Town Witch

By Tasergirl

219K 6.6K 4.3K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

What To Do

1.8K 64 77
By Tasergirl

As some of you know my Grandfather was sick and he recently passed which is why I haven't been updating
I'm still not ready to update as regularly as usual but you all have been so understanding and awesome that I had to post something
Like I said before though it'll still be a few weeks before I'm ready to start updating all my stories once a week I hope u can bare with me❤️
I wasn't able to reread and edit this chapter like I usually do but still I hope u like it🥺🥰

Bonnie couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips when she woke up. Her arms wrapped around Zoe, while the smaller witch had her arms wrapped around Bonnie, a soft smile on her face. She didn't want to get up. Especially knowing what kind of trouble waited for her once she did.

Yet when Dean walked in she knew it was time. The coffee in his hand was becoming more and more regular. Somehow he always got it just right, she wasn't sure when this became a part of their routine, but she had to admit, even if it was only to herself, she liked it. It was the only thing about her life that felt, almost, normal. Sighing, Bonnie carefully untangled herself from Zoe, and stood up.

"Thanks" she whispered as she took the mug from him. Putting it on the bedside table Bonnie stood and made her way to the bathroom.

Grabbing a toothbrush she looked back, noticing the hunter sit beside Zoe, looking at her. Smiling slightly Bonnie began brushing her teeth. Walking out towards the bathroom door and looked at him, toothbrush still in her mouth, she raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked as she went back to spit in the sink. Bonnie shrugged as she spat into the sink.

"Just thinking" she said splashing water over her face and rinsing out her mouth. The hunter watched as she walked back over to the bed, grabbed her coffee and sat crossed legged beside them. At his raised eyebrow Bonnie smiled. "How cute you're gonna be with her now" she teased. Dean felt his face heat as he looked down.

"I'm cute all the time, alright" he shot back making the witch laugh lightly. Bonnie put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Quieting herself she looked at Zoe. Dean immediately noticed her face soften and couldn't help but smile at them.

"It's crazy to think we made her, not in this life but still, she's ours" Bonnie murmured softly as she moved her hair from her face. A part of her got sad in that moment. She wasn't just theirs. She was Klaus's too.

"Glad to know I did one thing right" Dean muttered as he looked at the small witch. Bonnie smiled softly as she looked at him.

"Well I think you did more than one thing right" she said reassuringly. The hunter smiled as he looked at her.

"Alright two things, I married you, and then we made her" he said gesturing towards Zoe with his chin. Bonnie chuckled as she looked between them.

"You also helped out in the end" Bonnie said softly, placing a hand on his arm, smiling at him reassuringly. "You may have been a little lost, but you found you way back, and you fought with us" she told him her voice staying low. Dean smiled softly at her, his eyes shining with affection.

"I think all this is proof I'll always find my way back to you" he told her lowly. Bonnie simply stared at him for a moment. Unsure of what to say.

"Oh God!" Zoe said grabbing their attention as she turned. "That is the corniest line I've ever heard" she said looking up at them, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Dean laughed as he looked at her.

"Ah whatever, hurry up and brush your teeth, Sammy made bacon" Dean said shoving the small witch off the bed playfully. The girl giggled as she moved, laughing brightly, and walking into the bathroom. Bonnie watched them for a moment. A part of her glad to be saved from answering him. The other part worried about what would happen tonight.

"So what's on the schedule today?" Dean asked making Bonnie frown. Taking a breath she bit the inside of her cheek.

"I have to show Esther something, and meet with someone, you and Sammy should focus on getting that damn necklace to work for you so we can find whatever weapon you need so we can figure out where we need to go next" Bonnie said with a firm nod. Dean on the other hand frowned at her.

"Who are you meeting with?" Dean asked curiously. The man had a feeling he wouldn't like it but pushed that feeling down. The small witch's eyes avoided him for a moment as she took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm not sure" she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. Deans eyebrows rose as he looked at her.

"What was that?" He asked, leaning in slightly. Bonnie pressed her lips together, taking a breath through her nose.

"I don't know" she said bracing herself for his reaction.

"Bonnie what do you mean you don't know?" He asked making her frown. Looking around the room Bonnie nodded attempting to buy herself some time.

"Well, you see, what had happened was..." she said before seeing the unamused look on his face. Rolling her eyes she sat back. "I seem to have gotten a mysterious note by some mystery person and they want to meet at the cave in the falls, I'm not entirely sure what cave they're talking about but I'll find it" Bonnie rushed out quickly. Dean simply blinked at her for a moment unable to say anything.

"Alright I want bacon!" Zoe said happily as she exited the bathroom. Her face freshly washed and a smile on her lips. Bonnie jumped up, grabbing Zoe, and nodding.

"Yes! Bacon! Let's go" she said rushing out the room with the smaller witch. Dean shook his head as he stood going after her.

As Bonnie bounded up the stairs of the Mikaelson mansion she realized not many of them were home. Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Finn seemed to have gone. Leaving only Esther and Klaus inside. Bonnie took a breath as she braved herself to see Klaus. He may not want to see her but she needed Esther's help.

What she didn't prepare for was to open the door and find a woman walking down the stairs. Adjusting her top. Closing the door behind her, Bonnie raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl.

"Who are you" Bonnie asked making the girl stop.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked Bonnie making the witch's blood boil. Who was she to ask Bonnie that? With a flick of her wrist, Bonnie had the woman against the wall, her eyebrow raised.

