Starting A Family

By Nova_Angelo

3.5K 114 33

SEQUEL to Experiments, kidnappings and old enemies, oh my. Chris finds out he is pergnant and must come to te... More

Congrat's Mr. Redfield
It's A Bean Shape
Moving On Up
The Naming Process
Let's get it on, Not
Looking A Little Big, Aren't We
An Unexpected Tongue Lashing
Fourth of July pt.1
Baby Themes?
Setting Up
Wesker-Redfield Redfield-Wesker
They're Here

Fourth of July pt. 2

170 8 0
By Nova_Angelo

Fourth of July pt.2

Getting out back I started the grill and sat down on one of the chairs waiting for it to get heated up. Claire sits down on one side and Zhaneis taking another seat while reading a book.

"So how is life at home?"

"It's good" I smile at her, the silence feels awkward.

"What about the bills, I mean this house is huge."

"My parents." That reply was from Zhane, he looks up from his book.

"So you're rich?"

"Kind of, lets just say my parents now how to invest their money."

She smiles and nods her head.

"So what have you been doing?" I ask her.

"I've been doing some ground work here and there, nothing that big."

I nod my head and then grimace slightly because one of the babies decides to kick right then. I grab my stomach.


"Nothing sorry, uh it's gas?"

I look to Zhane who just shrugs, she turns her head to stare at him, he gives a fake innocent smile.

"OK, Chris what is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Cut the crap." She is getting angry.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" She is standing and her hands are on her hips.

"You wouldn't believe me, hell I wouldn't believe me if I hadn't seen it myself."

All the color drains from her face and her whole body goes limp, hands falling to her sides. She sits down slowly and almost starts crying.

"You're dying aren't you? Is it Cancer? A tumor? What?" She grabs my hand and then mutters "I'm so sorry" (A/N: that last part happened to me, I told my friend that I had ADHD, and she grabs my hand and is like 'I'm so sorry' I was like *** I'm not dying lol.)

There is a pregnant pause-no pun intended- before Zhanebusts out laughing.

"This isn't funny." she nearly screams.

"Ah ha ha, it- it is because that is not it."

"Well then tell me now" She is glaring at me and I gulp audibly. P.B. breaks the tension by running up and tossing his rope toy into Claire's lap.

Her attention diverts from me and I stand up to place the hot dog's and hamburger's on the grill. She tosses his toy and he barks happily chasing after it and then bringing it back.

"Chris what is going on please tell me, I'm your sister you promised to tell me everything remember?"

I sigh from my place at the grill, "Claire I would I swear I would. But I fear that if I do, you won't understand."

"He knows doesn't he" She points to Zhane and glares at him, he shrinks back a little.


"Chris." Zhane says my name and I turn slightly at the panic in his voice.

"Can it Spikey." She gives him another glare and he shuts up, "So then you can tell me." She looks at me and I can see the hurt starting to fill in her eyes.

Zhane makes an indignant sound at the jest, I just give her a pleading look, but before I can say anything a noise from inside attracts my attention.

"I'll be right back." I hold my hand up and then head indoors. When I make my way to the living room he's sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Wesker" I shout in a whisper.

"Chris" he's got a predatory gleam in his eyes and I can tell this is the virus.

"Shit, Wesker not today. you need to go I have company over."

"Oh the possibilityof getting caught makes it all the more fun." In a blink of an eye he has me pinned to the wall and he's about to kiss me when I hear my name being called.

"Chris what's taking you so lo-"

Thank God it's Zhane. He's stopped mid-sentence when he sees what is going on.

"I thought you both agreed that he wasn't going to be here?"

"We did."

"Dr. Parker, how very nice of you to join us." He winks at him, which causes Zhane to let out an involuntary shudder.

"Wesker, listen you can't stay. Come back later."

"I want to meet your friend." He starts to pull away from the wall, I grab his arms and pull him back.

"NO!" I shout.

"Chris? Is everything all right?" Claire's voice comes from outside still.

"A lady friend, don't tell me you're cheatingon me?" He wear's a mock frown and devastated look.

"Everything is fine Claire hang on." I shout out to her and then turn back to him "She is my sister"


"Nooo." A slight blush creeps up my cheeks, I can't help it he is being weird and a pervert.

