It's A Bean Shape

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It's A Bean Shape

It's been close to another week and I still haven't heard from Zhane. I'm slightly worried that something has gone terribly wrong. If by some chance Wesker has found him then I'm screwed, but if it's just because he can't get hold of an ultra sound it isn't that bad. I'm still going to need one though and I don't think I'll be able to walk right into a clinic with out attracting attention.

I was about to get ready for bed when a ring from my cell stopped me. My heart sped up a little, which it tended to do recently whenever the damn thing rang. Wondering if Zhane had finally managed to get his hands on the machine, and was calling to tell me. It rings again and I decide that even if it isn't Zhane it still might be important. I answer it in the middle of its third ring.

"Hello, Redfield speaking"

"Hey, I got it."

I look at the clock, 10:30 pm.

"You just got it now and decide to call me?"

"Well yeah I told you I'd call you as soon as I was able to get one. Promptness was always my strong suit."

I roll my eyes even though I know the action has no affect since he can't see me.

"Great, next time though could you- I don't know call me at a decent time?"

"What were you sleeping?"

"I was about to."

"Sorry, any way did you figure out if there is anything special you need to do when expecting?"

"Yeah, I found some stuff out; make sure I get enough folic acid so it lowers the baby's chance of getting sick."

"That's good; do you know what contains folic acid?"

"Not really."

"It's a B vitamin, it can be found in leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans and nuts."

"Okay, so apples and oranges got it."

"I'm sure you have to eat a bit more then that."

"Yeah I know." Thinking for a few seconds I ask a question that's been bugging me. "How did you manage to get an ultra sound?"

"Like I said earlier, when you have a medical degree and a good excuse people will give you what you want. But it helps to know someone in the field."

My eyes bug out and my mouth hangs open for a half a minute before I'm able to respond.


"Whoa easy there, I had that right next to my ear. I didn't tell them all the details, just wondered if I could borrow an ultra sound for a couple of months."

"And she just gave it to you? Just like that with no questions asked?"

"Actually it's a guy and no he asked questions but I was aloof and evasive. I promise Chris know one knows that you are pregnant."

"Why does a guy have an ultra sound?"

"He's an obstetrician, which is why we need his help. He knows what the hell to do."

"I don't want any one from outside knowing about this."

"I understand that but hear me out. He doesn't have to meet you but just tell him what's going on, like I said he handles pregnant women all the time-not saying you are a girl- he can tell us what to expect."

"Does he know about Umbrella, the outbreaks, has he worked with them?"

"No, I don't think he's heard of them or worked for them. Ever."

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