"Answer the question before I break your neck" Bonnie told her calmly. Hayley's eyes widened as she looked at the small girl.

"Set Hayley down Little Witch, she isn't an enemy" Bonnie heard Klaus say from behind her. Looking between them Bonnie's eyebrows raised.

"See, not the enemy, can I go now?" Hayley said making Bonnie roll her eyes. A part of her wanted to leave her trapped against the wall longer. Maybe even throw her around a little bit. Yet she knew that would be wrong. She knew Klaus would likely move on and she didn't have a right to truly be mad. She did this to them. Letting Hayley fall to the ground Bonnie looked at Klaus.

"Dark hair and green eyes, you have a type" Bonnie muttered, bumping his shoulder and she walked passed him. She may not have a right to be jealous but that didn't mean she wasn't. Bonnie knew she had to reign in her emotions and fast. She heard the girl rush out of the door, and rolled her eyes once more, when she heard Klaus yell out to her.

"I had a lovely time" Klaus called out to her, before turning towards the small witch walking away. "What are you doing here witch" Klaus asked.

"Looking for Esther, I have a question" Bonnie said not looking back at him. She knew she shouldn't feel hurt. She told him he didn't have to wait. She didn't expect him to. Yet for him to have another woman in his bed not even 24 hours later. That stung.

"About" he asked, purposely needling the small witch. Bonnie took a breath as she continued walking. Making her way to Esthers study.

"Doesn't concern you" Bonnie said simply, making his eyebrow raise. It seemed the little witch was jealous. Good. He felt a perverse satisfaction from making her jealous after all he'd put up with. For nothing.

"Oh no you don't" he said using his hybrid speed to block her path. Bonnie stopped abruptly in front of him. Immediately she rolled her eyes, and attempted moved around the man, only to be stopped by a hand. "As you so helpfully pointed out yesterday we must defeat Ra, together, so out with it" he said making the brunette take a breath.

"I got a note last night, asking to meet, I need to find out who it's from" Bonnie muttered waving the paper around. Klaus frowned as he looked at him. Taking it from her quickly, he read it, and then sniffed it.

"It's no one that's ever been in Mystic Falls before, throw it out, it's most likely a trap" he said before beginning his walk away from her. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she walked towards Esther's study still.

"You don't decide what I do" she said as she left. Klaus narrowed his eyes at her, a scowl forming on his lips.

"Obviously, because if I did, you wouldn't have left last night with Zoe and the Winchester" he said spitting out Winchester like the name itself was acid. Bonnie rolled her eyes as she continued her walk away from him, though now, she could hear him following.

"You kicked me out" she threw back at him. Last night had been the first time in a long time that Bonnie had been scared of him.

"Yes because you were so innocent in it all" he sneered at her. The brunette shook her head at him.

"No, I'm not innocent in it, and I am sorry for what I did to you" she softly, shaking her head slightly. "But let's be real, it seems like you had a good night regardless" Bonnie threw back at him. Klaus smirked as he looked at her.

"Is that jealousy I sense? Because I brought another woman into my bed" He asked sarcastically. At that Bonnie turned, narrowing her eyes at him, and put her hands on her hips.

"First of all, that woman isn't worth jealousy, to you she's just a sad excuse for a lay because we both know it's me you'd rather have in your bed" she said nearly making him chuckle. She was feisty when she was jealous. He had to admit he liked it. Before her eyes fell to the floor, and hurt shone on her face for a moment, that is. "Second, this is my fault, I have no right to any jealousy" she said shocking him.

Seeing his shock, Bonnie nodded, and walked away. Rushing to Esther's room and closing it behind her. Klaus could only stare at the door for a moment. His mind on the witch who passed through it. She wasn't just jealous. She was hurt. He wished he could find satisfaction in that.
Dean watched from a safe distance as Bonnie walked towards The Falls. The hunter figured there was probably a chance she knew he was around, but there was absolutely no way, that he would leave her alone to meet with someone she didn't know. Especially not with the shit that they're in.

He watched as the tiny witch stripped out of her jeans, and shirt, leaving her in a two piece bathing suit. His eyes roamed her body for a moment, taking in her curves. She was gorgeous. After that thought passed through his mind, he rolled his eyes at himself, irritated.

"Oh for fucks sake, I turned into damn a Peeping Tom" he muttered as he took off his shirt, realizing what she was gonna do. When she jumped off of the waterfall he nearly yelled out, and jumped after her, except someone beat him to it.

The water was clear when Bonnie dived deep. Going as deep as she possibly could. The witch went behind the waterfall, attempting to look for something she'd never seen before. When she couldn't she went back above the water.

Gasping for breath she realized she was behind the waterfall. Her eyes roamed the area, realizing she'd never been this far behind them. A frown graced her lips as she looked around. Was it magic?

Her musings were interrupted when another head came above the water. Her eyes widened when she realized she'd been followed. The man that did it surprised her even more.

"Klaus!" She yelled, indignation and surprise coloring her voice. She didn't have a moment to get angry because a moment later Dean's head emerged. "What the fuck!" She yelled as she realized both of them had followed her.

"What" Dean said, an easy smirk on his face as he looked at her. Though inside he felt completely uneasy. She looked pissed. On top of that the hybrid was glaring at him. Great. "You thought I'd let you walk into a trap alone?" He asked her.

"You both need to leave" she told them, her voice holding an air of finality, before she turned and swam toward the land inside the cave.

"I am not leaving you to die" Klaus said, throwing a glare Dean's way. The small witch rolled her eyes as she looked at him.

