Starting A Family

By Nova_Angelo

3.5K 114 33

SEQUEL to Experiments, kidnappings and old enemies, oh my. Chris finds out he is pergnant and must come to te... More

Congrat's Mr. Redfield
It's A Bean Shape
Moving On Up
The Naming Process
Looking A Little Big, Aren't We
An Unexpected Tongue Lashing
Fourth of July pt.1
Fourth of July pt. 2
Baby Themes?
Setting Up
Wesker-Redfield Redfield-Wesker
They're Here

Let's get it on, Not

235 8 1
By Nova_Angelo

Let's get it on, Not

Every once in a while Wesker starts to act weird. He gets more irritable and uncomfortable the longer he is in a room with me. It is starting to get on my nerves when I'm in the middle of asking him something and he just leaves.

"That was rude."

He doesn't really respond but just keeps walking. And then a little later he'll come back and want to continue what ever it was we were doing. By then I've most likely forgotten the question I was about to ask.

Other then that not much has changed, Zhane says the babies are growing a little fast but that is most likely due to the virus. He further explained that it might speed up the due date depending on how much faster the babies continue to grow. That makes me slightly worried in terms of finding a place and an explanation to give to Claire. I don't have as much time as I had hoped.

When I mention this to Wesker-who is reading the paper- he gives a grunt and nothing more. He should be more concerned though, I am.

Because I have more free time I take walks often, with P.B. of course. That puppy has so much energy and no where to let loose. This is also a good exercise for the dog in getting him acclimated to people and little kids. They love to come up to him when I walk through the park.

When I get home I'm usually tired. I remember reading that women get tired faster when pregnant but I didn't think it would happen this early.

The other day I had gotten bored and so I sat down with a calendar and was counting out the months. (A/N: I'm just going to say that he got pregnant in April) The babies look like they will be arriving some time in December. That isn't so bad; I'll be able to save money for birthday presents and Christmas gifts. This is all assuming the virus doesn't speed up this whole process before then. It is going to be hard enough explaining my weight I don't think people would understand the fast rate of my weight gain.

Talking to Zhane he said the virus had sped up a week of their growth. So even though I've been pregnant for two months and almost a week they have grown to be two months and two weeks in size.

Now I understand why women hate to stand on their feet when they are carrying. I also have to pee more frequently. The morning sickness has stopped- for the time being- I hope I'm not like some who are sick through out the whole thing.

I try limiting my food intake, but I feel starved almost all the time. Zhane points to the kids, they need a bit more because there is two of them plus me.


When I had been walking to the bathroom earlier today I had to pass Albert in the hallway. I had slightly brushed him with my shoulder and his whole body had frozen in place, I had just kept walking not really paying attention to it at the time. But now though I'm starting to wonder if he is getting sick of this. He can't stand to be near me. When I ask him about it he never really says, just brushes me off. I was worried that he was having second thoughts; maybe he wasn't as ready for this as he made it seem. But neither am I.

'I don't think it's that.'

'Well then what do you think it is?'

'You remember in Africa how you could barley restrain yourself from jumping Wesker?'

I blush slightly but nod my head.

'I think that is what is happening to him, I am not all that sure though.'

'I thought it was the virus that made me do it? He doesn't have the same thing that I do, does he?'

'No but your viruses have come in to contact with each other already. They take on a certain instinct when around one another. It's like animals in heat; they have this uncontrollable need to screw. Which also might explain why the virus is speeding up the babies' growth, it wants to procreate and spread its offspring.'

My mouth falls open slightly; Zhane walks by and raises his eyebrow but doesn't stop. I shut my mouth and give a nervous smile before heading to my room and shutting the door.

'That's just great. So when I have the kids am I going to get all lovey dovey with Wesker again?'

'It is probable. The only reason I told you this though was because I didn't want you to blow his actions way out of proportion.'

'Thanks but now I have to worry about setting off Wesker, he can hardly stand five minutes alone with me before he has to leave.'

'At least he isn't trying to screw you all the time. But I'd be careful just the same; the whole straw that broke the camels back might not be to far from falling if you know what I mean.'

'Yeah I know what you mean. But I don't get it, what would happen if Wesker did do that? You make it sound like something bad could happen.'

'All I am saying is that when you guys start to get physical, you get rough physical. That isn't your fault it's the virus that does it.'


A few days after that discussion Wesker had snapped. I was just sitting in the living room reading when I had to get up to go to the bathroom. I had started to walk past him when his arm shot out and he pulled me back and then up against the wall. At first I was shocked but then his mouth was on top of mine and he was basically attacking my mouth. I could feel my pulse quicken and the blood rushing, I wanted to push him away but I couldn't. My body wouldn't let me. He would have continued ravishing my mouth had my stomach not bumped his.

