Apartment 306

By oliviamj_

47.2K 2.7K 4.3K

|Completed | A crossover w/ @_ntsha (go to her profile for her version!) Four strangers from diverse walks of... More

Apartment 306
1. "Go to hell"
2. "Saving myself for marriage"
3. "No new friends.."
4. "Let vacation begin"
5. "Love is an open door"
6. "You should smile more"
7. "Sour puss"
8. "Our lives are in danger"
9. "Can you swim?"
10. "Golden girls"
11. "Blue balls"
12. "My fresh start"
13. "What the fuck"
14. "I want to show you something"
15. "I don't like liars"
16. "I fell off my bike"
17. "Beep beep bitch"
18. "Fantasy Island"
19. "Death machine"
20. "The poet & photographer"
21. "GF"
22. "Because I got high"
23. "Does weed make you horny"
24. "Immortal"
25. "Women are fucking crazy"
26. "Two kids on an adventure"
27. "Third times a charm"
28. "Urgent meeting"
29. "A whole new world"
30. "Ride along"
31. "Lying is a sin"
32. "I've had enough"
33. "Johnny Castle"
34. "Giving in"
35. "The old Cassie"
36. "Mr. Right Now"
37. "Hit gone wrong"
38. "Silence is key"
39. "Distraction"
40. "Consent"
41. "RIP plans"
42. "Let shit go and move the fuck on"
43. "Gibby"
44. "Caregiver"
45. "Four fools in the woods"
46. "The now"
47. "Unexplainable new feelings"
48. "What's the price?"
49. "Boyfriends"
50. "A night in the hills"
51. "Treatment"
52. "The litte things"
53. "Never too late"
54. "I hope you want me"
55. "You're not going anywhere"
57. "Only you"
58. P.O.V
59. "Breaking point"
60. "Trouble in paradise"
61. "The 's' word"
62. "I feel like a woman"
63. "I'm still breathing"
64. "It's always Cassie"
65. "I'm all in"
66. "You're mine"
67. "Blanks"
68. "The unexpected"
69. "How it began"
70. "Live for the thrill"
71. "Just say the words"
72. "Glowing"
73. "Under the weather"
74. "Downhill"
75. "Shit hit the fan"
76. "153"
77. "Netflix & chill"
78. "Mothers know best"
79. "The messenger"
80. "Insomnia"
81. "Holiday spirit"
82. "Promises"
83. "I met the devil"
84. "Men in black"
85. "Dead end"
86. "Got damn mood swings"
87. "End of story"

56. "The truth hurts"

455 37 79
By oliviamj_

"Cassie!" Emereigh ran over to me as I snuck into her daycare to surprise her. It's been a few days since I have last seen her because she's back with her dad, but I miss her. I called Rick and asked if it was okay if I picked her up, and he agreed. "You're here!"

My eyes widened. "I'm here, and I had a taste for something. What was it?" I pretended to think and palmed the top of her head. "Oh, yeah. Ice cream!"

Emmy jumped up and down, gasping loud enough for the rest of the kids to look at her. "No way? You're getting me ice cream? Right now?"

"Way!" I nodded my head. "Let's get out of here, yeah?"

Once I checked her out, we jogged to the car and strapped in. "How's everything with your dad?"

"It's so fun! We have tea parties and play dress up all the time. But he doesn't let me eat donuts." Her smile turned upside down. "I missed him, and I'm happy to have my daddy back. He's not sick anymore."

I couldn't help but smile as I continued driving us to the shop. "You never lost him, sweetheart. He loves you so much, and it makes me so happy for you."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Emmy went silent as I parked and dug through her princess book bag. "I made this for your birthday. I hope you like it because I can only color, not draw. I think your head looks like a football."

I laughed, observing the picture Emmy made of us at the park. She drew a dog, but it had a red X because she's scared of them. I trailed off, staring at the drawing, roaming my eyes around my head shape and the colorful outfit she had us wearing.

"You know my head is not that big!" I set the picture on the passenger seat and looked back. "But it's the best gift that I ever got. I'm going to keep it forever and get you back with an even bigger head."