"Oh let them stay" they heard a melodic voice say softly. Turning Bonnie saw one of the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen in her life sitting on a rock. "This turned into such a lovely reunion" she said softly.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asked gruffly, standing slightly in front of Bonnie. The woman stared at him for a moment. Bonnie, to her surprise, could immediately see the woman's eyes soften.

"What do you mean reunion?" Bonnie asked before anyone could say anything else. The woman took a breath, taking a moment, before she stood.

"We've met before, or more accurately, I met a version of you, we fought together" she said looking at them all. Her lips pulled into a soft smile as she looked towards Dean. "My name is Isis, goddess of Life and Magic, wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus"
Sam smiled as he looked at Zoe. Her eyes were taking in the words of his father's journal. The small witch taking in every word carefully. He knew Dean couldn't really see it, the resemblance between them, but Sam did.

"Stop staring it looks creepy" Caroline said as she walked in with Elena, Erica and Maria trailing behind them.m, grocery bags in their hands.

"What's all this?" Sam asked, grabbing the bag from her, smiling when she thanked him. The blonde shrugged as she kissed Zoe on the forehead, earning a soft 'Hi' in response.

"This is us trying to help Bonnie feed you guys, you eat like 7 times a day, and Bonnie has a healthy appetite herself thank God for her fast metabolism" Caroline said looking at a picture of them all. The small witch and two vampires were in their cheerleading uniforms. It was their first year of high school. When everything was simple.

"I'm sorry?" Sam said softly, making the blonde turn to him. She laughed softly as she looked at the confused puppy look he had on his face.

"Don't be" she said waving a hand. "Bonnie's always loved taking care of people but I take care of Bonnie" Caroline told him with a raised eyebrow before turning to Elena, who was chuckling at her.

"Even if it just means buying her groceries" Elena said with a smile. Sam chuckled as he looked at the two girls.

"You're all really close huh?" Sam asked making the girls smile. Zoe looked up at that, watching them carefully. She liked Caroline a lot. Felt really close to her. She wasn't sure about Elena yet. She'd just been annoying so far. Zoe couldn't help but wonder how much she really cared about Bonnie. How far was she really willing to go?

"Been best friends since we were in diapers" Elena said smiling at Caroline. The blonde nodded as she looked from Elena back to him.

"Bonnie's our family" Caroline said softly as she sat beside Zoe. The small witch smiled up at her before looking back at the book in her hand. Her could-have-been grandfathers book. "Which makes you my niece" Caroline said laughing.

"You guys realize I'm not actually their kid anymore right?" Zoe asked them all. The small witch was met with smirks and shrugged shoulders.

"Well if you were my niece, I would have taught you how to shoot, but since you're not..." Sam said trailing off. Zoe looked up at him immediately, excitement clear on her face, and finally setting the book down.

"Wait really?" She asked standing up. Caroline and Elena smiled as she walked up to him, her height against his making her look smaller, more childlike.

"Yea, but you're not my niece right?" He asked sarcastically. The small girl smiled up at him.

"No, I'm your niece" Zoe said quickly, smiling widely when she looked at him. Sam chuckled as he looked at her, completely reminded of Dean in that moment, her excitement was the same as his was.

"Well come on, time to learn how to shoot like a Winchester, and you're a little behind" he said walking outside with the small witch. Caroline and Elena shook their heads as they looked at her.

"She is definitely a little Bonnie" Caroline said with a smile, causing Elena to nod.

"Mother of Horus?" Dean asked softly, taking a step forward. "You- you're- you're my mother?"He asked softly. Isis took a step forward. Her eyes were sad as she looked at him.

"In a way" she said softly. Bonnie watched as the woman moved closer to him. Her hand went to Dean's cheek for a moment, simply holding his face in her hands, taking in her sons face for the first time in a millennia.

"What do you mean?" He asked her. Bonnie shared a look with Klaus, he looked doubtful about the whole situation, but Bonnie was worried. What did this mean? Who's side was she on?

"You were once my son, and you wear his face, but you are your own man now, the same but different, his soul is simply untwined with yours" she said softly, letting her hand drop towards the end. She looked at him sadly for a moment, missing her son, her Horus. Instead she looked towards Bonnie. "I have to admit, I'm not sure if I like you better like this, or as you were, but I have to say thank you" Isis said softly as she looked at the small witch.

"What- Thank me? For what?" Bonnie asked confused. The goddess smiled as she looked at the woman.

"You brought him back, you gave my son a second chance, your love saved him" she said, causing anger to course through Klaus. The hybrid knew that at one point Hathor and Horus were in love but what about him? Hathor loved Khonsu as well.

"Oh don't make that face Khonsu, Hathor loved you as well, she brought you all back" Isis told Klaus, seeing the angry look on his face. The god of the moon had always been an angry specimen, quick to anger, even quicker to love. As loath as he was to admit it.

"Hathor brought us all back?" Bonnie asked the woman seriously. Isis smiled as she looked at her.

"Yes, and you can do so much more, which is why I am here" she told them. The woman smiled at the shocked look on the small witch's face.

"How the hell do we know you're telling the truth? Or that you're even who you say you are?" Dean asked making the woman look at him. Her brown eyes searched him for a moment. Inquisitive. Yet she still managing to look at him warmly.

"You know, if you didn't believe me you would have never allowed me so close to your wife" she said, her tone was soft but the raised eyebrow sent his way dared her to say something otherwise.

