By hobisbeansprout

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in which jeon jungkook believes that lee jieun has fallen for him, when she is actually just doing her job as... More

behind the scenes
chapter 1: small girl, big dreams
chapter 2: secrets worth keeping
chapter 3: learning through practice
chapter 4: an unforgettable experience
chapter 5: aftermath of doubts
chapter 6: the wrong victim
chapter 7: the best camouflage
chapter 8: the coffee incident
chapter 9: an epiphany
chapter 10: candy-coated lies
chapter 11: a new-found resolve
chapter 12: his conflicted heart
chapter 13: the scapegoat
chapter 14: the fright of her life
chapter 15: a heart-fluttering feeling
chapter 16: the melting block of ice
chapter 17: enemies for life
chapter 18: traces left behind
chapter 19: still waters run deep
chapter 20: her softening heart
chapter 21: a parallel universe
chapter 22: his past trauma
chapter 23: the start of trouble
chapter 24: insatiable ramen cravings
chapter 25: inexplicable jealousy
chapter 26: their sweet past
chapter 27: a serious warning
chapter 28: pandemonium breaks out
chapter 29: new priorities
chapter 30: sleepless nights
chapter 31: a girl who returns favours
chapter 32: a budding friendship
chapter 33: monster in me
chapter 34: personal sleeping pill
chapter 35: crossing the line
chapter 36: jealous, dramatic and fabulous
chapter 37: a simple request
chapter 38: regret-inciting rules
chapter 39: truce... or not?
chapter 40: the big telepathy fail
chapter 41: the tremendous tomato tussle
chapter 42: storm after the storm
chapter 43: psycho
chapter 44: courage through him
chapter 45: the morning after
chapter 46: a feel-bad win
chapter 47: a funny little thing called fate
chapter 48: hiding behind a mask
chapter 49: losing everything, gaining you
chapter 50: power struggle
chapter 51: falling fast
chapter 52: you pulled me out of my pit of misery
chapter 53: one step closer
chapter 54: fluttering hearts
chapter 55: to love, to hate
chapter 56: fighting our own battles
chapter 57: misunderstandings
chapter 58: a new side to him
chapter 59: radical changes
chapter 60: when i'm falling
chapter 61: i wanna say to you
chapter 62: the dilemma
chapter 63: out of the ordinary
chapter 64: oblivious to each other's feelings
chapter 65: much to think about
chapter 66: white lies
chapter 67: actions speak louder than words
chapter 68: flawless teamwork
chapter 69: i lost, you won
chapter 70: a turn for the better
chapter 71: a bold decision
chapter 72: just one bite
chapter 73: boys
chapter 74: we'll never know
chapter 75: road trip
chapter 76: when old feelings resurface
chapter 77: you choose your own path
chapter 78: ominous dark clouds
chapter 79: pent-up emotions
chapter 80: words of affirmation
chapter 81: the quest for dinner
chapter 82: for you
chapter 83: fondness, affection, liking
chapter 84: crushing... hard
chapter 85: time heals all wounds
chapter 86: life-changing decisions
chapter 87: contrast
chapter 88: confrontations
chapter 89: end of one chapter, beginning of another
chapter 90: when life throws you a curveball
chapter 91: i'm sorry, i love you
chapter 92: you're not worth it
chapter 93: tears, tears and more tears
chapter 94: everything hurts
chapter 95: enough is enough
chapter 96: realisations
chapter 97: a murky view of the future
chapter 98: hatching a plan
chapter 99: farewells aren't easy
chapter 100: backfire
chapter 101: thank you, and goodbye
chapter 102: so are you happy now
chapter 103: reeking of jealousy
chapter 104: the final time
chapter 105: i'm in trouble
chapter 106: i like you
chapter 107: i love you
chapter 108: i don't know anymore
chapter 109: the neck kiss
chapter 110: three's a crowd
chapter 111: you're worth it
chapter 112: celebrate the small successes
chapter 113: butterflies
chapter 114: tying up loose ends
chapter 115: the price to pay
chapter 116: one step closer to healing
chapter 117: contrast
chapter 118: friends
chapter 119: let go, let live
chapter 120: never letting go
chapter 121: returned favours
chapter 122: something's fishy
chapter 123: decisions, decisions, decisions
chapter 124: matching paces
chapter 125: tension is in the air
chapter 126: damage control
chapter 127: i trust
chapter 128: one blow after another
chapter 129: something up her sleeves
chapter 130: the surprise video
chapter 131: on your knees
chapter 132: a shock to the world
chapter 133: chasing new dreams
chapter 134: keeping secrets
chapter 135: the dreaded day
chapter 136: mature thoughts
chapter 137: the damsel in distress
chapter 138: be each other's rainbows
chapter 139: two fools in the rain
chapter 140: behind the scenes
chapter 141: the l word
chapter 143: things are looking up
chapter 144: butterfly
chapter 145: take a hint
chapter 146: unspoken actions, unspoken feelings
chapter 147: drama
chapter 148: taking steps forward
chapter 149: with you, i'm always ready
chapter 150: concert day
chapter 151: to the one i love
chapter 152: no longer you and i
chapter 153: behind the scenes
author's note

