INFERNO HEARTS •lydia martin

Galing kay Hazza3000

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Isabella McCall is Scott's twin sister and the person who has stolen Lydia Martin's heart without realising i... Higit pa

1. || extended prologue
2. || the trio
3. || completely healed
4. || orange eyes
5. || finding my twin
6. || shifted
7. || intimidating hale
9. || all of this for lacrosse
10. || killer dream
11. || man down
12. || faking
13. || jealousy
14. || guardians insinct
15. || the twin outing
16. || injured hale

8. || half a girl

5.7K 147 52
Galing kay Hazza3000

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm blaring and a heater next to me, I open my eyes slowly I go to move but stop instantly when I hear a groan my body reacts faster than I can think I pin the person down about to punch the intruder in the face until I come face to face with my brother.

"What the hell, Bella" Scott says shoving me off him before rubbing his eyes and pulling the covers over his face.

"It's your own fault I told you not to come in here without me knowing" I say before getting out of bed and turning my alarm of fully awake now, my heartbeat slowly calming down. I pull the cover back over Scott causing him to let out a sigh, I can tell he didn't sleep much last night by the evident bags under his eyes so letting him sleep in a little will be fine.

I go downstairs to make myself a coffee and have a conversation with my overly tired mom who has just come in from work. Once I finish my coffee, I head upstairs to take a shower leaving Scott to sleep until I get out. I wash my hair in the shower so once I get out, I use two towels one for my body and one for my hair, I brush my teeth wrapped up in both towels.

Once I'm dry, I discard the one from my body replacing it with underwear and a robe, I go into my bedroom waking up my twin telling him he needs to get ready and with the persuasion of Dunkin' doughnuts he eventually gives in and goes into his room to get ready.

I rummage through my closet and draws looking for a basic outfit today I opt for my black graphic t-shirt, which is actually Stiles', some black denim shorts that have sequins on the back pockets and a pair of black tights as it's cold out.

I go back into the bathroom putting some concealer under my eyes and lip balm on my lips, I let my hair down and dry it letting the natural waves come down. I add a silver chunky necklace and some silver chunky rings before throwing on my oversized knit cardigan and lacing up my black doc martins up so I'm ready to leave.

Scott is soon ready and we both head out stopping out Dunkin' before school so we start the day with a lot of coffee and food in our systems knowing we're gonna need it to deal with coach.

"What do you mean you can't play the game tomorrow night?" Coach asks as we all stand in his stuffy, untidy, and cramped office.

"I mean, I can't play the game tomorrow night" Scott says trying to sound firm, but it doesn't work, I shouldn't have come with him but after all his begging and whining I eventually gave in.

"Female McCall talk some sense into your brother" Coach says looking at me causing me to sigh, yup definitely shouldn't have come.

"Coach, I really don't think he should play in the game tomorrow night he..." I attempt to explain helping my brother out, but coach cuts me off or should I say 'corrects' me.

"... can't wait to play the game tomorrow night" Coach finishes for me, I let out a sigh knowing this conversation isn't going anywhere.

"No, coach, I can't play the game tomorrow night" Scott says getting just as frustrated as me, Coach looks at me giving me a nod as if to say, 'what is going on?"

"He really can't play" I say hoping it would help but knowing coach it won't.

"I'm not following" Coach says obviously having to be difficult, I knew this was a useless idea he should've just pretended to be sick.

"I'm having some personal issues" Scott says, I nod agreeing with Scott's statement which technique isn't wrong, but I know coach won't care, well not enough to stop him from playing in the game.

"Is it a girl?" Coach asks trying to understand his player.

"No" Scott says shaking his head to emphasis it's not about a girl.

"Is it a guy? You know, our goalie Danny's gay" Coach says causing me to smile, I could imagine Scott being gay.

"Yeah, I know, Coach. But that's not it" Scott replies not wanting to get into the subject.

"You don't think Danny's a good-looking guy?" Coach asks causing me to chuckle.

"Yeah, Scott. What do you think" I say teasing my frustrated twin even more, I try my best to hold back my laughter, but it doesn't work, Scott just glares at me.

"I think he's good-looking. But I like girls. And that's not it, anyway! I... I..." Scott stammers not knowing what to say, I laugh even more.

"What? Is it drugs? Are you doing meth? Cause I had a brother that was addicted to meth. You should have seen what it did to his teeth. They were all cracked and rotted. It was... It was disgusting" Coach says causing me to gag at the thought of it, he always has to go off subject like where did that even come from.

"Eww, don't make me throw up my breakfast" I say paling slightly a thought of his teeth.

"Oh, my god. What happened to him?" Scott asks like the nice and caring person he is complete opposite to me.

"He got veneers. Is that what this is about? Are you afraid of getting hurt, McCall?" Coach says looking at Scott bewildered.

"No. I'm having some issues dealing with aggression" Scott says, I want to slap my head that is never going to end well with coach he's just given him another reason to put him on.

"Well, here's the good news. That's why you play lacrosse. Problem solved" coach says wanting this conversation to be over just as much as the rest of us do.

"Coach, I can't play the game tomorrow tonight" Scott says with a sigh, not wanting to disappoint anyone but it's becoming impossible.

"Listen, McCall. Part of playing first line is taking on the responsibility of being first line. Now, if you can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're on the bench until you're ready. And you, talk some sense into him like a team captain would" coach says pointing his finger at me aggressively.

"If I don't play the game, you're taking me off first line?" Scott says stunned, I knew this conversation wasn't going to end well and look surprise, surprise I'm right.

"McCall, play the game" Coach says before turning to me "And don't you dare think about not playing the game otherwise we will definitely loose with Jackson's arm" Coach says sternly before walking out of his office leaving us stood there like idiots.