"Why are you just now showing up?" Bonnie asked making Isis shrug. Turning she walked towards the rock she once sat at.

"I wasn't sure if I wanted to join this revolution, I'm old Bonnie, and I've done this already" she said seriously, waving a hand in the air. As if it were something she could just brush past.

"So you would let the world burn simply because you didn't feel like helping?" Klaus asked, his voice bordering amused and angry. A dangerous combination when it came to him. One that had Bonnie looking at him warily. She was no longer sure she could reign him in if he got out of control. He'd made it clear she didn't hold that weight with him anymore.

"I've already had to watch my son die, I won't do it again" Isis said seriously, if a bit angry. Klaus stood straight at her tone. Recognizing it. This was not a woman who was argued with often.

"Yea well I ain't exactly keen on dying myself" Dean muttered making the woman attempt to stifle a smile. Her eyes taking in this new version of her son.

"No, you will not die, but not because of what you're doing there is no management, no real plan, it's atrocious" she said making the hybrid growl at her lightly. Bonnie could only concede her point. So far they'd been stumbling on. Barely a plan and no real action. "No you will all live because of me, I am here to help you" she said, her gaze landing on Dean. The hunter nodded as he looked at her. It was all he could do. He was simply too shocked for much else.

"But first thing is first, where is my grandchild"
Elijah was one of the oldest vampires in existence. Once thought to be one of the only true immortals. Instead an entire new world opened up before him. For some reason it opened all around Bonnie Bennett.

Bonnie was nothing like he'd ever seen before. Truly selfless and caring. Willing to put her own life on the line for the people she cared for. For some reason she decided that his family was to be included in that. He had no idea why.

He knew why his family became involved with her. They thought they were gaining something. Especially Klaus. Yet she had absolutely no real reason to give them a chance and she did anyways. He had to admit there were times he forgot but it was always there. Mocking him. The fact that he always wanted what his brother had.

No one could blame him in this instance. Bonnie Bennett was the most amazing woman they'd ever met. Her confusion with the men in her life, while hurtful, was certainly understandable. She had someone else in her head, and more importantly, in her heart. She was no longer sure which feelings were hers and which were the goddess.

"This is the first time someone's hurt you and I don't want to utterly murder them" Rebekah muttered as she sat beside the well dressed man. Elijah chuckled as he looked at his younger sister. Affection for the smaller blonde swelling deep in his chest.

"You would not harm your best friend" Elijah told the woman, watching a small smile form on her face.

"Don't be so sure, she hurt you, I wouldn't kill her but I'm sure she'd understand if I slapped her around a bit" she joked lightly. Elijah smiled as he kissed her on the forehead lightly. He knew better than most that she would do anything for them. Yet Bonnie was the first real friend she'd ever had and he would not get in the way of that.

"I knew what I was getting into Rebekah, she is not to blame" Elijah reassured his little sister. Rebekah nodded as she looked at him, knowing she had pushed the witch, towards both of them. She just wanted her to be part of the family, she didn't think any of them would get hurt, worse yet she knew Bonnie didn't do this on purpose. She couldn't even be completely upset. Bonnie was simply inexperienced.

"If you say so, I'll believe you because I don't want to kill her, it's exhausting to find a best friend in this day and age" Rebekah told him with a roll of her eyes. Instead of calling her out, Elijah smiled, and put his elbows on the bar.

"You love her too much to do anything" he told her, to which she just shrugged. Taking a sip of her wine. Looking almost completely uninterested. "Why do I always covet what our brother has?" He asked her softly.

Rebekah frowned at her brothers words. As much as she wanted to argue that point, she knew, she couldn't. For some reason Elijah always wanted what Niklaus had. It didn't matter that Elijah was always picked first. The noble brother. The one his father loved best. He would never admit it but they both knew, Mikael left his mark on them all, especially Niklaus.

Yet even with his fathers love. The worlds trust. His sisters blood. Not to mention the affection of his first love. He still wanted everything Niklaus had. Rebekah had seen it throughout the years. Tatia, Katherine, Bonnie, the list surpassed those, but they were the main ones.

"I don't know" Rebekah said softly, not even attempting to lie to him. She wouldn't do him the disservice. "Seems we're both unlucky in love, but maybe, this shit town can help us be better" Rebekah told him. Elijah nodded as he looked at her.

"Yes, perhaps it can"
Bonnie frowned as she got out of her car. Isis had made it incredibly clear that she would be in Zoe's life. That she couldn't handle it, losing her son and granddaughter again, even if they were different. Bonnie could sympathize, but still, she worried. What if she decided to try and take Zoe. Worse than that, what if Zoe wanted to go? What would she do then?

"Relax" she heard, turning to see Dean. The larger man smiled at her reassuringly. "Nothing's happening yet, alright, she just wants to meet her" he said softly. He had to admit he was worried as well, but this wasn't an ally they could afford to lose, besides he'd die before he let anyone take Zoe. It didn't seem like that was what Isis was interested in anyway. She just wanted to see her.

"I know, and I get it, it just..." Bonnie said trailing off, unsure of how to explain her worry. Instead of pressuring her to finish, Dean nodded, and gently laid a hand on her wrist.

"I know, I won't let anything happen Bonnie, none of us will" he said gesturing to the hybrid who had just arrived. As loath as he was to admit it, he knew, Klaus would never let anything happen to Zoe. He'd tear apart the world before someone took her from them. He could respect that at least.

