Starting A Family

By Nova_Angelo

3.3K 106 22

SEQUEL to Experiments, kidnappings and old enemies, oh my. Chris finds out he is pergnant and must come to te... More

Congrat's Mr. Redfield
It's A Bean Shape
Moving On Up
The Naming Process
Let's get it on, Not
An Unexpected Tongue Lashing
Fourth of July pt.1
Fourth of July pt. 2
Baby Themes?
Setting Up
Wesker-Redfield Redfield-Wesker
They're Here

Looking A Little Big, Aren't We

240 8 0
By Nova_Angelo

Looking A Little Big, Aren't We?

Thank who ever that Wesker hadn't tried anything more after I had pushed him on to the couch. I was able to get in to my room and be left alone for the rest of the day. I only came out once Zhane had stopped by and said that Wesker had left for the time being.

I was able to relax and leave my room, which was great considering I also had to stop by the office to switch in the papers. This reminded me that I had to find something that wouldn't draw attention to my semi-bulging belly. So I spend about five minutes looking for a loose fitting shirt that I wouldn't normally have because I hate wearing over sized cloths because then they just hang there.

I realize though that I will have to find bigger clothing when my stomach starts to show more.

Finally finding the shirt it still doesn't conceal it all the way. I slip it on, grab the papers and then head out to the station. It's about an hour and a half drive which isn't that bad when I'm not in any hurry to get there. I feel something bad is going to happen, it's just a heavy sort of sinking feeling in my gut.

When I get there and walk in some people look up, I get a little self-conscious and pull the shirt down hoping that I am not just making the situation worse. I speed up on my way to my desk to get the papers and almost make it out of the station but my boss head's me off and asks me to talk in his office. I sigh but he doesn't catch it and turn back to his office knocking on the door he answers with a silent come in and holds out a hand to sit down. I take a seat and he stands, placing his hands behind him he looks out the window. After a minute he faces me and I can tell that he has been in deep thought.

"I'm sure you are aware of why you have been doing paper work. But since we have not had any other threats in the past two months I think that you should be put back on active duty. It is your choice but I notice that you have gained a few pounds. Some one as good as you shouldn't be stuck at home or behind a desk. So if you are feeling up to it I would like to send you out to an area that has had a few questionable occurrences. It should be no trouble to you, I'm sure that it is nothing and I don't want to send you in to something big right away. If you want I can give you a day or two to think this over."

He sits down on the corner of his desk, his hands are folded in his lap and he is giving me an expectant look. 'Crap, what am I going to do? I could take this mission and it would get me out of the house as well as away from Wesker. But at what cost, if something does go bad and I get hurt...' I don't finish my thought process instead looking back at him and nodding.

"I'd like a few days to think about it, I'll get back to you."

He nods and I stand up he doesn't say any thing more so I leave his office and head straight for my car, forgetting the papers on the way. Once I get in I speed as best as I can with out getting pulled over and head straight inside once I get there.

"Hey Zhane is Wesker here?"

A muffled sound comes from the kitchen along with no reply. I also notice that P.B. hasn't come to greet me. I start to panic thinking that some one has found out and is now waiting in the kitchen, or maybe it's Wesker and he is trying to lure me in so he can get me.

I try to use my super hearing, figuring I could probably hear a quickening pulse if someone had been captured. Nothing but eerie calm. I take a step further into the house, trying to smell out something bad but I can't seem to focus on anything.

'That would be because you are pregnant; it messes with your sense of smell.'

'Fine time to tell me, what about my strength and speed? Will that be out of whack?'

'I'm not really sure and this probably isn't the ideal time to find out huh?'

I roll my eyes 'Ya think?'

"Hey Zhane are you here?" I speak up a little louder so they-if anyone- knows that I'm here.

Nothing for a few seconds but then I hear a tiny scampering sound. It seems to be coming from the basement. I get a little closer to the door and put myself into attack mode, whether I have super strength or not I can still kick some ass. A few more seconds and the scampering is getting louder until finally a white fluff ball bursts through the slightly opened door. He is barking and jumping at my legs, his little tail going a mile a minute. I lean down and release a sigh and pet his head. Not long after Zhane comes up looking slightly dish shelved, as if he had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position.

