Alpha and elas

By Abccosplays

2K 11 1

some short stories i wrote about my oc and another oc, some have more parts. includes aus, dnd world, smut, a... More

breakfast time
Two will give in
all mine
Practice makes perfect
Party for two
GC: man whores (+anyk)
daddy's pup (๐Ÿ”ž)
The wolf moon
the backalley
Caught redhanded
Bad day
Akkar being a cockblocker for 6 minutes straight
forgotten days pt 1
first meeting
the gang in a whore house๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
jazz traditions
by the fireplace
missed u
oblivious elas (๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž)
flying lessons
long time no love
late night drive in
down by the willow
the wish of life
a kelhana's way
the prince and the wolf
knight to remember
knight to remember: part 2
a king to rule them all
top student
double dare
blessed life
dear soon-to-be mr kelhana
surprise visit
an eventful morning
a mind of his own
liar liar
To, my king
backstory alpha dnd
(info dnd session 2022)
far far away
alpha's diary
enchanted au
enchanted pt 2
the 4th date
our heroes
nightshift pt 1
nighshift pt 2
enchanted au pt 3
park day
a helping hand
Bounty Hunter pt 1
a father's love

forgotten days pt 2

20 0 0
By Abccosplays

its been days since the incident, alpha 'stayed' at akkar, elas and anyk's place in his mind after alot of convincing. elas was having a really hard time with his boyfriend not knowing who he was. everytime he tried to touch him he dodged him. ever since alpha came back this way he turned cold and mean, very protective of himself. now akkar, who has been with him for a long time, knew this side of him all too well. this was the alpha he met, the one before elas. elas had no idea who he was and was really sad most of the days, anyk coming in his room to talk to him. anyk was handling the situation really well, respecting alpha's privacy and not talking much, even tho it did hurt her a little knowing alpha had no idea who she was. she even stood up for the other in the house if he stood on alpha's bad side, even tho alpha was scarier than usual this way, using his wolf eyes as a threat from time to time. today was no different. he walked downstairs with his black sweatpants on and no shirt, showing off the bandages around his torso. elas hated seeing alpha's bandages, it reminded him of the alpha he loves. he walked to the kitchen as he passed the living room, where akkar and anyk were cuddling.

"wait alpha!" akkar yelled from the couch. alpha rolled his eyes as he walked back to the doorway and leaned against it with his hands in his pocket.

"what do you need now clown?" alpha sighed. akkar took a deep breath before standing up and standing infront of alpha.

"ill have you know my name is akkar, and im older than you. i cant believe im introducing myself to my best friend" he said. alpha just shrugged.

"don't care, not your best friend, now what is it? the coffee machine is waiting for me" alpha said as he nodded he head at akkar. akkar getting annoyed by the attitude alpha had on him. alpha counted to five as he walked away from the conversation.

"you're so stingy" he mumbled as alpha walked away to the kitchen counter.

"you would be too if you got put in a house full of strangers" he said as he turned on the coffee machine. akkar snapped for a second as anyk walked behind him.

"WERE NOT STRANGERS, YOU ARE IN YOUR OWN HOUSE WITH YOUR BEST FRIENDS AND BOYFRIEND" akkar yelled, alarming elas upstairs too, he quickly got out of bed and quietly walked to the stairs to hear. alpha turned around as he raised an eyebrow at akkar, who gulped to see his gaze.

"ill say it one more time so your midget brain might understand. i don't know you people and i don't have a boyfriend, im forced to stay here until i heal. ill be gone before you know it" alpha said standing infront of akkar. anyk quickly stepped in and pulled akkar behind her, knowing they were dealing with a wolfshifter.

"step back wolfie, he's not worth it" anyk said as she walked backwards to pull akkar back to the couch. "hey..what do you mean not worth it.." akkar whined as he sat back down with anyk. anyk rolled her eyes.

"i just saved your ass from becoming wolf's dinner, lets not do that again..the doctor said not to." anyk said placing a peck on akkars lips.

alpha just continued making himself coffee as he took a deep breath. elas drying his tears from upstairs as he silently made his way downstairs, stopping as he saw alpha's back faced to him. he slowly walked towards him, pain in his heart as he saw the bandages. he reached out to place a hand on his bare back. he gently pressed his hand against him, making alpha look behind him slowly, not with anger in his eyes this time. elas looked up at the boy with teary eyes. alpha staring at the yellow eyes.

"what....are you doing?" alpha asked confused. elas blinked a few times as he took his hand back, a tear falling from his eyes that he quickly wiped away. that was the first time he was able to lay even a finger on alpha.

