Hate, actually ✔

By SedatedCourtney

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UNDER EDITING Enter the world of Sadie Torres, a 19-year-old intellectual. The girl with a hundred and one pr... More

Hate, actually
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

92 7 2
By SedatedCourtney

CP: flaws by Bastille


"Stand still," Kai mumbles as he tries to brush my thick hair.

"Hey, what if I dyed my hair gray?" I ask him.

I've been considering going back to my natural color but gray seems so daring, so... different. I've been craving different.

I have so much hair and it's pretty long, so naturally, sometimes I'm tempted to cut it so I can switch things up. The only thing that can keep me from cutting it is dyeing it another color so I can achieve the latter.

Kai raises his eyebrows. "Gray? Like old people gray?"

I laugh. "No, I mean like a pastel type of gray."

Kai is trying not to laugh. Since last year, I've been changing my hair color a lot. I'm surprised it isn't damaged at all.

"I don't know. I love your natural color but I also love the color gray. If you're feeling gray, go for it," he says.

"I'm seriously considering it. It'll be the first un-natural color I get," I muse and grab a nearby can of his hair mousse.

"I better hurry up because Leonardo will be here soon and the Lord only knows why he hates tardiness to the point he does."

Kai scoffs. "Leonardo and his forced class."

I almost defend Leonardo but I come to my senses just in time.

"I take it you don't like him?" I ask.

Kai gives me a fake, over exaggerated gasp. "Of course I like him. I mean he's just some rich, obnoxious guy who's engaged to my girlfriend."

I'm not exactly sure why Kai's comment upsets me but it does.

I roll my eyes. "Your sarcasm is not appreciated. Anyway, what do you think I should wear?"

Better to change the subject before I start an unnecessary fight, I think to myself.

A little after he'd left, Leonardo made Blade come over with a couple of my clothes from my aunt's place in the fear that I'd ruin his busy schedule for today. At first, I was annoyed at his lack of faith in me, but I gave in as usual.

My aunt must have been confused as heck at the sight of a big, random, tough, ex war veteran looking guy knocking on her door asking for her niece's clothes at such an ungodly hour. At least my newer outfits are hanging on a rack outside my closet, making them easier to locate.

Aunt Lizzy sounded so confused over the phone when she asked me what exactly she was to pack. The poor lady.

"What do you have?"

I walk back into his room, knowing he'll follow, before opening the overnight bag Blade brought.

Looking around at the messy sheets and remembering the pillow fight Kai and I had before falling asleep, I realize sleeping on the same bed as him feels completely natural. Last night was the second time since we've started dating and it's not any different than it was back in highschool.

I mean my brain did try to stir up some drama with my inner thoughts about it but only for a second or two.

If I'm being honest, dating Kai isn't any different from being his best friend and I don't feel the need to do anything with this new found realisation. Anywhere the wind blows doesn't really matter right now because I'm happy. That's all that matters, right?

I hold up two outfits that are courtesy of Gretchen, my stylist: a black dress made with silky material, that has the thinnest straps and a slit, along with some black heels to match.

The dress is on the short side and it isn't something I'd usually wear but it's the most flattering thing for my long-ish legs and I'm in love with the square neckline.

The second item of clothing is a white dress with a low neckline. The top half of it is mostly lacy and fitted and the bottom part flares out. It's also on the short side and I paired it with Dolce & Gabbana (apparently) floral cage wedged heels.

There's a black coat to go with either dresses and I can only hope I paired things nicely.

Kai regards both outfits. "The black dress is really nice."

"Black dress it is then," I declare as I head to the bathroom to change.

Leonardo arrives at eight on the dot and I'm torn about whether or not he's actually human.

I say goodbye to Kai and step outside.

Leonardo switches up his cars all the time so that he doesn't get spotted or followed, and it makes me uneasy because I'll never know whether or not he's stalking me - not that I think he would anyway, but you never know.

He gives off these detective/spy vibes.

Today Leonardo is in one of his more 'casual' cars - a Hyundai Genesis G90 - I only know the name because there was a time when Lauren went crazy over this specific car and said she'd sell her left lung for it.

"Good morning!" I greet Leonardo a little too cheerfully.

I can tell he's in a dull mood and I always do this to annoy him even further. He always ends up being amused in the end anyway.

"You're early. I'm surprised."

Does this guy hate greeting people or something?

I shrug a shoulder. "Yeah, I figured you'd go insane if I wasn't, considering you made your bodyguard travel all the way to my house past midnight just for clothes. What's his job description anyway?"

He gives me one of those 'you talk to much, Sadie' looks he likes to do often.

"Blade doesn't really have a job description, he just works for me."

I furrow my eyesbrows. "Isn't that a little unfair? Like what if you ask him to do something beyond his abilities or comfort zone?"

Leonardo glances at me briefly, looking annoyed. "Then he doesn't have to do it. I drew up a contract and his terms and conditions are in black and white."

