More Than Fine. (Complete)

By Designschool

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Sometimes we hold ourselves back. We tell ourselves we're fine, when the reality is we're just barely gettin... More

Copyright & Inspiration
1- MTF Excuse Me
2- MTF Fate
4- MTF Misunderstanding
5- MTF Feng Shui
6- MTF Confirmed Bachelor
7- MTF Itty Bitty String Bikini
8- MTF The List
9- MTF Taking My Own Advice
10- MTF Clean heart
11- MTF Shhhhipp has Sssailed
12- MTF Ladies Room
13- MTF Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
14- MTF Ember
15- One of a Kind
16- MTF Fab Hair
17- MTF Chrome Fender
18- MTF Rain on the Parade
19- MTF Rescue the Fair Maiden
20- She Wasn't Norman Rockwell
21-MTF The Way to a Man's Heart
22- MTF Shame
23- MTF More than Enough
24- MTF An Extra in the Movie Grease
25- MTF Kind of like Pharisees
26- MTF The Inquisition
27- MTF Reason for the Season
28- MTF Joy to the World
29- MTF Pink Tulle
30- MTF Maybe Fine is Good Enough
31- MTF Riding a Bike
32- MTF Lovesong
33- MTF Doubting
34- MTF Bribery will get you Everywhere
35- MTF Snow Covered Mountains
36- MTF I'm your Man
37- MTF Conversation Hearts
38- MTF Proof
39- MTF Take the Bait
40- MTF The Acting Bug
41- MTF FBI Decision
42- MTF Everything with You
43- MTF A Dream
44- MTF Aztec Spice
45- MTF Revelation
46- MTF Distraught
47- MTF Space
48- MTF Expiación
49- MTF Bare Your Soul
50- MTF Renewed Hope
51- MTF Christmas Memories
52- MTF Released
53- MTF Celebration
54- MTF Champion
55- MTF Beauty from Ashes
Get a free ebook copy of my next book

3- MTF Shocked

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By Designschool

Copyright © designschool 2021

All Rights Reserved

    The air around Gia seemed to shift, causing her to look up. Mr. Bellanti, that is who Nick had become to her... just another suit in the building, breezed past. His eyes were locked on her, with the same brooding look that he had every time he was near her for the week and a half she had been working there. One would think Gia would be accustomed to it, but each time she saw him look at her that way, it hurt like she was being rejected by a long lost friend. She refused to show weakness, and glared back at him. That had become her defense. Once he passed, she shut her eyes, trying to calm herself.

     A few deep breaths, and she was able to continue her work. And there was plenty of it. Since her second week had begun, she had been slammed with more work than she could do each day, and hoped this was the exception rather than the rule.

     "What was that?" Allison whispered, once Mr. Bellanti was out of earshot.

     "What do you mean?"

     "I mean that look between you and Mr. Bellanti."

     "I don't know." Gia shrugged and continued typing on her keyboard.

     "Don't play dumb with me. You two have stare downs every time he passes. And since you've been here I honestly think he's been walking this way more than he ever did before."

     Gia stopped and looked at Allison, wondering if she should tell her about how they met. Over the past week and a half, she and Allison had spent a lot of time together. Even meeting up with Steven, a friend of his, and Evie to go dancing. Her eyes scanned the room, and once she saw that everyone seemed thoroughly occupied she began to tell Allison about their first meeting.

     Allison grinned. "I bet he wants to date you but doesn't know how to start. You know, he's never dated anyone from work. I've seen him out with other women at work events and at nearby restaurants, but I hear he has a personal thing against work relationships. I know for a fact there are several women he seemed to enjoy spending time with, who work here, that he flat out said that to."

     "Wait. So dating coworkers is allowed here?"

     The corner of Allison's mouth went up. "Yep. You just have to file something with H.R..  They like to know, just to make sure it can't be used against anyone." Her eyes wandered to Steven, who had just returned to his desk.

     Gia's brows shot up. "Are you two...?" She mouthed while motioning between Allison and Steven.

     Something flickered in Allison's eyes and she smiled then leaned forward to whisper, "We're going down there today."