"You're tempting when you are flustered." He leans in to capture my mouth in a kiss but is quickly halted when Zhane makes a clearing sound from his throat.

"Chris what is taking you so long?" Claire asks as she comes inside.


'This is so not good.'

'Ya think?'

"Hang on wait Claire." I try to get past Wesker but he just pushes me to the side and then stands in the door way with a cocky smirk. I hear a gasp and then shattering glass.

I shove past him and see her horrified look.

"Chris?" Her eyes are as huge as plates.

"Hello dear" He pulls out from behind and then grabs her hand kissing it on the top of the knuckles and smiling. She tears her hand from his grasp and shows a disgusted look before wiping her hand on her skirt

"CHRIS! What is hedoing here?" She points at him, Wesker raises an eyebrow.

"He is... well it's like... I"

"I'm the father of his kids." He places a hand on my stomach with a smirk. My face drains of color and then she's screaming.

"Claire I told you. Please calm down." I put my hands up in a calming fashion and she has stopped screaming. Instead she places her hands on her hips and leans back on one foot and sticks me with a glare.

"Told me what?"

"That you wouldn't understand."

"Chris he's your-our enemy, and how come he claimed to not know me?"

"Well right now it's his virus going into 'let's screw Chris mode'" I give her a crooked smile which she answers with a narrowing of her eyes and hands that were placed on her hips turn to fists.

"Remember when I told you about all those weird things that started happening to me, the food cravings, the dreams, mood swings?" She nods her head.

"And you had jokinglysaid that it seemed like I was pregnant, well I was at that time." Instead of Claire responding Wesker interrupts.

"Chris you going to be long?" I glare back at him, he raises his hands "Just asking" he turns back to the living room.

"How did he get you pregnant, how is that even possible?"

I stare up at the ceiling and then all of a sudden I.S. pops up.

"I'm infected, with the G and T virus."

She gasps and backs up a few paces, she saw my eyes flash a different color.


"Please understand, yes I am infected, no it wasn't intentional. Because of that I got pregnant, and Wesker is the dad."

She stares at me for a real long time before takingin a big breath.

"Alright, you are my brother and there fore I will stand by you come what may. That does not mean that I fully understand or agree to this whole thing." I smile at her and pull her into a bruising hug.

She laughs lightly, "Another thing though, he said kids?"

"Oh you caught that? I'm having twins." She gasps and then lights up smiling.

"I see that we have made up can we eat now?" Way to ruin the moment Wesker.

"So he's acting different because he wants sex?"

"Yeah I guess. I mean he'll leave after this and then when he comes back he'll be the same ass he is and he won't remember any of this."

She nods her head, "So I take it this is why you quit?"

"Yeah, I don't know if it's permanent. I'm not a guy that likes to stay home."

We start heading back outside when she stops and spins.

"How does Spikey fit into this?"

"Hey, my name is Zhane"

I hear a chuckle from Wesker.

"He is my doctor."

"You live with your doctor?"

"You forced me to find a place remember?" She gives a nervous laugh.

"Look stand here if you want, but after I get outside I am hungry" Wesker pushes his way past us and out the door, I follow him and Claire follows me.

"I still don't know if I can get used to this."

I nod my head, "I hadn't meant for you to find out like this, I wasn't even sure I had wanted to tell you." We sit down and after a few minutes she speaks up.

"You love him right?"

"Who, Wesker? He's the father of my kids."

"So is that a no?" She has a confused look.

"I didn't say that."

"Well then what are you saying?"

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it."

She raises her eyebrow and sits down on the chair.

"Chris your wieners are burning."

I look at him and he has a smirk on his face.

"Those are yours, I'm more of a hamburger kind of guy." I smirk back at him.

"You are so in love" I glance back at my baby sister and she is smiling at me.

I give her a wink and smile before heading over to the grill and getting the food.

As I start to grab the hot dogs Wesker slides his hand to my ass and I shove him away, I hear her laugh.

"Are they always like that?"

"Depends, if Wesker wants sex then yes." She nods her head.

"Does he live here?"

"No, he doesn't like me very much." She nods again and then there is a comfortable silence.

"Since you know about the viruses and stuff then you must know about Umbrella then right?" He nods his head this time, and places his book down.