chapter 142: start of a new chapter

476 56 10
By hobisbeansprout

<OST: Sleepless Night - Crush ft. Punch>

"Everyone's gone now, shouldn't you go too?"

"Why?" Jennie sat down on Yoongi's couch after Jimin left a while ago, but not before giving Yoongi several warnings. "Just let me stay a while longer."

"I wonder who was the one saying we shouldn't visit each other's house from now on-" Yoongi rolled his eyes as he took a seat at the dining table, away from Jennie. "Look what she's doing barely a few days later."

Jennie pretended not to hear him. "Let's watch some TV, oppa."

"I don't want to-" Yoongi yawned. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed soon. And you should too, so you should go home now."

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight-" Jennie smiled. "I'm way too excited."

Yoongi finally smiled as he looked up at Jennie. "Are you really that excited?"

"Mm, you have no idea!" Jennie beamed as she skipped over to the dining table and took her seat opposite Yoongi. "I'm so excited that we're doing this together, oppa. Seriously."

"Me too-" Yoongi admitted with a small chuckle. "It's even more unbelievable that I did something so spontaneous - it's not something that I would have done so easily in the past. I guess... it's just another item added to the list of things I need to thank you for."

"Ya-" Jennie smiled shyly. "You're making me blush, don't say that."

"I..." Yoongi hesitated for a while as he glanced down the hallway, leading to the mysterious room at the end of the aisle. "Actually... since you're still here, I wanna show you something."

"Me...?" Jennie raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Suddenly...?"

"Mm-" Yoongi nodded as he got to his feet and headed towards the corridor, gesturing for Jennie to follow. "I have been wanting to show it to you for a while now... and I guess, after what happened today with establishing BTS Entertainment, I feel like... today's the right time."

Jennie didn't know what else to say as she followed quietly after Yoongi down the aisle, stopping only when they reached outside the door at the end of the corridor. It was only then that Jennie realised what Yoongi was about to show her.

"Do you remember what happened between us months ago...?" Yoongi said quietly as he gestured towards the door casually. "You opened this door... and I was so mad I yelled at you."

"Mm, I remember-" Jennie nodded. "I really shouldn't have pried back then."

"Not really, actually-" Yoongi swallowed as his eyes gazed at the floor. "I guess it was kind of like a Pandora's box to me... my past was all hidden inside this room, after all. Before you came, I never really ever entered this room - I just kept it as like a storeroom, for the things of my past I was too afraid of digging up but yet also couldn't bear to get rid of. But slowly, there was one day not too long ago after confiding in you, I realised that it somehow wasn't as scary anymore. I went into the room and saw the things that reminded me of the past... and my heart didn't ache the same way it did any longer. That's when I realised that I was slowly but surely getting over it... because of you. And now, I want to share my past with you completely."

"You do?" Jennie pouted. "Are you really sure?"

"Why?" Yoongi pursed his lips nervously. "You don't wanna see it? If you don't want to, it's fine too-"

"What? No-" Jennie grabbed onto Yoongi by his arm before he could turn to leave. "No, I want to see it - trust me, I really do. But I just wanted to make sure that you wanted to show it to me, not because you think I want to see it... and you feel like you have to show it to me."