"Alright" Bonnie said lowly, turning away when Klaus looked in their direction. Dean noticed the tension in her shoulders but stood quiet. He'd simply watch for now.

"Come on, it's time to see her, and tell them all the news" Dean muttered softly. Bonnie nodded as she walked up the stairs and into the house. Before Dean could follow after her, a figure stood before him, the hybrid.

"We need to talk" Niklaus said seriously. Dean frowned for a moment. He simply looked at the older being for a moment. Searching for signs of a threat. Seeing that Klaus didn't mean to cause him immediate harm, Dean nodded, agreeing to talk.

"Alright, I guess it's past time for a heart to heart" Dean said, a sardonic smile on his face. Klaus nodded as they moved away from the door, and other prying ears, towards the large tree with a swing.

Dean waited for a moment, for the hybrid to start speaking, but realized he wouldn't. He knew what the half breed was doing. It was an interrogation technique. Letting the recipient squirm. Unfortunately for Klaus, Dean Winchester didn't scare easy, he sure as hell didn't show it.

Klaus on the other hand simply watched him for a moment. A few months ago he wouldn't have hesitated to kill him. Any threat to his and Bonnie's relationship would have been eliminated. Yet after being with her, and growing attached to Zoe, he knew he couldn't hurt them in that way. Bonnie wouldn't forgive him, especially if his life was the difference between success and failure, and Zoe would see him as a monster. He couldn't let that happen.

"I'm gonna be there for them, no matter who Bonnie chooses, I want to a part of Zoe's life" Dean told him seriously. Klaus looked at him for a moment, assessing the man before him carefully, attempting to see what his best bet is.

"Why?" Klaus asked him seriously. Dean frowned at his question for a moment. Why wouldn't he? "She may be confused, or upset, at the moment but make no mistake she will choose me" he told the hunter. He knew Bonnie was confused at the moment, and the part of her dictated by Hathor would probably always think of Horus, but Bonnie Bennett was his.

"You don't know that" Dean said cutting through Klaus's thoughts. The hybrid was shocked by the pure conviction that the hunter held in his voice. the belief that Bonnie would actually choose him. "but that's neither of our decision, so it doesn't matter what we think, especially considering we aren't the only ones on her mind, not to mention he doesn't have a reincarnated alter ego so she knows her feelings for him are her own" Dean was sure to add. Klaus stopped at that. It hadn't truly occurred to the hybrid that that could be a point in his favor. The entire situation was maddening.

"This family makes me want to murder people" Klaus muttered softly, making the hunter chuckle for a moment.

"You're telling me" the hunter said in response. The two men smiled wryly at each other, before they realized who they were smiling at, and turned away. Dean let out a breath as he looked towards the hybrid. "Look I'm not trying to take your spot in Zoe's life or anything, can't exactly be father of the year with the type of life I lead, but I want a relationship with her and as long as she's okay with that I don't give a damn what anyone's got to say about it" Dean said seriously.

Klaus looked at the hunter for a moment. He wondered what the Winchester truly felt under all that bravado. Was he truly ready for what he said. Ready to care for a child that had been through so much torture and heartbreak at such a tender age. Klaus wasn't sure, but at the very least, he looked genuinely determined to try.

"I can respect that"
The first thing Bonnie saw when she walked in was Zoe, Sam and Elena at the table. The second thing she saw were the guns scattered about. Panic shot through the witch for a moment. It wasn't that she didn't like guns. She knew how to shoot, she was a southern woman, and she had kept one in a safe for protection. That was all before she knew she was a witch but, either way, they were never around kids.

"What is this?" Bonnie asked the group. Caroline's head popped in from the kitchen for a moment, discretely shaking her head at Bonnie, already knowing how the witch felt. Sam smiled up at the girl as he watched her walk in.

"Well since she's part Winchester anyways, I thought it might be good for her to learn how to use a gun" Sam said smiling from Bonnie to the smaller witch at the table. Zoe's response was to smile widely at the tall man.

"Apparently I'm a natural" she told the older woman. Bonnie's eyebrows rose at that. She looked so happy in that moment. Able to just be a kid, excited about something, even if it was guns. She wished she was that excited about magic. Bonnie wondered why Zoe hadn't wanted to train her magic but was so comfortable with guns and knives.

"Well I'm glad you had fun today" Bonnie said sharing a look with the vampire who just walked in, carrying a large tray of taquito's. Caroline shrugged when Bonnie shot her a look of 'wtf'. How was she supposed to stop them?

"Sorry we didn't tell you" Sam said, noticing the look Bonnie shot Caroline. "I just thought that since people were after her, and she doesn't seem too comfortable with magic, maybe she'd be comfortable with guns" he explained. Bonnie let out a breath at his explanation. He was right. Even if Bonnie thought she was young, it made no difference, they would protect her as best as they could but she was in the middle of a war. They made it abundantly clear that children were not off limits. She needed to learn. She needed to be prepared.

"yea, no, you're right" Bonnie agreed, squeezing his shoulder as she passed him and went into the kitchen. She wasn't sure what she needed but she needed something. All she could think of was what Zoe would go through now.

How she would react to  what Isis had told them. To stand in front of a woman who would see you, and only see the woman you had been before, how would she deal with that. Bonnie wasn't even sure how she was dealing with it. Other than saying it had been strange.

"Bonnie?" Caroline said as she walked into the kitchen. The small witch frowned as she looked at the blonde. The girl had been her rock since all this had started. Completely there for her.

