Fourth of July pt.1

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Fourth of July pt.1

The drive back home was quite and unsettling. I was driving and he was in the passenger seat, when ever I wanted to pull over he placed his hand on my knee and kept my foot on the gas pedal. Several times during the drive I had wanted to apologize or at least break the silence.


"Save me the B.S. and let's get straight to the point. You are going to quit, if you don't do that then find desk work."

My grip on the steering wheel tightens and my knuckles turn white.

'Careful, you don't want to break the steering wheel.'

'Shut up.'

"Did you hear me?"

My tongue swipes across my mouth , a laugh that has no mirth escapes through my wetted lips. "You are so controlling, did you know that?"

"I'm not the one that nearly got myself killed."

The impenetrable silence has now been shattered but is quickly replaced with anger and tension.

"I told you I was fine."

"Sure. I bet you had everything under control right?"

"You know what just shut up before I get us into an accident."

"Oh so now you're worried about getting hurt."

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, holding on so I don't slam a fist into his face. I think I'm more pissed because I know that he is right and I screwed up big time.

"I'm sorry alright? I am, I know I screwed up. Big time. I should have listened to you, should have paid better attention, should have stayed home. You win Wesker, I'm a bad parent and the kids aren't even here yet."

I throw my hands up in the air-thankfully it's a stop light- and I'm doing my best to hold back tears I had no idea I was holding back. He's quite for some time, glancing over I notice that his attention is focused on something outside the window.

"Typical reaction from you. As soon as something gets uncomfortable or what ever you clam up."

His focus is still outside the window but he places a hand on my knee.

"There is no where to turn or stop."

He stays silent but his hand inches up slightly. I narrow my eyes, he's lucky the light turns green and we start to move again.

"What are you doing?"

Again silence is my answer but his hand had inched up a little more, and he is loosening and tightening his hand. I gulp quietly.

"Wesker is this some weird make-up sex thing?"

Makes a 'Hmm' sound and moves his hand once more. His hand is now about mid-thigh. My breathing picks up slightly and my grip on the wheel is slacking. I have to re-adjust myself in the seat and out of the corner of my eye I catch a quick little twitch in his lips, as if he were trying to hold back a smirk.

"Is this you or... the virus?" my voice is a bit deeper as well. His hand is on my inner thigh and he is rubbing small circles with his thumb. I open my legs a tad to allow more room. He chuckles, and that nearly sends me over the edge. I swerve the car slightly and then he pulls back. I growl. And chance a look at him but he's resting his head on his arm and looking back out the window. I chance a look down and, yep of course there it is. I notice that my stomach hasn't gained any more pounds which I find weird but I'm glad none the less.

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