"Oh, hey I thought you were someone else for a minute there." He runs a hand through his hair, if he was trying to straighten it out he only made it worse. He yawns-which proves my theory that yes he had fallen asleep down there- and looks at my face. His eyebrows lower in a concerned way, "Are you alright?"

"A little better knowing you aren't hacked to bits or that Wesker isn't holding you captive some where" I force myself to smile.

"Oh, ok. But then you were still worried about something before you came in then right?"

I sigh, "Yeah that's also why I kind of hoped Wesker was here. I need to talk to him about something; I might as well ask you too." I add the latter as a second thought.

"What about?"

I turn to face the living room then look back at him. "Do you mind if we sit?"

"No that's fine" he answers while heading to the living room and sitting on the couch, I take an arm chair.

I take a few minutes to figure out exactly what I am going to say. It would be better if Albert was here, that way I would only have to say this once. Just as I open my mouth said blonde walks through the door, and he looks pissed. It takes him only a second to find us and then he is not exactly storming but not really walking either in to the living room. He stops a few feet in front of me.

I brace myself thinking he is going to attack but he just stands there, arms crossing over his chest.

"You aren't going you know that right?" His voice is layered with anger and a silent don't you dare object.

I sit there looking around the room and then back at him.

"How did you find out already?"

He flexes his fists from under his arm over his chest.

"That isn't important."

I glare slightly, "You know what it is, even if you don't think so you owe it to me." I had stood from the chair and jammed a finger into his chest. He looks some what taken aback but I can't really tell with his glasses.

He gains his façade of not caring in seconds, and he has a grin that isn't used for showing happiness.

"And why do you think that?"

"You practically raped me the other day." I fold my arms and turn to look at the wall to my right.

Zhane had been sitting rim-rod straight since Wesker had barged through the front door, only now clearing his throat and getting up from the couch to leave. My attention quickly turns to him but then I stare back to the wall. I spare a quick glance at Wesker though, he's still and his hands have fallen to his side which are clenched to the point that they have gone white.

Just when I think he is about to lose it and beat me to a pulp his demeanor suddenly changes back in to his cool and calm self, showing no emotion.

"What do you mean?"

I flash a look of disbelief, "The other day you got all weird and had attacked me twice. Which, alright wouldn't have been so bad had it not the affect of speeding up the already fast pregnancy. Which was another thing I had wanted to tell you about, unless you already knew that as well?"

He shakes his head slowly, his lower jaw flexing as if he is chewing something.

"Sorry, okay? Now that we have dealt with it can we get back to the previous topic? Because if you want to continue this one I'll be forced to remind you that you had attacked me in Africa much the same way that I have apparently attacked you." His tone is serious and stops the retort on my lips. I know what he says is right, and he did apologize. Right as I was going to agree that we should get back to why he was so mad he has to make another comment that just shoves me over the edge.

"I hope this is just hormones causing you to be moody likes this, because if it's not you are one whiney bitch."

I hit him square in the jaw; he lands into the wall making a slight dent. When he rights himself I see that his glasses are slightly a skew and allowing me to see his bright orange eyes darken to an almost red color.

"That was for calling me a female dog, and also swearing in front of the kids. I am sure they can hear this and I don't want them to come out cussing." I fold my arms and face the wall, he brushes off the little bit of dry-wall powder from his shoulder and straightens out his glasses.

"I'm going to let that go because you're pregnant and I'm thinking it has something to do with being moody as well." I can hear the smirk in his voice as he says his last reason.

I spin around ready to land another punch but he grabs my wrist, I try the other hand and he grabs that one as well. I'm glaring at him and he just has a slight smile on his face now, which only increases my struggle to hit him. He lowers my hands slightly but he doesn't release them.

"Now that I have you full attention I am going to make sure you heard me the first time. You. Are not. Going. On. That mission. Do you understand?"

