!" Katsumi smiles, "One...two...three..."

"Moe!!!" Renge and the guests cheer.

"Oh, good grief..." Haruhi groans as Katsumi giggles.

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