Bet Me

By ShewityWitters14

6.3K 219 5

**This book should not be Rated R! I'm not sure why it says that! This book is maybe PG-13, maybe even less t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Christmas Special
Chapter 11
New Year's Special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Chapter 10

171 8 0
By ShewityWitters14

I am shocked at the scene before me. I see Beth and Clark cuddiling under the covers, fast asleep. Although they have on the bedspread, it's obvious that they're naked underneath. I close the door as silently as I can and head downstairs. I go into the living room and plop onto the couch. I did not know what to do. 

I pulled out my phone and Seirra. Surely she would have an idea. She answered on the third ring. "Hello?" she sounded sleepy. I knew that what I would tell her next would wake her up. "Seirra, I just got to Beth's house and you won't belived what I just saw." I tell her. "What?" she says, still sounding tired but with a hint of curiousity in her voice. 

"I'm debating on whether I should send you a picture or not." I say to her. "Take a picture." she automatically answers for me. "Okay. Hold on a second." I say. I pull up the camera on my phone and quietly head upstairs. I very slowly open the door and look in. They're still asleep. I quietly walked in and took a quick picture. I forgot that my camera makes noise so when I took the picture, my camera made a shutter noise. I stood frozen. 

Beth slighty moved but didn't wake up. I quickly left the room, closing the door behind me and breathed a sigh of relief. I headed downstairs and sent the picture to Seirra. I put my phone back to my ear and waited for Seirra to react. 

"Oh my gosh! Are they naked?" she shouts. "Yup!" I answer her, laughing at her reaction. "Oh my gosh! They had sex last night! Oh my gosh!" she shouts. I knew this would wake her up fast. "Elena! I will pay you 20 dollars if you go in there and jump onto the bed!" she tells me. "What? No. That would be awkward." I tell her. "Thats the point! Urg! I wish I was there. I need you to do this for me. Make it awkward! I'll give you $20!" she says, trying to convince me. "I don't know. She'll kick my ass." I say, considering Seirra's idea. "You can blame me!" she says to me, urgently. "Okay. I'm going to do it." I tell her after a few moments."Good. Call me after you do that." she tells me. "Okay." I say. "Man, I wish I was there." she says before hanging up.

I can't believe i'm going to do this. Beth is going to kill me. I think to myself as I head back upstairs. I took off my shoes and left them outside Beth's door. I opened the door and I noticed that they moved. Now, Beth had moved slightly away from Clark, leaving a small space between him and her. I decide to jump into that middle space and get comfrontable there.

I walked to the bottom end of the bed and surveyed the space on the bed. Before I could change my mind, I flopped into the space between them, half landing on Beth and half landing on Clark. They both woke up with a start. "Elena!" Beth said, glaring at me. "What the hell?" Clark says, also glaring at me. 

I got comfrontable and started talking. "So for your wedding, I think you should wear a white strapless gown. And I also think that the bridesmaids dresses shouldn't be ugly. I mean, I want to look good on your wedding day." I ramble on and on about weddings while Beth and Clark glare at me. I pretend I am oblivous to their anger.

"Elena! What the hell are you doing?" Beth shouts at me, causing me to stop talking and look at her. "I'm talking about your wedding ofcourse." I say, looking at her with a 'duh' expression. "Elena, i'm going to fucking kill you." she threatens me. "Why? What did I do?" I ask her, with an innocent voice. "Elena, i'm going to strangle you and then cut your vagina and stuff your vagina in your mouth and then...." "Whoa! I'm leaving. I'm leaving." I say, cutting her off. 

I get off the bed and begin walking towards the door. "I'm hungry. Anyone else hungry?" I ask them. Beth throws a pillow at me, hitting me in my face. "Get the fuck out!" she yells at me. I pick up the pillow and throw it back. "I mean, I thought you'd be hungry from all the energy you guys burned last night." I say, holding back my laughter. Beth throws the pillow back at me but I block it. "I'm going to kill you!" she threatens me again. I laughed and grabbed the door. Before I shut the door, I poked my head into the room and said "Calm your tits. Better yet, let Clark calm them for you." She sat up clutching the bedspread and grabbed a book and threw it at me. I had closed the door so I heard the book hit the door. Laughing, I went downstairs to the kitchen and took out my phone.

I called Seirra and she picked it up on the first ring. "What happened?" she answered the phone. I told her everything I did in between laughter. "She's going to kill me." I end my story. "Don't worry, she's not going to do anything." Seirra says trying to comfort me. "Who am I kidding, she's going to kick your ass." Seirra says, laughing again. "If you don't hear from me later, call the cops." I joke. "Alright. If you survive, i'll give you your money tomorrow. Well done Elena. Well done." she says, hanging up.

I prepare myself some cereal and sit on the couch, eating. After about 30 minutes, Clark and Beth came downstairs. I watched from the couch as they said goodbye to each other. "I hope you had a great time." he says to her. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." she says, leaning and giving him a kiss. They part and Clark turns to look at me. "Elena." he says, nodding in my direction. "Clark." I say, nodding back. He left the house and Beth watched him walk away. As soon as he drove off, I put my bowl down, anticapating Beth's next move. She closed the door and turned and glared at me. 