"Hey" Bonnie said, forcing a smile onto her face. The blonde simply raised an eyebrow at her the witch.

"I taught you that smile" she said as she moved to sit down. "What's wrong?" She asked the woman, her tone telling Bonnie that she wasn't taking anything other than the truth. Sighing, Bonnie sat in front of Caroline, shrugging a shoulder.

"No, I don't want to put any more on you, I hate that I keep dumping all my problems on your lap" Bonnie muttered softly. Caroline scoffed at that.

"Bonnie you are not dumping your problems on me, you are my best friend, I want you to tell me all this crap" Caroline said waving a hand around them, talking about all the crap they'd been going through lately. "Besides Bonnie, after all you've done for us, this is the least we could do" she reassured the witch. Bonnie chuckled softly, shaking her head shrugging at the other girl.

"Well there's two things, but I'm only gonna tell you one for now, the other I'll tell you about after I talk to Zoe she needs to hear it first" Bonnie told the blonde, earning a nod in response. Caroline would be sure to grill her about it later, but she would respect that Zoe needed to hear it first, she was right in the thick of it with Bonnie. "Klaus had sex with someone last night" Bonnie told the blonde.

"No" Caroline gasped, just as the girls heard Elena yell in the other room.

"He didn't!" Elena exclaimed with a gasp. Bonnie shared a a look with Caroline when they heard Elena stumble into the kitchen quickly, nearly falling in the process. "Yes I was eavesdropping on you, I'm not sure how to turn off the super hearing yet, but still! I can't believe that" She said quickly, nearly making Bonnie chuckle, nearly.

"How did you even find out?" Caroline asked, making Bonnie wince. That morning had not been one of her best moments.

"I met her, as she was leaving the mansion this morning" Bonnie said seriously. Both other girls eyes widened as they looked at her. Sharing a look, Caroline nodded at Elena, it only took a minute for Elena to grab the wine and Caroline to grab popcorn. Bonnie chuckled as she looked between the girls. Grabbing the wine glasses, Bonnie took the bottle and began pouring.

"I kind of attacked her" Bonnie admitted as she poured the wine. Caroline's jaw dropped while Elena nearly spilled the popcorn she opened.


"I didn't kill her" Bonnie defended with a shrug. Caroline chuckled softly at that, attempting to hide it behind a cough, neither Bonnie nor Elena was fooled. "Besides she was a bitch, and I also might've been a little jealous, kind of" Bonnie admitted softly. Elena and Caroline looked at the small witch empathetically. "I know I shouldn't be, I was the one that decided to take a step back from this but seeing her walking down the stairs, barely dressed, I wanted to set her hair on fire" She muttered making the girls chuckle.

"Bonnie you stepped back because you were confused and overwhelmed, not because you stopped caring about him, its okay to be a little jealous" Elena reassured the witch. Bonnie nodded at that, though she still didn't feel like she had the right to be, she wouldn't overthink this. The whole point of stepping back was so that she could focus on the task at hand.

"Alright, well, I guess the only thing I can do is what I wanted to do in the first place" Bonnie said seriously, raising her glass. "Time to figure out how to defeat Ra" Bonnie said raising her glass. Both girls cheered at that, clinking their glasses together, just as Klaus came inside.

"Ladies" He greeted, only to be met with mild annoyance from Elena, disappointment from Caroline and a mix of emotions from Bonnie, though the witch's were carefully guarded behind a mask of indifference. "Bonnie and I must speak with Zoe" he said making the witch nod. Caroline looked at Bonnie and smiled.

"Sleep over later?" She asked making Bonnie frown softly.

"We'll see how Zoe takes this, I'll call you later" Bonnie told them. That had the girls worried. A part of them wanted to stay and eavesdrop from outside, but they knew Bonnie would tell them, besides Klaus would know if they stayed behind.


After waving the girls away, Bonnie turned to the trio in the living room. It looked like the beginning of an awful joke. The hybrid, the hunters and the witches. Zoe looked between the older ones worried. She had realized they needed to  talk about something serious the moment Caroline and Elena left. If Bonnie hadnt wanted to tell her what happened in front of them, she knew it couldn't be good, it had to be bad.

As Bonnie sat beside the smaller witch, she smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear. The small girl smiled up at her as she attempted to steel her stomach. Zoe had felt like she was going to barf. When Klaus stepped forward she let out a breath. The hybrid hadn't changed with her. He'd even gone as far as spinning her around when he'd seen her today, though she suspected that it had more to do with him marking his territory than much else, she didn't mind it.

"Zoe before we say anything I just want you to know something" Bonnie started looking from Sam to Dean then Klaus and landing back on the small girl. Zoe nodded as she waited for Bonnie to continue. "I will never force you to anything you don't want to, unless its to save your life, and I will always love you" Bonnie reassured her. Zoe opened her mouth to remind the older witch that she technically wasn't her mother anymore but something in Bonnie's eyes stopped her.

"You see darling" Klaus said gaining the small girls attention. "We met with someone today, someone from our past" He started explaining. Zoe frowned softly, confused by the statement, but paid attention regardless. "She wants to help us, and though we don't know her in this life, we did in the last" Klaus explained. Realization dawned on Zoe's face when she realized what they meant.

"Who was she?" Zoe asked making the hybrid frown. Seeing his face, Dean spoke up, he wasn't sure how he felt about Isis but he was sure it was better than what the hybrid felt.

"Isis, the mother of Horus" Dean said softly. Zoe couldn't help it when she frowned that time. The small witch felt better when she noticed Sam had the same look of confusion on his face.

