Well-Bred {Kylo Ren x Reader}

By adamdsolo

128K 2.9K 3.2K

Kylo Ren x Reader (Modern AU) ******************** 35-year-old Kylo Ren is known for being one of the younges... More

Author's Note & Warnings
The Shoot
the Office
Skip the Pleasantries
A Broken Melody
This Slope is Treacherous
Tricks or Treats
Moonlight in Vermont
Time With You
New Discoveries
Tied Together
Simple Pleasures
Great White Way
Cigarettes After Sex
Lucky Ones
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
Champagne Problems
Come Back. Be Here.
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Language of Love
The Return
To Live For the Hope of it All
Your Epilogue
Kylo's Epilogue
Author's Note

The Search

2.5K 71 85
By adamdsolo

It was way past 9 o'clock and she hadn't shown. But could he really blame her? He had left her at the airport after what was the most awkward flight of his life. And it was his fault. She had tried to talk to him, tried to reach him, but after she confessed her true feelings for him he just shut down.

He had known she felt that way for a while. She was no good at hiding it. But her saying it out loud somehow made it too real. Suddenly, he realized everything and he needed to tell her. He couldn't keep her in the dark any longer, couldn't keep one of his biggest secrets from her. She needed to know.

And he was going to tell her tonight but she didn't show up. He figured it was payback. That she was giving him a taste of his own medicine. And frankly, he did deserve it. And now he'd been waiting around all night like a pathetic fool.

Why did he let her hold so much power over him in the first place? He should've never let himself get close to her. He knew it would only hurt her in the end.

He was tired of thinking. Tired of waiting and hoping she might've just got stuck in traffic or had something come up. So he thought he'd try and get some sleep. Maybe things would be cleared up in the morning.

He went into his room, seeing the empty bed, wishing she was lying in it. Somehow it didn't feel right sleeping in it without her.

He changed out of his work clothes and into a pair of sweatpants and laid on the couch, closing his eyes. At first, all he saw was darkness. Then images of her flooded his mind. Of her smiling, laughing, having fun. Then of her crying, heartbroken because he couldn't give her what she wanted.

He tossed and turned all night, not for a second able to put her out of his mind. When he finally started to see dawn break he felt relieved. He could finally wake up and it would be acceptable.

He reached for his phone to check and see if there were any messages. His heart dropped when there were none. Suddenly, an unsettling feeling rose from his stomach.

How could he be so stupid! It was so unlike her not to show up. Or not to at least text saying she wouldn't be able to make it. You knew her. When she said she'd be somewhere, she'd be there. Gods he was such an idiot.

What if something happened to her.

He could feel the anger inside him starting to rise and boil over. He was angry at himself for not thinking of this sooner. A whole night had gone by. Idiot.

He tried to calm down as he dialed her number. When it immediately went to voicemail, his worriment only got stronger.

He started pacing, trying to think of what his next move should be. Should he go to her apartment? But what if she was just avoiding him? He'd look like a fool. Suddenly he remembered she had given him Rey's number in case of an emergency. Her best friend. Surely she would know where she was.

He quickly dialed Rey's number, hoping all of this was a big misunderstanding. He hoped that she would have some answers.

As the phone rang and rang, he realized how early it was in the morning. When a quiet voice answered he knew he had to control himself and try to remain calm.

"Hi um is this Rey?" He asked unsure if she was the one answering the phone.

"Yes, this is she," a pause, "Who is this?"

"It's Kylo."

She was confused as to why he was calling until he started rambling on about her, asking where she was, and where she could be. Then Rey grew concerned.

"Kylo, I thought she was with you. She said she was going to your place last night."

"FUCK!" Kylo couldn't hold back his rage any longer. Where could she be?

Rey started getting even more worried hearing his reaction, trying to understand what was going on.

"Kylo! Kylo! KYLO!" She yelled through the phone trying to get him to stop his rambling and talk to her. She took the silence on the other end as her cue to speak.

"Is she not with you? Did she not go to your place last night?" He could hear the fear in her voice

"No. I have no idea where she is. I tried calling her cell but it went straight to voicemail."

There was silence. Both of them unsure of what was even happening right now.

"Have you checked her apartment? With Poe?" She finally asked as he could hear the tears filling her eyes.

"No, I haven't. I didn't-" She quickly cut him off.

"I'll check in with Poe. Maybe she's home." She said, though it was more of a question really.

"Ok. I can track her phone. Find out where that is at least, or where it was last. Hopefully, she's with it." He was frantic, getting himself dressed and grabbing his keys while on the phone.

