Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free


1.8K 62 97
By Tasergirl

Bonnie sighed as she began to stir awake. She knew she fell asleep alone last night, but judging by the weight on her bed, she no longer was. Feeling a slender arm fling onto her she smiled. Caroline.

"I know you're awake" the blonde muttered behind her, watching the small brunette begin to bury her face in the pillow.

"I don't want to be" Bonnie said making another person laugh. Elena.

"Because Klaus gets back today and you have to tell him that not only did Dean kiss you, but you're taking a break from romance all together until we deal with Ra" the newly turned vampire guessed from behind Caroline. Bonnie rolled her eyes at her as she turned to face them.

"Among other things" she muttered as her green eyes met blue and brown. Elena smiled as she lifted her head to rest on her hand.

"I'm so happy I'm finally not the one with relationship problems" Elena said chuckling with the blonde beside her. Bonnie's eyes narrowed, before she quickly hit the brunette with a pillow.

"Shut up" she muttered as the other girls began to laugh. The three of them simply chuckled in the bed, basking in the presence of the others, happy to be together. Until a knock sounded on the door making the girls look at it.

"Hey, guys, Maria called Erica, they're gonna be home in a few hours" Sam said sticking his head in and watching as Bonnie flung her head back onto the bed. Smiling the extremely tall man shook his head.

"Bonnie" he said softly to get the small witch's attention. He watched as she opened one eye to look at him. Chuckling he tilted his head. "That means Zoe's gonna be here too" he said watching as Bonnie's eyes lit up at the thought.

Jumping up she smiled more than ready to see the small witch. She hadn't seen Zoe in a week and missed her like crazy. Going to her closet she pulled out a few items, raising an eyebrow at Sam when she noticed he was still there.

"I need to get ready" she said, rushing him out of the room. Sam laughed as he closed the door behind him, happy that she seemed so happy. After their setback, and her resolution to not deal with any romance until Ra was taken care of, she'd seemed down. So worried that everything would fall apart. He was happy that Zoe coming back was able to put a smile on her face.

"So, what are you going to say when you see him?" Caroline asked, sitting up in the bed, her pastel shirt falling over her shoulder. Bonnie sighed as she looked down at her clothing for the day.

"Well first I'm going to hug the crap out of Zoe, then I'm just gonna have to tell him the truth" Bonnie said as she began biting the inside of her cheek. Elena raised an eyebrow at the small witch.

"Which is" she asked softly. At the question Bonnie sighed.

"That there's too much going on for me to focus on a relationship with anybody, let alone my reincarnated husband, my reincarnated lover or his brother" Bonnie said letting out a breath as she looked at the pair on her bed. "This is already complicated enough" Bonnie muttered as she looked at them, shyly. Caroline smiled as Bonnie looked down nervously.

"I think it's a good thing" she said, smiling when Elena nodded beside her. Bonnie looked up at her, tilting her head slightly. "I thought it'd be good for you to get a little action, some attention from Klaus and Elijah, but your obviously overwhelmed, it's more than okay to take a step back and if either of them have a problem they can take it up with me" Caroline said, smiling when Bonnie laughed.

"You know, Elijah and Dean have actually been really understanding" Bonnie admitted, smiling when Caroline muttered an 'of course they are'. Sighing she shrugged slightly. "the one I'm worried about is Klaus" she said softly, looking out the window.

"Look- Klaus, if he really cares, he's going to want what's best for you and you panicking because of everything isn't it, he'll understand" Elena said surprising the other girls in the room. Caroline tilted her head as she looked at her.

"When the hell did you become Team Klaus?" Caroline asked incredulously. Elena laughed aloud at the question, finding it ridiculous.

"Oh no, if it was up to me she'd be with either Elijah or Dean" Elena clarified before looking at her witch friend. "But you'd be a fool to not realize Klaus cares about you, so much" she admitted making Bonnie smile softly. She knew. It was one of the things that scared her the most. She couldn't remember the last time anyone cared about her like that.

"Alright, it's time to get this over with"
Klaus smiled down at Zoe as she bounded up the stairs of the mansion. She tried to hide it, but it was obvious, she was happy to be home. The small witch had been talking about seeing Bonnie for the past few days. She wanted to tell her everything that's happened.

"Be ready when Bonnie arrives! You're the first person she'll want to see" Klaus called after the small witch. Zoe simply nodded as she disappeared behind into the hall.

"My son" he heard, turning to find Esther looking at him with a soft smile. The hybrid gave his mother a smile of his own as she walked towards him, putting a hand on his cheek.