"She said she'd been biding her time since the end of the war, because she knew it wouldn't truly be over until Ra was killed and she wants to help" Bonnie said softly. Sharing a look with the men in the room Bonnie steeled herself. "The thing is, she wants to meet you, she wants to see you for herself so that she knows I actually did my job" Bonnie said softly, making the girls frown deepen.

"Your job?" Zoe asked making the older witch shrug.

"I don't know, maybe my job as a mother, to make sure you came back?" Bonnie said, though she had been just as confused as Zoe. They practically begged the goddess to tell them more but she refused until she met Zoe. "It doesn't matter, what does matter if you, if you don't want to do it we won't force you" Bonnie said seriously.

The small witch took a breath as she looked around the room. Klaus simply smiled at her softly, Dean had nearly the same expression on his face, though the hunter seemed to have more on his mind. Sam looked just as shocked as she did, thank God for that, at least she wasn't alone. Bonnie, as always, was understanding.

"Can I think about it?" Zoe asked, she was having a hard enough time thinking of herself as a reincarnated goddess, now she was going to meet her grandmother from another life?

"Of course" Bonnie said with a nod. Bonnie wasn't even sure she wanted Zoe to meet Isis. The goddess didn't seem like a bad person but she'd been wrong before. Not to mention she wanted to know the obsession with Zoe.

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed, I'm tired, and I have a lot to think about" Zoe muttered softly. Bonnie nodded, hugging the smaller witch, and promising to be up in a minute. Once Zoe said goodnight to the rest of them, she left, leaving Bonnie, Klaus, Dean and Sam in the room.

"What do you think about Isis?" Sam asked the room, though they all knew the only response he truly cared about was Dean's.

"I didn't get any bad vibes, not from her, or the note but she's been alive for thousands of years she has to know about things I've never even heard of" Bonnie said as she sat back. Klaus nodded as he looked towards the witch. Her shorts rose slightly when she put her legs on the couch, exposing just a bit more skin than before.

"She seemed genuine, but liars are everywhere, especially among gods" Klaus muttered making the small witch frown.

"Do you think she knows? Everything that happened?" Dean asked the room. "Will she actually be able to give us answers?" He asked making the witch shrug.

"I don't know, but I'm not forcing Zoe to meet her if she doesn't want to" Bonnie made sure they all knew. She didn't just say that to make Zoe feel better. The girl's been through enough.

"I know that, I wouldn't either" Dean said seriously, looking her in the eyes. Bonnie nodded at him knowing that he was telling the truth.

"Then what is going through your head?" Klaus asked, leaning back on the couch, looking like the poster boy for relaxation. Bonnie knew different though. She could tell he was tense.

"Me" Dean tells them. Bonnie immediately frowned at that, not at all liking the sound of it, they didn't even know what this woman was capable of. "I've got her sons face right? And he's somewhere in me if I've been getting these dreams, she said so herself, so even if Zoe doesn't want to meet her  yet maybe I can convince her to help us anyway" he told them seriously.

Bonnie looked to Sam at that. While she'd usually look towards Klaus, Sam was his brother, and the only other one in this room that worried for Dean's life. That included Dean himself. Sam frowned as he looked from Dean to the green eyed witch.

"What do you think?" Sam asked her, making Bonnie shrug.

"Well, there was no trap when I got there, and she seemed sincere but I've been wrong before" she said shrugging again towards the end. Klaus looked at her with a frown, wondering if she was thinking of him, or all of them.

"Um did we all forget that I'm the oldest?" Dean asked looking between his brother and Bonnie. Klaus let out a snort as he looked at the hunter, rolling his eyes.

"Not exactly" Klaus said making the hunter roll his eyes.

"Alright fine, you're ancient, but I am older than the both of them, you don't get to decide what I do" Dean said seriously, ignoring Klaus's growl. Seemed the hybrid didn't appreciate being called ancient.

"Well I say we let him go in alone, the goddess could carve him up and serve him to Ra on a silver platter, but I'm sure we'll be just fine" Klaus said a smirk plastered on his face.

"Klaus!" Bonnie exclaimed, looking at the hybrid.

"Maybe it's time to break this party up?" Meg said walking in the room with Castiel. Immediately Dean and Klaus glare at the demon. If looks could kill she'd be back in hell, or wherever demons go when they die, Bonnie wasn't entirely sure how that worked.

"If you two alpha males haven't noticed we need all hands on deck for this, that means you two can't rip each other's throats out, no matter how entertaining it would be" Meg said smirking at the end. Castiel gave the demon an exasperated look before he shook his head.

"Even if you don't think of the entire world think of Zoe, she doesn't need any more stress, especially not after today" Castiel said making the pair of men sigh. They both know they would have to work together. Neither of them were particularly happy about it.
As Klaus walked into his packs cabin he immediately saw Erica at the counter. The blonde picking up plates he assumed were Willows and Jadens. Immediately her nose scrunched.

"You smell different" she said in confusion. The hybrid tilted his head at her slightly. Klaus found he genuinely liked Erica, after her initial impression, she was actually a kind soul. A bit like Rebekah actually. The bitchy exterior simply a way to keep people at a distance. All she truly wanted was to be free. He could understand that.

"You must be smelling Hayley" Klaus muttered, grabbing a French fry and throwing it into his mouth.

"Hayley?" She asked setting the plates in the sink. The blonde crossed her arms as she leaned against the counter, a perfectly arched eyebrow raised, her brown eyes boring into his blue.

