Caribbean Nights S1 (vkook)

By Marsalien001

28.8K 2K 876

[Completed] In the vast sea of the Caribbean, a prince lays captive in a pirate ship. But unlike other royal... More

About This Story
Love Letter

2K 159 47
By Marsalien001


Jimin woke up with a pounding headache. He had quite a bit to drink the other night. He groaned and turned to check up on Taehyung. He was more concerned about the prince since he drank twice as much of what Jimin had.

But to his astonishment (and also not) the prince seemed perfectly fine. Not an ounce of pain nor discomfort could be seen on his features. Moreover it seemed like he was chirpier than usual.

"I see you're finally awake Jiminie. Is your head alright? Or do you have a hangover?" Taehyung asked and to Jimin's comfort, he minded to keep his voice low.

"I do indeed have a headache. But I'm glad to see you are fine" Jimin slightly teased. Taehyung chuckled and gave the latter a toothy grin. The raven stood up and held out his hand for Jimin to take.

After that, they went outside to breathe in the fresh salty air.

"I think I'm about to puke," Jimin said as he miserably leaned against the rails. Taehyung stared at him with pity and worry. "Take this, it will help with the hangover" Jungkook's voice was heard and soon the man himself emerged from behind Taehyung.

Jimin gratefully took the bottle of green liquid and chugged it down. "Go walk around a little. You'll be fine in no time" the Captain instructed. Jimin gave him a single nod and strolled off, desperately trying to rid himself of the agony.

"Thank you for helping him," Taehyung said and smiled at the other. Jungkook just winked at him in return making the prince's cheeks light pink.

They shared a bit of silence as they looked over the horizon, basking the light breeze. "I heard it all last night. Though it wasn't my intention to eavesdrop, I apologize" Jungkook said like a gentleman.

Taehyung giggled at that. "You're quite the gentleman Jeon. But I was telling everyone about it so it couldn't be considered eavesdropping." The raven reassured. "Well, I will say that you are brave. More so than I thought."

The statement made raven smile brightly. A sudden gush of laughter stole their attention for a little bit. They turned to see some of the sailors laughing about something and surprisingly Jimin was within them laughing as well.

A smile lingered on Taehyung's lips as he turned back to the sea. Jungkook doing the same. "Jeon, I have a request" the prince suddenly said out.

"What is it?" The blond asked. "Make me one of your sailors. I don't wish to be called a prince anymore"

Jungkook looked at him in surprise for a second before looking at him seriously. His eyes scanning for any sort of hesitance or mischief but there was none. Taehyung was dead serious.

"Well, if you wish to be a sailor in my ship you have to swear your loyalty to me, the ship, and the crewmates. I take this very seriously. If you disobey any of them you will be thrown off just like Gyum." Jungkook explained with an intimidating voice that made Taehyung almost shudder.

The raven vigorously nodded. "I understand completely."

"To become a pirate of this ship you need to pass three tests. Convince the crew, prove that you will protect the ship at all costs and also gain my trust" Jungkook again explained.

Taehyung looking at him as a clueless puppy. "How do I do that?" He asked. Jungkook smirked "that's for you to figure out. Until you can complete all three of them you are still a captive... somewhat"

"How will I convince the crew?" Taehyung mumbled to himself and started biting his nails did stress. Jungkook chuckled and settled his hand away gently. "You've already passed that part little princess"

There it was, that damned nickname. Taehyung flushed bright red. "W-what do you mean Jeon?" He mumbled flustered.

"Last night they shared rum with you and laughed with you. They've already accepted you as one of their own" the captain was astonished at how oblivious the raven actually was.

Taehyung stared at him with wide eyes. "That can't be true. It's just rum after all" the prince tried to reason. He just couldn't believe they accepted him so easily, he didn't even do anything.

Jungkook stared back with a blank face. "Princess.... they're pirates... They don't share their rum with just anybody" The blond deadpanned.

Taehyung stared at him like a gaping fish. Jungkook chuckled seeing such an adorable reaction. The prince really had no idea

"T-then now I have to earn your trust now isn't it?" Daagian prince asked. Jungkook rose an eyebrow at him. "You think it's that easy? I don't trust people that easily little princess"

"Does that mean you don't trust me at all?" Taehyung asked offended. He's been staying in this ship for months now. How could the Captain not Trust him at all after all this time?