Yoongi nodded his head firmly. "I'm very sure - I want you to see it."

Jennie smiled a little as she naturally grabbed hold of Yoongi's hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Alright then, please show it to me."

Yoongi nodded as he turned around, gripping hold of Jennie's hand more tightly as his other hand reached out and took the doorknob. Taking a deep breath, he then twisted the doorknob and pushed it open with one swift action.

"Omo-" Jennie let out a few loud coughs as the dust filled her nostrils and she swatted her hand in front of her face to get some of it out of her way. "The dust-"

"Sorry about that-" Yoongi chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassedly. "I have been in here a few times but hadn't had the chance to clean it properly yet..."

"No worries, oppa-" Jennie smiled as she covered her nose with the back of her free hand. "I can help you with cleaning up in the future."

"Thank you, Jennie-ya."

Jennie looked around the room - it was much smaller than she expected, really almost like the size of a storeroom. Just like she had remembered, there were a couple of cameras in the room, still on their stands. Even as an amateur in photography, Jennie could tell that these were some pretty old cameras.

"These were some of the first few cameras I purchased back when I was in high school-" Yoongi explained. "I was angry with my parents back then, for not being the way my friends' parents were. I was angry that they were always quarrelling, so much so that they barely had the time for me. I think that's when I thought of the idea of spending their money as a way of getting back at them - I bought a couple of these online on impulse... but eventually ended up falling in love with film and photography. Funny, isn't it...?"

Jennie shook her head as she looked up at Yoongi. "It must have been lonely for you... your childhood, I mean. To think of getting back at your parents by spending their money too... that's something no child should have to go through. I'm so glad you found comfort in film and photography."

"I sure did," Yoongi said with a little smile, his eyes twinkling a little with tears as he recalled his traumatic childhood.

"I'm sure they don't work now..." Jennie sighed as he pulled a cobweb off one of the cameras. "But if they were, it'd be nice to develop the photos in them."

"You're right-" Yoongi shrugged. "But the photos in them probably aren't that great either. Back then, I was just taking photos as a hobby, not knowing that I'd eventually make a career out of it."

Jennie nodded slowly as she scanned the rest of the room, her eyes landing on one of the photo frames on the bookshelf.

"Oh-" Jennie exclaimed as she let go of Yoongi's hand and ran towards the bookshelf. "Is this you...?"

Yoongi walked over slowly and peered over Jennie, a little smile spreading across his face as he spotted the photo of him on a swing when he was 3 years old.  "Mm, that's me."

"Wah... you're so cute-" Jennie blurted out without thinking. "Looks like you were cute since young, oppa."

"Huh? Oh-" Yoongi tried to shrug it off. "Well, yeah, I guess..."

"Oh-?" Jennie picked up a photo frame next to it and dusted it off a little. "Your family photo."

"Mm-" Yoongi swallowed hard as he forced himself to look at the photo. "This is my family - my mom, my dad and I - the three of us."

Jennie stared at the photo for a long time, not saying a word. Then she eventually put it down and looked up at Yoongi with a little smile, as she slipped her hand into his once more.

"It's okay, oppa-" Jennie consoled him. "They may not be around anymore... but you have me now. I'll be your family, I'll be by your side - let's take many pictures together from now. Okay?"

Yoongi couldn't help but smile as tears of gratitude welled up in his eyes. He was glad he showed Jennie all this tonight, and he was grateful that she had even walked into his life months back. Yoongi nodded, his voice cracking a little as he spoke.



Seokjin buried his face in his hands. "This is freaking humiliating."

"Yeah, sure-" Jungkook sneered at Seokjin. "Finally you know how I feel whenever you walk in on me and Jieun...?"

"We're more embarrassed, okay?" Jieun rubbed at her eyes, trying to get the image out of her head. "We came here thinking that Seokjin-oppa probably might not even be at home... But lo and behold, he was here - and Byulyi-unnie was too - doing something so- something so-"

"I already said it's not what it looks like!" Byulyi exclaimed frantically, pulling at her hair. "Jieun-ah, get that straight - we weren't doing anything!"

