Borealis [ Jennifer Jareau x...

By garciasfluffypen

36.4K 863 398

SEQUEL TO AURORA "I'm scared." I admitted, my voice turning quiet. "I don't know how to be a mom." "I'll be... More

They Never get Easier...
Come Home with Me
Pancakes on a Sunday Morning
Important Talks
Getting Wings
Name Calling
Waffle Sauce
Talks with Tara
Miracles Can Happen
Wait and See
Date Night
Alone Time
And in the End...

Dinner Dates

1.5K 43 31
By garciasfluffypen

By the time dinner was ready, Garcia and Morgan walked through the door, Garcia running straight over to me and giving me a big hug. JJ jokingly placed her hand on her chest, a fake gasp coming out of her mouth.

"Don't think I forgot about you, sweetcheeks!" Garcia pulled JJ in for a hug. "And Esme! It's so nice to see you aga-"

Before Garcia could continue her sentence, Esme ran into the kitchen and hid behind my leg. I chuckled as I picked her up. "Esme, you remember Penny, right?"

She nodded. "Ya-huh."

"She helped decorate your room." she nodded. "You can say hi to her."

"'m sacred, Y/N."

"How come?" She whispered in my ear. "Silly goose, that's your Uncle Derek." I booped her on the nose. "If you go to JJ, you can stay with her while he says hi."

"Otay." Esme wiggled out of my grasp, going over to JJ and tapping her hip until she picked her up. "Hi."

"Hi Esme. I'm Derek."

Esme was quiet for a second. "Do you know what a broken condom is? Y/N and Ms. JJ said I could asked you because you know more about it than they do."

Garcia burst out laughing, practically falling to the floor as Esme stared at Morgan, waiting for his response. I turned around, trying to hide my own laughter as JJ stared at Esme with horror in her eyes. I had honestly thought she forgot about that, but clearly she didn't. Derek was standing there, mouth gaping open and shut like a fish while JJ profusely apologized, trying to get control of the situation.

"Why'd you tell her that?"

"She's four, Derek, do you think we were going to have the- cover your ears, sweetie." JJ paused while Esme covered her ears. "S-E-X talk with her?"

"So you told her to ask me?"

"Well yeah." I shrugged from the kitchen. "You actually know what that is."

"JJ definitely used them."

JJ choked. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"JJ used condoms? Were they broken?"

I lost it at that, doubling over in the kitchen and holding onto the counter for support. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but it was just way too funny to not be. Penelope joined me in my laughter, the two of us not being able to catch our breath as JJ glared at us.

"I'll break up with you."

"You won't, you love me too much." I managed to gasp out, finally catching my breath. "And besides, I live with you so you're stuck with me."

"And me!" Esme chimed in, a big smile on her face.

"Oh I couldn't kick you out. That would be a crime. Y/N on the other hand..."

"Hey!" I threw the nearest thing I could grab at her, which happened to be a towel. "Not nice, babe."

JJ turned to Esme. "Do you think Y/N should sleep on the couch tonight?"


The room burst into more laughter as Esme smiled at me, and I rolled my eyes and bought dinner out to the table. We caught up with Derek and Garcia, them filling us in on as much as they could about everything going on at the BAU. They talked about Kate, and how Hotch was thinking about having her join- which I was excited about. It was always fun to have another female around. I was so ready to meet Kate, which hopefully I was going to soon because I needed to talk to Hotch anyway about my return. We were introducing Esme to the babysitter this week, and hoping to get them situated so I could go back earlier. I could feel the glare Garcia was giving me as I stuffed my face with rice, pretending that she wasn't silently screaming at me. As much as I loved having time off, I missed my job and wanted to get back to it.

Esme started getting tired around 8:30, and JJ took her upstairs to get ready for bed. Derek left a few minutes later, saying that he needed to get back to Savannah for reasons he wasn't about to disclose. Garcia on the other hand, helped me clean up the table, the two of us maneuvering around the kitchen effortlessly.

"She's not as attached to you."

"Yeah, I'm happy about that." I sighed. "I'm worried that'll change when Jayje goes back to work."

"You still have a few more days of you both being home, though."

"I know I just... we're the only stable thing she has in her life right now. And I know we worked it out with Hotch so we could go a couple days on, a couple days off but still."

"You're allowed to be scared, Y/N." Garcia spun me around so I was facing her. "You have not only Henry to think about, but Esme too. It's understandable that you're feeling this way."

"I hate this, Pen. I'm so worried. She was so attached to me in Michigan but now that she's settled in she's starting to branch out and-"

"Hey." Garcia put her hands on my shoulder. "You're doing great. Okay? Don't let the demons get ahold of you. You are doing everything and then some when it comes to Esme. I can see that you care for her. I've seen you take care of not only Henry, but now Esme. And I can tell you, that you're doing just fine." she smiled at me.

"You think so?"

"I know so." Penelope grabbed my hand. "Don't doubt yourself, sweet cheeks. You might think that you're not going to do good, but I can already tell you're doing so much better than you thought you were going to do."

Pen and I talked for a little bit longer as we put the dishes in the dishwasher, JJ coming downstairs a few minutes later and joining us in the living room. We curled up together with a glass of wine after Penelope went home, basking in the silence.

"You know, Pen was right."


"About you doing great. You're a great mother."

"I'm not even officially anyone's mother yet, Dove." I gave her a confused look. "You're being sickenly sweet right now."

"This isn't a joke or anything, Y/N. I'm being serious. You've overcome so much and you're proving that you can be bigger and better than your obstacles and demons. I know how scared you are, and I just want you to know how proud I am of you for doing what you know is right. I don't say that enough- I don't let you know how amazing and sexy and brilliant you are and I-I'm just so fucking proud of you."

"Jennifer." I shifted so I was facing her. "What is going on? You're scaring me."

"Nothing's going on." I could tell JJ was lying through her teeth, but I wasn't about to push her. "I can't appreciate my soon to be fiancée?"

"Well firstly, we said we were waiting. But if you want to be fiancées, we can be fiancées." I chuckled. "Secondly, I appreciate your appreciation, but it seems like this came out of nowhere."

"It's not coming from nowhere, darling. I'm just... madly in love with you and want to make sure you know. Now come on, we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, I-I'll be up in a second."

I watched JJ walk upstairs, and soon as she was gone I let out a breath. What the fuck was that?

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