"Mother" he greeted her softly. The blonde woman pulled her child into an embrace. Klaus sighed as he felt his mother's arms around him. They had their issues. That much was true. Yet to have her there with them. To have his family together. It meant everything to him.

"You have returned" Elijah said as he walked into the room, the elder brother had to admit, he was worried. Bonnie had just decided to take a step back from the men in her life, he was sure, Klaus would not like that.

"I have" Klaus said, smiling at his brother pleasantly. Elijah smiled at him as Klaus walked up to him, though instead of hugging his brother, the hybrid punched him in the face. "The next time Bonnie Bennett is in danger and I do not know of it immediately, I will dagger you for a century" he told his brother before stalking off.

"If he reacted like that, knowing that Bonnie is alright, I wonder how he'll react to what Bonnie has to tell him"
Bonnie bounded up the stairs of the Mikaelsons mansion, taking them two at a time, anxious to see Zoe. Anyone would have guessed that the child witch had always been in her life, simply based on how much Bonnie had missed her, after only being gone a few days. Caroline chuckled softly as she linked arms with Elena, smiling after her, though the happiness soon turned into worry.

As soon as Bonnie's feet passed the Mikaelsons door, she stood still, completely frozen in the doorway. Rushing over to her both girls began to panic. Not only was she completely unresponsive, paying no mind to any of the yelling and shaking, but Bonnie's eyes were a brilliant shade of gold.

Inside her own mind, Bonnie looked around, shocked by her surroundings. The walls around her were a deep shade of gold. Exactly like in her dreams. Except this was no dream. She had been awake. This was a vision. Of what? She had no idea.

"You always did look best as a warrior, and not a helpless maiden" she heard behind her. The witch's body moved on its own accord, drawing her sword.

"I am nowhere near helpless" Hathor replied, a snarl on her lips. The person behind her was obviously a woman, and while the mask they wore covered her face completely, she felt familiar to Bonnie.

"Not anymore maybe, you have the strength of your consorts now, yet you needed them. You are weak" the woman said pointing her weapon at Hathor. While the mask covered her face, her voice was coated in pure hatred. "Weak and unfit of the title goddess" she said before attacking aggressively.

Hathor grunted as she blocked the attack, her eyes hard as she looked at the woman. She was a guard. No. She was the captain of Ra's guards. Commanding general of his army, Bonnie wasn't sure how she knew, but she did.

"You know of his disgusting ways yet you still defend him?" Hathor asked, kicking the woman to a far wall. The woman was hurt, the air knocked from her lungs, but she recovered quickly. Jumping to her feet she looked at Hathor.

"He is my god, he is my only god, and I will be repaid in this life and the next" the opposing woman said. Hathor rolled her eyes at the woman.

"He is no god, he is not fit to even be called one, there is only one true God" Hathor replied her voice sounding tired, as if she'd said this more than once.

"And where is your God now?" The commander replied, her voice practically a growl. Hathor didn't answer her, instead she waited, knowing the woman would attack.

Soon enough she did. Her eyes were hard as she angrily swiped at the goddess. Hathor easily dodged the woman's attacks. Dodging left and right, sidestepping her easily. Getting bored of it all, Hathor kicked the woman in the stomach, causing her to fly into a golden statue. Mentally, Bonnie winced, knowing that must have hurt.

Hathor moved to stand above the woman, her sword pointed at the woman's throat, daring her to move. Bonnie could feel it. Hatred was thick in the air around them. She just wasn't sure who it was coming from. Hathor or the commander.

"You lied, you don't fight for him because you think him a god, you fight because you've fallen in love with him Anck Su Namun" Hathor spit out, venom in her voice. The woman simply breathed heavily as she looked back up at her. "You're disgusting" Hathor said spitting on the ground at her feet before lifting her sword. Readying herself for the final blow.

Before Hathor could bring her sword down, and onto the woman's neck, her head exploded in pain. The goddess screamed as she closed her eyes tight and held onto her head. As the sword clattered on the floor Anck Su Namun laughed.

"You are not the only one with tricks" she taunted, her tone playful as Hathor fell to her knees. The goddess attempted to look up at Anck Su Namun and glared through the pain. When the woman grabbed the mask, and took it off, Bonnie nearly gasped in shock.

It was Meela.

"I do love him, and once you are dead, I will be his queen" Anck Su Namun told Hathor, a deranged smile on her face. "You are no goddess, you are a scorned dog, and your consorts are not here to save you" she said, grabbing a spear, and moving to stab Hathor with it.

As her steps drew closer, Hathor moved quickly, grabbing a Sai knife and throwing it at the witch that was causing her pain. As soon as the pain was gone she grabbed her sword. Anck Su Namun was far too close to stop. The momentum too great to back away in time. Instead impaling herself on the goddesses sword.