"I used to work for them." Her eyes widen.

"Does Chris know that."

"Do I know what?" I place the plate of hot dogs and hamburgers down on the table before sitting down in a chair.

"That your doctor used to work for Umbrella."

"Al... Wesker still works for them, or is it Tricell now?"

She just raises her eyebrow but doesn't say anything. I grab some plates and then grab a burger and dig in. Everyone else grabs food and starts to eat as well.


Later during the day Wesker had left-more like I shoved him out the door- and it gave me and Claire time to talk about things.

"So do you have any baby things?" She asks getting settled into an arm chair.

"Like?" I raise my hands, she gives me a look of disbelief.

"Like cribs, blankets, bottles, clothing. You know the necessities?"

"I really haven't had the time to go shopping. I don't even have any other cloths except for the few shirts that Wesker bought."

She gains an evil-not really but you will understand when you hear what she is thinking- smile on her face and clapping her hands.

"Time to go SHOPPING!"

I flinch at the loud noise.

"Claire I have to find a place, and I need money."

"Well what about a baby shower?" There is a huge grin on her face, and I just shoot her a are-you-freaking-serious- look.

"Maybe you have forgotten" I give a dry laugh, "I'm a guy"

"Yeah, well..." (A/N: I don't mean to make Claire sound dumb or anything, I don't really know how she acts. But I was more basing it on the fact that she is just excited about the babies.)

" Let me find a place first and then you can come over and help me shop"

"Deal" She smiles and I can't help but smile back. I'm extremely happy that she isn't overly ticked and is at least accepting it somewhat.

P.B. comes running into the living room and jumps up on to the chair that Claire is sitting in. She laughs and pets barks happily and licks her face. When P.B. jumps down I notice that she is covered in white fur balls.

"You know when I had told you to think about settling down I never meant for you to get pregnant" I can her the joking lilt in her voice.

"I can assure you these guys were not planned." I rub my stomach and one of them kicks me. I take in a breath, she gives me a questioning look.

"They are kicking, do you want to feel?" I ask her while pointing to my stomach, she gets up and gently places her hands on my stomach.

"This is kind of weird" I nod my head. placing my hand near hers.

"Come on, kick for me." She gasps and then lights up.

"They listen to you?"

"I think they just get excited, like for a whole week Wesker hadn't stopped by and then when he spoke they started kicking" I'm unconsciously smiling.

"I must admit, if I had to pick the best person, or the most suited person to get knocked up by. Wesker would be it."

Zhane had come by a few minutes earlier bringing in coffee and I was about to swallow when I had spewed that out of my mouth. She raises an eyebrow.

Thank goodness for hardwood flooring.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well he's smart, strong, stubborn like you. I don't really know, just something about him screams 'Perfect dad'." She shrugs, I just nod my head slowly.

"Right, OK."

"Well what you don't agree?"

"I do, I just didn't think you'd see that. I don't even think he sees it."

We sit in comfortable silence for a bit sipping our coffee's. P.B. comes back in and jumps on the seat next to me on the couch. I lean over and scratch behind his ears, sending his tail in a frenzy. The silence is interrupted by the front door opening and allowing Wesker to walk inside. When he sees us sitting there he freezes for a brief second before continuing his way to the kitchen. Claire turns to me with a quirked eyebrow.

"I thought you said he wouldn't remember?"

"He doesn't usually. WESKER" I shout his name from the couch and I hear the thud of something being dropped. He doesn't answer me but then the sound of running water can be heard.

Zhane comes out of the kitchen trying to keep his laughter in. Claire and I both give him a confused look, which just seems to drive him over the edge and he bursts into peels of laughter. Claire looks at me with a look that says 'is it always like this?' I just shake my head. P.B. hops off the couch and dashes into the kitchen, after a second a not so very white P.B. is chased out by Wesker. He is decorated in splats of chocolate, in his hair, face, sunglasses every where.

When Zhane looks back at him his joy is renewed, bringing him to the floor.

"What happened?" I try not to laugh, and I barley succeed but Claire is not so lucky and pretty soon I can hear Zhane and Claire laughing together.

"The bowl fell." His voice is level but I can hear the faint -I'm-pissed-don't-ask- underneath.