"excuse me" elas whispered as he walked away to his room, alpha's gaze following after him. he grabbed his coffee as he took a sip and stopped by the door once more.

"the little one cries alot" he said before walking upstairs to anyk's old room where he stayed. alpha shares a room with elas and eversince anyk and akkar got together, anyk moved into akkar's room.



a few hours later anyk was sitting at elas's bedside, listening to his troubles and helping him out.

"i swear something in his eyes changed anyk, what if he truly leaves like he claims before he remembers?" elas asked worried.

"oh elas, dont worry about that, i feel like you should talk to him more, no matter how hard that may be...perhaps if you do what feels right he will remember us." anyk comforts as she puts a hand on his shoulder. he just shrugged.

"won't work anyway, i don't think we'll ever get alpha back. he almost attacked akkar just today. the alpha we know is gone." he said as he layed down, tears streaming down his face.

"why don't you go talk to him right now? pretend you're just friends until he remembers?" anyk says as she wipes elas's tears away. elas shakes his head as he lays on his side. anyk rolls her eyes before easily picking elas up and throwing him over her shoulder.

"you, are going to socialize. trust me. just do what feels right" anyk said as she brought elas infront of alpha's door. she pats on his shoulder as elas sighs and knocks on the door, walking in moments after. alpha took out his earphones as he sat up, looking at the fragile boy who walked into the room. alpha sat at the edge of his bed as he waited for elas to say something.

"hey, im sorry for interrupting.." elas said with heavy heart as he sat next to alpha.

"its fine, i wasn't busy, do you need something or are you here to check on me?" alpha sighed.

"well...i-" elas started as he got cut off.

"im not dead yet, so, there we go. tell the wannabe downstairs to stop checking on me" alpha groaned as he put in one earphone again. elas sighed as he placed himself on alpha's lap. alpha leaning back on his hands to not touch elas as much. furrowing his eyebrows as elas reached for his face.

"what the fuck are you up to?!" he asks as he lets elas touch the side of his face. elas put his index finger on his own lips before he pulled alpha in for a kiss, alpha replying immediately but with a very shocked face. suddenly, something happens as he closed his eyes and held onto elas his body to make sure he didn't fall. as they pulled away elas's face grew nervous, thinking about what the doctor said and alpha's expressionless face on him. there was silence for a while as alpha's eyes filled with tears.

".....pup?" he said softly as his voice trembled. elas's face grew with shook as tears formed in his eyes. he quickly pulled alpha in for another kiss as they held eachother tight, happy to be with eachother again. elas got off his lap as he pulled him up and hugged him tightly.

"i missed you so much, i thought i lost you" elas cried. alpha held him close.

"im so sorry pup, i can't believe i forgot about you" alpha said as elas pulled away.

"do you remember akkar and anyk?" elas asked. alpha furrowed his eyebrows.

"i....dont think i know those people...." alpha sighed as elas nodded.

"its okay, ill help you" elas said as he sighed and grabbed his hands to guide him downstairs to tell the rest. alpha unbelievably confused as he looked at elas, his boyfriend and a room full of strangers.




it has been a few days since alpha got his memories with elas back, still struggling with the others, staying cold and protective of elas to them. elas telling him it's ok until one night, elas convinced alpha to watch a movie with eachother. alpha and elas snuggling next to anyk and akkar. around halfway through the movie akkar started to fall asleep with anyk in his arms, his head suddenly resting against alpha's shoulder as he dozed away. elas noticed as he looked at alpha, who was blinking and looking at akkar confused. the same way he did with him. alpha looked at elas with wide eyes as he nodded. elas smiled as he nodded akkar's way, hinting him to wake him up. alpha shrugged his shoulder as akkar shot up, looking at alpha scared.

"im so sorry i didnt mean to it was an accident! please dont murder me.." akkar blurted out as alpha laughed at his friend.

"akkar, buddy, ive been with you for years...murdering you would take a little more than sleeping on my shoulder" alpha smiled as akkar stood up from the couch, alpha following after him.

"YOU MEAN?-" akkar said as shock spread around his face. alpha nodded. akkar jumped in his arms as he hugged him tight, alpha picking him up and jumping him around (because let's face it, akkar is just a big kid.) "WELCOME BACK BRO" akkar yelled. alpha's gaze jumped on anyk as he put akkar down, hugging her tightly aswell as anyk widened her eyes.

"anyk, im so glad to be back" alpha said as he picked anyk off the couch. who quickly hugged him back with excitement in her eyes. the house all emotional with alpha returning. elas stood infront of alpha as he pressed himself against him with a smile, alpha wrapping his arms around him as he kissed his lips. 

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