"I need no savior" Hathor growled, ignoring the blood that sprayed on her face. "You Anck Su Namun, you are nothing, I am a goddess"

When Bonnie came to she was face to face with the one person she was nervous about seeing. As Klaus kneeled before her his face etched in concern. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out of it, but she was now sitting down, and everyone in the mansion looked at her in worry.

"What did you see child" Esther asked, her voice kind and soft, so motherly Bonnie nearly cried. Instead she took a breath, steadying herself, as she looked from Klaus to the elder witch.

"A warning" Bonnie told them. Knowing it in her gut. That was a warning. "It's not just us, we weren't the only ones who were reincarnated" Bonnie said, her voice low as she looked at her. "I think Ra made sure his entire army was reincarnated, at the very least his generals" Bonnie told the people in the room. At that many people looked at each other.

Immediately, Meg looked at Castiel, wondering if he knew that. By the look on his face he had at least suspected it. Meg frowned as she looked at her angel, wondering just how much he was keeping to himself, and why?

"He wanted to make sure he won, and if he did bring his army back, then we are severely outmatched"
Caroline frowned as she watched Bonnie and Zoe. Once the baby witch came downstairs Bonnie was all smiles, her arms wide, as she brought the small witch in for a hug. Yet Caroline couldn't get what she said out of her head.

Ra's entire army was coming for them. At the very least he had the same generals as before. Seeing as Bonnie had died last time Caroline was understandably, more than just a little, worried. Before Bonnie was Hathor, a goddess of not only love, but of war as well. Now they were all just supernatural creatures.

"Care" Elena said, attempting to get the blondes attention. When she finally looked, Elena frowned, knowing what was on her mind. "We'll be okay" she said softly, grabbing her hand.

"Bonnie died the last time this happened, or Hathor- or whatever, the point is I can't lose her Elena" Caroline said, her voice boarding desperation as she looked from the newly turned vampire to the witch on the couch.

Elena nodded as she squeezed Caroline's hand. She wished she could send the blonde calming thoughts. Some kind of serenity but she couldn't. Elena was just as nervous, if not more, as Caroline.

"I know" was all the doppelgänger could say, before Bonnie looked up from Zoe's phone, smiling at them both.

"Come on, they got Zoe to wear a dress" Bonnie told them, waving the girls over. The two smiled, putting on a brave face for the small witch, and went over.
Maria was an incredibly stoic woman, her eyes were hard, and there was always a firmness in her lips. Zoe found her pretty cool. Bonnie wasn't sure what to make of her either way, but she knew, that she was a talented witch. Klaus and her had bad blood but it was mostly on the hybrids side. Castiel however knew her. She was a little broken, by life, but he knew she was good.

"So, what did you find out?" Dean asked gruffly wanting to get to the point. Being in the Mikaelson mansion wasn't his favorite place.

"When I went into Zoe's mind, I found some information, not only about Zoe herself but Ra" Maria said. Rebekah frowned as she looked at the witch mercenary.

"Well don't keep us in suspense, what did you find?" Rebekah asked, her voice coated with irritation. There were many things she wanted to be doing, like getting a manicure and making Zoe like her more than Caroline, being in this room was not one of them. Not with her brothers and the Winchester's. Especially not when she could see Bonnie's shoulders up to her ears.

"Ra is looking for a weapon, a weapon that apparently you hid, in your past life" Maria told Zoe. The small girl frowned as she looked up at her. While she was upset, and confused, she supposed it did answer some questions.

"My past life? I was reincarnated too?" She asked softly, her voice making her sound younger than her age. Maria nodded once as she looked at her.

"You were, you were Nephthys, goddess of death, a protective goddess" Maria told her gently. The genuine care in her voice surprised Bonnie as she grabbed onto Zoe's hand. The smaller witch latched onto it, still looking forward, as she clutched it for dear life.

"You're not telling us something" Klaus said suddenly, watching the witch. He didn't trust her. Not fully at least. Probably never would. Yet he did trust that she did not want the world to fall into the hands of Ra. Not after all that they'd learned.

"No, that's not all" Maria muttered softly. Her voice was low as she looked at the growing group before her. Sam and Dean shared a look. Not feeling comfortable with the look she shot them.

"Nephthys was Hathor's daughter" Maria spit out quickly, shocking the occupants of the room. Bonnie and Zoe shared a look, surprise coloring both of their features. Dean watched them with worry, wondering just who the father was, he prayed to God it wasn't Ra.

