Two Minds one Body...

By SilverFang240

574K 20.2K 11.8K

How does someone who is quirkless and quiet, become so strong and violent? It's almost like there's someone e... More

1: Kaibutsu, Rin: Origin
2: Begin Training
3: Bakuhoe's Mad
4: Wear it for Them
5: Just do Your Best
6: Encounter With the Unkown
7: Game over
8: Unleashing Venom
9: That's The Idea
10: Training with the Trio
11: In Their own Quirky ways
12: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
13: Cavalry Battle Finally
14: Are You All Might's Secret Love Child
15: Victory or Defeat
16: Battle On, Challengers
17: Bakugo vs. Uraraka
18: Kaibutsu vs. Todoroki
19: Kaibutsu vs. Bakugo
20: Lets Pick Some Names
21: Stain
{Halloween Special 1}
{Halloween Special 2}
{Halloween Special 3}
{Halloween Special 4}
{Halloween Special 5}
My Mom Got A Text From A Dead Person!?!
22: Aftermath
✨🎊🎁 Birthday πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰βœ¨
23: A Tale From The Past
24: Making Some Friends
25: Final Exams
26: Venom VS Carnage
27: A Trip to The Mall
28: Save The World With Love
{Movie Chapter 1}
{Movie Chapter 2}
{Movie Chapter 3}
{Movie Chapter 4}
{Movie Chapter 5}
29: Wild Wild Pussycats
🎢30: Koda🎢
{Merry Christler}
31: My Mother-Sense is Tingling
32:Guess Who's Back!
33: Roaring Upheaval
34: What a Twist
35: From Iida to Midoriya
36: Rescue
37: Symbol of Peace
39: Promises Have Been Made
{Valentine's Special}
1/5 Author note's
40: Moving Into Dorms
41: Room Designs
42: Create Those Ultimate Moves
43: Ultimate Move...Or Not
{St. Patrick's Day Special}
44: The Test
45: Who Is This Guy
46: What is This a Horror Movie
47: Finishing Group
48: You Want Me To WHAT!?!
49: Rescue Exercises
50: What's The Big Idea?
2/5 Author note's
3/5 Author note's
51: The Truth
52: Deku vs Kcchan part1
53: Deku vs Kacchan part 2
54: A Season of Encounters
Rin X (Y/n) Headcannons 😈
55: Primitive Instincts
{4th of Jully Special}
56: The Big Three
57: A Dark Past
58: The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A
59: What Happened Then And There
60: Overhaul
🎢61: Girl Meets...🎢
62: Run
63: So Close Yet so Far
{One Year Special}
64: Fighting Fate
65: How do you Make Tea?
Halloween Special 2.0
66: Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot
67: Who's The Man on The Inside...or Woman
68: A Sence of Hope
69: Stay Alive
70: GO!!!
71: Everyone Has Something
72: Suneater of the Big Three
73: Red Riot
74: Kirishima's Origin
75: Who is You!?
76: The Temp Squad
77: Lemillion
78: Five More Minutes
79: An Upgrade...Great
80: Lets Get Some Friends Back
81: Infinite 100%
82: Time for Revenge
83: Good?...Me?
84: Smoldering Flames
85: Proud Father Moment
86: #TeamYAHO
87: Relief for License Training
88: School Festival
89: Preparing for the School Festival is the Funnest Part
90: Mama Bear
91: Gold Tips Imperial
92: Friend Not Foe
93: School Festival Start!
94: Pure Beauty
95: Hero Billboard Chart
96: His Start
[Movie Chapter 1]
[Movie Chapter 2]
[Movie Chapter 3]
[Movie Chapter 4]
[Movie Chapter 5]
97: All Hands on Deck!
New Hero Costume!

38: Hell Week

5.2K 177 71
By SilverFang240

"Midoriya. Are you four safe?" Todoroki asked on the phone. All of them were currently walking through the crowded streets. Rin was sleeping on Kirishima's back and her head rested on his shoulder.

