Yes Sir [Hotch X Reader]


231K 4.9K 5.6K

"And what if I don't?" You ask defiantly. He comes up closer to you at that remark, close enough so you're th... Еще

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Quick story recap
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 10

7.6K 161 226

⚠️Warning: degradation, daddy kink, sex, overall just smutty content⚠️

You have an amazing night of sleep, unsurprisingly. In the morning, you wake up feeling rested. You feel Hotch shift next to you, clearly still fast asleep. His arms are still around you and wrap you into his chest. It almost feels unreal for a moment; like some sort of hazy dream you couldn't really shake. But his breathing in your ear reminds you of the reality of the situation.

You shimmy slowly out of his arms, only to be met with a light groan in protest. Carefully, you remove yourself from his arms and sink to the floor.

You get up and bring yourself to the bathroom, using the toilet before running his comb through your hair. You take a baby wipe to rub away the excess makeup you had forgotten to take off last night which had caused raccoon-esque bags to form under your eyes.

When you go back to the room, you're surprised to see Hotch still in bed. What's more, he was mumbling something incoherent to himself. He flipped from side to side in the bed, restlessly moving. You watch him in curiosity for a second before you realize he seems in pain.

"Hotch? Hotch!" You're at his side in a second, shaking his shoulder to jolt him awake.

His eyes snap open, a dazed look in them. He blinks repeatedly before bringing his eyes up to meet yours. Immediately, he springs out of bed.

"Y/n, what are you-" he scans his eyes around the room then over you, a panic in his eyes.

"Relax" you interrupt, trying to calm him "sit down. Nothing happened, you're fine." He brings a hand up to his undoubtedly aching head, giving you a strange look.

"Did we...?"

"No, we didn't" you roll your eyes "you got drunk at the party and asked me to stay the night."

"I did?"


He shakes his head slightly, as if unsure of what to do.

"Come on, your head is probably pounding. You should get some pain killers."

Still very much dazed and confused, all he can do is nod. He follows you downstairs to the kitchen, where you help him sit on a barstool. He points out the medicine cabinet and you grab two Advil and a glass of water for him.

"Here, take this" you place the medicine and water in front of him. You watch intently as he throws back his head, taking the pills before taking a long sip of water.

"How are you feeling?" You ask.

"Other than the headache I'm fine" he mumbles, his voice still deep and raspy from sleep. You suppress the urge to shutter at the vibrations his voice sent through you.

"Do you want something to eat?" You ask, placing your hands on the counter.

"Y/n, you don't have to make me food. I should be making you something."

"Quit arguing with me. I'm making eggs, and you're having some too." you point an almost accusing finger at him before searching around the kitchen for a pan.

"Brat" he mumbles under his breath, taking a deep drink of water.

"Oh, I'm a brat?" You retort. You find a pan and put it on the stove with a pat of butter before rooting through the fridge for ingredients.

"Sometimes, yes."

"I think you should be a bit nicer to me. Last night you couldn't even take off your tie without help." You locate the eggs and begin cooking them.

"You undressed me?"

"Well, technically, you were undressing yourself. Just not very well."

"Y/n, you realize that this whole ordeal is extremely unprofessional."

"That's not what you were saying last night" you say in a sing-song tone. You continue cracking eggs as his back straightens.

"I thought you said we didn't do anything last night."

"I didn't. You did."

"What exactly did I do?" He asks. His face looks almost worried.

"Some things." You say nonchalantly. You liked taking care of him, but you loved annoying him even more.

"Y/n, tell me now." His voice is demanding, sending a chill down your spine.

"Fine, fine" you relent "You got sloppy drunk, danced a bit, played truth or dare, told the team you had a crush on a girl, threw up in a potted plant, I drove you home, then you asked me to stay the night." You turn off the stove and put the eggs on two separate plates, getting forks and milk.

"I talked about a girl?"

"Yep. Said some pretty nice things about her too." You place the meal in front of him, instructing him to eat. You eat opposite him. You decided that distracting yourself with work was much easier than facing the reproductions of last night's ordeal. You wondered if he had even remembered the kiss, and if he didn't, was it wrong to keep it a secret from him?