"Who was the father?" Bonnie asked, her voice low and she brought Zoe's hands to her lap, and shifting closer to her. Maria let out a soft breath at that.

"Horus" Maria told them. Once again, for the second time in that same room, the eyes went to him. Yet he could only focus on Zoe's. Her brown eyes stared up at him in shock. There was something else he could make out in her eyes, something hidden, but still there. Fear.

The quick glance Zoe gave to Klaus was all he needed to know. She was worried he would abandon her. She was no longer Klaus's sole connection to Bonnie. Now she was Dean's as well. The small girl gripped Bonnie's hands tighter, looking into his green eyes, before looking away. A frown was on her lips as she turned to the floor.

Klaus, seeing her anxiety, moved closer. The hybrid didn't care. It wasn't Dean who saved her. It was him. It wasn't Dean who danced with her. It was him. He had been at her side since she'd gotten into their lives. She would continue to be his responsibility. His Littlest Witch.

"So we know why they had her, we know they needed to find a weapon, what weapon?" Klaus asked, his eyes narrowing at the witch. At this point he simply wanted their 'meeting' to be done with. He needed to talk to Zoe. Not to mention Bonnie, and now, the hunter.

"They weren't able to get it from her, Nephthys was strong, she blocked them, and she blocked me too" Maria muttered, her voice showing the frustration she felt.

"So how do we find it?" Bonnie asked softly, her eyes moving from Zoe to Maria. The older woman sighed as she looked down at her.

"I'm going to have to dig into her mind, very deep, into her mind" Maria said grimly, her voice low. Bonnie did not like how she said that, the look accompanying her words offered her no comfort either, nor to Klaus and Dean.

"Why'd you say it like that?" Sam asked, finally speaking up. He looked at the small girl who, in a way, was his niece. Maria let out a breath as she looked down.

"If I do this, it will hurt, both mentally and physically, every trauma will be recounted, in her mind and on her skin" Maria told them. She didn't want to. She hated that this was even an option. Hated that it was the only option. "There's a reason Zoe was there for months, she wasn't giving it up, it may be better since she trusts us but I don't have high hopes" Maria said making Zoe frown.

"No, absolutely not, I will not be putting her through that" Klaus said, speaking before Bonnie could. The witch nodded along with his words, knowing that she wouldn't let that happen, ever.

"Finally something we agree on" Dean added, standing closer to them than he had been before. Bonnie would have been shocked if she hadn't known the type of person he was.

"I hate that I'm even suggesting it, but she-"

"The stop suggesting it, it's not happening, ever" Bonnie said seriously, looking at the woman through narrowed eyes. Maria let out a breath as she looked at them.

"There's nothing else to do, I have no other play, no tricks" Maria argued, her voice growing desperate. She wasn't sure what to do at this point.

"Well she is not doing that" Klaus argued back, his voice firm.

"She is right here" Zoe said, her voice raised slightly. Frowning, she stood, and walked towards Maria. "And I'm going through with it" she added, looking towards the three in front of her. The other occupants of the room shared looks, weighing the risks of leaving, or staying. None were too keen on bringing any attention to themselves.

Except Damon that is.

"I'm sorry what was that Crazy Pants?" He asked making Zoe glare at him fiercely. She would have set his sleeve on fire if she didn't see the worry in his eyes. She nearly couldn't believe it. He was worried about her.

"I'm going to let her dig as deep into my mind as possible, to get what she needs, to get what we need" Zoe told them all strongly. Dean shook his head as he looked at her.

"No, no, no fucking way" he said making her frown.

"Let's get one thing straight, you are not my father, not in this life" she told him, making the hunter roll his eyes.

"Maybe not, but like it or not we are family, I'm not letting you do this, you could be seriously hurt if you do" he said strongly. Klaus nodded from the other side of Bonnie, his eyes taking the small girl in, she looked just like his little witch.

Zoe stood as tall as she could in front of them. Her small hands were on her hips and her chin jutted out defiantly. Klaus could see Bonnie in her immediately. The way her eyes stood trained on them. Unyielding. She was just like her mother.

Dean on the other hand could see his family. His father by the conviction in her voice. His brother in her stance. Of course he could see Bonnie in her. She was the spitting image of her mother and he absolutely adored that. Yet he could also see himself.

"I'm doing this, wether you want me to or not, so you can either be there for me or walk away" Zoe told them all. Bonnie lifted her hands to her face, rubbing it, as she attempted to calm herself.

"Zoe, this is dangerous, you could- no you're going to get hurt" Bonnie begged making Zoe press her lips together. Even before this. Even before finding out who Zoe was to her, Bonnie took care of her, she wanted her around. She wanted her safe. The last thing Zoe wanted was to hurt her.