Scott and I eventually leave coach's office knowing this day is just going to be shit nothing has gone right so far and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better especially when both of our phone's ping with a message from our mom saying, 'Got the night off! Coming to see my twins play! So excited!!'

Making things even more stressful and worse, if anything goes wrong, I do not want my mom there to get hurt or to see Scott in that way and now if he doesn't play, she will be disappointed and annoyed as she took time off to see him. I let out a sigh running my hands through my hair, I look at the time on my phone realising that I'm going to be late to French if I don't hurry up.

"I've gotta get my French book out of my locker. I'll see you in maths" I say walking away from my brother and over to my locker late as perusal. The bell rings and the hallway clear as everyone makes their way to lesson, as I shove the stuff I don't need into my locker.

Allison walks over to her locker sending me a huge smile which I fail to return as whenever I look at her now, I think about her dad shooting my brother in the arm which is not a nice thought. It's a shame really as I was really starting to like the girl, but her family wants to murder me and Scott and even if Scott is stupid enough to be shagging the enemy I must certainly am not.

I won't be horrible to her though as it isn't her fault that her family kills innocent people, but I am not dumb enough to stay with her like my twin is, I tried to convince him otherwise, but he wouldn't listen. I decide not to pursue the issue involving them but that doesn't mean I agree with it.

Allison pulls her jacket out of her locker looking really confused, she looks over at me as if she wants to say something, but she doesn't before I could ask her what her problem was, I get distracted by heavy breathing but not a human sort like an animalistic sort, a werewolf sort.

Allison looks over at me her face plastered with fear and even if I'm not too keen on the idea of the girl she is still sweet and innocent, and I will not let her get hurt even if that has more to do with my brother being heartbroken but still.

The fear remains on her face, and this confirms my thoughts earlier she doesn't know about werewolves which is interesting as usually they would've introduced the supernatural to her by now, well that's what it said when Stiles researched everything about them.

I can tell she isn't a hunter not with the attitude that she portrays but she definitely has the physique to be one, she looks at me again and is about to walk over to me, but I put my finger to my lips shaking my head quickly. I point down to her heeled feet, and she sends me a look of understanding.

I look around trying to see if I can see anyone as I use my advanced hearing to find out where the breathing is coming from, it's behind the lockers where Allison is stood. I try to pick up the scent of the person they smell familiar, but I can't quite remember who as I'm still not use to this werewolf shit yet.

The bell rings and it echoes through my ears painfully I grab a hold of them letting out a groan in pain, Allison gasps in fear at the sound of the bell.

After that I can't hear the breathing, letting out a sigh of relief I grab my French book before shutting my locker before I start walking towards French class when Allison stops me.

"Bella, wait" Allison calls out causing me to stop in my tracks turning around to face the soon to be huntress with my familiar cold look, I send her my usual signature glare before speaking up.

"What?" I ask bluntly, not wanting to show any signs of weakness to a girl whose family would use my head as a centre piece in their living room. Allison falters slightly her usual confident facade fades, she thought she got through to the McCall twin.

"I, um, I just wanted to know if Lydia said anything to you a-about putting my jacket in my locker that's all. I also um" Allison rubs the back of her neck nervously.

"Wanted to know if we could walk to French class as we have it together" Allison asks, I'm taken back by her nervousness which the usual confident display leaves the brunette for a second.

"I wouldn't know if Lydia did didn't leave your jacket in your locker as I don't like the girl so I wouldn't choose to talk to her" I say walking beside Allison letting her know that I don't care if we walk to class together or not.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you did as I saw you talking at the party that's all" Allison says choosing her words carefully as she doesn't want to anger the twin who has a seeming dislike to the strawberry blonde who has become Allison's best friend.

"No, I don't like her, and I only spoke to her a couple of times at the party. The first time was pleasant she asked me if I wanted a drink, but the second time wasn't as I asked her if she had seen my brother and she responded in her usual ignorant way" I say with a huff thinking back to the conversation with the green-eyed girl.

"Oh, okay" Allison responds with a smile, we walk the rest of the way to French in silence not an awkward one a comfortable one neither of us having anything else to say to the other.

We walk into French together and suddenly all eyes are on us as its unusual for me to be accompanied by anyone other than my brother or Stiles on the occasion Danny, but we only have a couple of lessons together.

"Ahh, girls your late" Madame says, she is one of the only teachers I can stand in this school, and one of the only ones I would apologise to as she is actually nice, I don't end up getting to apologise as Allison speaks up first.

"Sorry miss, I'm new and Bella was showing me to lesson it's my fault" Allison says causing me to nod my head as a thank you ignoring the wide-eyed students as I never let anyone call me Bella let alone a new girl who I've none barely five minutes.

"Ahh, you must be miss Argent. I'll let you off this time miss McCall, but I don't want you two to be late again" Madame says gesturing us to walk over to our seats I nod my head about to make my way to my sit when madame speaks up again.

"As it's your first lesson with me miss Argent you can choose where you sit."

Allison looks over at the wide-eyed students who are obviously going to gossip about the incident that has just occurred, some our expressionless but most of them are looking at her intensely causing her to gulp becoming nervous.

Allison looks at me giving me a pleading look. I roll my eyes at the dramatic teens before grabbing her wrist and pulling her over to where I'm sat and into the empty desk next to me, already knowing what she was implying. Plus, Allison is actually tolerable unlike most of the people in this class.

"Thanks" Allison whispers with a bright smile on her face again, I nod my head as a response before pulling my book out with a sigh it's definitely going to be a long day.

French went okay it was boring but easy, that's one thing I am good at is picking up languages most of my mom's side are Spanish and I'm practically fluent unlike Scott who can't understand a word of it. Allison was surprisingly good at French as well so when we found out we were going to be in partners, and she asked me to be hers I wasn't opposed to the idea as for once someone would contribute to it and I wouldn't exactly sleep with her as it would break my brother's heart.

