The other Gilmore Girl (Book...

By Eggosforever14

39.7K 812 133

Coming back to Yale for her last year, but one thing is different this time. Logan is London, will the distan... More

season 7
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
New Book!!
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
This book will be continued
Part 21
Part 22

Part 7

1.5K 35 6
By Eggosforever14

A/N: To start off I just read through last part and at the start I put Harvard instead of Yale. Sorry about the typo if you saw it, it has now been changed to Yale.

I was in bed because I didn't have class until the afternoon and I may or may not be hungover. In my defence it was Rachel that ordered the fifty shots and made me drink them with her, all because some guy said we could never do it without throwing up. I mean he was wrong when we get wasted we don't throw up we just get very loud and kicked out of bars.

Just then my phone rings and I pick it up with a groan, "death is coming your way my friend." "Well good morning to you too. My guess unlike your nerdy sister you are still rightfully in bed." I sit up, "oh hey mom, sorry I just have killer hang over, blame Rachel." "Well party girl, guess who's coming to parents weekend." I pull a face, "a bunch of lame kid's parents who kids hate them." She then says too happy for my liking, "and your parents!" I groan, "inside voice." She then whispers, "and your parents."

I laugh, "dad is so making you." "that obvious." Then there was a pause and I hear dad's voice, "hey kid, so what do you think any interesting things we can see, what about the gem stones of Yale? We'll only be there for Saturday though." "The what? I mean you could see my presentation, it should be on the back of the pamphlet thing. It's on Saturday." He turns it over, "Kiddo that sounds amazing. We will so be there." Then I hear mom say, "you have a thing? How do you have a thing and not tell me, I thought it was all boring teachers." "I don't normally have a thing, the art department always picks a senior to honor, this year it happens to be me." "I am so proud hun, I'll let you sleep, night." "no I'm up I'm going to get coffee, love you." "Love you too, hun."

It's now Saturday and I'm in the textile room going over some of my pieces for my presentation. (Outfit above.) After the modals are all dressed I hear clapping from the door and turn to see Tim Gunn, "you are as good as ever darling. Yale has really helped make you better." I gasp, "Tim, what are you doing here?" He shrugs, "I have friends at Yale and when I heard your name I came straight away, I was right about you. Who am I kidding I have never been wrong. Now I have a seat to take, good luck out there."

As Time Gunn leaves my mom and dad walk in and my dad asks, "was that Tim Gunn, from project runway?" I raise an eyebrow, "you watch project runway?" He then shakes his head, "no the nanny does, it was on one night and I saw a part with him-- anyways that's big right?" I nod, "yeah, I mean he obviously saw me in high school but it's so exciting that he still follows my work." Then someone comes in and says, "you start in five." I nod and when they leave I turn to mom and dad and ask, "so what do you have after this." Mom shrugs, "some boring lecture. Hey did you know my parents were here too?" Before I could answer I get saved and told I need to be on stage.

I walk on and everyone claps and the head of the art department says, "Christina Gilmore is our chosen senior this year, because not only is she doing amazing in her studies but she also started a business and got on Teen Vogue. This girl is super human and I have no other way to put it. So it is an honor to give you this award and I expect I promise to never forget us from Yale when your clothes are at fashion week." Everyone claps as I get handed the trophy and I stand up to the mic, "thank you all so much, and I can promise I am no super human I have so many people help me on my way to here. For example my friends and I made this line in inspiration of them." Everyone gasps and claps as the modals walk out.

After that mom and dad both give me a hug, "we are so proud of you kid, we have to go to an astromancy lecture but you can join us and Rory for lunch right?" I shake my head, "I have lunch with my friends but I'll call you guys later, yeah?" Mom kisses my cheek, "amazing hun, we really are so proud." As they left Tim walks up to me and says, "you still got it kid. I wish you luck in the real world, here have my number call if you ever need help, no matter what it is." I smile, "thanks Tim." He nods and then leaves. Best day ever.

Rachel and Noah take me out to lunch and I ask, "so Noah, how's that love life going? Still in the honeymoon phase." He smirks, "I am thinking it is no longer a phase. As of yesterday we are officially boyfriend and boyfriend." Me and Rachel squeal in delight, "Happy Feet that is amazing and your family love him, right?" He nods, "I think they like him more then me." We all laugh and Rachel says, "not possible, so shots?" I give her a look, "do you remember last time." She laughs, "I'll get us only nine this time, three each. We are meant to be celebrating." I sigh, "fine."

As she leaves Noah says, "it's good to see her having fun, especially since Colin went off to work in his dad's firm. She needs to have fun, but speaking of fun I need your help." I raise an eyebrow, "what with?" He sighs, "there is this duo in my dance class I have without you, they are so cocky and annoying I may have challenged them to a dance off in front of the whole school, and I need you to be my partner." I groan, "...Fine but only because I love you. I am ready to kick some arse." Rachel comes back with shots and asks, "who's arse are we kicking? Is it Rory's? If so count me in." I laugh and shake my head, "just drink your shot. I'm starving I need food, Noah?" He sighs, "I guess I can pay for you." Me and Rachel laugh and after we eat we go shopping and then back to mine to watch a movie.

A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked this part, and how I added Tim Gunn back into the story. Also tell me what you think of the Noah and Rachel time, I personally love writing moments with them together. Do you think Rachel is okay without Colin? Or will she explode? Do you think Chris and Noah can win the dance off? Also let me know what you want to see.

Xoxo Maddie.

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