"Game on!" Em exclaimed, pushing the door open to secure our spot in line. I wish I had more time to hang out with her, but I told Gael I would go with him to dinner at Terrence's house. I didn't get a chance to speak with him since the horrible situation with his nephew, and I think he may need the company. But she was so excited to spend a little time together, and she couldn't stop talking about daycare and her dad.

I ordered a small chocolate ice cream cup because I didn't want to ruin my appetite for dinner. Emereigh got the same but in a cone. We sat on a bench, enjoying the dessert before I had to take her home.

Her face turned upward. "Brain freeze, and I'm dying."

"Do this!" I pressed my thumb to the roof of my mouth as Emmy followed my movements. "Does it feel better?" When I was in school, I had a brain freeze, and this guy told me that if you hold your boobs, the freeze will go away. Being dumb, I did it and fell right into that trap. I mean, I barely had boobs until high school, but I always wore oversized clothing.

She shook her head. "I think my brain is actually frozen this time. Too much ice cream."

After sitting for a few minutes to finish, we discarded our trash and got back in the car. Emmy had chocolate stains all over her mouth and tried getting it off with her tongue but missed.

"I like these surprises!" She said after giving me Rick's address. She's such a smart kid, remembering the important things in case anything happens. "Will you do it again?"

I nodded. "Of course, but I'm not telling you when."

The entire drive to her house, I zoned out, still paying attention to the road. Part of me couldn't believe that I told Gael that I liked him, but I'm sure he knew. It put me at ease, knowing he wasn't going to run, but at the same time, he still can. And that's what scares me the most. I haven't known him very long, but he's shown me things that no one else has—things that I never felt before. A couple of months ago, I was telling myself to stay away from Gael, but it's impossible. I expected a completely different reaction from him two days ago, and he surprised me.

When I dropped Emmy off, she kissed my cheek before running to her father. Rick waved and thanked me for picking her up and told me it was okay if I ever wanted to do it again.


I only had enough time to shower and get dressed before meeting up with Gael and Noah. They bullied me into driving because they didn't feel like it and thought that I did. And because Noah used the excuse of never being in my car, which was bullshit.

Leaving my hair wavy, I threw on a white, ruffled off the shoulder top, jeans, and sandals. I quickly did my makeup, coating my eyelashes, adding blush to my cheeks and lipstick before checking my reflection one last time.

I ran my fingers through my hair before hearing obnoxious bangs on my door. "I'm coming!" I flicked the light and ran down the steps after spraying myself with the perfume.

I quickly grabbed my keys and opened the door mid-knock. It was Gael, who had a big grin plastered on his face. "You wore the perfume." He said, stroking his finger against my cheek. He caught me gazing at him, mesmerized by the way he looked back at me.

"Do you like it?" I sucked in my lower lip, staring into his beautiful eyes. My body got tingly as I took short, accelerated breaths.

Gael nodded and leaned in like he was going to kiss me, but Noah interjected. "Can y'all do this later? I'm hungry as hell." To make sure we didn't waste any more time, he yanked Gael in front of him and nudged him to walk. Cockblocker.

I unlocked my car as Gael got in the passenger seat and Noah in the back. I had asked Gael for the address to put into my navigation system, but he told me that he knew where to go by heart. I made sure the boys put their seatbelts on, but Noah gave me shit for it, of course. He's like a bad child that does the opposite of what you ask.

"When you get out of here, keep straight through the light," Gael said, laying his hand on my lap as I backed out of the parking spot. I followed his directions as he plugged his phone into my car, starting his playlist.

Noah sat up and barked. "Damn, Cassie, can we get there already? You're going like forty."

I took the next left before flipping Noah off. "She drives better than Brooke, though." Gael laughed, coming to my defense. But he's not wrong. Being in the car with Brooklyn is a death sentence, but I love her.

"Noah, are you driving?" I glanced through my mirror at his face. "You're in the backseat for a reason." I laughed at my own joke.

"Okay, don't get hype because you have a car now," Noah chuckled. "But true."

I tightened my lips to stop myself from laughing. "You right, and if you keep talking shit, I'll drive twenty." My response earned a laugh from both of them as I followed Gael's poor directions. He was too into the song he was playing, but I thought it was cute.

