Secret | Jinkook ✔️

由 halekook

510K 38.3K 11.2K

As if being an outcast wasn't enough of a struggle for Kim Seokjin, his life becomes harder to navigate when... 更多

Fifty Four: Epilogue


7.5K 628 215
由 halekook

Jungkook was surprised when he woke up, and Seokjin wasn't in bed next to him as typically in the morning he would be the first to wake and then Jin. It was their routine where he bathed Sunghee, made her food, and then woke Jin to get ready for his day, depending on what day it was and if he had an early morning class.

Now, hearing the showering running and Seokjin humming while taking a shower was far from the norm of what he was used to in the mornings. Trying not to dwell on it, as he figured maybe after the night they had Jin wanted to shower, he gets out of bed and goes to get Sunghee, who he was sure was already awake in her crib staring up at the ceiling while chewing on her blanket.

However, what he expected to see was not what he saw; when he got into Sunghee's room, she was not in her crib or her room. Frowning, he left the room and was about to go back to his room to ask Jin where she was when he heard her little laughter coming from their living room downstairs. Another morning surprise for him, it appears Jin had even taken care of Sunghee before he woke up. Going downstairs, he goes to the living room to see Sunghee sitting in her playpen while watching some cartoon on the t.v.

"There you are!" Jungkook said as he appeared in front of her, frightening her slightly, but her eyes widened, and she cheerfully smiled when she saw her dad. Reaching her hands forward for Jungkook to pick her up, he picked her up and rested her by his side while giving her kisses on the cheek. "Appa dressed you up; where are you going?"

As expected, there was no response from Sunghee; she only looked at him and smiled while pointing to the t.v. "Let's go talk to Appa; then we will come back and watch t.v., you smell nice. Appa took care of our baby."

Sunghee placed her fingers in her mouth and began chewing on them while drooling as Jungkook walked with her up the stairs and to his room where Jin was sitting on the bed in his toweling lotioning himself.

"You are up early."

Jin glanced at Jungkook and nod, "yeah, I have to go to school today, I have an exam, and the professor is not allowing us to do it online, as there is a lab component to it, so I got my mom to watch Sunghee for a couple of hours while I go in."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me before?" Jungkook asks as he walks over to their bed, placing Sunghee next to Jin, and takes the lotion bottle from Jin's hand. Bending, he squeezed some into the palm of his hand and began helping Jin by lotioning his legs, which he knew was hard for Jin to do in his current state.

Jin relaxed and let Jungkook finish lotioning him up, "thank you, and last night after you came home, we didn't get to talk much, so it slipped my mind."

A smirk forms on Jungkook's lips, and he lowers his head, "sorry."

"It's okay, and I had a good night. I needed that."

Jungkook got up from the floor and stared at Jin, leaning forward he kissed Jin's lips, "we both needed that." Pulling at Jin's towel, he leans in closer, making Jin fall back onto the bed as Sunghee sat there looking at the two of them. "if she weren't here, I would show you how much I want you right now." Taking Jin's hand, Jungkook rubbed it against his hard member, "you always have this effect on me."

Jin shakes his head and pulls his hand away, "I have to get ready." He whispers and sits back up with Jungkook's help. "Also, do you mind dropping me there before you go to work? I don't want to ask my mom, and I don't think I can drive myself today, my ankles-"

"Don't worry about it; I will take you."


After pulling up the university parking lot, Jungkook gets out of the car with a bag in his hand and goes to Jin's side, opening the door and helping him out.

"Here, it's not much, but I added some fruits and snacks for you to snack on while you are here. For lunch, you can probably get something from their cafeteria; I know you will do great on your exam." He hands Jin the bag and leans forward, kissing his lips, and then he bends down and kisses his stomach, "Be good to your Appa today, all of you."

Jin blushed as people around them looked their way and smiled while gushing at how cute Jungkook's actions were. Slapping Jungkook on the shoulder, he told him to get up, "you are causing a scene; stand up."

"Look at you being shy. Is it wrong for your husband to make you feel loved outside in public?"

"Why are you like this?"

"Because I love you, and it feels good to take you to school before I head to work."

Jin smiled, and he shakes his head, "I love you too, now go to work before you are late, and thank you for preparing this for me."

"I love you more, and call me when you are ready to go home; I can take my lunch break and drop you back home-"

"It's fine, I can take a cab...fine, I will call you," Jin said, changing his mind after seeing the look Jungkook was giving him.

Smiling, Jungkook places a kiss on Jin's lips, "great, now go on, have a good day, and call me if anything, love you."

"Love you too," Jin responded as he walked towards the school; it felt weird being there, but knowing Jimin would be with him throughout the day made him feel a lot better.

Resting his hand on his stomach, he sighs, "it needs to be three weeks already; I am so ready not to have yall crowding around in there."


"That exam was so hard!" Jimin groaned and bit into his sandwich.

Jin stared at him, confused, "it was?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "of course, for you, it was easy, I swear I would do anything to have your brains."

"No, you don't, I might be smart when it comes to school, but have you seen how much I lack when it comes to other things? You are fine with your brain; trust me, you don't want this brain of mine. Soon it will all become smush. I can already see these kids draining me of everything I have. Besides, I am home all day. I am either playing with Sunghee, studying, or reading to the babies; it is not much for me to do. At night, Jungkook and I binge watch t.v. shows, while he massages my ankles because it's like I am carrying the pregnancy in my legs, they are so sore, along with my back, I can't wait not to be pregnant."