The next lesson I have is maths which I hate with a passion, I mean who thought it would be a good idea to put letters with numbers. I manage to end up late to this lesson as well, I got a warning from the teacher but soon sat down.

This lesson seems to be normal well, except for the fact Scott and Lydia are at the front writing on the board supposed to answering the question which I know for a fact that Scott can't answer. They look like there arguing and I would've listened in but I'm a little preoccupied staring at the red heads ass.

Hey, it's not my fault that her skirt shows of her curves perfectly and the length and the tightness of the skirt makes her ass even bigger, how have I never noticed how much of a nice figure Lydia has. I find myself staring and as she turns around walking away it's like I couldn't pull myself from my trance.

Her legs are slightly toned, they are short but at the same time they would be perfect for... well, I think you could guess what for. The strawberry blonde stops in front of my desk and my eyes slowly make their way up her figure to meet her gorgeous emerald eyes.

"Enjoying the view" Lydia says for once being confident around the girl she's been in love with for years, she's glad that the McCall twin finds her attractive as before I have never shown any sign of attraction.

She could feel the heat rush to her cheeks and other places when she notices that I soak up her figure looking her up and down once more before finally meeting her eyes again. I'm not embarrassed that she caught me staring I couldn't care less to be honest it's not like I've never caught her checking me out.

"I was it was a perfect view, but I don't enjoy you arguing with my brother" I say my eyes glistening as I snap out of my trance instead of a hunger filled expression it goes back to my blank one, I look at her once more before going back to my work.

Before Lydia could reply, the teacher shouts over to her to take a seat, Lydia obliges going back over to her desk with a slight smile on her face that I have finally shown some sort of attraction to her after 4 years she's been fawning over me, but she wasn't completely happy with my response.

She would've preferred me to say something like 'I need you Lydia' or 'Obviously I'm in love with you' that would've been the perfect response but obviously she isn't going to get that... yet.

Scott and I are talking about the situation with Lydia in maths he has ago at me for flirting with her and I feel guilty after he explains what she said to him and that's when I realise that she is still a bitch. As soon as I think there could be more to her, she always ends up proving me wrong.

The amount of extra pressure she has put on him to play isn't helping anything she has just made all our lives more difficult as I'm going to have to try and convince him that playing isn't worth it. The next time I see the girl I swear to go I'm going to strangle her and not in the way I wanted too earlier, ugh.

"Hey, come here" Stiles says but doesn't give us chance to reply as he grabs both of our arms resulting in both of us following him.

"What?" I groan wanting to skip last period and just go home, and honestly if he gives me any worse news, I don't think I'm going to make it I cannot be bothered to hear anything else.

"Come here. Tell me what they're saying" Stiles say shoving us both into the wall to keep us out of his dad and the principles view, we hide behind the wall looking at the two adults who are stood further away before tuning in but before I could catch what they are saying Stiles' voice cuts it off.

"Can you hear them?"

"Shhh!" Scott and I say at the same time just as harsh causing Stilinski to shut up immediately, we look over at the adults again and that's when I pick up on their conversation.

"We want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their homes by 9:30 p.m. We'd like to institute the curfew effective immediately" Sheriff Stilinski says in a soft yet stern voice.

"Look, we don't..." but I stop listening to the principles response not really caring for what he has to say.

"Curfew because of the body" I explain before Scott can, Stiles lets out a dramatic groan.

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants" Stiles says clearly pissed at who I have no idea but I'm sure I will get an earful of it tonight on ft.

"You can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek" Scott says causing my eyes to widen- say what now.

"Derek. You think Derek Hale is the killer?" I ask confused, I mean he acts like an asshole and a know it all but it's one thing to dislike and distrust someone and it's another to accuse them of murder.

"Isn't it obvious" Stiles says in a duh like tone, I shake my head laughing at them as if I'm mocking them causing both of them to look at me nervously.

"No, no it's not obvious" I say looking at both of them as if they are crazy.

"Bella..." Scott sighs tries to say we already had a conversation about who the killer was last night, and I made my opinion perfectly clear on the matter.

"No, it's not him. Asshole, yes. Miserable, yes. Lonely, yes. Sour wolf, yes. Hot, absolutely. Murderer, no. Psychopath, no. Sociopath, maybe. And it's not like you can tell your dad the truth anyway" I say stating facts causing both of them to shut up as they both know I'm right.

"I can do something" Stiles says looking at both of us as if we are supposed to guess what he is thinking.

"Like what?" Scott and I say at the same time, that happens occasionally and every time it does happen it scares Stiles.

"One, creepy. Two, find the other half of the body" Stiles says like it's no big deal, I roll my eyes at him this boy is an idiot.

"Are you kidding?" Scott and I say at the same time but in completely different ways.

I say it in a fed-up way knowing that I'm going to be dragged into this and most likely having to clean up the mess they get themselves into every time. Scott says it in shock completely and utterly stunned by his best friend again why he would be as it is Stiles, we are talking to I don't know.

"Still creepy" Stiles says as he walks away from us, I just shake my head at the moron one day he is going to get himself killed or thrown in jail which will not end well, not with his sarcasm or his inability to shut his mouth.

We watch Stiles walk away both of us staring at the idiotic geek who is still our best friend but what catches both of our attention is Lydia introducing Allison to some 'hot' lacrosse player just like she told Scott she would. Personally, I think that the lacrosse player she is introducing to Allison looks and smells like a foot but each for your own, I guess.

I can't be bothered to listen in to their conversation but by the look on Scott's face shows that he decided to, why I have no idea. I let out a sigh knowing this isn't going to end well, so to stop a complete train wreck from happening I make a suggestion.

