It's Kill Or Be Killed...

By brainoverload

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Alyssa has a job most people dont even dream about. She's an Assassin for a firm called T.H.O. What happens w... More

It's Kill Or Be Killed...
Chapter 1 - Merry Christmas!
Chapter 2 - Hey, Pete!
Chapter 3 - The Hero!
Chapter 4 - The Next Victim...
Chapter 6 - Who's Trying To Kill Us?
Chapter 7 - Who Do You Work For?
Chapter 8 - You're Always There!
Chapter 9 - The Decision
Chapter 10 - Anyone Alive?
Chapter 11 - To The Hospital
Chapter 12 - You Again?
Chapter 13 - Getting To Know You.
Chapter 14 - Who Killed You?
Chapter 15 - Revenge!
Chapter 16 - This Means War
Chapter 17 - Can We Be Normal?
Chapter 18 - The News.
Chapter 19 - I'm Going Without You.
Chapter 20 - Des???
Chapter 21 - I'm Sorry Ally!
Chapter 22 - Meeting The Boss!
Chapter 23 - The Final Chapter

Chapter 5 - She's Young!

114 2 2
By brainoverload

So I’m sat here, Christmas Day evening, sat in a black 4X4 watching an 18 year old walk around her house through binoculars.

“This is ridiculous!” I whisper to Alex, sat next to me with a second pair of binoculars. “She’s not going to do the same things today that she is tomorrow!”

“I know… We’re just gonna have to, like, go there and do it now…” He hesitated as he spoke, knowing I was completely against it, but truth be told I didn’t want to die, so whatever. “You know the plan?” Alex re-iterated for the hundredth time.

“Yes!” I said childishly as I got out of the car and walked over to the house. I knocked on the door. I looked down at myself, dressed in blue jeans, boots and a leather jacket I tried to look as normal as possible. Jheez what’s taking so long? I knock again. A shadow appears at the door and opens it slightly, poking their head through.

“Hello?” This beautiful 18 year old said to me.

“Hey, my name is… Err… Pam. My car has broken down just outside your house, would it be alright if we used the phone?” I said, feeling so nervous as I pictured me just shooting her in the head right here. No, now’s not the time…

“Well, my parents are upstairs asleep, so I don’t know if I should…” she hesitated. “I’ll go and ask them…”

“No it’s ok! Don’t worry about it! I c-can…” Oh God I hope this works. I think of the worst things I can and begin to feel sick. I turn round and as I do, I stick my finger down my throat making me throw up on the steps. “Oh God, I’m so sorry!” Alex shuts off the engine, jumps out, locks the car and runs over to me, pretending to be my boyfriend.

“Oh God, Pam are you ok?” He put his arm round me and I made myself sick again. “God, something’s wrong! What do I do?” He looked over at the 18 year old who still had her head poking out the door. “It’s not working!” he whispered in my ear, “Plan B!” I nod and prepare myself. “Hey girl, do you know the nearest hospital or something?” He said, letting go of me and walking up to the door as she spoke.

“Oh yeah it’s only a couple miles from here!” She smiled.

“You hear that Pam? A couple miles!” That was my cue. I turned my head and smiled, but as I too another step down I pretended to faint and fell down the rest of the stairs. It hurt like hell. Oh the perks of the job! “Shit!” He shouted and ran down to me. “Help me please?” He pleaded with this girl, who immediately unlocked the door and ran down to help pick me up. In my head I begged her not to come out of the house, but she did. They picked me up and he asked the girl to open the back door of the car to get me in, but as soon as she opened it, he pushed her in and slammed the door. The back doors had child-locks activated so she couldn’t open the door. We ran into the front seats and Alex drove off as quickly as we could have done. Arriving at a dead-end alley, Alex turned round and spoke to her.

“Believe me, I didn’t want to do this. I’m so sorry!” He never apologised. He obviously felt the same way I did but didn’t want to seem weak in front of Des.

“W-What do you mean?” she stuttered, shaking in the chair. She looked around the back of the car, noticing the entire back half was covered in plastic sheets (to make it easy to clean up people killed in the car, obviously!)