It wasn't long before we pulled into the home, parked, and exited the vehicle. Since I played taxi this evening, I tried begging Noah to let me test drive the hummer. I would've tried Gael's bike, but I don't feel too comfortable with that yet. I rather sit up high than on two wheels.

Gael knocked as Noah said, "You can't drive slow as hell in the hummer."

I ran my hands down Gael's arm and smiled. "Well, I hope you have good insurance."

Seconds later, Kenya opened the door with a big smile on her face. She had on a gold sweater, leggings, and her braids dangling past her chest. Terrence asked me to come back a while ago, but no one got that chance with everything that has happened. But I'm happy that they invited us today because we could all use the distraction.

"I'm so glad y'all are here; come in!" Kenya said, pulling all three of us into tight hugs. After she welcomed us, she shut the door after Noah. "Ones missing."

"She's coming. She had practice. Now, where's the food?" Noah roared, wasting no time. I wish I had his appetite sometimes.

Gael laughed, palming Kenya's shoulder. "Where's the girls?"

"It smells so good in here," I inhaled, feeling my stomach growl. This is the second time that I've been in their home, and it always smelled delicious. "Thank you for inviting us!"

"They're with Kenya's parents because she thought that I needed to have company or leave the house." Terrence snickered, making his appearance. He looked rough and tired, almost like he had just woken up, but didn't sleep. I felt horrible for him, but I also knew that there's nothing you can possibly say to make anything better.

"And you made the right decision," Kenya huffed, smiling at her husband. "I hope y'all like salmon." Like? I love.

"I like anything you make," Gael said, "Nice to see you talking again, T." He looked at his friend before pulling him into a manly hug, talking low between each other. I didn't want to look too long, but they shared a moment, having not talked in a while.

When they pulled away, Terrence faked a smile. "Yeah, taking it one day at a time."

Noah took a seat at the island on a stool. "How's AJ?" Asked Noah.

I asked Kenya if she needed help setting the table, but she didn't. She simply wanted me to enjoy myself and make myself at home. She asked about Emereigh as I filled her in on what's been going on lately.

"He didn't wake up yet, but he'll pull through. He's a strong kid." Terrence said to Noah. Gael stepped away to gawk at the food. "Nice seeing you again, Cassie." He approached me and cupped my shoulder. He looked at me longer than usual like he had to say something, but didn't.

I brushed it off. "Nice seeing you too. I'm happy to hear your nephew is okay." I smiled, parting my lips to speak but heard light knocks on the door.

"Come in!" Kenya yelled, and within seconds, Brooklyn made her appearance. She wasn't in her uniform and must've gone back to her apartment to change.

Brooklyn went straight for Kenya and said, "Hey, everyone." After she hugged her, me, and Noah, she waved at Terrence and messed with Gael. Just like Noah and me, Gael and Brooke had the same playful banter, which I loved for us. Everything was so natural and comfortable.

Once we greeted her, Kenya insisted for us to take our seats around the table. I sat beside Gael, whose eyes appeared bigger than his stomach, putting shrimp, fish, and scoops of rice on his plate. I mean, I did the same.

"So, anything new going on? How's work?" Kenya asked, making conversation while putting food on her plate.

Instead of anyone answering, we all shook our heads and shrugged. I don't think we're supposed to disclose how we were all involved with each other, but I didn't want to speak first.

Terrence interjected after chewing. "I'm sorry about Venus. I heard it on the news." That was such a sore topic because no one wants to talk about it. We don't know what happened, and my mind rushes every time I think about it. It kills me that something so horrible happened to her and the pain her family must be going through.

Brooklyn sighed as I checked my phone, hearing it chime. It was Lily, but I didn't want to be rude and answer it at dinner. I'll get back to her later.

"Did they ever find any more information? Like, who did it?" Asked a curious Kenya.

"No, but I hope they will soon," Brooklyn answered. Gael and Noah remained silent, probably unsure what to say.

"Me too," Kenya shook her head. "That's awful."

I took a large bite of salmon. "I still can't believe that happened," I declared.