"I'll talk to Lydia and tell her to back off and you can talk to Allison" I say angry just like Scott is he nods his head aggressively. The only reason I'm mad is the fact that Lydia thinks she has the right to walk in and fuck up a perfectly good relationship for her own selfish and unknown needs.

Both of us walk over to the three, Allison looks at us thankful that she doesn't have to talk to this moron whilst Lydia looks slightly stunned that we are actually over with them or more so I am.

"Walk away" I say through gritted teeth staring at the lacrosse player who immediately complies walking away from the two girls. "Lydia, can I talk to you. Over there." I motion over to the side making it clear that I want it away from my brother and his girlfriend or whatever Allison is to him.

Speak of the devil she looks over to me as if she wants to ask what's wrong, but she sees my clenched jaw and notices my grip on my phone is so tight my knuckles have gone white, so she opts against it.

"Um, of course" Lydia says trying her best to remain confident but we all see through it I mean it's hard not to she is rarely confident around me, we walk away from the couple and over to the lockers to give all of us space to talk.

"Okay, what do you have against my brother" I ask practically spitting the words out I don't know what's wrong with me something like this would never make me this angry, but it just did.

"What do you mean?" Lydia asks nervously as she continues to play dumb, she twirls a strand of her strawberry blonde locks avoiding eye contact.

"Practically threatening him in maths and now this. Do you think I'm dumb? You deliberately introduced Allison to some so called 'hot' lacrosse player when you know that he likes her. I don't get you" I say angrily, I try my best to swallow the anger that is boiling but it's like a fire running through my veins, and I have nothing to put it out with.

"Bella, I, I... um" Lydia says nervously trying her best to come up with a sentence an excuse even but nothing comes to mind because she knew she messed up. She tries to find the courage to look up from the 'interesting' floor, but she couldn't, she couldn't meet the hurt and angry look in the girl she loved eyes.

"It's honestly funny, whenever I think that you might actually be a nice person you pull a stunt like this to remind me, you're not" I spit out the rage boiling in the pit of my stomach as it finally erupts, and the hurtful sentences flow out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have done it, it's just..." Lydia says again failing to come up with a plausible lie but again nothing comes out. She wants to explain everything how she feels why she gets so nervous and just tell her that she loves the girl, but she can't not when it's obvious the dark-haired girl doesn't return the feelings.

"I don't want your damn apologies, I'm not the one you should be apologising too. You're trying to hurt my twin not me, just stay away from him and do me a favour and stay away from me" I say walking away jaw clenched as well as my fists I attempt to calm down, but I can't I walk straight into the girl's bathroom feeling the shift coming on.

Lydia on the other hand has to hold back her tears, she doesn't understand why I dislike her so much well at this point it's more of a hatred. She tries to be nice, but it never works, she doesn't know what else she can do.

She holds back her tears and struts away Lydia Martin doesn't cry for anyone not even for the girl she's in love with, well then again not until she can get home to cry.

What on earth is wrong with me? Why am I so angry? It's like the angrier I get the stronger I feel I try to push it down, but it doesn't work, I hold back the snarl and do the only thing I can think of to let some of my anger out punch something. I channel all my rage and aggression into punching the mirror, my eyes flicker from orange to blue before I finally punch the mirror.

It shatters into loads of different pieces turns out I punched it just in time as Rebecca walks in just as the mirror shatters and my eyes turn back to their baby blue. I let out a heavy breath as I slowly start to calm down clutching onto the counter.

"Bella, oh my god. Your hand, what have you done" She says fussing over my hand, I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to reply with. She grabs my hand and runs it under the tap, I manage to suppress the healing by focusing on the cuts and wanting them to stay for some reason that works.

"Here, I've got some bandages in my handbag" Rebecca says rummaging through her bag before pulling them out and wrapping my knuckles ignoring my protests, I sigh and give up letting the girl wrap my hand.

"Why do you have bandages in your handbag anyway" I huff letting the blonde tend to my cut hands which I know for a fact will heal soon anyway.

"My brother Connor plays lacrosse and I like to have it on me encase he gets hurt badly" She says with a gentle smile, I look up at her and let my cold demur slip slightly sending her one back. It sounds like something I would do for Scott; I can see the faint blush appear on her cheeks at how close our faces are, and it makes me smile even more.

"Come on, we gotta get to class" I say brushing a strand of her blonde locks out of her face before leaving the bathroom with Becca by my side. I can feel Lydia staring at me, but I don't look at her instead I look at Rebecca sending her another smile as we walk to English.

I miss the jealous look on Lydia's face the longing look that she has, I miss the want in her eyes because for once I'm oblivious.

Last period was slow and torturous talking of being tortured I've just been blackmailed by my brother to go with him to see Derek, how might you ask he promised he wouldn't tell mom about me having a girl over when I was supposed to be studying but he said he would if I didn't go with him to see Derek.

Apparently, he thinks it's a good idea to start an argument on a born werewolf who is older and stronger than us for a girl who just so happens to be a hunter's daughter all over something as pathetic as him giving her, her jacket back.

I speed up to the Hale house just wanting to get home for once Scott didn't complain about the speed I'm driving at, instead he is more concerned about his little girlfriend who by the way he has only known for what a week. As soon as the car stops Scott jumps out slamming the door causing me to groan and check to make sure my baby's okay.

"Derek! Derek!" Scott yells causing me to roll my eyes, I take my time getting out of the car and do it to a completely different manner to my twin instead of shouting I sit quietly on the bonnet of my car waiting for the nuclear meltdown to happen.

But I can't even do that without interruption except the interruption isn't from my brother or his whining no it's from the strong potent smell of blood, I look around trying to find the source without having to move an inch when my eyes land on a pile of dirt.

The strong scent is coming from there it looks like something has been buried there... interesting.