"So he doesn't mind gallivanting the streets of New York in the early hours of the morning - his very important mission collecting some random girl's clothes at her aunt's place?"

Leonardo sighs, something he does a lot around me.

"You're not just a random girl, you're my fiancée, and Blade knows that if I ask something of him, it's because I really need it done. I'm sure he also doesn't mind the huge sum of money transfered to his bank account when I ask him to do something out of his convenience. Happy?"

I nod, smiling. "Happy. I genuinely thought you abused your staff."

He shakes his head, half amused. "That's something I don't do, Sadie."

"Great. So what's up for today?"

"Well, we're meeting up with Micheal then we'll do lunch or something."

Micheal has been a big help with all the wedding prep. I used to think that wedding planners were useless until I met him.

I frown in confusion. "Lunch?"

"We need to be seen together more often."

I nod. "Yeah, makes sense."

He turns the volume of the radio up. "How's Mom?"

Leonardo and my mom get on like a house on fire. She even told him not to call her Ms Torres, but rather 'Mom' and he's grown accustomed to calling her that, even when we're alone.

I guess my mom loves the idea that Leonardo seems to make me happy, and he likes the idea of being praised, especially by someone who isn't impressed too easily. Besides the latter, though, I have a feeling he genuinely cares - which is why I can at least consider him a friend.

I smile. "She's looking much better, although I'm not entirely sure if it's because of the gene therapy."

He simply nods, seeming to be lost in his thoughts.

I pull him out of his reverie with something I've been wondering for a while.

"Isn't Micheal confused about us consulting him even before you proposed?"

"Yeah, but I spoke with him. I made him think that this is what it's like to be a public figure behind the scenes - that we had our own private proposal before we staged one for the public - then I made him sign an NDA."

I nod. "You're smart, like really smart. I'd have never thought of that."

I mean credit where credit is due.

"Yeah, well I've been in situations like these one too many times."

"Does any one else know that we're getting fake married?"

"My house staff. They've all known me since I was in diapers because they used to work for my parents, and the chef is the house help's son - so naturally, I trust them. They still signed NDA's nevertheless."

I simply nod my head. We fall into comfortable silence, driving along Eastside Boulevard all the way to his penthouse.

We go up the elevator, into his place and I'm awed into silence.

The place is overwhelmingly big and... so luxurious.

Lemongrass and the scent of Leonardo immediately envelopes my senses.

The crystal chandelier above is emitting a beautiful light that's somewhat calming my nerves. Everything looks super expensive and I'm afraid to move in case I break something.

I can see my reflection very clearly in the marble floors.

"Wow," I say, looking around.

Leonardo sets his briefcase down on the glass table. "House tour? Micheal will only be here in about ten."

I nod. "For sure."

He faces me with his usual passive expression.

"Figured I might as well show you around already, but we'll only cover the parts of the house we actually use," he gestures to some of his uniformed staff that are making their way over. "You can explore the rest when you move in."

"Good afternoon, sir," a sixty something Asian man with a British accent greets Leonardo, before turning to me. "You must be the lovely Ms Torres. Mr Romano mentioned you were coming today."

The man doesn't have a single trace of a smile on his face but rather in his eyes. It suggests sincerity, which makes me smile involuntarily.

Leonardo nods in greeting. "Sadie this is James, the Butler, whom I could trust with my life. He and Pedro have practically co-parented me for the past couple of years."

And so it went. Leonardo introduced me to Ceasario, the chef (a young, tall, olive skinned guy who could have easily played professional basketball), Myrtle, the house help (a fifty something motherly woman who's really funny) Gertrude, the gardener (a forty something burly guy with a hearty laugh).

When they all leave, Leonardo asks me, "Do you want to see your room first?"

My eyes widen. "I have a room here?"

He looks at me like my IQ is in the minuses. "Yes."

I nearly forgot that I'm going to be legally married to the insanely rich and attractive guy standing in front of me.

I nod slowly. "Yeah, I'd love to see it."

As I timidly follow him, I can't help but stop briefly to stare at the beautiful aquarium that makes up the hallway.

Exotic fish swim at every angle, and before seeing the rest of the premises, I decide that this has got to be my favorite place in the penthouse.

I reluctantly leave the hallway and follow Leonardo. Behind about 12 feet tall, heavy oak double doors is a vast room.

A huge canopy bed with white fabric draped across the posts sits on a thick, cream colored carpet that you sink into as soon as you walk onto it.

Behind cream colored silk curtains are wrap around floor to ceiling windows that take up what was supposed to be a wall. The curtains are pushed to the side and I have a perfect view of the skyline.

The rest of the room has gray walls.


"Gray is my favourite color," I say, my voice sounding shaken. I'm absolutely awestruck.

"I know," Leonardo says.

"You know?"

He nods. "You told me. The day we first met up with Micheal."

I cast my mind back to that day and I do remember Leonardo randomly asking me what my favorite color was.

So this is what that was about.

Before I can say anything, Leonardo ushers me to a door that leads into an ensuite bathroom.