Gael tried changing the subject. "Everything been good over here?"

Terrence washed his food down with his beverage. "Can't complain." He shrugged. "I haven't stepped foot in The fucking Playroom but once, and I'm not mad about it."

"Yeah, how's work been since everything?" His wife asked.

I dramatically rolled my eyes. "Like nothing ever happened."

"See, Brooklyn," Noah said, picking at his plate. "Notice how she didn't burn the food." Why don't they just leave her alone? First the driving, now the food. She probably never had to do any of those things, but at least she's putting in the effort.

Brooklyn laughed and pushed him. "Stop. My cooking is getting better!" She mused.

"It better if you wanna keep him around," Kenya chimed in, laughing. Well, I didn't expect that response.

"Cassie, can I talk to you for a second?" Terrence wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked up at me. "In the kitchen?"

I awkwardly looked around at everyone and said, "Uh, sure." I excused myself from the table, not knowing what to expect, and followed him into the kitchen.

I stood still, watching Terrence become fidgety, flickering his eyelashes at me. "Is everything okay?" I choked, figuring it was him wanting to talk about my past, but why now?

He scratched his short hair. "I don't know. You tell me."

I parted my lips to speak and then closed my mouth, confused. "What is that supposed to mean?" I inquired.

"What I'm going to tell you may not be true, and it's none of my business, but you have a right to know." He said.

Without breaking eye contact, I nodded my head and gave him a shaky blank look. "Okay?" I dragged.

Terrence squeezed the edge of the counter. "I went to The Playroom, trying to talk with Zane, but I overheard something that I probably shouldn't have."

I remained quiet, waiting for him to finish. "I'm not sure if you know, but uh, Zane believes that he's your...uncle." He deeply swallowed. "Your blood, uncle."

Still staring at him, I shook my head, feeling my face beginning to tighten. "No," I inhaled. "I don't know because it's not true. I don't know him. Don't say that."

"Cassie, listen to what I'm saying to you," Terrence spoke in a low, light voice. "Zane is a powerful man with access to any and everything. Think about it, why would he make that up?" I can think of multiple ways to answer that question.

I covered my mouth, feeling sick to my stomach. "Maybe because he's fucking crazy. He k-knows I'm adopted, and he's messing with me. I'll prove it to you." There's no way. And I will not believe we're related, and he did nothing when I needed someone.

Like clockwork, I felt my eyes start to burn, but instead of making it known that I was going to cry, I tried walking off.

Terrence stopped me. "Where are you going? Do not go to Zane, Cassie." His tone became more assertive, scaring me.

I glanced over my shoulder, tears releasing from my eyes. "And what do you expect me to do? I need answers."

"No one knows about what I heard." He barked.

"And it's going to stay that way. I won't say that you told me, but he's not my uncle." I swallowed the lump stuck in my throat. "Thanks for dinner, but I lost my appetite."

Terrence annoyingly raised his voice. "Cassie! Don't go over there. It's not smart." I know that he's looking out for me, but no one has any idea how that feels.

"I'm sorry," I mouthed, quickly wiping my face as I stormed off. I didn't bother saying anything to everyone else, but I did hear Terrence tell Gael not to follow me. I knew that if I didn't confront him, that it would be on my mind constantly. But why not just tell me?

It did seem odd when he pointed out my bracelet, but whatever happens, we're not related. Blood doesn't mean shit to me.

I aggressively got in my car and pulled off without putting my seatbelt on. Now I see why Terrence looked at me that way when I came into his home. It was probably unsafe to drive at the rate of my mind, but I didn't care. Zane doesn't even look familiar, but then again, I was young. But I feel like I would know that. I cherished my uncle, and Zane is not it. What the hell kind of name is that anyway—Zane Ali.

Fifteen minutes later, I parked and rushed out of the car and into my workplace. I had so much to say if it were true, but I hope it's not. The club wasn't open yet, but there were still a few vehicles in the lot.

Right as I pushed through the double doors, Courtney shot up from her seat and exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I don't recall sending you a text message."

I didn't have time for her or her whiny voice. "Is Zane in his office? I need to speak to him." I sniffed, avoiding eye contact for too long. She looked at me like I was crazy, requesting a meeting, knowing I couldn't.