"I need to do this, this was my reason for staying, and if I can help and stop them from doing what they did to me to anybody else than I'm going to and that's the end of it" Zoe said before walking swiftly from the room. Bonnie frowned as she looked at her reincarnated daughter walk out of the room.

"What the hell" Damon asked making Bonnie look to him. The vampire wished he could help her. They all did. Sighing he stood, looking at Bonnie, and raising an eyebrow.

"We could always just lock her in her room, Rapunzel style" Damon offered. Bonnie nearly chuckled at that, a small smile forming on her face.

"It won't work" all three say at once.

Klaus because he knows her and her mother, because that's what Bonnie is, would never let themselves be trapped. Dean because he's seen her stubborn nature, and his own, she had to have gotten something from him. Bonnie because she knows better than any of them, they cannot trap them, it only makes it worse.

"This is too weird" Bonnie mutters, throwing her hands up, as she walked away. Caroline and Elena immediately rushing after her. The rest of the room stayed quiet for a moment, Elijah sharing a look with Rebekah, Finn and Kol. Esther watching her children. Alaric, Matt, Stefan and Damon all sharing a look as well. Sam watching his brother in worry. While Klaus and Dean looked at each other.

"We need to have a conversation" Klaus said, his voice low. It didn't immediately set Dean's guard up, but he knew that, that didn't mean much when it came to the hybrid in front of him.

"Yea we do, but first, you need to talk to Bonnie" Dean said seriously. The hunter didn't give Klaus a chance to respond, before he walked out, looking for Zoe.
When Dean finally found the room he was looking for, he let out a breath, attempting to steel himself. Knocking lightly he waited. It wasn't long before the tiny girl opened the door. The shock of seeing him was clear on her face.

"Can I come in?" Dean asked the tiny witch. Zoe nodded, as she stepped back, giving him room to enter.

"I thought you were Bonnie" Zoe muttered softly. The hunter raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, he knew, she would've preferred it to be Bonnie.

"She was going to come up, but I got here first, I wanted to talk to you" Dean said as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes were on her, watching her face, taking it in. He tried to see what she got from him. What about her, that was his, any little thing.

He could see it in her. The way she acted. The way she held herself. If he didn't know any better he would've said she was a Winchester in this life too. She was like him, personality wise at least, but it was harder to find it in her face.

"You're trying to find how I look like you" Zoe muttered as she moved to sit next to him. Dean frowned as he looked at her.

"You upset?" He asked making the small girl shrug.

"I was just trying to do the same thing" she said pointing to the vanity mirror. Sharing a look, both of the chuckled softly. Letting out a breath she looked at him. "But I'm guessing you're why I have this" she muttered, bringing down her shirt slightly, to show her shoulder.

Dean was shocked by what he saw. On her shoulder blade was two wings. Birthmarks of wings. The mans mouth dropped as he looked at them. They were so perfect Dean nearly thought they were tattooed on.

"I've had this ever since I can remember, my foster families thought I was weird, some thought that I was in an abusive home and they'd tattooed me but I knew this was a birthmark" Zoe said as she covered herself once more. A frown made it onto Dean's lips as he watched her carefully.

"Were you?" He asked making her look up at him. Confusion was written plainly on her face. "Were you ever abused?" He clarified, making her frown. A flash of sadness raced across her face. The look only lasting a moment before she shook it off.

"That's not something most people would really talk about" Zoe muttered her eyes on the floor. Memories replaying in her mind. Dean nodded in understanding. His eyes soft as he watched her.

"You're right" he said gently. The small girl nodded as she looked up at him. "We're not most people though, now don't worry I'm not gonna force it out of you, but if you need to talk I am here" he told her. Zoe rolled her eyes as she looked up to him.

"You're not my father, not in this life, don't try to act like one" she said making him look at her. A mixture of amusement and sadness danced through his features.

"Look I may not be the sperm that made you this time, but I am the reason you're here, and i care about you" he told her. Zoe simply scoffed in annoyance.

"Then why the hell didn't you act like it before?" She asked him making the man tilt his head at her.

"Would you have let me? Especially with Papa Hybrid walking around?" He asked making her stop. The small witch shrugged. "Look I'm not good with the touchy feelings crap alright, you have Bonnie and Sam for that, but I am here and I am you're father wether you like it or not, at least one of them" he muttered rolling his eyes. Zoe watched as he leaned on his knees with his hands, stress clear on his face, stress and sadness.

"One of them?" She asked. Dean let out a sigh at her words.