"Yeah, I can vouch for that-" Seokjin held up fingers. "I swear we were just kissing-"

Jungkook and Jieun exchanged grossed out looks.

"Kissing... innocently!" Byulyi glared at Seokjin. "Ya! Why did you even have to tell them about that?"

"Was it not obvious...?" Seokjin stifled a laugh. "I think it was pretty obvious we were making ou-"

"Okay, enough!" Jieun covered her ears, cringing hard. "Enough, please."

"Stop acting squirmish, Lee Jieun-" Seokjin burst into laughter. "We haven't asked you what you were doing, coming to JK's apartment late at night all alone, thinking I wasn't here... What were the two of you even planning to do?"

"Huh?" Jieun looked at Jungkook for help. "What were we planning to do? Nothing."

"Yeah, nothing-" Jungkook agreed. "Why? I can't even bring my own girlfriend back to my home? It's my house, by the way, hyung - and she used to stay here with me, too."

"But that was before you were dating-" Seokjin grinned, wriggling his eyebrows cheekily at the both of them. "What were the two of you up to? Quick - fess up."

"I- I- I came here to listen to Jungkook's music!" Jieun defended herself. "Besides, I expected you to be at home, so we definitely weren't about to start anything funny... unlike the two of you-"

"Yeah-" Jungkook grinned as he playfully nudged Jieun. "Definitely not."

Jieun sighed exasperatedly. "Ya!"

"Okay, okay!" Jungkook burst into laughter. "Let's put that behind us now, alright? We have more important things to discuss right now like... hyung, why didn't you pick up any of my calls all day?"

"Ah-" Seokjin scratched the back of his neck. "Well... actually my phone ran out of battery."

"I knew it," Jungkook said with a sigh. "I was trying to contact you all day."

"Sorry, JK-" Seokjin shrugged. "I was busy trying to get you a new contract..."

"And getting yourself a girlfriend," Jieun piped in.

"That's besides the point, okay-" Byulyi came to Seokjin's defence. "He was working so hard all day that he forgot to meet me."

"No way-" Jieun gasped loudly as she glanced at Seokjin. "You really forgot?"

"Anyway-" Seokjin cleared his throat loudly, trying desperately to change the subject. "So JK - why were you trying so hard to call me?"

"The thing is..." Jungkook pursed his lips. "You can't call me JK anymore - I'm officially no longer from BG Entertainment... and they have rights to that name."

"Wait... what?" Seokjin glanced at Byulyi with a confused look on his face, before looking at Jungkook once more. "You what?"

"I no longer belong to BG Entertainment, hyung-" Jungkook grinned. "I'm now an artist from BTS Entertainment."

"You what now?" Seokjin made a face. "BTS Entertainment? What kind of company is that and why does it have such an awful name?"

"Hey-" Jieun pouted as she crossed her arms. "I was the one who proposed that name."

"What does BTS stand for then?" Seokjin scoffed. "Don't tell me... behind the scenes...?"

"No way-" Jungkook gasped. "How did you know?"

"Literally what else can that stand for, JK-" Seokjin burst into laughter. "Bang... Tan... Sonyeondan...? Wait, actually that name sounds like it has some star potential... lemme write that down-"

"Ya, can you just stop talking and let me finish my story...?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, annoyed. "Also, it's JJK from now on... not JK-"

"Wah... you've already made your new stage name."

Jungkook clucked his tongue agitatedly. "Can I continue or what...?"

Seokjin sniggered. "Okay, okay..."

"BTS Entertainment stands for Behind The Scenes Entertainment... and it's a company owned by Min Yoongi PD-nim-" Jungkook explained. "He was also the one who bought us out of BG Entertainment earlier today."

"Min PD-nim?!" Byulyi and Seokjin exclaimed at the same time. "Wait, are we talking about-"

"Yes, it's the Min PD-nim we all know-" Jungkook chuckled softly. "We were surprised too, when we first learnt about it... but now, we have full trust in Min PD-nim - or rather, as we now call him - Min daepyo-nim."