"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable last night. What I did was unprofessional. It won't happen again." He straightens his back and you can tell he's choosing his words carefully, picking what he considered the most appropriate for the situation.

"Hotch?" You ask, your eyes darting up to him.


"We're not at work. You don't have to talk to me like a business partner" you take another bite "besides, you shouldn't worry about it. I didn't mind at all."

You both continue eating, ignoring the tension in the room.

"There was one thing that bothered me," you say after a moment.

"What's that?" When he looks up at you, there's fear in his eyes. He seems upset at the prospect of making you uncomfortable.

"You lied" you point out "about the nightmares. You said you didn't get them." You wondered if you were taking it too far by asking. After all, just because you had spent the night in his bed didn't entitle you to information about his private life. But curiosity and worry were a deadly mix.

"I'm sorry," he says, looking at his plate "You're right, I did lie. I get them often too."

"Why lie about it?" He said everyone else had gotten them, what did it matter if he did too?

"The same reason you didn't want to tell me in the office." You nod slightly, gaining a general understanding.

"You know, the funny part is you didn't seem to have a nightmare until I got out of bed," you say. It comes off as teasing, but you are genuinely curious as to why neither of you had woken up in a cold sweat during the night.

"You didn't have any nightmares when you were in bed with me either" he points out.

"You're the first person to share a bed with me in a long time."

"You too."

You both eat in silence for a bit. When you're both done, you place your plates in the sink.

"We should probably get ready for work" he points out, gesturing to the clock.

You let out a groan but nod. You really don't have a choice. It wasn't like Hotch was going to let you hang around his house the whole day. You both go upstairs again, and he gives you an extra toothbrush, seeing as you hadn't packed anything. You both begin brushing your teeth diligently.

You can't help but look at him in the mirror as he brushed. He looked a little out of it, his hair still disheveled from sleep and eyes glazed from the hangover. Your thoughts drift off to the kiss you had shared the night before, how electric it had been. Did he really not remember it?

"You know, you did something else last night" you muster up the courage between spits. It felt wrong, you decided, to keep something like that to yourself. He had to know.

"Oh really, what's that?" He asks. You rinse your mouth out and place the brush on the side of the sink.

"You kissed me." When you turn back, his eyes seem to lose their glaze immediately and turn sharp again.

"I did what?"

"You kissed me," you repeat, searching his face to gauge his reaction "before you fell asleep." You decide not to tell him about his little confession, at least not yet.

He looks taken aback, even startled. He places his hands on his temples and rubs them as if his headache had somehow gotten worse. Then, he just shakes his head with a frightened look on his face.

"I'm so, so sorry" he apologizes profusely "I should never have, I should've, I-". And for once, Aaron Hotchner was at a loss on his next actions, his next words. He almost always seemed to be one step ahead, and that was probably why seeing him unsure took you by such surprise.

"Aaron," you say with a calm tone in an attempt not to make his panic worse. You place your hands on his shoulders and his collar bunches up under your fingers. You mean it as a simple gesture of reassurance, but your thumping heart beat reminds you of just how close you are to him.

He looks down at you while your hands pull him closer. He looked less frightened but still concerned. This time, it looked more like contemplation.

At that moment you couldn't think. He and he alone had overstimulated all of your senses. The smell of his sheets and body, the feel of his warm breath, and those damn piercing brown eyes. It was all too much, and all rational thought was gone and replaced by a new feeling: burning desire.

Your grip tightens around his shirt fabric, and all at once you yank it forward. When you pull him close to your face, his lips crash into yours.

At first, you have a moment of internal panic when he doesn't return it. But in a moment the fear is dissolved as he not only returns your kiss, but also wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer. Your bodies are touching, your breasts pressed against his chest.

Before you know it, he has you slammed against a wall. The sudden movement startles you, but you melt again as his lips meet yours for the second time. His arms go under your thighs and bring you to straddle his waist. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

His lips are different from last night. Whereas before they were soft and gentle, now they were hard and passionate. It leads you to believe that maybe you weren't the only one that was desperate for contact with the other.