He could hear the sobs from Rey on the other line.

"Don't worry Rey. I'll find her. I'll make sure of it."




He had hopped in his car and drove furiously through the city to the last known address her phone was at. When he pulled up to the bar, his heart started beating fast, a heat rose within him that he had never really recognized before. He almost burst through the doors drawing attention to himself as he searched the room. He didn't see her anywhere. But what he did see was her phone lying on the floor.

He grabbed it, knowing it was dead. He took out his own, pulling up a picture of her and asking around. No one recognized her. No one had seen her. No one knew where she was. The bartender was the last person he asked.

"Sorry, I wasn't working last night. She doesn't look familiar to me."

"Who was working?" Kylo asked, fury in his voice.

"Calm down man. I don't think I can disclose that information anywa-"

"My girlfriend is missing and your bartender might be the only person that could help me find her!" He was livid, desperate. So much so, that he didn't even realize what he had called her just now.

"Okay, okay!" The man gave him the name of the bartender scheduled to work last night. From there it didn't take Kylo long to find an address and he was speeding over to the guys place, faster than he had ever driven before.

When he arrived he didn't even think about what he would say, he only had finding her on his mind. He knocked on the door furiously, numb to the pain in his hand from knocking so hard. He waited for what felt like an eternity for someone to finally come to the door.

The man was large, bulky, and clearly had been drinking. Kylo knew he could easily take him if he didn't get the information he came for.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

Kylo took out his phone and showed the picture of her to him.

"This girl. She was at the bar you were working at last night. Where is she?" He was seething, anger boiling out of him.

"I'm sorry man I've never seen that girl before in my life."

He was lying. Kylo could see it in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling him.

"You're lying! What aren't you saying? WHERE IS SHE?" He was yelling at this point. His anger had always been an issue but he would never have outbursts like this on complete strangers. But this situation was different. He had to find her. Had to make sure she was okay. He would never forgive himself if he let something happen to her. He didn't want her last impression of him to be that he didn't love her.

He didn't realize he had gripped the man's shirt collar, bringing him closer to his face as he yelled. As he felt the red that covered his eyes start to dissipate, he let go, hoping he at least scared the drunkard enough to give him the information he needed.

"Look man, I was just doing what I was told."

"Where is she?" He asked again, voice sharp like a knife ready to kill.

"Me and a few guys were hired by someone anonymous, who said he was hired by someone named Organa. I was told to drug her, that was it. The other guys were supposed to take her to some abandoned warehouse and keep her there for further instruction."

Kylo didn't have time to process the fact that he just heard his mother's name involved in the drugging and kidnapping of the one person he ever truly trusted.

"Where?" He asked, finding her was the only thing occupying his mind right now.

The man gave him directions and Kylo stormed off back to his car, speeding off once again. Once he arrived at the location, he parked a few blocks away. He had no idea what to expect. If there would be people guarding her if they would be armed. He hoped he could sneak in, grab her, and get out, that is if she was still alive.

That thought sunk into his head for a moment. It was always in the back of his mind but he had locked it away and tried to throw out the key. Unfortunately, that didn't work because here he was thinking about it.

No. He said to himself. I won't think like this. She's fine I know it, I can feel it.

Kylo quietly made his way around to the back of the warehouse, trying his best to stay out of sight. He didn't see anyone, no guards, nothing. So, he went towards a small window that was carved out from the brick building. He looked in, adjusting his eyes to see what was in the dimly lit space.

He scanned the space, looking for her, and saw no one. He didn't want to give up that easily. She had to be somewhere. Or there had to be a clue telling him where she could be. He scanned the room with his eyes one last time before he saw it. There was a rope tied around one of the large, wide pillars and he could faintly see the outline of a head attached to it. It had to be her.

He had to stop himself from just barging in then and there. He had to be smart about this.

He looked around, seeing an entrance from the back. If there were any guards in there, they weren't in that room which only meant there had to be cameras somewhere. He had to get in, get her, and get out before they noticed.

He tried the door. Locked. He saw the padlock secured around the door handle and cursed lightly to himself. This makes everything a bit more tricky. Once he busts through, someone is definitely going to hear. He had to be quick.

He looked around trying to find a heavy and strong enough object that would break the lock. He grabbed a metal canister and figured that would do the trick.

He only had one chance at this. He had to break the lock on the first try.