I look back at Scott wondering why he has gone silent, and I notice he is looking at the same thing, but my eyes also catch a green pair, Derek's. The brooding sour wolf is stood in his burnt and rotted decking staring at us well, glaring at Scott.

"Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything" Scott yells, Derek looks at me curiously as I stay quiet not bothered about being here, I just lean back on the bonnet in an attempt to get comfier. Derek walks over to Scott with the same unbothered expression that my face holds.

"Yeah? What if she does? You think your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves and now you've got all the answers, is that it? You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you and your sister Isabella. She is starting to understand that there is a lot more to it then all of you know, why can't you?" Derek replies with the same unbothered manner as he continues to walk closer to both of us or more so Scott.

"Think about what could happen. You're out on the field, the aggression takes over and you shift in front of everyone" Derek takes Scott's lacrosse stick from him. "Your mom, all your friends, and when they see you" He uses his claws to tear the net part of it. "Everything falls apart" Derek says he sends me over a nod which I return with an eye roll.

"Well, that was dramatic, and I've had a long day so... Scotty let's go home" I say climbing of the bonnet and into my car.

We got home not long after, Scott was moody the whole way. I went up into my room, but Scott follows me flopping onto my bed talking about Allison and everything, I listen to his rant like the good sister I am but I also message Stiles knowing he would be here in like 5 minutes. I send a simple text saying that 'I found something.'

As predicted 5 minutes later Scott's rant is interrupted by the front door practically bursting of its hinges, Stiles' thumping up the stairs most likely taking them three at a time before my door opens with a loud bang. Scott rolls his eyes this time finishing off threading his lacrosse stick.

"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yes, I've had a lot of Adderall, so..." Stiles rambles out of breath and extremely excitable.

"Hello, to you too stiles" I say laughing slightly not wanting this conversation to be as miserable as Scott's was.

"We found something at Derek Hale's" Scott says cutting right to the chase, Stiles' face lights up as if its Christmas or something

"Or ignore me" I say shaking my head at the boys as if I am there mother, Stiles looks at both of us with a bright smile on his face.

"Are you kidding? What?" Stiles asks practically bouncing of the walls with excitement.

"There's something buried there. We could smell blood" I say shrugging, it could be anything, but it was defiantly human blood don't ask me how I know the difference it's like I just know.

"That's awesome. I mean, that's terrible. Whose blood" Stiles asks looking at us beaming with joy as the same huge smile plagues his face.

"I don't know" Scott shrugs, Stiles looks at me expectantly, but I just shrug as well.

"It wasn't anyone we know it was an unfamiliar scent" I say not knowing what else to say as their scent was unfamiliar so it's not like I know who it is.

"But when we do find out whose blood it is, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then both of you will help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing. Because there's no way I'm not playing that game" Scott rants slapping a hand on his excited friend before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of my own room ignoring my groaning.

We arrive at the hospital not long later we decide to take Stiles' jeep instead of my car because we can never leave Roscoe behind apparently. We have also come up with a plan the first part is going to the morgue and sniffing half of the dead girl to see if there scents match.

We also have to avoid my mom at all costs because if we get caught this is going to be hard to explain without sounding crazy.

"Hey" Stiles says knocking me out of my train of thoughts, tapping my shoulder and pointing to a sigh that says morgue

"Okay, Bella you're coming with me" Scott says grabbing onto my arm, I let out a sigh. I don't like the idea of my brother going in alone but two of us going in will definitely get us noticed.

"I can't, if we both go it will draw more attention to us you need to do this on your own" I say, he nods his head huffing slightly as he realises my point.

"Good luck, I guess" Stiles says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, he can make any situation awkward I guess it's a gift.

"Yeah" Scott says uneasy not wanting to do it alone, but he'd rather do it then me as he wouldn't allow me to go in there alone. I hug my twin tightly whispering a good luck before walking with Stiles towards the waiting room.

As soon as we walk in, I notice the strawberry blonde sat there, I didn't mean to listen in to her conversation, but I just did I try my best to tune out, but I still haven't got control of these wolfie powers yet.

"I know but she hates me now, I don't know what to do? I also hate the way Rebecca throws herself at her... Uh-huh.... Pffft, no I don't like her, but she thinks I'm a stuck-up bitch" Lydia says I raise my eyebrow slightly in thought who is she talking about? And what's wrong with Rebecca?

"Well, that's what she implied when we left you and Scott, ugh I just don't want her to hate me. I was not crying, no I just had something in my eye that made my eyes water" Lydia continues but her heart skips a beat. I made her cry. I didn't mean to make her cry; wait why do I feel bad?

I never feel bad for my actions but the thought of Lydia crying, well it's a horrible feeling. I don't like the feeling; I don't think it's a feeling I've felt before. The need to comfort and hold someone when there upset yes maybe with my brother and Stiles but to kiss and make their worries go away is something different.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

I sit there staring at the plain walls that surround me the hospital always looks plain and boring, there's never anything to it no colour not unless you go to the children's ward. I turn to look back over to Lydia ignoring whatever Stiles is saying but that's when we lock eyes it's like I could feel her emotions by looking into her eyes, her sorrow.

It's like I could feel a connection forming, or was it already there, I can't tell if this is a wolf thing or what because when I look into her eyes it's like I'm taken away from reality. I wonder if Lydia can feel it too. She can tell my emotions just by looking into my eyes, right now they are softer than usual, softer than she ever thought my eyes could be.

The cold exterior has gone and instead my baby blue eyes hold emotion, these are the eyes that Lydia loves deeply. If it were anyone else, she would drop her gaze but with me she's drawn in closer, always wanting more but never getting it.

I've never had feelings for Lydia before nothing other than hatred except from right now, I know it will pass over in a couple of hours but right now she is like my medication my need to survive no matter how cheesy it sounds. In all the world there isn't another like Lydia, someone who can make you hate them one minute and love them the next.