I got up quickly and ran to the kitchen. She chased me into the kitchen. I ran around the table and put the table between me and her. "What the hell Elena! Why'd you do that? Seirra was the one who said who'd that." she says, staring me down. "I know. I called her and she told me to do it." I tell her. "And you listened to her?" she asks, moving a little to the left. "She bribed me with money." I tell her, inching to the right. Beth sighs. 

"Why are you here anyways? I thought you spent the night at James' house." she asks, still not retreating. "Well, if you don't attack me, i'll tell you what happened." I say, bargaining with her. "You're going to tell me either way." she states. "True, but still. Truce?" I say, holding out my hand. She looks from me to hand and back to me. "I can't promise anything, but I won't hurt you right now." she says. "Good enough." I shrug.

We head back into the living room and sit on the couch. I began telling her the weekends events. Beth reacted in the way I knew she would. "You should have went back upstairs! You know how much of a hoe you look like, coming down the stairs?" she tells me. "I know, I know." I cringe. "Well, I think he still likes you. I mean, your the first girl he sang to. Thats got to mean something." she says to me. I shrug. "Well, thats why i'm here now. I didn't even eat breakfast." I say, in a mock pained voice. Beth laughed at my stupidity.

"Enough about my weekend, what the hell was Clark doing here? Where's your mom?" I ask her. She grab the pillow next to her and begins messing with a piece of string. "Well, my mom went to my aunts house yesterday and spent the night there. After dinner, Clark came inside to watch a movie and we ended up falling asleep together in my bed." she says, a blush creeping up into her face. 

"Falling asleep my ass. Ya'll had sex." I snort. Beth shrugs, smiling to herself. "Ya'll did have sex! How was it?" I ask, intrigued. "It was good, I guess. I mean, they say your first time sucks but it wasn't that bad. I actually enjoyed it." she says, blushing. "You really like him, don't you?" I ask. She nods, still smiling. "So i'm guessing you forgive him now?" I ask her. She pauses before answering, "I think so. I really want to trust him but it's hard. I mean, he cheated on me with Alexis, then lied about it." she says, frowning. 

"Well, i'm not trying to defend him, but technically, he didn't cheat. Ya'll weren't officially together yet." I say. "I know, but still. He should have told me the truth." she says. I nod in agreement. "Well, if you really love him, then you can forgive him. I mean, you freaking slept with the dude. How can you sleep with him if you don't forgive him?" I say to her. She nods. We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"I can't believe i'm not a virgin anymore." she says, smiling. I roll my eyes at her. "You're officially out of the 'I'm a virgin' crew." I joke. She laughs. "I'm in Megan's and Isabella's group." she says. "Wait, Isabella and Kyle hooked up?" I ask. "I don't know. I just thought since, considering how long they've been together." she answers, shrugging her shoulders. "Oh. They probably have, they just haven't told anyone. You know how they like to keep their relationship private." I tell her. She nods in agreement.

I leave around 5 and go home. Although I enjoyed my weekend at James' house, it felt nice to be home. I wondered if James and Carly worked everything out. I debated whether I should call or not. I decided it was better to let them be. 


For the rest of March, James and I spend time together during the weekdays. I rarely went to his house on the weekends. Carly and him were on good terms and he didn't want to mess that up. I spent most of my weekends at home because the rest of the girls were always out with their boy toys. 

The tuesday before spring break, me and James were hanging out in my house when he asked me what my plans for spring break are. "Um, nothing really. The girls wanted to go to the beach or something but we waited to long to rent hotels so we're stuck home this year." I tell him. "Oh. Well, my parents have a beach house on the island of Catalina. They asked me if I wanted to invite friends there for spring break." he tells me. "Oh. Um, I don't know if me going is the best idea. Carly wouldn't be too happy." I say. 

"Carly is going to Hawaii next week." he tells me. "Oh, well, does the house have enough rooms?" I ask. "Yeah. The house has 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. Everyone would have to share rooms though." he tells me. "Oh, well, Isabella and Kyle are going on a cruise so they're not going." I inform him. "Great. That means theres enough room." he says to me. "What about your friends?" I ask. "Lukes probably the only one who's going. Everyone else already has plans." he tells me. 

"Oh. Well, we're about to be surrounded by couples." I tell him. "I know right. Couples are so annoying." he jokes. "Yeah, they're pretty sickening." I say, remembering all the times I see James and Carly making out at the school parking lot. He grins at me.

After he left, I called the girls and told them of the news. They all sounded excited. "Wait, so me and Zach have to share a room?" Seirra asks. "Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" I ask her. "No, it's just I don't want him to get the wrong idea." she says. "Well, you should lay down the laws before we go." I advise her. 

The rest of the week was a blur. No one could pay attention in class and everyone was talking about their plans. Finally, friday arrived. I returned home from school and immediately started packing. We were driving to the beach tomorrow morning and I was super excited. I packed a bunch of shorts and dresses and bikinis. I finished packing and began to count down the hours. 