With a smart tone, she asked, "Does he know you're here?"

"Does it fucking matter? It's urgent." I pushed. I don't care if I don't have a job anymore after this. I'll figure it out like I always do.

Courtney stood up and slammed her hands on the desk. "I don't give a shit. You do not come in here unannounced unless you're called in, and obviously, I didn't do that. So, leave."

I remained silent, rolling my eyes at her. "Wrong answer."

I turned around and charged towards Zane's office to bang on the door. Courtney kept trying to stop me, following after me, but I swear if she touches me, I will punch her.

When he rudely slammed the door back, Courtney whined. "I-I tried to stop her. She said it was urgent and didn't list—"

Zane cut her off, putting his hand up to silence her as he roamed his dark eyes around my face. "Shut up." He told her, and she listened.

"Cassandra," He stepped back with a cocky grin on his face. "Step into my office. Courtney, return to your desk."

Once the doors shut closed, Zane leaned against the cushioned chair and said, "What is the reas—"

I cut him off. "You're not my uncle, and I don't appreciate you making jokes like that." I blurted, not caring what came out of my mouth. I hated this office. The last time I was here, Zane damn near bullied me into telling him about my adoption. It's not fair that he thinks he has so much power over people and shouldn't treat his employees that way.

His sly expression turned into anger. "Where did you hear that?" He said hostility. My question took him off guard, and I'm not telling him about Terrence.

"It doesn't matter," I took a moment to get myself together. "And that's the end of it."

Zane nodded while tightening his lips and finishing the drink on his desk. "I went to France about twenty years ago and got this one of a kind bracelet made for my niece when she was four." He prolonged, "If I'm not your fucking uncle, Cassandra, where did you get it? Unless someone that has the same name and surname as my niece stole it."

Zane tried reaching for my wrist, but I pulled away. I didn't know what to say, but my blood boiled with anger. I tried catching my breath, but the tears poured from my eyes. I was so frustrated that I didn't know what to say, think, or do.

I sniffed quietly; the salty substance welled from deep inside, coursing down my cheeks.

"Cat got your tongue?" Zane laughed as my face twisted.

"No, no, you're lying," I told myself. "And it's not funny." I breathed, covering my face with my shaky hands.

Zane watched me like some psychopath. "My brother also happens to be Clay Jennings, who married a beautiful French woman by the name of Amelia. I believe they were your birth parents. So, do you still want to call me a fucking liar?" He raised his voice, instinctively making me jump.

My legs started to tremble. "Why is your name Zane?" I yelled, my vision starting to blur.

"Because it is now." He paused with the same silly smirk. "And don't say a word of this to anyone because I would know, and it won't be pretty, Cassandra."

At that point, I was fuming. If it were possible to see smoke coming from my ears, it would be evident.

I lowered my voice. "Why am I here? Working here? This job didn't just randomly pop up in my email, did it?"

Zane slammed his hands on the desk. "You're here because you needed a damn job. New or not, no one questions me, my authority, or calls me a damn liar. I may be a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them."

Ignoring what he just said, I asked, "Why did my parents leave me?"

"What did I just say?"

I wiped my face, defeated. "Just please answer this one question. Please." For years, I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out why they would leave me. I mean, maybe they didn't want kids? Couldn't afford it? Or didn't like me. Either way, it fucking sucks.

Zane shrugged his shoulder and narrowed his thick eyebrows. "Ask them."

My facial expression dropped as I stared at him. "Are you serious?" I asked, slowly shaking my head. How can someone be so much of an asshole?

"Deadly," He replied.

Over this conversation and done tolerating his shit, I said, "This is bullshit. My uncle Clifford is dead to me, dead. He died right along with my birth parents when they decided never to come back. Go ahead and fire me, make my life hell, but I'm going to say this as your 'niece' and not your employee," I wiped my face. "Fuck you. We will never be related."

It's true. I didn't expect to go into the system because I knew that I had an uncle who claimed to love me. He could've taken me, but he disappeared, and now I see why. It hurts to the core that people you think you loved don't give a shit—never did. 

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