"I barely know you. Why should I trust you?" Jungkook asked amused. Taehyung gasped now more offended. "Wha- how can you say that! You heard all about my past!" The prince was starting to get angry.

"Yes. I did. But that doesn't tell me what kind of person you are now. I mean no offense by this little princess, but I couldn't care less about your past. Who you were then is none of my concern. I want to know who you are at this moment and who you will be up ahead.

I may know you're past but not who you shaped up to be because of it. I need to know you."

Jungkook said with every ounce of sincerity within him, the passion in his eyes left Taehyung breathless for a second. Jungkook stared into his eyes for a few more seconds but quickly looked away before he could drown in them.

"Think of how you are going to accomplish the next two goals if you really want to be a pirate of this ship," Jungkook announced softly and offered him an almost invisible smile before disappearing inside the bunker area.

Taehyung stood there dumbfounded for a few minutes. Jungkook's words replaying in his head like a broken record.

What a man.

"Oi! Prince! Come join us!" Sangchul ushered. Taehyung nodding to him. The raven then thought of asking for the crews' help and also discuss this with Jimin.

Jungkook on the other hand was discussing their next course of action with his first mate. "Will we be stocking up in Jose' island?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook sat at his work desk. The blond leaned against the backrest and looked at the male before him. "Nope. There's no need for further delays. Set sail for homeland immediately" Jungkook commanded. Hoseok bowed as an answer.

He turned to leave but stopped as a question arose in his mind. "Captain?" He called out. The blond hummed looking up.

"What do you plan on doing with the prince?" Hoseok asked kind of unsure.

"Why?" Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow. "Just wanted to know if you plan on selling him away" the first mate looked like he was going to have a panic attack from his own words.

Jungkook was amused but hid it well. "I don't know. What do you suggest?" He asked playfully though the other couldn't notice.

"W-why don't we make him a part of the ship? His helper is nice too. They would be great workers!" Hoseok stuttered nervously. "My, what makes you say that Hoseok?" Jungkook asked skeptically, assuming that his first mate liked the beauty of the ship.

Hoseok seemed to be scrambling for his thoughts. "U-um he's not like the other royals, is all I'm saying. The others look comfortable around both of em"

"I see. Well the prince himself wants to be a pirate. He'll just have to pass the test for me to see if he's worthy" the captain said.

"But he's already nice enough does he need to do the tests?" Hoseok asked since he knows how difficult those tests could be. "I'm not going to bend my rules for anyone Hoseok" Jungkook deadpanned.

"Not even for the pretty prince?" Hoseok tried to persuade the latter but it backfired. Jungkook slammed his hand against his desk loudly, a possessive growl trying to escape his lips. Even he was surprised why he was behaving like this.

"Yes. Not even for him. It doesn't matter if he's the prettiest human I've ever seen. He's doing those tests!" Jungkook practically growled. Hoseok shivering at the tone. The pirate nodded rapidly so as to not anger the other more.

But the matter got worse when a certain raven barged into the cabin without any notice.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Didn't I tell this place was off-limits for you?!" Jungkook screamed, startling the prince greatly who flinched. The blond calmed down a little at his reaction "why are you here without permission?" he asked now softly. Hoseok was astonished at how easily the Captain melted at the raven's teary eyes.

Taehyung took in a deep breath, he expected something like this to happen when he heard the other yell from the other side. It was partly his fault so he forgave Jungkook for his rude behavior. He didn't to e to brood on this right now. There's an emergency.

"There's another ship heading towards us and I don't think it's planning to make friends" the raven quickly blurted out and saw Jungkook's face turn panicked for a split second before it turned serious again. "Good work little princess. Hoseok. Keep him safe. I'll be going outside" Jungkook said and commanded before rushing out without another word.

Taehyung felt slightly giddy within his panic when he heard how caring Jungkook was.

"Well, looks like there's gonna be a fight," Hoseok said nonchalantly as if it were a daily occurrence. Taehyung just nodded and followed Hoseok outside as well.

Only to see a war raging.



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