"All... ha ah ah...over th- the place. Ha ah ha" Zhane manages between laughing fits. I see Wesker's hands clench into fists so I decide now might be a good time to intervene lest someone gets hurt.

"Here, I'll help you let's go." I say pushing myself off the couch and pulling him into the kitchen. I look around and it isn't that bad, there is some choclate on the floor and cabinets as well as the side of the wall the bowl fell near.

"How did chocolate pudding get spilled?"

"That would be your fault." He grabs a towel, wetting it he crouches down and starts to wipe the floor off. I give him a confused look which doesn't work because his back is facing me.

Waiting another minute for an explanation and still none is given except an "Are you going to help?" I roll my eyes and grab a towel as well wetting it and cleaning off the side of the wall and the cabinets. After a few more minutes of scrubbing the place is once again clean and I get to my feet, struggling a tad; it's hard to lift four months and two week old babies.

"You are going to have to take a shower."

"Oh really Redfield I wasn't aware of that, thank you." Oh he is really pissed. He stares at me a second more before turning and walking out of the house.

"That was harsh" I hear Claire say and there is a slight lilt in her voice as if she is still trying to contain her laughs.

My fist's tighten but I release them knowing I shouldn't get stressed out with the kids, so I just shrug my shoulders and give her a crooked smile.

"That's Wesker." She nods her head in agreement.

She lifts up her arm and looks at her watch, "Wow it is getting late, I should start heading home." She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, I hug her back. "Remember to call me as soon as you find a place ok?" She points at me and gives me a serious look I just nod my head and smile, she waves as she leaves but not before shouting back,

"Bye Spikey"

I roll my eyes as he lets out an aggravated grumble. Once she clears the driveway I step back inside and flop on the couch exhausted. I've never had a Fourth of July quite like this. I hadn't anticipated in telling her all about the twins, Wesker, or Zhane's former employment. But I feel good, no great. A heavy stone has been lifted from my gut and now I'm not as panicked in finding a place, or stuff for the kids. I make my way to my room and fall into a deep sleep.


The next day I sleep till noon and that isn't something I usually do, Zhane said that we had a busy day and that my body was re-energizing. I take a shower and grab a quick lunch before heading out with P.B. and taking a walk. I try to ignore the stares I get, it's not like these people haven't seen a fat person before so why do they seem to notice me more? Maybe I'm just being paranoid, and no one is staring at me.

The sun is blazing and wearing dark colors is not a smart thing to do, being pregnant and tired isn't really helping my case any better. I head back home before I pass out from heat stroke and take a shower again. Stepping out of the shower I warp a towel around my waist before exiting the bathroom, and of course I run into Wesker but thankfully this time he is fine. We stand there for what seems like hours but in reality it's only a minute.

"Why didn't you bring cloths in there?"

"I wanted to air dry." I don't know why I snapped at him, he hadn't asked any ruder or sarcastic then normal and I shouldn't expect him too. He just stands there, so I try to get pass him to my room but he places an arm in my path. I clench my fists and then let out a slow breath.

"Albert I am not in the mood for this."

"Well I wasn't done."

I step back and cross my arms, "You weren't saying anything."

He lowers his arm, " I think I might've found a place."


"Canada" (A/N: I'm just going with that because I know that it is legal for gays up there and it would be safer if Chris wasn't in the states.)

I blink slowly, and then again. "That's not in the U.S."

He sighs, "I know."

I shake my head, "How- we- All the way up there?"

"Chris we have to go somewhere we aren't going to be questioned, they don't know us there. We'll leave after the kids are born."

"What about visas? or passports? How are we going to do that?" The more I think about this the more questions pop into my head. And the rock that had been lifted is now slowly sinking once more. He pulls out some papers.

"Already got it covered." I give him a questioning look before grabbing the papers and looking them over. I see two passports and new Canadian citizenship papers, as well as two blank birth certificates.

"You forged these." I don't ask, but state it, I look up at him.

"Of course, the kids are going to be illegal, no record of them, no social security number, nothing. Unless we go to a real Doctor, but then the government will most certainly get involved when they get your blood tests back."

My towel slips slightly and I pull it back up holding it with one hand I give the papers back to him and head to my room and he lets me pass.

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