Slowly, he moves his mouth away from yours, kissing your cheek. You suppress a whine from the loss of contact, but you're silenced as you feel him begin to move again. You're transfixed on his movements, wanting to feel his lips everywhere at once.

He places a few light kisses at your jaw before making a trail down, placing his lips all over your neck. He gently sucks the skin while occasionally taking it in his teeth. You can't suppress a sudden moan when he finds your sweet spot, and that only encourages him to suck harder.

After a few moments, he pulls away, leaving your neck cold and begging for his touch. He admires the hickey he's left on your neck for a moment with a smug grin.

"People are going to see that, you know." You murmur breathlessly. And yet, in that moment, you didn't really care. You wouldn't mind if he left marks like that all over your body.

"Good." He meets you in another kiss before you can speak, and this time his tongue dances against your bottom lip. You open your mouth eagerly which allows it to slip in. He explores your mouth, his tongue feeling and exploring every corner.

You feel him move without taking his hands off you, and in an instant, you're laying back on his bed. The same bed you had slept in the night before. God, if you had any idea what was going to happen that day, you wouldn't have slept a wink.

You notice how his arms are on either side of you and how his body hangs over yours. Your hands slide under his shirt, feeling his muscular body as he continues to kiss you. God, he really was strong. Quickly, he slips his shirt off, throwing it to the side.

Pulling away slightly, he looks at you for confirmation to continue. You give a light nod and feel as his hands work their way up to your thighs, slipping under your shirt and pulling it up.

His eyes glance over your body hungrily. You almost whimper from just how he stares at you and grab his broad shoulders in an attempt to pull him closer. He plants a light kiss on your cheek before moving down. Again, he plants light kisses on your jaw and neck, but this time he keeps moving down. You let out a shaky breath, already picturing exactly where he was going.

He reaches his hands behind your back, undoing your bra and pulling it to the side. His lips make their way down your chest and suck gently on your nipples, eliciting a gentle moan. He takes them both between his teeth one at a time, twisting them slightly. It makes you hiss, yet it also makes you buck your hips up into him.

He puts a firm hand on your hips to lower them; a signal that he is in control. And he is in control, the way his body consumes you. And for once, you're okay with that.

When your nipples are fully erect, he moves away from them again. He leaves a trail of kisses down your stomach before finally ending at the waistband of your panties.

He looks again for confirmation and you nod furiously, desperate for his touch. And the way he looks at you tells you that you aren't the only desperate one.

He hooks two fingers onto the bottom of your panties, tugging them down and tossing them to the side to join the rest of your clothes in some faraway corner.

He licks his lips, staring intently at your bare pussy. Your chest is rising and falling heavily, your breathing ragged and uncontrolled.

"So fucking wet for me already" he mutters before placing wet kisses on the inside of your thighs. He spreads your legs farther with his hands, giving him full access.

"Don't...tease" you say between breaths. It feels completely unreal, like a false fantasy. Like maybe you had fallen asleep and your brain had allowed a blissful dream in place of your usual nightmares.

"That's not how you ask. Try again" he says while his finger traces the outside of your wet slit. Cocky bastard.

"Please," you whimper. Your voice comes out needier than you would have liked, but you can't deny that that's exactly how you feel.

"Hmm," his tone is flat, telling you it's not enough. One finger circles around your entrance.

"Please, daddy" you try again "I need to feel your fingers."

It comes completely out of nowhere. Out of some dark crevasse of your brain that you had never explored. You tense for just a moment, thinking that maybe you had just messed up. But when his dark, lustful eyes shoot up, you know you said the right thing. You can't help but smile as you regain some control over your helpless situation, because clearly, you were having a strong effect on him too.

Immediately, you feel his finger plunge in, and you let out a weak moan. His fingers are thick and the movement is slow, although with how wet you are, he doesn't have to prep you much before adding another one. He moves his finger around a bit before you feel him add another one. He scissors his fingers, plunging them in and out with precision.

You can barely form sounds, only soft moans and whimpers escape your mouth. It's completely unreal what he's doing to you. It seemed impossible that he would do this to anyone, let alone be so good at it.

"What a desperate little slut," he comments, continuing the pulsating motion inside of you "begging and moaning for my fingers."