"Klaus has been here for you since day 1 Zo, I'm not coming between that, but I do want to be there for you" he said softly. Zoe looked at him for a moment. Really took him in for a minute.

This man was once a god. A major god. Horus. Who had his loving wife. Kids. A whole fucking continent. Now he's lost it all. He's now a hunter, who's gone through hell, literally. His wife is no longer his. Now he even had to share his daughter. The karma was real.

"Alright" Zoe muttered, bringing her knees up, and under her chin. Dean looked at the small girl in surprise. "Don't make it some big thing, it isn't" she muttered as he looked at her. A smirk growing on her face.

"Course not" he replied, a matching smirk on his face. He saw then what she got from him.
Bonnie frowned as she looked towards Klaus. The hybrid had watched her from a distance as she practically laid on the couch with Caroline and Elena. The small witch laying her head on Caroline's shoulder and her hand on Elena's forearm.

Sighing softly, Bonnie bumped her friends lightly, before standing to walk over to the hybrid. Seeing she was coming to him Niklaus smiled. Bonnie winced inwardly and wondered just how much he would hate her for what she would say.

"Hi" Bonnie greeted lowly as she stood in front of him. The hybrid smiled softly as she looked up at him.

"Hello little witch" Klaus greeted, his eyes soft as he looked at her. Bonnie wished she could take comfort in the gentle way he looked at her. She couldn't. Klaus was unpredictable. How was she to know how he would react to this.

"We should probably talk, about, everything" she said with a shrug. Klaus nodded slightly as he looked at her, worry beginning to form in his gut. He had a feeling he wouldn't like what she had to say.

As Klaus guided Bonnie away, and led her to his art room, he saw Sam watching. The tall Winchester didn't look upset on his brother's behalf. Instead he looked worried. The only problem was that Klaus was unsure who he was worried for. Shaking his head, Klaus went into the room, closing the door behind him. Sam continued to watch it.

"Hey" Caroline said, getting Sam's attention. The Winchester was surprised by the blondes hand landing on his arm. "I know you're worried about your brother, but you shouldn't, Bonnie's not gonna let anything happen to him" she promised him. The younger Winchester smiled at the blonde gratefully, before concern shone on his face, his attention back on the door.

"Yea, but what about Bonnie, who's protecting her while she protects everybody else?" He asked softly. Caroline smiled as she squeezed his arm reassuringly.

"I do" she told him.

Inside the art room, Bonnie stared at a painting, it was new. The wolf howled at the moon, and the stars looked like Klaus had plucked them from the sky, and put them on the canvas. It was gorgeous. She knew she was stalling.

"Do you remember the first time you wandered in here?" Klaus asked softly, his eyes watching her take the painting in. When she turned to him his eyes were immediately taken by the green in her eyes.

"Homecoming" Bonnie practically whispered, her eyes taking in the way he nodded, his eyes showing her that he was imagining that day. That moment of calm before the storm.

"You wandered in here, your interest peeked by frank sinatra, and you were wearing a sundress" he told her, surprising the small witch. Bonnie chuckled as she shook her head.

"There's no way you remember what I was wearing that day" Bonnie told him playfully. The hybrid raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"It was white" he told her seriously. Bonnie couldn't help but look at him in shock. "I knew for a while I'd wanted you for as long as I could have you and even longer than that, but that day, it simply cemented it" he said softly. Bonnie frowned as she looked up at him. Her eyes searching his face.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked him. Klaus sighed as he looked at her.

"Because I suspect I will not like what you have to say" he muttered. Bonnie closed her eyes for a moment as she faced him. Steeling herself, the witch looked up at Klaus, trying to calm her nerves. Taking a breath she nodded. Deciding it was best to rip the bandaid off.

"With so much happening, with Ra and Zoe and me, I'm taking a break, from all of this, you, me, Elijah..." she said trailing off. Klaus still caught her meaning.

"And the Winchester" he said knowingly. His voice was low. It worried Bonnie but she nodded anyway. She said she wouldn't lie to them and she wouldn't. "I see" he muttered facing away from her.

"I'm so sorry Klaus, I hate this, I hate that this is probably hurting you and I don't expect anything from you, I don't expect you to wait for me or anything like that but please- please try to understand, I have a whole other being in my mind, one that loves you but loves him too, I don't know which feelings are my own and which feelings are hers" she began speaking as he looked away. Her panic beginning to set in. She hated this. She hated this feeling that she was hurting him.

