Looking A Little Big, Aren't We

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Looking A Little Big, Aren't We?

Thank who ever that Wesker hadn't tried anything more after I had pushed him on to the couch. I was able to get in to my room and be left alone for the rest of the day. I only came out once Zhane had stopped by and said that Wesker had left for the time being.

I was able to relax and leave my room, which was great considering I also had to stop by the office to switch in the papers. This reminded me that I had to find something that wouldn't draw attention to my semi-bulging belly. So I spend about five minutes looking for a loose fitting shirt that I wouldn't normally have because I hate wearing over sized cloths because then they just hang there.

I realize though that I will have to find bigger clothing when my stomach starts to show more.

Finally finding the shirt it still doesn't conceal it all the way. I slip it on, grab the papers and then head out to the station. It's about an hour and a half drive which isn't that bad when I'm not in any hurry to get there. I feel something bad is going to happen, it's just a heavy sort of sinking feeling in my gut.

When I get there and walk in some people look up, I get a little self-conscious and pull the shirt down hoping that I am not just making the situation worse. I speed up on my way to my desk to get the papers and almost make it out of the station but my boss head's me off and asks me to talk in his office. I sigh but he doesn't catch it and turn back to his office knocking on the door he answers with a silent come in and holds out a hand to sit down. I take a seat and he stands, placing his hands behind him he looks out the window. After a minute he faces me and I can tell that he has been in deep thought.

"I'm sure you are aware of why you have been doing paper work. But since we have not had any other threats in the past two months I think that you should be put back on active duty. It is your choice but I notice that you have gained a few pounds. Some one as good as you shouldn't be stuck at home or behind a desk. So if you are feeling up to it I would like to send you out to an area that has had a few questionable occurrences. It should be no trouble to you, I'm sure that it is nothing and I don't want to send you in to something big right away. If you want I can give you a day or two to think this over."

He sits down on the corner of his desk, his hands are folded in his lap and he is giving me an expectant look. 'Crap, what am I going to do? I could take this mission and it would get me out of the house as well as away from Wesker. But at what cost, if something does go bad and I get hurt...' I don't finish my thought process instead looking back at him and nodding.

"I'd like a few days to think about it, I'll get back to you."

He nods and I stand up he doesn't say any thing more so I leave his office and head straight for my car, forgetting the papers on the way. Once I get in I speed as best as I can with out getting pulled over and head straight inside once I get there.

"Hey Zhane is Wesker here?"

A muffled sound comes from the kitchen along with no reply. I also notice that P.B. hasn't come to greet me. I start to panic thinking that some one has found out and is now waiting in the kitchen, or maybe it's Wesker and he is trying to lure me in so he can get me.

I try to use my super hearing, figuring I could probably hear a quickening pulse if someone had been captured. Nothing but eerie calm. I take a step further into the house, trying to smell out something bad but I can't seem to focus on anything.

'That would be because you are pregnant; it messes with your sense of smell.'

'Fine time to tell me, what about my strength and speed? Will that be out of whack?'

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