I look down and it's bigger then it was before. I look up at him and he is just as surprised-though he doesn't show it I can still tell. I get up off the wall and head straight to Zhane for some answers.

"It looks like you are three months pregnant."

I stare at him, "How can that be? I know you said that the virus was speeding up the growth but it was only at two months and two weeks a couple days ago. I just kissed him and my stomach grew, that isn't normal."

'I told you something bad could happen.'

I ignore I.S. to listen to Zhane.

"Right, and this still has something to do with the virus. My guess would have to be that you get excited when he kissed you; it causes the blood to flow faster which is also carrying the virus. And on its way through your body it passes the stomach which means more blood and more of the virus to speed up things even more."

I sit there and stare at him for a few minutes, letting it all sink in. Great Wesker wants to jump me any time he sees me and in letting him my kids grow faster causing the due date to come even closer. Why can't I have just a semi-normal pregnancy? Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"That's only my guess I have no way of proving that unless you want to try kissing him again."

I shake my head, he nods his in understanding.

"So basically what you're saying is that my kids are already growing faster then they should, but bring Wesker into the equation and things get even faster, right?"

"That's basically it yeah. But look on the bright side, if you wanted to know the babies sex you could fast forward and know right now." He has a smile on his face but I can't tell if he is joking or not.

"That's ok. I think I'm going to try and keep this as normal as I can. I don't want to speed things up just for my benefit."

When I attempt to find Wesker and tell him of this he isn't around.

I sigh and lean up against wall slowly sliding down, I run my hands down my face and take a deep breath. I am a month ahead of schedule; we still don't have a place to go not to mention I have a job I need to do. "ARGH" I slam my palm against the wall. P.B. comes around the corner and licks my face. I feel some what better as I absent mindedly rub his head.


A few days later when I have accepted it a little better I had wanted to sit down and watch TV but I fell asleep instead.

"Chris get your ass up now your kids are crying." The command is followed by a shove on the shoulder. Rubbing my eyes I can hear a very high pitched scream.

"If you don't get the baby soon the other one will wake up as well."

I turn to see that I am sharing a bed with Wesker, who doesn't look put off by the crying baby in the least. I quickly get out of bed and while I'm walking to the babies room I pass a mirror in the hall way. I normally wouldn't stop but the sight of my face had me doing a double-take. I had huge bags under my eyes and my face had a fuller beard then my usual stubble, I was more gaunt looking. Simply put I looked bad.

A shrill cry from the room breaks me out of my trance and I hurry to the room. Both of them are crying now. I look down the hall to see if Wesker is coming but he isn't. Their cries get louder and I lift one out to try and comfort them but then the other one wants to be held as well. I try to pick them both up and rock them with my body but that only calms them a little. I can tell they are hungry, but I have to place one back in the crib in order to get the bottles. Of course the crying gets louder and I'm about ready to break down myself when I start to feel a hand on my shoulder shaking it lightly.

I blink my eyes open and wait a sec for my eyes to re-adjust. When I am finally able to look I see Wesker standing above me with his arms crossed and a raised brow.

"What?" I ask a little angry, he had basically laid there and let me do all the work.

He is quite for another minute before he answers; he looks like he is choosing his words carefully.

"You're the one that was calling my name followed by an insult." His voice is steady and doesn't give away any emotion.

"Bad dream." I say with a nervous laugh, he isn't satisfied.

"You just laid there." I burst out when he just continued to stare at me.


"In my dream, you just laid there as the babies cried. You looked fine while I looked like shit."

"I'm sorry?" his head is slightly tilted and the eye brow that had gone down was now up again.

"Yeah what ever it was just a dream." I say with a sigh and I brace myself slightly to get off the couch, he takes a few steps back to allow me room.

When I'm standing up right completely I stand a few inches away from him. When I look up I can see that is face is tense and he is trying to hold himself back. I gulp slightly and then head to the kitchen. When I leave the room I can feel the tension lessen with each step.

Once in the kitchen I head for the fridge and pull out some carrots, apples, grapes and a slice of cheese. Don't judge me I'm eating for three. After that I get a glass of water and head outside. Some fresh air would do me good. About an hour later I head back inside and to the bathroom. I use the toilet and start to head out but I pause and turn slowly facing the mirror. Looking into it I know what I will see, but I still look just to make sure.

Yep, eyes look bright and shiny no bags underneath. My stubble is just that stubble and my face isn't gaunt anymore.

'I think you might have forgotten what I told you a while ago; your face will not change. No matter how many sleepless nights.'

'I know, but I still feel the need to check.'

I.S. flashes a smile causing my eyes to change. He speaks out loud for the first time in awhile and I'm startled about how much different I sound when he speaks.