Lydia holds my gaze for once not cowering away, she thinks about how easy it could be if I would just back down or if she could just admit her feeling but she can't not right now. In all the world there isn't another like Isabella McCall, Belle, Lydia thinks to herself that we are two souls who feel like once upon another reality we were mates each other's eternal flames but what if it wasn't in another reality, what if it could be this reality?

The sound of Allison's confusion rings in Lydia's ears whilst Stiles louder babbling rings in mine, we ignore them for a couple of seconds more just staring. Stiles follows my eye line confused as to why I am staring and for a smart guy he is extremely oblivious sometimes.

"She's here I've got to go, yes I am going to talk to her, ugh your annoying, yeah, okay, bye" Lydia says ending the call, I quickly turn away for once caring if I am caught staring because I wasn't staring lustfully for once I was staring lovingly and that's what's scaring me.

"Uh-oh Martin alert" Stiles whispers and I jump a mile forgetting he is sat next to me for a minute he looks at me smirking before going back to reading his pamphlet on periods... weirdo. I look down at my nails like they are the most interesting thing on earth. So pretty, so black, that is until red shows up in front of me.

"Uhhh, Be- Isabella, um. Can I, uh, talk to you... please?" Lydia asks not meeting my eyes as she stares at her shoes, Stiles' jaw slacks as she looks over at the usually confident and bitchy red head, watching her fall apart in the presence of his best mate.

"Sure, go ahead" I say gesturing for her to continue, I don't mean to act like a bitch and my wolf right now is cursing me for the harshness in my tone, but I don't like this soppy feeling and I want it to stop.

I don't know why I got so wound up earlier all about the Scott thing I'm not even angry about that anymore I so, overreacted but I usually hold a grudge and I probably would have done if I didn't meet the emerald gaze of the red head.

"Like, alone" Lydia says signalling for Stiles to go who obviously still doesn't get the message and knowing him he won't understand until you literally tell him to fuck off.

"Yeah, come on" I say getting out of the uncomfortable leather seats, gesturing for her to follow me over to some seats further away even though Stiles will be trying his best to listen over the noise of the hospital he won't be able to.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, you know for what I did with Allison. I know your brother likes her and I just wanted him to play in the game and I thought the best way to do it would be to involve Allison... I know you said not to talk to you but, I, uh just wanted you to know" Lydia says trying her best to sound stern and not let her nervousness show but I could smell it either way not that she knows that her eyes train on the floor and she doesn't dare pick them up.

"Listen, Lydia. I don't want your apologies, I meant what I said before... it's not my apology to accept, it's Scott's" I say but it comes out colder than intended, Lydia finally picks her eyes up from the floor to look at me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" The strawberry blonde asks looking at me with her eyes, watering slightly. I stammer slightly not expecting the question, but no words end up leaving my mouth.

"You don't know me, yet you hate me? I don't get it. I try to be nice to you, all the time, I try to talk to you and be friendly. I invite you to hang out with me, yet you reject me. I will leave you alone if you tell me why?"

"Because all I see is the stereotypical Regina George, the popular bitch who thinks she owns the school. Who thinks she's better than everyone else, that's what I see? I don't know you Lydia your right but every time I think that I want to, you pull a stunt like this reminding me why I don't bother trying to. You're the one giving me reasons not to want to get to know you, yet you wonder why I don't return your smile, why I don't want to hang out with your rude and stuck-up friends bar Allison and Danny" I run my hands through my hair angrily before continuing, sounding more frustrated.

"I've heard you say to Allison I've never seen the real you, then act like the real you and maybe I will want to. I don't like fake people Lydia and all you've ever done is show me the bitchy side to Beacon Hills Queen B. Act like yourself and maybe I'll want to get to know you" I say trying my best not to show any emotion, but Lydia can see through the facade, and she knows that this is my way of attempting to be nice and more honest.

It makes a smile appear on Lydia's face, she wipes away the stray tears that had fallen, she doesn't understand why she is so emotional at the movement she's usually good at hiding it but it's like she can't not with me.

Lydia notices my effort of trying to be nice and opening up to her more and it makes her want to cry with joy and tell me everything that she's feeling but she can't because right now isn't the right place or time but at least she has gotten somewhere even if it is only baby steps. There's silence between us for a couple minutes it's peaceful after what I said there isn't any need to say anything I go to leave when Lydia finally speaks up.

"I, uh, I don't know what to say" Lydia huffs silently cursing herself the time she has been waiting for has finally come and she gets so nervous so freaked out she doesn't know what to say, typical.

"Then don't say anything, I'm gonna get back to Stiles. I'll see you at school" I say giving her one last glance before walking away and back over to my seat next to Stiles.

What is going on today? This is my third time speaking to Lydia Martin today and it was a heartfelt conversation. What is wrong with me?

"What was that about" Stiles questions wanting to know every single detail and also wanting to know why his best friend is talking to the so-called girl she hates. He also wants to know how she manages to make the Lydia Martin nervous and cry in one go without shouting but talking normally.

"None of your business" I reply shortly, Stiles is taken back by my curt attitude I never keep anything from him let alone refuse to tell him anything, it just makes him more curious than before.

"Did he, do it?" I hear the strawberry blondes voice feel my ears, I watch her wipe her tears away before walking over to her lover boy.

"He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me" Jackson replies in a cold and harsh tone, I try to supress my growl that so badly wants to make its way out. Stiles notices my glare causing him to become even more confused than before.

"You should get one right before the game, too. The pros do it all the time. You want to be a little high school amateur? Or do you want to go pro?" Lydia says before leaning into kiss Jackson and that's when I feel it. A pang of jealousy, I don't know what is wrong with me but right now my wolf is telling me to rip Jackson to shreds. Before Stiles could open his mouth and ask any questions the murderous look in my eyes suddenly withdrew them.