“Don’t be scared…” I say, feeling so much sympathy for her. Alex pulls out and cocks his handgun.

“Oh My God!” She squeals with tears running down her face. “Please don’t kill me! I’ll do anything! I’m sorry, whatever I did I’m sorry!” She said as she cried.

“You didn’t do anything!” I said.

“WILL YOU SHUT UP!” Alex says pointing the gun straight to my forehead. “Just shut up!” I freeze. So this is how she must feel! How could Alex be turning on me? We’re both on the same job here! The girl dashes for the door but its locked.

“Please, just let me go! I’ll do anything!” She cries. “Please?” Alex turns round and aims the gun at her, slowly his finger moves, squeezing the trigger. I shut my eyes. I hear a thump and open them suddenly. This girl has kicked Alex’s chair hard enough to put him off, dropping the gun. As he and I fumble around and pick it up, the girl reaches next to him and unlocks the door, opening it and running off. Alex calmly gets out the car, breathes in and out slowly and pulls the trigger. Through the plastic I see a figure fall onto the floor. He walks over to it and wearing gloves, he rummages in the bullet wound, pulling out the bullet and walking back to the car. As he gets in, a shot is heard and Alex falls forward. I grab my gun and cock it. Looking out the back I see a group of guys with guns. They shoot through the back window but I duck down. I open the passenger door and fall backwards out of the car. I lay on the floor and aim at the first in the group’s ankles. BANG. A yelp is heard and he falls to the floor, as he does, I aim another shot into his head. BANG. One down, four to go. Bullets are hammering into the car like no tomorrow, and I know I’m not going to have another clear shot. Where the fuck was Alex? He wasn’t lying on the floor anymore! He can’t have been, otherwise he’d be dead! I stand up and taking the hugest breath in I think I ever had, I ran at them, aiming at each one of their heads. BANG BANG BANG. Two down. Three. Four. BANG. I fall back, yelping in pain.

“ASSHOLE!” I scream as a pain rockets through my whole body. The guy walks right up to me and stand over me, laughing.

“Not so good now are you?” He smirks as he holds his gun out towards my head. I knew this time wasting would only cost him his life. Any second now, Alex was gonna shoot him. Right? I hope so! “Any last words?” His smirk grew to one that made him seem so sure of himself.

“Yeah!” I said, trying to postpone me dying. “How comes you’re so sure you’re gonna kill me?” he laughed out loud and knelt down next to me, holding the gun to my temple.

“Cos I’m better than you!” He said and pulled the trigger, but it simply clicked. He’d run out of bullets! Not wanting to waste any more time, I punched him in the face, causing him to stumble back onto the car and I shoot him in the heart, but as my bullet hits him, another hits him in the head. Unlucky guy… I look up and Alex is there, holding out a bloodied hand. I move it away and get myself up.

“Nice shot!” He smiled.

“Where the fuck were you? He pulled the trigger! I could have died!” I shout at him, pushing him into the car.

“Sorry! I had people to deal with!”

“Who? You got shot. I shot four of them, and the fifth one would have killed me!”

“I was clearing up our hit!” He said, as if that was the sensible answer.

“Oh, well sorry!! Sorry that we’ve been shot and are now bleeding our DNA all over this fucking alleyway cos you hadn’t got rid of the body at that time!” I say, sarcasm flooding out of my mouth. Suddenly, I felt a blow to the side of my face and I’m thrown off balance and onto the floor. Alex had hit me in the face? Oh… it’s on! I move my leg and sweep his so he falls on the floor too, where I kick him in the chest.

“Oww! Bitch!” he shouts at me and he clambers over to hold me down.

“You started it!” I shout back. We continue fighting, well trying to; being taught by the same guy makes it hard to actually begin to fight anyone who knows it! However, with one kick to the face, Alex is knocked out. I open the back door and throw him into the back, slamming the door, running into the driver’s seat and setting the satnav to the last address. Now I’m going home to enjoy Christmas with that massive tree Pete decorated! I need a break!

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