When I walk into the latter, I'm even more overwhelmed, if possible. It's as if I've walked into one of those luxury magazines I used to read after work on aunt Lizzy's second hand couch.

The too-big-to-be-a-bathroom is all marble with an expansive spa shower that boasts a rainfall shower head. There's a deep soak in tub that looks way too big for little old me. I'd probably drown if I filled it up.

"Woah," I gush.

There's a dual marble vanity with lights on the mirrors and a big 'S' on the wall on top of them.

When I was a kid, my dream room was way smaller and way less cooler than this one.

I walk back into the room and notice that - as I've seen in most of the penthouse - there are also original art pieces hung up on the walls.

I sit on the bed - and as if I haven't been impressed enough - the down comforter is so thick that I practically disappear into it and I suddenly don't feel like going home.

Leonardo almost looks uncertain. "So do you like it?"

I shake my head in amazement. "Leonardo... I don't belong here."

My voice comes out as a whisper. This place makes me feel so small.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What do you mean? I had this conference room renovated specifically for you."

I manage a dry laugh. "Have you seen my aunt's house? I feel like a bull in a china shop."

Leonardo sits down next to me and sighs. "There's no need to limit yourself because of where you come from. Don't tell me you've haven't heard even one rags to riches story," he tries to joke.

"It'd be different if I worked for all of this, Leonardo. I don't know - it just feels wrong. Like I'm an escort or something... I mean I'm not morally opposed to them, but that's just not me and-"

And that's when Leonardo bursts into laughter. Yeah that's right - the passive, no-nonsense businessman can laugh. And his laugh sounds celestial, I kid you not.

All I can do is stare at his beauty, but then I quickly come back to my senses and narrow my eyes at him.

What the heck is he laughing at?

He smiles sheepishly and I almost squeal at how precious he looks when he smiles. But no, I don't let my face give away any such thing.

"What's so funny?" I ask feigning annoyance.

"You're kind of cute when you're talking a bunch of crap."

I roll my eyes at him, but inside I'm feeling a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I ignore them.

Leonardo cards a hand through his hair and leans back on his elbows onto the bed, sighing.

"Look, Sadie. I'm not going to tolerate you feeling inferior around here. Even if we're not in love or whatever, you're going to be legally married to me and that makes you my wife. That alone is enough reason for me to treat you like a queen because that's how I was raised, and you're just going to have to accept that for the next year and a bit."

I'm stunned to silence. All I can do is nod timidly. I hate how I lose half of my confidence around this guy.

"You can move in tomorrow if you'd like. It'd be so much easier to prep for things that way."

My eyes widen. "Tomorrow?"

"Yes, tomorrow."

He's not asking me, he's telling me and the simple fact almost drives me to disagree because of my stubborn nature but I can't find any reasons to say 'no', I don't want to argue and I might as well get used to his controlling behavior if we're going to get along.

I sigh. "Okay."

"You sure?"

I nod. "Yeah, I mean I'm kind of burdening my aunt and her finace right now anyway."

There's silence as Leonardo processes what I've just let slip accidentally. I almost regret saying it, but then I don't only because it's my reality.

His eyes soften and it almost seems as if he's deep in thought. He reaches out to hold my hand and I'm surprised. Beyond surprised, even.

He doesn't voice out any thoughts - he just holds my hand, and it's somehow better than anything that could've been said to me in this moment.


"So your dress and shoes will be here on Monday morning. You have to call me as soon as they arrive so I can come over for you try them on and everything," Micheal rants.

"Don't touch them before I arrive. I know you're prone to being clumsy and we don't have time wait for another one of the same dress to be in stock again - and shipping can take time on its own. Let's not even get started on altering."

I try not to laugh.

"Alright, alright. I won't even touch my face until after the wedding," I joke.

Michael shakes his head and tsks at me. "I might just have to make sure of that, too."

I snort unattractively. "I'm not entirely self destructive."

Leonardo, who is currently not even paying attention to the meeting, looks up from his MacBook.

"I beg to differ. At my aunt and uncle's anniversary last week, I'm pretty sure I heard you telling my seven year old cousin about how you're planning to get stuck in any quicksand you can find just so you can follow Google's instructions on how to get out of it," Leonardo says with a defeated look.

At this, Michael is in hysterics. He is thoroughly enjoying this moment in which my sanity is being questioned.

I hide my smile and try to defend my honor. "I wouldn't call that self destructive per se. Try maybe...adventurous."

"Whatever," Micheal dismisses. "It's about time we start talking about the honeymoon. Maybe we can find a place with quicksand?"

He's finding this so funny and I mock glare at Leonardo for even bringing it up.

"I don't really care about where we have our honeymoon," I finally say. "As long as we're together."

I give Leonardo a look of mock adoration and he narrows his eyes at me when Michael isn't looking. I nearly laugh.

"How about a couple's cruise?" Micheal asks as he goes through some options on his iPad.

Leonardo looks at me. "Yeah. That would be perfect, actually."


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