I growl and try to shove him with my hands and his.

"You can't tell me what the f- what the heck to do."

"I can when you are going to risk the lives of the children."

"It's just a routine check-up, nothing should be wrong. And no I'm not saying that that means that everything is fine, because nothing is ever truly fine when I'm sent to check out something. But I also don't have a choice, if I don't do this he-my boss- is going to question why I would rather be stuck at home then out in the field. But since you have my full attention you mind if you get back to my earlier question? The one involving how you already knew about this" I'm growling and pushing in between words every once in awhile.

He rolls his neck and sighs letting go of my wrists he sits on to the couch that Zhane had vacated. He takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose and then with both hands he rubs his face before re-applying his glasses.

"I've seen the place you are going, I over heard someone mention that someone from the BSAA was going to arrive soon. At first I didn't think it was you but I had to make sure, hacking into you bosses computer wasn't that hard. But sure enough your name was under the list of persons to go to that small town."

I take a big breath in and then slowly let it out. I sink back into the chair I had left, leaning all the way back then straightening myself so I can lean over my legs slightly. I run my hands up my face and into my hair. Taking another deep and calming breath I am able to respond.

"How bad?"

"It doesn't matter, you are not going." He says with finality, leaving no room to argue but I just push and shove until I make room. I notice that we are speaking in a calmer fashion, which is good because all this stress isn't good for the babies. I unconsciously rub a hand over my stomach.

"I have to go; I can't live like this anyway. So please help me out and tell me what I am going into."

He let's out a dry and humorless laugh.

"How do you know that I know a lot about what is happening over there?"

"I just assumed you had something to do with it yourself or something."

"It's not that bad yet, if you go I'm coming with."

I notice that he didn't deny or agree that he was the cause of what ever was happening to the town. I give him a look that says 'are you for real?'

"How are you supposed to come along? It's not like I can just sneak you on the plane or whatever. You are kind of hard to miss Wesker, not to mention that everyone already thinks that I'm working with you. This is why I can't decline this mission in the first place."

"It's in a couple states down from here. If you do fly I can run faster and get there before you, and either way I'm going to be there whether you want me to or not. The reason I had asked was to determine whether I would be working beside you or watching from the shadows."

I fold my arms over my chest, I'm tempted to turn around and face the wall I don't, knowing that would look like I was pouting which I wasn't.

"So basically I have no say what goes on between us? This isn't a 50/50 thing it's a dictatorship."

He raises an eyebrow, "Chris we aren't discussing governments here. And no I value your input; it's just in this situation you don't seem to see what's best for you. If you can't decline it then at least meet me half-way and let me go with you." I can tell that he is sincere even if he doesn't sound like it from his voice.

"Are you going to hinder me in any way? This means stopping me from destroying research or whatever else is there."

"No, I'm just going so you don't get yourself or the kids killed."

"But it's more because of the kids, though right? You don't care for me at all do you? You are just dealing with me because I'm pregnant but as soon I have them you won't acknowledge me at all will you?"

I have once again risen from my seat, arms crossed and I'm glaring at him. I can feel tears ready to fall from my eyes but I hold them back. I'm slightly freaked out because I can't control anything any more. Not my emotions, fatigue, hunger, or even the birth date. Looking at him I can see that he wasn't expecting that at all. He slowly stands up, his hand is out stretched towards me but he drops it back to his side.

"That's," he struggles over the words "That's not- I ca-" he pauses for a few seconds before finding the right words apparently.

"I don't want you to die either Redfield, you have become somewhat of a constant in my life. And I don't wish for it to cease so soon."

"That's the best 'I care for you, really' admission I'm probably going to get from you at the present." I smile a tad before sighing and rubbing my eyes. Peeking out from between my fingers I can see the tension leaving his body.

"Yeah I guess you can go. You'll probably have to meet up with me."


After a week I'm finally heading off to a small town in Iowa.

Zhane had agreed to watch P.B. while I was gone, he was so sad when I had packed a bag and was leaving with out him. He is a smart puppy, he doesn't get all sad when I leave to go to the store or some thing but when he see's the bag he knows that I'm going to be gone for more then a day.