     Steven seemed to sense what was being discussed and winked at Allison.

     "But back to you. What do you think about Mr. Bellanti? Maybe he's just trying to work up his nerve. Although with all he has going for him, I'm not sure why. I mean, he's got it all: looks, money, brains." Allison fanned herself, and Steven rolled his eyes. At least he was good natured about his girlfriend talking up other guys. "There may be a bit of an age difference, though, if that bothers you."

     "Like what? I'm 22."

     "I believe he's 31. So... nine years." Allison shrugged.

     Gia's eyes went wide. "I thought he was more like 25, and was amazed that he had been promoted to his position for someone so young. Wow. Thirty-one."

     "Oh, he's a genius when it comes to math and finance all right, and he's risen quickly since he got here. In fact, I think he started as an intern like you. So... does his age bother you."

     " really don't think he's looking at me that way." The truth was, she wished that was the way he was looking at her, and though his age caught her off guard, if he pursued her, she would most likely get past that. She hoped. And maybe... maybe he would be the one who could help her overcome her past, her fears. What was she doing? She shouldn't even let herself think that way.

     "Well... I think there's something there. And he's sooo gorgeous. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about the age difference." Allison winked, and received another eye roll from Steven.

     "Right. It probably doesn't matter anyway. I've got so much work I'll never have free time again. I really need to get busy, I honestly don't think I'll have time for lunch, and if I'm lucky I might get out of here by 9. It was 10 last night."

     "That's awful and not right! Mr. Nakamura is taking advantage of you. You've missed lunch every day so far this week. But hey, Steven and I will pick up something for you."


A week and a half later:

     "Just text me when you're ready, and we'll head over from the bar to pick you up. If it's not too late when you're finished, we can go to that club we tried out our first weekend," Evie's voice came through the phone and comforted Gia in the empty office.

     "We'll see. The way it's looking right now, I'll be another three hours... or more," Gia grumbled. Just as she glanced at her watch and saw that it was already eight, the elevator dinged. Gia looked up to see Mr. Bellanti exit. "Um, Evie," She lowered her voice, "I better let you go. Mr. Bellanti just came in, and I don't want him to think I'm here goofing off. I'll text you when I'm finishing up."

     "Got it. Hang in there. Try not to scowl back at him." Evie chuckled softly, then disconnected.

     Gia held her breath, hoping for the best, and turned her head to see that Mr. Bellanti was now standing right next to her. Great, he's mad and thinks I'm wasting time. She swallowed and tried to smile. "Mr. Bellanti."

     "Miss Hoffman." His arms were crossed as he stared her down with one eyebrow raised. "What are you doing here on a Friday night? You should complete your work during office hours."

     Heat rose to Gia's face. "I... it's just... the past couple of weeks have been so busy. I promise I work hard during the day. I've not even had time for lunch most days. Ask Allison and Steven. They've seen how busy I've been. They've even had to bring me food."

     Mr. Bellanti's face softened. "Well, don't make a habit of it. It's not safe for you to be here alone, much less traveling by yourself at night. I just happened to come back from a late dinner meeting to grab something I left, or I wouldn't have been here to take you home."

     Gia furrowed her brow. "Don't worry about me. I really want to finish this so I don't have to come back this weekend. I've made the trip home late at night by myself quite a few times now. So, no worries." The truth was, every time she left late she was a nervous wreck. She carried pepper spray and a taser in her oversized bag, and on her way home, she always had her hand on the pepper spray in her pocket, armed and ready.

     A look of concern washed over Mr. Bellanti's face and his voice eased. "You've only been here for three weeks. What do you mean 'you've made the trip home late at night by yourself quite a few times'? You've been staying late to get your work done?"

     His change in demeanor caught Gia off guard and she slowly nodded. Without responding, Mr. Bellanti turned and walked away, leaving her with a sinking feeling. She turned back to her computer and began working, but was surprised again when he rolled Allison's chair up next to hers.

     "What are you doing?"

     "I'm helping you finish this at a reasonable hour."