"Yeah. How about you guys? No one saw you?" Midoriya questioned.

"I don't think so. We're on the street blending in with the crowd now. Some pros are here helping people evacuate."

"Good, we're stoped in front of the station. Rin passed out but Riot informed us that she just had to rest."

"Wait, who's Riot?"

"He's similar to Venom. I don't know all the details but he's not hurting her. Our rescue totally worked."

[Author: I'm getting lazy and have other shit to do. So I'm adding a video of the fight instead of writing it because I can't even begin to describe this incredible fight.]

All Might's words echoed throughout everyone's memories.

"Now. It's your turn."

Everyone thought of it as a warning to other criminals. But Mdiroiya knew what he really meant. He used up everything, and now it was up to Izuku Midoriya.

After those few words the the green haired boy looked to Rin's sleeping form.

'Not only the world, but Rin has lost so much. And she doesn't even know it yet. I will do everything to support and protect her.' Midoriya thought to himself while tears slipped down his face.

"Excuse me." A man in suit said and all three students turned towards the two men in the suits.

"We're here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. And we will be taking Miss Kaibutsu into our care." The man on the left said and both of them showed their identification. The three students gave them suspicious looks.

"How can we trust you?" Kirishima questioned.

"Wait you're the guy who helped Rin after the Stain attack." Iida said while pointing to the guy on the left.

"Yes I am. Now we must take Miss Kaibustu home."

"Wait shouldn't she go to a hospital?" Midoriya asked while Kirishima reluctantly handed her over to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent on the right.

"We can't let the hospital know about the Riot situation. We have this under control. Good day." Both agents bowed and walked to a jet black car. They gently placed Rin in the car before driving off to her residence


The next day Midoriya was on his way to Rin's house when he saw a familiar skinny blonde walking in front of him.

"A-All Might?" Midoriya exclaimed. The man quickly spun around and covered the boys mouth.

"Be quiet. Now that people know this is the real me I can't waltz around in public without being noticed." Skinny Might pulled his hand away and continued talking to the green haired boy. "So what are you doing here young Midoriya?"

"I came to check on Rin. I still think she should see a doctor to make sure she's okay."

"Not to worry. I just got word from the family doctor that she's completely fine." He said with a small reassuring smile.

"Did you chose the family doctor because of the Venom and Riot situation?"Midoriya questioned while the two continued walking.

"Precisely young Midoriya. This is a problem that no hospital would understand." The two males looked up at the approaching building and smiled as a flock of birds flew past it. Their smiles quickly tuned to horrified faces as they saw black ink shoot out of a window and caught a bird. The others flew away while that one was quickly dragged back through the window.

The two standing outside quickly ran into the building and up to Rin's apartment. Toshi quickly knocked on the door and after a few seconds it opened to a tired looking Rin but something was off. The 5,7' girl was now a whopping 6 feet tall. Not much shorter than Shoji.

"Hey." Rin said with the best smile she could muster.

"Are you okay, you look...different. A-A good different, I-I mean I'm not saying you looked bad before." Midoriya started mumbling while she stepped back and the two took that as an invitation to step inside. Toshi nudged Midoriya and shook his head as a 'just stop' motion and closed the door behind them.

"I'm fine. It just takes a process to bond to a simbyote." Rin gave another smile to try and convince that she was fine, but the boys didn't buy it.

"So how did you grow almost a foot in a few days?" Midoriya asked even thought he had a hunch.

"My body had to make a few adjustments. I mean, I am the first person to host two different simbyotes." Rin explained and sat at the kitchen table. To be completely honest, she desperately wanted to go back to bed. But Rin being Rin chose to suffer instead of being rude.

"Speaking of sibyotes, is Venom back?" Toshi asked and joined her at the table. He knew she wasn't feeling good so he expected to talk for a few minutes but then take care of her.