Jimin pouts slightly while listening to Jin, he didn't know what it was to be pregnant, but he could tell it was not fun and probably painful. "You lack nothing, not in my eyes anyway, you are so smart, I know after all of this you are going to be the best nurse, or maybe even doctor, who knows with your brain you can be anything. You are going birth control after this, right?"

Jin nods, "of course I am, gosh, if I get pregnant again, might as well just end my life, I can't, not for a very long time. Five kids are enough-"

"Seokjin, I didn't expect to see you here. Jimin, good to see you." Taehyung said, interrupting Jin as he takes a seat next to him.

"Hey, Tae." Jimin gave a smile and returned to eating his sandwich.

Jin turned to look at Taehyung, who he hardly had much of a relationship with, but knew him through Jungkook as well as his history of accommodating Jungkook and Yoongi to bully him. "I had an exam, didn't know you would go here too."

"Oh, I see, and yeah, I go here, studying pre-med."

"Cool," Jin responded and began picking at his food.

Hearing Jimin phone ping, Jin glanced at him, "is it Yoongi?"

"Yeah, he is on his way; maybe you should call Jungkook now. I don't want to leave you here by yourself, or you can ride with us?"

"Nonsense, I can take Jin home; I mean, if you want, it's on my way home," Taehyung said with a smile causing Jin and Jimin to stare at each other.

After thinking for a while, Jin hummed, "if it's not putting you out of your way, then sure. Let me call Jungkook first as he was expecting to pick me up."

Leaving the table with Jimin and Taehyung, Jin goes to call Jungkook.

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Oh no, so Taehyung is here, and he offered to take me home; I figured since he is going close to our house, it would be fine, what do you think?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Jungkook spoke up. "if you are fine with it, then okay, just let me know when you get home."

"I will. Love you." Jin hung up before Jungkook could respond.


"So, how was your exam?" Taehyung asked while he drove Jin home to break the silence in the car.

Jin glanced at him, "it was easy, nothing for me to worry about. How is it in pre-med?"

"Oh, I forgot, you were always the head of our classes, no matter how I tried, I only came in third behind you and Jimin. Only once I got second place, yet couldn't get past you. As for me, pre-med is going fine, nothing too hard as of yet."

Jin chuckled, he remembers seeing the bulletin boards when they would post their rankings, he never had to worry about anyone passing him, and he never even knew Taehyung had been trying. "I didn't know you wanted to be first, sorry. I guess Jimin and I were too busy competing against each other, even though I won every time."

"Yeah, you made it a challenge, but seeing you at number one, kept motivating me to work harder, found myself even studying at a party one for Mr. Lee's math test."


"I kid you not; I remember I got a ninety-nine too and thought I got the highest, only to find out you got a hundred. Imagine how annoyed I was then."

Jin burst out laughing, "oh my gosh, are you serious?"

"Very serious. I know we weren't the closest in high school, but secretly I did compete with you a lot; you made those days fun for me, even though I am sure I cause the opposite for you-"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine-"

"No, it's not. I want to apologize, too; we shouldn't have been so mean to you and Jimin back then. I know you and Jungkook worked it out, and so did Jimin and Yoongi, but I don't think I ever got to apologize to you, I did to Jimin, but not you, so I want to say I am sorry. I hope you don't hold it against me, and we can be friends." Taehyung said sincerely as he pulled into Jin and Jungkook's driveway.

Jin smiled at him and nodded, "thank you for apologizing, I accept it."

"Friends?" Taehyung holds his hand, and Jin takes it and shakes it, "friends." he responds with a smile.

Returning Jin's smile, Taehyung gets out of the car and goes to Jin's side, opening the door for him and helping him out. "You know I have never seen someone glow as beautiful as you do while being pregnant. I mean, I know you were always attractive, but even while being pregnant, you still are."

A blush crept up on Jin's cheek, and he turned his head, "you are being too kind, but thank you."

"I mean it. Jungkook is a lucky man."

Jin couldn't help but smile and reach for his bag in Taehyung's car. "Thank you for the ride home."

"Anytime, whenever you need to go by the school or come home, if Jungkook is not available, let me know. I don't mind taking you to and from. My days are just filled with school and volunteering at my father's practice."

"I will; thank you again, Taehyung; it was nice seeing you." Jin gave a wave to Taehyung as he walked to the entrance of his home. Taehyung smiled and gave him a wave back.


Jin sat between Jungkook's legs, leaning his head onto his chest while eating a bowl of ice cream as they watched t.v. together.

"Where is your ring?" Jungkook asked as he noticed Jin's wedding finger without his ring.

"Oh, I took it off early."

Jungkook frowned, "why?"

"It's squeezing my finger. Have you not seen how chubby they got? I felt like I was going to lose my finger if I kept it on. Don't worry; I will put it back on once I have the babies and lose this extra weight."

"Let's measure your ring size; we can get a temporary one for you to wear until then. I don't like seeing you without your wedding ring. How was the ride home with Taehyung today?"

"Sure, let's do that, and it was fine; he was nice, he dropped me home and left."

"Oh, okay, that's good."

Later that night, as Jin and Jungkook laid in bed, Jungkook asleep, Jin was on his phone swiping through his Instagram feed. While scrolling through, he saw a notification of Taehyung requesting to be his friend, which he accepts without a thought. Going to Taehyung's profile, he clicked the follow button and then began scrolling through his pictures, seeing a picture he had just posted, Jin smiled and liked it.

Shortly after, a message came through on his phone, "you are awake?"


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