He gripped the canister tight and took a large breath before using all his force and connecting it with the lock. With a loud crash, the lock busted open and he didn't waste a second, running in and finding the pillar with the rope. He turned and saw her. He could've heard his heart break then and there as she was slumped over, lifeless looking, with a bloody gash on her head.

He quickly took out his pocket knife, cutting the rope and checking for her pulse. He was relieved to feel a beat, knowing she was alive, but it was weak. Once the rope was cut he heard commotion coming from outside the room. He knew he'd been made and he had to move quickly. He grabbed her, cradling her in his arms, making sure her head rested on his chest.

As he ran out with her, he started hearing the gun shots. He cradled her head to his chest as he ran hoping the bullets would fly past the both of them. He felt a sudden sharp pain in his arm and winced but kept running. He had to get her to his car, had to get her to the hospital.

He knew whoever was shooting at him couldn't follow him out into the open. It would draw too much attention as people would hear the shots, would see them.

Once he cleared the warehouse he sprinted into the open, getting to his car as fast as he could. He quickly opened the passenger door of his car and gently placed her in, making sure to watch her head. It was a hard blow and he knew that it didn't look good. He just hoped it was nothing serious. As he closed the door, he checked his own arm where he felt a sharp pain. He looked down and let out a sigh as he realized the bullet had only grazed his arm.

He got into the car and sped off towards the nearest hospital making sure to glance over at her to make sure she was ok. He wished she would wake up.

When he arrived at the hospital, he rushed her into the Emergency yelling for help. She needed to get help, and soon. He had no idea the damage the gash on her head might have done. A nurse rushed over to him with a bed as a doctor followed behind her. Kylo placed her down gently as the doctor started asking him what happened.

"I- I don't know! She was kidnapped, I found her like this. She's got a pretty bad injury on her head!" He started shouting, following them as they rushed her towards the back surgery rooms. The nurse stopped him before he could follow her through the double doors.

"Sir, sir! You can't follow her back there! It's gonna be ok, they're going to take good care of her!" He didn't like the idea of not being there for her. Not being the first thing she saw when she woke up. If she woke up.

The nurse noticed he was bleeding and led him into a room to clean the wound and bandage him. The police came in and asked him some questions. They wanted to know if he had seen the people who shot at him. Unfortunately, Kylo really had nothing to offer. Getting her out of there safely was the only thing that mattered. Once the nurse cleared him she told him he could wait for updates in the waiting room.

He couldn't stop thinking about her, hoping that whatever was happening, that she was okay. He called Rey who was with Poe, worried. He told her what was happening and the two of them told him they'd be there soon.

Waiting felt like forever. It allowed him to process all that happened. To realize that, according to the bartender, his mother was behind all of this. Why would she go to these measures? He knew she didn't like your relationship. He knew it got in the way of her plans. But he never thought she'd go to these lengths to get rid of her from his life. For the first time in his life he was scared. For her. He wouldn't let anything else happen to her. Even if that meant stepping away from the only person that ever made sense to him, who loved him deeply, who truly understood him. It was too dangerous for her to be with him now.

He heard the nurse call out his name and he stood up immediately, curious for an update.

"You may want to sit down for this honey," she said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and following him to sit.

"What's wrong? Is she ok?" He could feel that new feeling of fear beginning to rise inside him again.

"Well sir, the gash in her head, it was a very serious injury." His eyes were burning into her as she spoke trying to anticipate the next words to come from her mouth.

"She's alive sir but, she's in a coma." Her hand reached for his as he took the news in his ears but wanted to refuse to process it through his head.

"We'll continue to keep you updated if anything changes. You'll be able to see her soon." He heard her again but was still trying to process the previous information.

He wasn't sure when the nurse left him but his mind was like a broken record. The only thing he could hear replaying in it was, "She's in a coma."

He was frozen in place, unsure how to feel. He wanted to punch a wall. He wanted to kill the bastards that did this to her. He wanted to understand why. Why his mother, of all people, would be capable of ordering something like this.

But the strongest feeling, the one deep in his gut that made it turn upside down, was guilt. Ultimately, this was all his fault. He never should've gotten this close to her. It's his fault that she's here right now. His fault that she is in a coma.

How could he ever forgive himself for this? 





well here you go loves!! Sorry, it took longer than I wanted to get this up but I really hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, I promise you I will give you a good ending! I know that sometimes it may not seem like it but trust me. Thank you all for your continued support and for loving the story as you do! It truly does mean the world to me. Thank you for the comments too they always make me smile so please keep them coming! As always if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or anything at all, my DMs are always open on twitter @adamdsolo! xo, Laur

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