"You know it! I'M BACK BABY!"

"Apparently Riot's last host had a quirk similar to Stain's. The more blood he ingested the more control he had over Venom." While Rin was explaining that, Midoriya couldn't help but look at her missing arm. The burns seemed to somewhat heal to the point where they stoped at her neck not her face. Rin briefly looked over and noticed where his attention was drawn to, but she didn't want to talk about it just yet.

"Can I meet Riot?" Toshi asked, successfully drawing the dual haired girls attention back to him. Then the silver wrinkled head appeared.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Who was your last host?" Toshi asked, as the sharp teeth and unsettling face was a normal occurrence for him.

"Kamuri Shuterusu."

Toshi was surprised by his quick response but continued. "Were you the one who killed him?"

"Yes. After I left my previous host his body couldn't function with out me so he died."

"Why did you chose Rin as your next host?"

"What is this an introduction or interrogation?"

"Both. I want to get to know you better but I also have questions." Toshi responded and awaited Riot's response to the previous question.

"I chose Rin because I needed Venom in order to become stronger. She refused to give him up and my last host was running low on life. So I did the next best thing and chose to bond with her instead."

"Yeah and I'm not happy about it."

"No one asked you."

"The fuck did you just say?"

"Did you two forget something?" Rin asked them and the two simbyotes shook their heads. "I'm still adapting to Riot, if you two fight then say goodby to your host."

"Wait Rin you can actually die from bonding with a simbyote?" Midoriya asked, afraid for the girls life.

"Well it's a high probability for me currently. My body shouldn't have been able to host Riot back at the villain's base but it barely sustained. Now that Venom in conscious, if they get into a heated argument or physically fight then logically speaking my body would be done for." Midoriya's fears only increased the more she explained. "However, like I said before one person hasn't been a host to two simbyotes yet, so I have no clue what actually works and what doesn't. For all I know I could be perfectly fine and they could fight to their hearts content. But I don't want to take those chances."

A thick silence hung in the air due to no one knowing what to say after that explanation. That is until Toshi finally spoke up.

"Well, now that we know that information, you should get back to sleep."

"Oh, no. I don't wanna be rude." Rin protested and both of them stood out of their seats. However, the head rush didn't help Rin's nausea at all. She made a pained expression only for a second, and that second was all the boys needed to know that she wasn't 'fine.'

"You're not being rude it's called 'taking care of yourself.' And that's what we're here to help with." Toshi explained and the dual haired girl let out a sigh of defeat, knowing she couldn't win.

"Fine, I surrender." The girl mumbled before walking back to her bedroom and closing the door behind her. The two heard snarky comebacks between Venom and Riot through the closed door. Those turned into a verbal argument but it didn't go far when a loud "SHUT UP" stoped them.

"Young Midoriya." Toshi started and turned towards the green haired boy who did the same. "Would you mind staying here and taking care of her while I run to the market to buy some food and water?"

"Of course." Midoriya responded, not thinking much of it as only helping out a sick colleague.

"Thank you." The blonde said before heading towards the door and leaving to get the food.

The more Midoriya thought, the hotter his face got. Here he was standing in a girls house, alone, for the first time. And not just any girl...his crush. His mind suddenly cleared when he thought back to Rin's missing arm. He debated between letting her sleep or asking about it. Then an idea hit him and the imaginary light bulb above his head turned on.

The green haired boy quietly opened the door to Rin's room and was a wreck. The LED lights gave it a nice glow but the cloths on the flood couldn't hide, along with the many different blueprints that covered her desk. He didn't mind the mess and continued with his idea. He noticed Rin sprawled out across her bed with the blanket covering her body, minus the lonely foot hanging out.

"Riot, Venom?" He whispered into the room, hoping that Rin was fast asleep. Which she was, and the two heads appeared out of her back.

"What do you want?"

Midoriya looked back towards Rin's missing arm and finally decided to continue with his questions. "Do you know what happened to Rin's arm?"