"Your staring" Stiles says softly his hand comes in contact with my shoulder gently as he sees my eye colour flicker from blue to orange.

"No, I wasn't" I say but before he could say anything else Scott walks over scaring the shit out of Stiles.

"Holy, god!" Stiles shrieks a very feminine shriek.

"The scent was the same" Scott says cutting to the chase no bluntness or waiting around, for the first time tonight he didn't beat around the bush.

"Are you sure?" I ask wanting him to 100% sure before we go jumping to conclusions and in a way, I needed the extra confirmation.

"Yes" Scott replies, Stiles lets out a sigh whilst I run my fingers through my hair messing it up even more, even though this is evidence it doesn't feel like it something feels off. I can't explain the feeling, but something isn't right.

"So, he did bury the other half of the body on his property" Stiles says thinking out loud, Scott nods along agreeing with his statement.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl" Scott says stating what we are all thinking.

"I say we use it" Stiles says a small smile making its way onto his face as he thinks about justice finally being served.

"Something doesn't seem right" I say thinking out loud, both of their head's snap towards me as if to say elaborate. "I don't know why he would burry someone he killed on his property it doesn't make sense, it seems almost too easy."

"No, you never say that again. No one says too easy because then everything goes to shit" Stiles says dramatically causing me to roll my eyes.

"How are we going to use this to get Derek arrested?" Scott asks seeming desperate to either bring the killer in or to get back at Derek.

"Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or because you go play in the game and he said you couldn't?" Stiles asks expressing my thoughts as well.

"That's exactly what I want to know" I say sending my brother a harsher glare as if to say and don't you dare lie to me

"There were bite marks on the legs, Bella. Bite marks, Stiles" Scott says trying to emphasis his reasoning without saying it, I nod my head agreeing with him.

"Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel" Stiles says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"And I already don't like this idea" I say they both ignore me and drag me out of the hospital.

"He may be an asshole and a murderer but he still hot and has a lush car" I say admiring Camaro as it drives away, a couple of seconds later Stiles' blue jeep pulls up to the scene.

We get out of Roscoe shovels in hand and Stiles has with both a flashlight and shovel as we walk over to the pile of dirt but as we walk over there, I notice something different, as I inhale the scent of the blood, I notice a slight change.

"Scott, smell the scent it's different" I say inhaling again even though the gross and pungent smell of blood is still there it smells less like human and more like animal.

"Different how?" Stiles asks feeling worry and curiosity fill him as he looks over at our confused and concentrated faces.

"I don't know" Scott says still inhaling but this time he gets a stronger whiff he scrunches his face up with disgust.

"It's the same scent but something has changed, like the same blood but a different scent" I say trying my best to explain it, Stiles looks confused but my brother nods along as if understands where I'm coming from.

"Let's just get this over with" Scott says, I let out a sigh before putting my shovel in the ground and start digging the other boys following in pursuit.

When I tell you, it took forever it took forever. The usefulness of my thoughts, or more so my over thinking, evaporated some time ago my mind just churns in the darkness of the night like a runaway motor.

I try to work out how close we are to whatever the thing is down there as the strong stench slowly gets stronger, I even try to do math in my head to preoccupy the time that's when I know things are bad. My sleeplessness is my torture, I am so ridiculously sleep deprived I'm surprised I didn't pass out.

While the rest of the world embraces their dreams, their eight hours of rest, I am digging a hole in search of a dead body not every sixteen-year-old dream. My thoughts slowly drift away into something I can only describe as chasing a white rabbit, he has my dreams in his pocket and my boredom soon takes over.

Soon my mind is back to the fumes of blood but as I focus more on that the more, I'm sure it's an animal's blood as it only has a faint resemblance to human, almost like the two have merged.

Scott huffs as he continues to dig whilst Stiles looks like he is going to pass out, my brother scrunches his nose up again but this time he looks at me he can smell how sleep deprived I am before he goes to say anything I look back down and continue to dig.

The rabbit is back with my thoughts and my head slowly clears; my wolf is growling at me for some reason. Somethings wrong, it's not showing danger but it's almost like a desperate growl in better words a whine.

He doesn't like what we're doing, it's like she's begging me to stop and ignoring her is becoming more and more of a problem as she continues to snarl in my ear whilst I continue to dig.

The boredom is getting worse it's released in the boys' pheromones; my subconscious is yelling at me to stop almost giving me a headache, but I continue trying to distract my thoughts somehow. My head fills with different thoughts and everything feels wrong and then the red head, I think about her, and my wolf slowly stops snarling relaxing a bit.

"This is taking way too long" Scott whines making me jump as he breaks the silence that once filled the air.

"Just keep going" Stiles says trying his best to ignore his annoying friend.

"What if he comes back" Scott asks as the scent of his fear fills my nostrils.

"Then we obviously leave we're not gonna sit around and wait for him to get us are we" I say pissed off with all these questions, I don't know what is with him thinking we have all the answers, but we definitely don't.

"What if he catches us?" Scott says causing me to groan loudly, wanting to smack him over the head with the shovel.

"I have a plan for that" Stiles states whilst I raise an eyebrow this should be good Stiles' plans never end well.

"Which is" Scott asks wanting to know what his best friends most likely awful plan is.

"You run one way, me and Bella run the other. Bella is scarier and there is strength in numbers so he will most likely catch you first, so too bad" Stiles says with a smug look on his face I laugh slightly at the mortified look on Scott's.

"I hate that plan" Scott says with a hint of a whine in his voice causing me to laugh even more.

"I don't think you were supposed to like it" I reply about to go back to digging when I feel my shovel hit something, Stiles notices and immediately goes into bossy pant mode.

"All right. Stop, stop, stop!" Stiles says repeating the word 'Stop' more times than necessary.