"Who the hell is Hayley?" She asked making the hybrid shrug.

"A one night stand, no one special" he muttered looking away. Erica, like Bonnie, was one of the few people that could make him feel guilt. Force him to face his decisions. It's why he allowed her into his most trusted pack. That and her loyalty.

"Klaus" she said letting out a sigh. The hybrid rolled his eyes as he looked at her.

"Don't forget, I am the alpha of this pack" he reminded her. The blonde rolled her eyes before she looked at him.

"Alright, well, permission to speak freely alpha?" She asked, her entire body screaming attitude. The hybrid took a breath as he looked at her.

"You'll do so regardless won't you?" He asked making her smile at him.

"You know me so well" she said in retort making the hybrid breath out a chuckle. "Klaus you are not a stupid man, you wouldn't just jump into bed with Hayley unless you thought you would gain something from it, you wanted Bonnie to get jealous" she said seriously.

"Perhaps" he muttered, crossing his arms. Erica nodded as she looked at him.

"The problem is, Bonnie is not the kind of girl who would get jealous and come running towards you, she'll hurt and with everything going on between you she will keep it to herself, because she feels like she brought it on herself" she continued, making the hybrid sigh. Klaus remembered Bonnie's words from that morning well.

"Even if you do reconcile and ride off into the sunset with Zoe, she will always remember what happened, she's always going to remember Hayley" she said throwing out the name in disgust. The blonde sighed as she looked at Klaus.

"You were never able to fully take in your werewolf heritage, so you don't know how we feel about you, how much we love you" Erica said walking up to him, a soft smile in her face. Klaus could only look at her in shock. He knew his pack was grateful to him. That they would protect him. But love? He never thought that. Never asked for it. Yet they gave it to him.

"You are our family Klaus, we care about you and look up to you, but we also want you to find happiness" Erica told him honestly. "Bonnie and Zoe, they can be your happiness, your happily ever after" she said kissing his cheek softly, before patting it with just a touch more force than necessary. "So stop being an ass and actually talk to her" she said making him roll his eyes.

"I've killed people for far less" he called after her, watching as she walked up the stairs.

"I know" she called out, her voice back to its normal happy chipper. Klaus rolled his eyes at her.

"If I wanted a lecture I would have gone home" he muttered making the female hybrid stop. Looking at him she smiled.

"You are home Klaus" she said softly before walking up the stairs and away from him. Klaus chuckled softly as he looked from her to the door.

"Actually talk to her?" He whispered softly. Groaning he rolled his eyes. "Fine, I will" he muttered walking out the door once more. A man on a mission.

Erica smiled as she watched him from the window. Happy for their sire. He needed happiness. As the thought passed her mind she let out a soft sigh and looked at Derek's door. If only he thought the same way.

"Erica?" She heard someone whisper. The man in question had snuck up on her from behind. The towel in his hand and wet hair indicating he'd just came out of the shower. Her eyes took in his shirtless form and widened.

"Oh shit- hi" she said turning quickly and looking out the window. Derek frowned as he noticed the panicked look on her face.

"You okay? What are you looking at?" He asked making her smile genuinely. She sighed as Klaus got into his car and drove off.

"A man going after what he wants" she said before turning. He looked at her in confusion for a moment, making the hybrid give him a sad smile. "Goodnight" she said brushing passed him.

"Erica" Derek called out to her making the blonde stop. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked watching her face drop. The blonde shook her head.

"You didn't do anything at all" she said softly, her voice sad. Derek took a step forward but she gave him a tight lipped smiled. "Goodnight Derek" she practically whispered, closing the door on him. Derek stood there for a moment. Towel in his hand and confusion clear on his face.

"Dummy" Willow said, shocking him. Had he been anyone else he would have jumped. The small girl simply rolled her eyes as she closed the door. "Men are all dumbasses"
Bonnie sighed as she laid next to Zoe. She felt restless tonight. As if something were about to happen. Rolling her eyes she groaned and pushed the thought away.

"I'm going crazy" she muttered as she looked to the side. The picture of her and Klaus was still on her mirror. Right in her face as soon as she turned. They'd been happy that day. The day he'd given her those flowers. Then she had to go and mess everything up. Her confusion costing her, her relationship with all three men, had she simply picked one she would have at least spared one of them the heartbreak.

Beside that was the picture of her and Elijah. The original man never liked taking pictures so she had to surprise him. His answering smile was something that simply melted her heart. He was the good one. The noble one. He was the one she felt safe with. If only she could pick him and be done with it. At least she'd know she'd be happy and taken care of.

Then there was Dean. The hunter had came out of left field. Her past self longed for him. Ached for him. She wanted him even now. Bonnie was sure she herself must've felt something towards him but it all confused her too much. There was a nagging in her head. Wondering if it was her feeling this, or Hathor?

Bonnie rolled her eyes again as she turned away again. The whole point of letting them go was so she could focus. To focus on the task at hand and save the damn world. Unfortunately she was still as confused as ever. Elijah and Dean's support in her decision made her care for them all the more. Yet seeing Klaus with Hayley made her so jealous she wanted to rip her hair out.

A knock on the window broke the witch from her thoughts. Her eyes widened as she looked at it in shock. Who the hell could that be? The only comforting thought was that someone who wanted to kill her wouldn't have knocked. Sighing she pushed the drapes to the side, revealing Klaus, flowers in his hand.

"We should talk"

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