"Of course we know."

"We?" Midoriya questioned and did a cute head tilt.

"I might be new but we share her brain. Basically, her memories are our memories."

"It's a less creepy way if invading her privacy."

"That's a little weird." Midoriya admitted but shook his head and looked back at the two. "So what happened to her arm?"

The two simbyotes looked at each other silently debating wether or not to tell him. They both nodded and looked back at Midoriya.

"She lo-"

"Why should we tell you?"

They both looked back at each other in confusion and anger.

"Where you actually going to tell him?!"

"I thought that's what we were nodding about!?"

They were about to fight but remembered that it could kill Rin so they decided against it.

"So, why should we tell you?"

"Because, as her friend I feel guilty that she has to face this problem alone. She was there to help me but I wasn't there for her when she was hurt, I didn't even realize. So I want to make it right now, and try to support her as much as I can, as her friend." Midoriya slightly hated using the word friend and wanted to use a word that meant so much more, and all he had to do was add three simple letters.

Both of the simbyotes were speechless.

"Damn, I like this kid."

"Shut up."

Both were silent for a while and looked towards Rin. They then let out heavy sighs and looked back at the green haired boy.

"She lost it during the mission in America. I can't say everything but she risked her life for millions of strangers she didn't even fucking know."

"Rin tampered with a powerful force that only a handful of people in the galaxy can wield. We're ridiculously lucky an arm is all she lost."

Midoriya was shocked none the less and remembered back to the knee braces she had to wear during the training camp.

"Was the 'powerful force' also the reason why she had to use those knee braces?" The green haired boy asked to which he got a nod from both heads.

"She fell into a two week coma after the incident but her body was still too weak to do simple tasks. After waking up she used crutches for a few days then switched to the knee braces the day of the training camp."

"I tried bringing her arm back but the doctors told me that it was taken into police custody, then returned to its creator." Midoriya looked at the ground in guilt.

"Well there's another way you can help."

Riots sentence made Midoriya lift his head with some hope shimmering in his eyes.

"You better not do what I think you're going to do."

"Rin actually has the number of the inventor for the prosthetic. If it was given back to him then we could easily shoot him a text and get it back."

"Shut up right now, we are not getting hel-"

"We can't send the text since we don't have any arms. Well we have them when we take control of Rin's body but that's not the point. This is where you come in, we tell you the passcode and what to type, then we could easily get that arm back as a surprise."

"I hate you."

"Feeling's mutual."

"Okay." Midoriya responded, not thinking the whole thing through.

"Great, her phone is in her back pock-"

"Nope, nope, nope, nope. I'm getting it."


Venom went under the blanket and Midoriya's face went bright red, realizing where he would have gone if Venom hasn't stepped in. The black inky head then came back with the phone resting in his mouth, reluctantly handing it over to Midoriya. His face somehow managed to turn a darker shade of red now that he realized he was somewhat sneaking through Rin's phone.

"Okay the passcode is 314159."

"She wanted to add all 100 digits but I thought it was stupid and a waste of time."

Midoriya entered in the passcode and the message app was already open so he didn't have to go searching for it. However it was open to a different contact that was titled 'Underoos.'

'Are you okay?'
'I heard what happened.'

#1 Badass:
'Yeah I'm good Pete. '
'It takes a lot more than that to kill me.'

'I could have told you that.'
'So we on for movie night next week?'

#1 Badass:
'You know it.'
'I vote on watching The Shining 😈'

'Haven't you watched that movie like, a thousand times?'

#1 Badass:

'The Shining it is.'

Midoriya felt slightly jealous but didn't know why. He continued with Riots plan and exited out of the contact.

"Now click on the one that says 'Ironing Man.'"

Midoriya did so and noticed that the last few texts were Rin thanking him for the prosthetic. So the green haired boy knew he has the right person.

"Now just simply say what you told us. 'I heard the police took custody of my arm and gave it back to you.' Then just continue from there."