"I did as soon as I felt something" I say, rolling my eyes for what feels like the one millionth time tonight.

I love Stiles and most of the time he is less annoying that Scott but when he is pumped up on Adderall, I dislike him a little bit more. Stiles and I scrape back the dirt before we start untying knots and suddenly it's the voice that I'm starting to despise speaks up.

"Hurry" Scott says winding me and Stiles up even more

"I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?" Stiles says clearly pissed off at my twins running commentary at a time like this.

"I'll do it" Scott says attempting to move us out the way but I shove him back knowing how incompetent this boy is when it comes to things like this. He is probably about as capable as a toddle carrying a knife.

"Shut up or I will pull your tongue out of your mouth" I say angrily growling slightly my eyes flash their threatening orange causing Scott to immediately shut up but instead of talking he bounces his foot up and down which is almost as annoying.

I let out a breath trying to breathe through my nose as the stench of the girl starts to overwhelm my features. I pull back the tarp revealing a wolf, the boys jump out of the whole screaming like little girls, I let out a startled gasp jumping out as well.

The wolf head is an ebony black, the fur is matted but still thick. Her head is decapitated don't ask me how I know it's her I just do; her eyes are lifeless staring at nothing. I stay still, frozen in place I can hear the boys talking but I can't make out the words they are saying my eyes are fixated on her and only her.

I breathe low and let time slow down, it's almost as if I am taking photographs with my eyes because I know for a fact, I will not be able to get this out of my head. Perhaps she is free now, away from the suffering of this world, away from the heart ache and pain, one can only hope. I know for a fact tonight whatever sleep I may get my dreams will be plagued with the thoughts of this poor wolf.

Dead animals either make people cry, gag, or salivate... but this isn't a dead animal this is a person who just so happens to be able to shift into a wolf. I stay still for a couple of minutes praying that she is in some place better and away from here.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles yells bringing me out of my thoughts, I know the question is rhetorical, but my slow brother doesn't work that out.

"It's a wolf" Scott states causing me to roll my eyes and scoff at his answer... again.

"Yeah. I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood. As in human blood?" Stiles says clearly annoyed that this lead didn't actually lead to anything

"I told you something was different" Scott says shrugging but I stand my ground because I know for a fact what I smelt and still smell but faintly as if it has morphed into another scent.

"No, I know what I smelt, and it was human blood, the smelt changed but not the blood" I say standing my ground which results in me confusing Stiles, but he understands at the same time, whether that makes any sense or not.

"This doesn't make sense" Stiles says exactly what I'm think and for once my brother speaks up with a reasonable answer.

"We gotta get out of here" Scott says, finally stating a fact for the first time tonight might I add.

"He's right, man. We're gonna get caught" I say getting up off the ground brushing my tights of which are now covered in sticks and dirt.

"Yeah, okay help me cover this up" Stiles says looking at me more than Scott as he knows how much of a whimp Scotty is but then Stiles stops suddenly staring causing me to look up and stare not understanding what he is looking at, is it Derek?

"What's wrong?" Scott and I ask at the same time but Stiles is so invested in whatever he is looking at he doesn't point it out.

"Do you see that flower?" Stiles asks pointing over to the purple flower which has been placed in the ground.

"Holy shit" I say looking at the purple aconite.

"What about it?" Scott asks completely confused obviously he doesn't understand it.

"I think it's wolfsbane" Stiles says, I nod in agreement, but Scott looks at us confused.

"What's that?" Scott asks not having a clue about what we are talking about I scoff of course he doesn't.

"Haven't you ever seen the wolf man?" Stiles asks looking at his best friend be-widdled by his confused reaction.

"No" Scott says shrugging it off like it's nothing

"Lon Chaney Jr? Claude Rains? The original classic werewolf movie?" Stiles asks flapping his arms around trying to get his point across.

"No, it's Scott he hasn't even seen Star Wars yet" I say, causing Stiles to gasp in shock and hatred.

"No, what?" Scott asks, annoyed about us knowing something he doesn't.

"You are so unprepared for this" Stiles says, he gets up walking over to the wolfsbane and pulls it out of the ground revealing some rope he walks around in a circle over the mini grave which eventually forms a spiral. Scott taps my shoulder pulling me up before pointing down to where the girl now lays.

Or should I say where the corpse, the cadaver, was missing that soul-spark that made it a person, yet once it had been. Once it had laughed, played, been loved.

There was a day where she was born, a day where she had learned how to walk. There was a day where she spoke her first words.

Perhaps she danced and loved music. Perhaps she was fond of sweet foods and exiting movies. Whomever she was, I hope she had good times and knew the beauty that living should be.

Every murder is the end of a story, yet this is where so many tales take it as their start. Just like my story, this is where my story starts with this girl. 'Dead' the word dead is a transition of matter and soul, as there is no creation or destruction of energy, both become recycled, returned to wherever they came from.

I hope she lived her life to the fullest but upon seeing her like this my wolf is growling and whining telling me that she was a good person and that this is wrong telling me to let it out and to tear everything in its path. Only upon seeing her corpse did I really have to tone down my wolf, I hope her spirit is in a better place watching over her loved ones.

If we think of death as lifeless, is living life more than that, or are we just walking corpses? Perhaps we all need to live more while we are still here.

Dead people are the matter we leave as our souls seek the light and showing respect to the body matters. It is part of the way we say farewell, and for someone to tear someone apart like they are nothing that is definitely personal.

"Stiles" Scott and I whisper ever so quietly as if we don't want to disturb the girl any more than she has disturbed us, he comes overlooking back at the ground seeing the girl staring back at us.

"Oh" Stiles says jumping back, we all stand there in silence for a few minutes. No more talk about Derek being the murder just silence.

(A/N – I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment for more content ~ Hazza)

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