I can't believe I have to drive myself to Iowa, he better compensate me for gas and motel money. The twelve hour and twenty-one minute drive was exhausting, not to mention Wesker had gotten bored of waiting for me so he had tracked me down at a motel. I'm not going to go into the details but let's just say I'm another two weeks in to being four months pregnant.

My boss would certainly question how I managed to get fatter on a mission. Just great.

When we finally got to Deer Park-the name of the small/medium sized town- I didn't see anything odd. Well there wasn't that many people around and the place did seem kind of ghost townie. I make sure I have both guns on my holsters, the bowie knife, and a few grenades just to be on the safe side. I'm wearing my vest which hides the bulge in my stomach nicely. I step out of the car and Wesker does the same. He places a hand on the roof as he turns to me.

"Where are you going to start?"

"I just got here; I'm thinking I should check in with the local law enforcement. They are supposed to know that I'm coming. After that I'll investigate the most recent activity and then investigate from there." I finish it up by closing my door and heading to the police station.

"I taught you well."

"Don't think so highly of yourself. Look you can't be seen so, get lost. I'd say that I'd find you later but it's more likely that you'll find me"

He smirks and then in a blur he's gone. I shake my head and keep walking. There is a chime when I open the door-only a small town police station would have a chime on the front door- the secretary gives me a smile which I kindly return.

"I was looking for the sheriff."

"Oh of course dear I'll be right back let me go get him." She is a kindly old woman with a huge smile, again some thing that can only be found in a small town police station that doesn't see that much action. I wait for a minute or so before she returns with an older gentle man dressed in the usual garb of an officer.

"Well hello there son, what can I do for you?"

"This might be a private conversation; could we take this to your office?"

He looks at his secretary then back at me before nodding his head, "This way".

He heads off and I follow him, once inside he closes the door and gestures for me to seat. He himself takes one behind his desk, hands folded on top and ready to listen. I sit into the offered chair.

"I'm from the B.S.A.A; I believe you've been informed of my arrival."

"Oh, yes of course. I'm glad that some one has finally come to check this out."

I nod, "Could you inform me more on the situation, what exactly is going on?"

"Well there have been some sightings of wolves or wild dogs but these aren't like any normal dog. The person who had seen them said that it was dark so they couldn't be real sure but they thought the thing had tentacle's sprouting from its mouth."

Those sound like the dogs in Africa. Damnit Wesker if you started another thing like that here, argh.

"Please continue."

"Well then there's the sightings of mutant frogs. I haven't seen anything for myself but passer-bys and some hunters swear to have seen these things. Said a buddy of theirs has gone missing too."

"Mutant frogs?"

"Yes son. Said they had long tongues, bigger then a normal frog, jumped like 'em though also mentioned them being skinned like."



We both say at the same time.

I'm startled for a second but regain my self.

"And these people have lived after seeing these things?"

"Why, should they be dead? What's going on here is this some type of government conspiracy?"

"Uh no sir, I was just wondering since these things sound dangerous how anyone had lived to tell about them."

He nods his head but I can tell that he still isn't all that sure about me.

"Is that it?"

"Yes I believe so."

"Could you tell me where the most recent sighting has been?"

"No, but I know who can. Mr. Rexx was one of those hunters who swears to have seen these things. You can find him at the diner."

I nod my head and smile as I leave his office; I give another smile to the lady behind the desk.


At the diner I get a cup of coffee and then ask for Rexx, the waitress points to a man at the far end of the counter. I make my way over to him and sit next to him in the empty seat.

"I'm investigating the sightings of mutant frogs. The sheriff said you might be able to help me out in locating the most recent sighting place."

He just nods, takes a sip of his coffee and then replies.

"Are you going to look for my buddy who hasn't returned?"

"I'll do my best to locate him, but I'm not here for missing persons."

"Yeah that's fine, as soon as I'm done here I'll take you there myself."

I nod my head and then wait while he finishes up his meal.


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