Midoriya did what Riot said and quickly punched the sentence into her phone.

#1 Badass:
'Hey so, I heard from a friend that my arm went into police custody and they gave it back to you.'

The three didn't have to wait long before they got a response back.

Ironing Man:
'Yes I did.'
'Don't expect it back today, I'm making some adjustments.'
'Also Morgan says she misses you.'

Midoriya had another idea and was now thankful he read her previous text.

#1 Badass:
'Well it takes a lot more than that to kill me.'

Ironing Man:
I could have told you that.

The green haired boy had a smile on his face, thankful that his plan worked.

"Smart move kid."

"I think it was stupid. Now give me back the phone."

The green haired boy did as told and turned off the phone before giving it back to Venom. The inky black head held the phone in his mouth and went back under the blanket to put it back.

"I hope she gets better soon." Midoriya mumbled but Riot caught what he said.

"Don't worry kid. She'll be good as new the next time you see her."

"You know, you're a lot different from Venom." Midoriya said with a small smile, Venom didn't see the smile so he took it the wrong way.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Riot started laughing while Venom gave the green haired boy a hardened glare. Midoriya took a step back and his arms were swinging everywhere.

"I-I didn't mean it that way. I mean- you're both kind in your own ways." Midoriya said that louder than he expected causing a certain someone's eyes to flutter open.

"Zuku-kun." Rin soft voice made the boy jump and the two simbyotes quickly disappeared back into the girls body. "What're you doing in my room?"

"O-Oh, All Might told me to l-look after you while he went to go get some food and water." The green haired boy explained but Rin raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"So you decided to watch me sleep?" Her comment made the boys face go tomato red.

"No that's not, uhh...bye bye now!" Midoriya practically sprinted out of her room and she chuckled a little bit.

"So what did you guys talk about?" She asked to two simbyotes who formed out of her back once again.

"We explained your missing arm situation but kept a lot of stuff in the dark."

"How much exactly?"

"We just told him that you risked your life for millions and that you're lucky to have only lost your arm."

"Wow, you literally didn't answer anything."

"As much as I hate to say this, he's actually somewhat smart so he'll figure it out soon enough."

"He trembles when I stare it him. I like that."

"Oh course you do...I'm hungry."

"Skeleton is getting food."

"No I mean I'm hungry now."

"How about another order of wings?"

"No, I'm gonna be finding feathers days after this. Thankfully tossing my cloths everywhere covered them." Rin mumbled and looked at the cloths sprawled out on her floor.

"What about the cat?"

"You eat Fiona and it'll be only salads and fruit for 6 months." She said while giving the silver head a glare. "Besides she knows what's going on and is hiding from you."

Suddenly she heard the front door open and knew who it was.

"I'm back with the food!" He announced and Rin practically sprinted out of her room.

"What did you get?" She asked in her calm voice even thought she desperately wanted the food.

"I got chocolate and tater tots for Venom and I don't know what Riot likes so I just bought some cooked chicken." The blonde explained while she looked through the bags for the chicken. "Thank you young Midoiya for the assistance but I can take over from here."

"Oh, yeah it was no problem." The green haired boy shyly replied and started walking towards the door. "Just text or call if you need anything."

"Mkay." Rin said but her 'okay' was muffled by the chicken leg in her mouth. The boy then left the room and closed the door behind him.

That night consisted of eating, throwing some of it back up, with the assistance of Toshi holding her hair back for her, and sleeping. With a small visit from Shinso since he was also worried about her well being.


A: Hey guys. *sees BFF in kitchen** intensely stairs*

BFF: *intensely stairs back*

A: . . . Hold on I think we still have some pocky.

Kami: What the fuck just happened?

BFF: We know what each other's thinking just by looking at each other.

Mina: . . . HOW!?!

A: *gives BFF box of pockey* Just a friendship thing.

Word count: 3359

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