"This isn't a way to excuse my behavior, I thought I was keeping him at arms length but I wasn't, I thought I could handle being courted by multiple men but I couldn't all of this is my fault and I'm so sorry, so I've decided to remove myself completely at least until after we defeat Ra, then we can revisit what this is, if you want to, if you're still here, if you still want me, but for now I have to focus on this, on killing this thing once and for all and on Zoe" Bonnie said feeling more grounded by the time she was done but still nervous.

Klaus said nothing. Simply breathing as he looked out the window. Her eyes were focused on his back and he could feel it. Feel her staring. Anger rose inside him as he thought of it. All of the things he'd put aside, put up with, for her. Here she was walking away. Yet he hated that he understood every part of what she'd said.

There were other important matters at work. Who would better understand your mind not being your own than the Original Hybrid. Still, he couldn't help how he felt, not when he was feeling so much. So much hurt. So much anger.

"You should leave" he said, his voice low and steady as he stood facing away from her. A frown over took her face as she stared at his back.

"Klaus-" she tried but was cut off by the hybrid turning. His eyes were a deep amber and the veins under them prominent. For the first time in a long time, Bonnie was scared, threatened by what Klaus would do.

"I am showing a tremendous amount of restraint by not snapping the hunters neck at this very moment, the only thing stopping me is you and Zoe, do not push that Bonnie" he said as he stalked towards his. His movements resembling a predator walking towards his prey.

"You seem to have forgotten who I am, what I am capable of, and I promise you if it weren't for the feelings I harbor for you, and the care I have for Zoe the hunter would be drained already" he said lowly. His voice was deadly and Bonnie was so close she could see his fangs descending ever so slowly.

"So take the hunter and leave, I have things to think on, you should leave before I change my mind" he said before turning and walking toward the window again. Bonnie stared at him for a moment, taking in a breath, before walking out briskly. Leaving the hybrid to his thoughts.
Caroline frowned as she watched Bonnie and Zoe. The small girl left with them, claiming to want to spend time with Bonnie, but they knew. They all knew. Klaus was volatile.

That wasn't to say the smallest witch was lying. She wanted to spend time with Bonnie. Her reincarnated mother. The thought had Caroline's head spinning. Her best friend was a mother. Kind of. Though she'd basically been a mother from the moment she laid eyes on Zoe.

"Come on" Elena muttered as she grabbed Caroline's hand. The blonde chuckled as Elena dragged her over to the two witches. "Best friend duties await" she said with a small, sad, smile.

Zoe smiled when she saw the pair coming over. It had been a few hours since they'd left the mansion, with Sam and Dean in tow, though they were making themselves scarce. While Zoe was happy to be with Bonnie, she could tell, Bonnie was sad. She felt like she'd ruined everything. So with a small smile, and a kiss on Bonnie's cheek, Zoe went upstairs. Letting the childhood friends cuddle on the couch.

"Wine?" Caroline offered, showing the red wine to Bonnie. Elena nodded as she pulled out a pint of Ben and Jerry's.

"Ice cream?" She offered from Bonnie's other side. The witch chuckled as she hugged her best friends tightly.

"I love you guys" she said, closing her eyes as she simply basked in the presence of her small, makeshift, family. She didn't know what she'd do without them. "Come on, let's go to the back, I'll make a fire" Bonnie offered making the girls smile widely.

"Oh God, we haven't had a bonfire in forever" Caroline gushed. Bonfires were always their favorites as kids. Wether it was a small one in the back or a big one at The Falls. It was practically tradition at this point.

"I'll grab the stereo" Elena called as she rushed away. Caroline laughed as she grabbed the drinks.

"If we're doing a bonfire then I'm making Margaritas!" She called out happily. Bonnie laughed as she went to the back, making her way outside, and grabbing the firewood from the shed.

Bonnie frowned as she through the wood in the fire pit. Her eyes began looking around towards the trees behind her home. After carving protective sigils into the trees and ground, Bonnie was sure that she was safe here, but that didn't mean someone couldn't get through. The only reason she was still alive now is because she'd stayed prepared.

Bonnie was still surprised when a white sheet of paper floated through the air. Landing right in front of her. A quick look over with her magic told her that it was safe to pick up. Yet she was still wary when she opened it. Instead of some nefarious curse, loopy handwriting was inside, a note for her.

Go to the Cave in the Falls
3 pm
Do not be late

-A Friend

The small witch frowned as she read the words. She had no idea who wrote it yet she felt no ill intent. They were long gone but even the moment they were here Bonnie felt no evil. Just curiosity.

"Bonnie?" Caroline called, getting Bonnie's attention. The witch turned quickly, hiding the note in her pocket, as she faced the blonde carrying a tray of Margaritas. "You okay?" Caroline asked as she looked at her best friend.

