Fourth of July pt. 2

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Fourth of July pt.2

Getting out back I started the grill and sat down on one of the chairs waiting for it to get heated up. Claire sits down on one side and Zhaneis taking another seat while reading a book.

"So how is life at home?"

"It's good" I smile at her, the silence feels awkward.

"What about the bills, I mean this house is huge."

"My parents." That reply was from Zhane, he looks up from his book.

"So you're rich?"

"Kind of, lets just say my parents now how to invest their money."

She smiles and nods her head.

"So what have you been doing?" I ask her.

"I've been doing some ground work here and there, nothing that big."

I nod my head and then grimace slightly because one of the babies decides to kick right then. I grab my stomach.


"Nothing sorry, uh it's gas?"

I look to Zhane who just shrugs, she turns her head to stare at him, he gives a fake innocent smile.

"OK, Chris what is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Cut the crap." She is getting angry.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" She is standing and her hands are on her hips.

"You wouldn't believe me, hell I wouldn't believe me if I hadn't seen it myself."

All the color drains from her face and her whole body goes limp, hands falling to her sides. She sits down slowly and almost starts crying.

"You're dying aren't you? Is it Cancer? A tumor? What?" She grabs my hand and then mutters "I'm so sorry" (A/N: that last part happened to me, I told my friend that I had ADHD, and she grabs my hand and is like 'I'm so sorry' I was like *** I'm not dying lol.)

There is a pregnant pause-no pun intended- before Zhanebusts out laughing.

"This isn't funny." she nearly screams.

"Ah ha ha, it- it is because that is not it."

"Well then tell me now" She is glaring at me and I gulp audibly. P.B. breaks the tension by running up and tossing his rope toy into Claire's lap.

Her attention diverts from me and I stand up to place the hot dog's and hamburger's on the grill. She tosses his toy and he barks happily chasing after it and then bringing it back.

"Chris what is going on please tell me, I'm your sister you promised to tell me everything remember?"

I sigh from my place at the grill, "Claire I would I swear I would. But I fear that if I do, you won't understand."

"He knows doesn't he" She points to Zhane and glares at him, he shrinks back a little.


"Chris." Zhane says my name and I turn slightly at the panic in his voice.

"Can it Spikey." She gives him another glare and he shuts up, "So then you can tell me." She looks at me and I can see the hurt starting to fill in her eyes.

Zhane makes an indignant sound at the jest, I just give her a pleading look, but before I can say anything a noise from inside attracts my attention.

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