     Feeling shocked, Gia nodded and began shuffling papers around, trying to give her mouth time to catch up with her brain. "Okay then." Gia proceeded to explain the presentation that she was trying to put together, and the research that still needed to be done on several tech companies.

     In no time, Mr. Bellanti was up to speed and showing her shortcuts to get the information she needed. It made her wonder why Mr. Nakamura had even bothered to mentor her, if he wasn't willing to teach her these kinds of things. It was beginning to seem like he just wanted someone to do his grunt work, not someone he could teach. Because of that, Gia was dreading the thought of working for him the rest of the year. She glanced at Mr. Bellanti. He was showing incredible patience with her, which left Gia stunned considering his attitude towards her for the past three weeks.

     They sat there in silence typing away until her stomach growled. "Gi-... I mean Miss Hoffman, I apologize for not even asking if you'd eaten. If you want, I can order something to be delivered."

     Her eyes flew wide, not expecting such thoughtfulness. "I ate a sandwich earlier; one I brought from home. I guess it just didn't last. Don't worry though, we're nearly done. Surely I can make it."

     Mr. Bellanti quirked his brows at her. "I think I have a protein bar in my bag," he said as he reached down and dug around in the bag. "Found it." He held up a snack bar and handed it to Gia.

     She hesitantly reached for it and the corner of her mouth turned up. "Thanks." Who would have thought she would be sitting here, with Mr. Bellanti not only helping her catch up on work, but feeding her his snacks. She tried to hide the smile that threatened to break through.

     Less than an hour later, they were done. "I just can't thank you enough, Mr. Bellanti. Gia stood up, and held her hand out, unsure of what she should do.

     He awkwardly looked at her hand, but then shook it and forced a smile. "Just glad I could help. Where do you live? I'll take you home."

     "Thanks, but... friends are around the corner at a bar waiting on me to text them. They can come get me."

     "Not necessary. I'll walk you over to join them. Why don't you text them to let them know."

     Gia pressed her lips together and nodded, pulling out her phone. Again Mr. Bellanti left her speechless tonight. As they walked the couple of blocks to the bar, Gia's mind raced. If he was so kindhearted, why the big show and frosty attitude for the past three weeks? Will he revert to that at work on Monday?

     As they reached the door to the bar, Mr. Bellanti pulled it opened, then laid a hand on her back to guide her in. Gia held her breath, waiting for her fight or flight response to kick in. Instead, her heart rate remained steady, and they walked in without a problem. She looked up at him to catch him staring back, and wondered what it was about him that made her feel safe. Even after three weeks of silent treatment, she felt like she could trust him.

     "Your friends? Do you see them?"

     "Oh, right." Gia's eyes scanned the room. She had almost forgotten she was here to meet Evie and some others Evie had introduced her to from her teaching job. A hand waving at her caught her eye. It was Cameron, a guy Evie worked with, who had flirted with Gia last time the group had gotten together. Gia held back an eye roll. "They're over there." She pointed to where Cameron, Evie and the others were sitting.

     Mr. Bellanti nodded, hand still on her back, and led her to her friends.

     "Gia!" Evie stood up, and smiled at Mr. Bellanti while hugging her friend.

     "Hey." Gia suddenly felt uncomfortable. "So this is... uh... Mr. Bellanti." It seemed weird to introduce him so formally in the casual atmosphere. "He helped me finish up so I could actually have some time hanging out with you guys." She smiled up at him awkwardly.

     "Thanks for helping her out man." Cameron nudged Mr. Bellanti's arm and held out a hand. "I'm Cameron. Nice to meet you Mr. Bellanti."

     Mr. Bellanti looked uncomfortable, but shook his hand. "It was the least I could do. You can call me Nick."

     "Nick," Cameron repeated. "Join us."

     Evie looked on; eyes bouncing from Mr. Bellanti to Gia.

     "Thanks. But I've got some things requiring my attention at home." His eyes roamed the group, then landed on Gia, still next to him. "I'll see you Monday."

     Gia barely got out a "thank you," before he stepped away and moved towards the exit.

     "Well that was interesting!" Evie raised an eyebrow then leaned closer and lowered her voice. "I expect full details later."

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