"Yea, I'm fine Care" Bonnie said, forcing a small smile on her face. The blonde watched as she threw a few matches in the pit. She didn't look worried per say. Yet she didn't look entirely calm either. Seeing the expression Caroline wore Bonnie smiled reassuringly.

"I'm serious Care, it's just, Klaus" Bonnie said with a small shrug. It wasn't a lie. She couldn't get him out of her head. She hated feeling as if she'd hurt him.

"I'm sorry Bon" Caroline said as she set the tray down, bringing Bonnie into a tight hug. The blonde frowned as she squeezed gently. "If it makes you feel any better, I think he'll understand soon, he just needs to work through his feelings" Caroline said softly as they parted.

"How do you know?" Bonnie asked, sniffling slightly. She didn't cry. She wanted to but she wouldn't. This was her fault.

"Because I heard how he talked about you, it's gonna work out Bonnie, even if it just ends up being me and you running away to get married in Mexico" Caroline said making Bonnie laugh. The blonde smiled when she finally got a reaction out of her.

"Can I come?" Elena asked as she made her way outside, stereo in her hands, and a smile on her face. Bonnie nodded as Caroline laughed, holding out a hand for her.

"Yay girls trip!" Caroline cried out happily. The two brunette's laughed as they held onto her. Enjoying her bright and bubbly disposition.

As the night went on, the girls drank, and giggled, and sang along to every song that played. Yet as much as she smiled Bonnie couldn't help but worry. Worry about Klaus. Worry about Elijah. Worry about Dean and Zoe. Not to mention worry about whoever sent the note. What did this person want with her. What did they have to say.
As Klaus drank his whiskey he thought on what happened. Bonnie fucking Bennett. Dead or alive, young or old, witch's were a pain in his ass. Zoe excluded.

A part of him could understand her reasoning. He could understand leaving them all alone in pursuit of saving the world. He could even understand her feelings not being her own and feeling some type of care for the Winchester. Even if it made him want to rip the mans head from his shoulders. Then from his brothers for good measure.

The man wished he could just turn it off. Switch his humanity so he wouldn't feel a damn thing about her. About any of this shit. His musings were interrupted by a woman sitting beside him, her brown hair loose around her shoulders, and an eyebrow raised at him.

"What the hell did the bartender do to you?"She asked making him raise an eyebrow at her. One sniff and he knew what she was. Werewolf.

"So you would like to be my victim for the night, are you so eager to see you intestines spilled across the pavement?" He asked knowing it was an empty threat. While he was angry. While he had every right to be. He knew he wouldn't betray her by killing someone in her home again.

"Oh so you're the original hybrid?" The woman asked. He could detect a bit of an accent in her voice.

"One and only" he muttered taking a swig of his drink. The woman turned to him, a smirk on her lips, as crossed her legs.

"Well look who's night just got interesting" she said as she looked at him. It only took a moment for the woman to offer him her hand. "I'm Hayley" she introduced herself. The hybrid looked at her for a moment. Surveying her before settling on her green eyes.

"Niklaus Mikaelson"

Yaaayyy I finally did another chapter!!! It's finally updated!!! FINALLY!
The writers block with this story was a fucking bitch and I hated it but I hope you liked it.
Please do not kill me for all the Bonnie/Klaus drama but let's be real this man has anger issues and he would not be okay with it
That being said they're both finding their way through this and fucking up as they go I like making my characters flawed in these stories there are no Mary Sues here lol well not completely anyway lmao
We are getting more backstory including Zoe being Bonnie and Dean's daughter. In the real Mythology Nephthys was actually Horus's sister but we're switching it around for the story I hope you like it
I know a lot of you thought she was Klaus's past life daughter but nooo sorry there will be a story to that whole thing but let's see how they all manage to coparent lol
Who do you think this mystery person is? I have them all set up and I think it'll be a surprise but you guys have been so amazing at guessing I have no idea if you'll get it lol
Also I'm a big Bamon Brotp fan and I really wanna portray him as Uncle Damon lmao I hope you enjoy that😂 I love the idea of Uncle Damon and Uncle Sam😂
The next update should definitely be sooner than it took me for this one but please be patient with me🥺 my life is completely hectic right now with my grandfather and school and everything else going on
Until next time please be safe, be kind and leave reviews lol❤️

‼️‼️‼️if you haven't please check out my story BONDED it's a Dean/Bonnie/Klaus story with a nice dash of Sam/Caroline and so far it's gotten a lot of love please check it out I hope you like it‼️‼️‼️ a new chapter should be out later tonight or tomorrow if you already follow it☺️❤️

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