"Wait, so-" Seokjin shook his head, trying to process what he had just heard. "You're telling me that Min PD-nim bought you guys out of BG Entertainment and now started his own company, BTS Entertainment...? Where on earth did he get the money?"

"He's rich, apparently-" Jieun explained. "A second-generation billionaire."

"A second-generation billionaire who doesn't own a car, doesn't wear branded clothes, didn't even have a job prior to this drama and-" Seokjin paused intentionally for the dramatic effect. "Lives in a small apartment when he could probably afford a mansion? Are you sure?"

"Well, that same second-generation billionaire could afford camera equipment out-of-pocket, paid my debt and is now starting a company from scratch and recruiting me, so yes-" Jungkook nodded. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Wait, how about me-" Seokjin jumped to his feet. "Did he pay my fee too?"

Jungkook grinned. "What if I said no?"

"You're kidding-" Seokjin's eyes widened. "He's a billionaire and he could pay off your penalty fee that is twenty times of mine, yet he couldn't even spare that-"

"I really am kidding-" Jungkook burst into laughter. "He paid off yours as well, hyung - mine, Jennie's, yours and Jimin-ssi's... all of it."

"I love him-" Seokjin grabbed onto Jungkook's arm and squeezed it tight. "I seriously do, but- does that mean I'm under BTS Entertainment now?"

"Min daepyo is pretty damn amazing-" Jungkook admitted. "He paid our penalty fee yet he's still giving us the choice whether or not to join his company... Jennie, Jimin-ssi and I are all in - and so is Jieun... but you don't have to, hyung."

"Jieun too...?" Seokjin frowned. "How-"

"Jieun is joining as a beauty content creator... but that's a long story, hyung-" Jungkook shrugged as he patted Seokjin on the shoulder. "But for now, you'll have to decide... do you want to continue on?"

"Well, JK-" Seokjin swallowed. "I mean, Jungkook-ah, you know I'd love to... but I-"

"I think you shouldn't either-" Jungkook said with a small smile. "I'm now in good hands, hyung. You should go on and finally do what you like."

"How do I know if you're in good hands, JK?" Seokjin addressed Jungkook the way he always did over these past six years. "I- I can't just let you join this company that is barely established yet... I would have gotten you a place at RBG, but that fell through today... Maybe you might want to reconsider-"

"I've already reconsidered it many times, hyung-" Jungkook reassured Seokjin. "The thing is... Min daepyo has full trust in us - he's not even making us sign contracts with him... we're practically doing this as like... his friends, his counterparts. There's no way we can be abused when we're given full creative freedom. Thanks to Jieun, and thanks to Min daepyo... I think this is the most confidence I've had in any of my decisions in a long time. Even if my career doesn't take off after this, hyung - I am sure that I will be happy... and that is all that matters."

"Hearing that does assure me a little..." Seokjin relented a little. "But JK, I still-"

"Actually-" Byulyi intervened. "You said Jieun-ie is joining the company as a beauty content creator, didn't you?"


"So based on my understanding... this is not a regular type of company-" Byulyi reasoned. "It's kind of like... a content-based company."

"Yes-" Jieun smiled. "Exactly."

"Then what if-" Byulyi glanced at Seokjin, her eyes sparkling. "What if Seokjin-oppa and I join the company too? I could join as a scriptwriter and release content related to that... meanwhile, Seokjin-oppa-"

"I can help you with that!" Seokjin exclaimed, so excited that he couldn't even sit still at this point. "I have always wanted to write... and now I have the opportunity to - this is brilliant, Byulyi-ya! And at the same time, I can keep an eye on JK! This is wonderful!"

"That's actually an amazing idea-" Jieun beamed. "I'm pretty sure Min daepyo would be rather open to that."

Cheers broke out in the apartment as Seokjin and Byulyi hopped up and down in each other's embrace. Jungkook exchanged smiles with Jieun before slipping an arm around her shoulder, hugging her closer to him as they watched Seokjin and Byulyi celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives. In fact, it was the start of a new chapter for all of them.

And they were all filled with joy and excitement about what was to come.

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