The next morning, I woke up at 8 and began getting ready. I took a quick shower and put on a pair of   capris and a tank top with a small jacket on top. I put on some eyeliner and wore my hair down. I put on a pair of white converses and grabbed my phone, purse, and suitcase. I headed downstairs and said bye to my parents. "Be safe!" my mom said kissing my cheek. "Have fun. Don't do anything stupid." my dad says to me.

I picked up Seirra and Zach and headed to James' house. We arrived and went inside James' house. Seirra and Zach went upstairs to the living room and took a seat there. They got comfrontable and started watching TV. I went to James' room and began talking to him.

"So we have 9 people traveling today. How are we going to do this?" I ask him. I go and sit on his bed and watch him as he packs his clothes. He was out last night with Carly so he wasn't able to finish packing. "Um, well, my parents are letting me take the Expedition and that holds 8 people. If everyone is willing to squeeze in, we could all go in one car." I nod. "But what about the luggage?" I ask. He stops to consider this.

"We can't all fit in one car and have room for luggage." he says. "We're going to need two cars." I say out loud. James' stops packing and thinks for a moment. "You got your phone?" he ask me. "Duh." I say, causing James' lips to turn up into a smile. "Call Luke. His number is 303-435-5534." he says to me. 

I dial Luke's number and call. He picks up on the second ring. "Hello?" he answers. "Hey Luke. It's Elena." I answer. He pauses before answering. "Hey Elena. Hows it going?" he says. "Nothing. Just over here at James' house, ready to get this vacation started." I tell him. He chuckles. "Enough chit-chat. Tell him to bring his Escalade. That car has a lot of room." James says to me. I repeat James' order to Luke. Luke agrees. 

"You know, after all the times I asked for your number, I finally got it now." Luke says. I could hear the smile in his voice. Ever since James' party, Luke has repeatedly asked me for my number but I kept refusing. "See you soon Luke." I say, rolling my eyes. "Bye Sweetheart." he says, laughing. I roll my eyes again and hang up.

When James' finished packing, Beth, Megan, and there significant others arrive. They come inside and head to the living room. I went down to the kitchen to get some drinks when I ran into James' mother. I've met her a few times and she was so nice. "Elena! It's nice to see you." she says, pulling me into a hug. "Hi Jessica. How are you?" I ask her. "Good. I bet you guys are excited." she says, smiling a bright smile. 

Jessica was a short petite woman with too much energy for her height. When I first met her, she was in the kitchen dancing, singing, and cooking. She had pulled me into a big hug and began talking to me like a long lost friend. She was fun to be around. Her smile was infectious.

"Yeah. Thanks again for letting us stay there." I say to her. "Oh it's no problem. You kids have fun." she says, starting to leave the kitchen. "We will." I say to her. She stopped in the doorway and looked at me, "Elena?" she says. "Yes?" I say, wondering what she's going to say. "Take care of James for me. I can tell that you care for him very much." she says. "Okay Jessica." I answer her, a blush creeping to my cheek. The second time I saw her, she asked me if I like James. I said no but she knew better. She told me that she could tell I did because of the way I looked at him. She smiled and walked off. 

After retrieving the drinks, Luke arrived. Instead of going back upstairs, I yelled for everyone to come downstairs. As they all came down the stairs, I handed everyone their drinks. "Everyone outside." I say, ushering everyone out. James went back upstairs and said bye to his mother and brought down his luggage. 

"Who's going in what car?" Megan asks. James started walking to his car and looked at everyone. "Okay. Megan, Kevin, Seirra, and Zach are riding with Luke. Lena, Beth, and Clark are riding with me. I can put more luggage in my car since i'm taking less people." he says. After announcing car arragements, we begin putting our luggage in the two designated cars.

After we finish loading the cars, we all get into the cars and begin our 2 hours journey to the coast. Once we reach the coast, the cars will be put on ferrys and shipped to the island. I sit in the passenger seat next to James and he begins driving. "Ya'll ready for an awesome spring break?" he asks, no one in particular. "Hell yeah." Beth answers him, cauing all of us to start laughing. 


After the long drive and ferry ride, we finally arrive at the beach house. "Wow. This place is beautiful." Beth says, looking outside her window. "This whole island is beautiful." I correct her. We stepped outside the car and began grabbing our luggage. Luke arrived shortly after and they also began getting out of the vehicle.

We walk up to the beach house and James opens the door. We all step inside and begin taking in our surrondings. We walk through the whole house and say how beautiful everything is. Everyone else picked their rooms except for me, James, and Luke. There was three of us and only two rooms left. 

"James and I could share a room and you could get one to yourself?" Luke suggests, trying to be a gentleman. "No, it's fine. I could just share a bed with one of you guys." I say. "You could take turns. Sleep with Luke one night then with James the next night." Megan suggests. "Wow. You just made me sound like a whore." I joke. Everyone laughs. 

"Sounds good to me." James says. "Yup. As long as you sleep with me first." Luke says, grinning. I roll my eyes and place my luggage in his room. He fist pumps and causes everyone to start laughing. This is going to be an interesting vacation, I think to myself.

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