"We should go out tonight"

"And by we you mean me and you, right?"

He nods his head like an excited child; he also has the huge smile to match.

"Where would we go?" I decide to play along for now.

His expression changes to one of disbelief and then just as fast it morphs in to a 'duh' look when he answers me.

"A bar."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Have you forgotten that I'm pregnant therefore consuming alcohol is a big 'No'."

"I didn't say you had to drink there."

"Why else would I go to a bar?"

"To get laid" he replies in a matter of fact tone.

My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open a little.

"Have you forgotten what I just told you? I'."

He just rolls my eyes before he replies only to be stopped by a knock on the door.

"Christopher if you are going to talk to yourself it would be appreciated if you didn't do so in the only bathroom." His tone is full of sarcasm and snark. I roll my eyes before swinging open the door and stepping out. Only I can't because I am being stopped by a body dressed in black.

My breath hitches slightly when I feel his arms start to wrap around me. And then the next second his mouth is descending upon mine. Thinking fast before my brain goes into overload and my body speeds up the pregnancy I lift my knee to hit him in the groin. It doesn't seem to have the crippling affect it should have but it gets the job done just the same. He pulls back which gives me the room I need to squeeze past him and into my room. I lock the door for good measure, though I know a simple little lock like that won't keep him away if he really wanted to get in here.

A take a second to catch my breath only to suck it in when I hear a knock at the door.

"Chris come out here."

His tone isn't normal; it's not his usual tone and he his not being sarcastic. No this is different, it sounds like I.S. when he talks out loud.

The door handle rattles slightly and then he is knocking again.

"Chris-topher, I am in no mood for games at the present" the way he splits my name runs chills down my back. I walk to the door and brace myself against it in case he decides to bust it down.

"Listen, Al" it feels weird when I call him by that, but it seems to have slowed his pounding on the door.

"I can't let you in."

"And why not?" there is a tiny snarl.

I give him a look that says 'are you for real?' even though I know he can't see it.

"Because a simple kiss had sped up the pregnancy by two weeks, I don't want to know what will happen if we have sex."

'Lay down the law' I can tell he is smiling by the sound of his voice.

It is silent which I take to mean he has given up. I sigh with relief and turn back to the bed when I hear him laughing. The sound of it sends my arm hair standing on end.

"You win, for right now. But you can't stay in there for ever and when you do come out I'll be waiting."

I clear my throat, in a nervous way or because it's clogged I don't know. Leaning back up against the door I can hear his footsteps retreating down the hall way. When I'm sure that it is safe I open the door a crack to make sure that he really has left and I see that the coast is clear. Pulling the door open wider I step out and head back downstairs. Being careful not to run into Wesker, which is pointless because he is sitting in the arm chair facing the stairs and his face has a smirk plastered on. His legs are crossed and his arms are on each side of the arm rests and his glasses are folded into the front of his shirt. His relaxed appearance does nothing to hide the sexual tension flooding out from his body.

"That was sooner then I expected."

I try not to show that I'm slightly scared, I hide it behind a semi-glare and cross my arms.

"No means no." I say with a shake of my head and a little rudely, he deserves it and then I make my way to the basement.

"Uh-uh" he says and before I can blink he is standing in front of the door leading to the basement.

"Look Wesker I li-, like you. But right now it just isn't going to happen." And to make sure he understands why I point to my slightly bulging stomach. He glances down briefly and then back at me. He moves before I can stop him from going up my shirt and resting his hands-that are freaking cold- on my stomach.

"Going by what you said earlier, having this gone should only take a few hours maybe less." He is smirking again as he slowly pushes me back to the couch.

My face gains a look of disgust right before I shove his hands away and push past him to get to the basement. He grabs my hand and twirls me so I'm flush against him with his mouth sealing mine in a kiss.

'Why is he doing this?'

'He can't help it. You can tell this is nothing like him. He wouldn't act like this normally, hell he wouldn't say half the things he said if he wasn't like this.'

I try to wedge my hands between us in order to shove him off. He let's go of his claim on my lips and then moves to my neck. Nipping and licking every once in awhile. I try to push him away once more and grind my teeth in frustration.

'I don't think that it is speeding up the babies, my guess is it's because you don't like this and so you are not getting excited.'

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding when he says that. I still can't let him continue though or I won't be able to stop myself. I try just standing there and being non-responsive, nope that doesn't help. So then I try being responsive and I thrust my hips into his, it works. He loosens his hold on me allowing me to get the upper hand, I shove him causing his body to hit the arm rest on the couch and he lands backwards on it. I take this as my cue to 'Get the hell out of Dodge' which in other words is my room.


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