Before you can answer, you feel his mouth on your clit, earning a loud groan in response. You can feel every movement: how his tongue flicks back and forth to toy with the sensitive ball of nerves in his mouth. He takes it between his teeth, the slight pain combined with overwhelming pleasure heightening the stimulation you felt. You bite your bottom lip to hide the noises threatening to leak out. Immediately, he moves his mouth away.

"Don't bite your lip. I want to hear all your needy little moans." He moved his fingers in and out slower now, punishing you with his delayed touches.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry daddy," you say "please." You used the word that seemed to have the most effect on him. It felt foreign in your mouth but gave you that same tingle when you said it.

"Better" he praises, picking up the pace again. His mouth returns, and you let out a loud moan in approval.

He continues moving, his eyes staying up on your face. You obey his command, allowing all moans and whimpers to fall from your lips.

He hits your G-spot repeatedly, making you cry out and clench the sheets.

"I'm gonna- i-" you can barely form a thought, let alone a sentence. He seems to understand your meaning exactly, though.

"Cum for me."

You let out a loud moan. It's so loud it almost sounds like a scream, and it bounced back off the walls. You thrust your hips and arch your back, squeezing your eyes as white-hot pleasure spreads through your body. It reminds you of the sparks you felt earlier, but so much more intensified.

He continues moving his fingers and tongue, taking your cum in his mouth without complaint. You fall back on the bed, watching as he licks his fingers clean intently. When he crawls on top of you again he plants a light kiss on your lips.

As soon as you catch your breath, you grab his shoulders and flip him to let you hover above him. It was pretty clear he was allowing you to take control, as you probably wouldn't be able to flip him by yourself if he resisted.

"What are you doing?" He asks in a light tone. The smile that twitches on his lips reveals that he knows the answer to his own question. You grab the waistband of his joggers, pulling them down to reveal his boxers. His evident erection makes a large tent.

"Can I?" You ask, your fingers grazing the waistband. He nods, watching as you grab the boxers and pull them down.

His rock-hard cock came into view, slapping his stomach before rebounding and standing straight up. Your eyes widen. Damn. You had expected him to be big, but he was huge. You wondered if you would be able to take it all in your mouth.

"Y/n, you really don't have to do this if you-"

"Let me" you interrupt, putting one hand around the base of his dick. You rub it slightly before kitten licking the tip in a teasing manner.

"Don't fucking tease me" his low voice commands. Although the authoritarian tone of his voice makes you shutter, you know he's just as full of need as you. He snakes his hands through your hair, making a makeshift ponytail on the back of your head and holding it steady with one hand.

"You did it to me" you point out, continuing your innocent licks. At one moment, you put your lips tightly around his tip before taking it off with a popping sound.

"Alright, you've had your fun" he takes your hair and eases you down, taking a bit more than half his length in the back of your throat. You let out a gagging sound as you feel spit spilling out of your mouth.

"If you need me to stop I want you to tap my thigh, understand?" You try to make noise but only a deep hum comes out of your mouth, vibrating him.

"Fuck, that felt good. Do it again." He commands. You give him a defiant look, your eyes meeting his. His hand meets your cheek in a reprimanding smack. It's certainly not hard enough to hurt, and strangely enough, you feel yourself throb from the contact.

"I said to do it again, slut" he says again. This time you oblige, making a deep humming noise from the back of your throat.

He takes your hair, allowing you off him to breathe for a moment before moving you back down.

"I'm getting tired of your attitude," he says "it's like you're just trying to piss me off. You like seeing me angry, little girl?" You just look up at him again, making another humming noise in response. Like this? Absolutely. You swallow around him, making him moan again.

"Fuck, do it again. And don't be a brat this time" you roll your eyes but swallow again, making him groan. Clearly satisfied with your behavior, he let you up to catch your breath. He grabs your hair tighter, and when you move down, you do your best to take him all. You choke halfway down and quickly realize you weren't going to be able to take all of him. You wrap your hands around what you couldn't fit in your mouth. In response, he makes his thrusts faster as he moves your head back and forth.

"I don't appreciate" he takes a moment to catch his breath "the eye-rolling either. You've got an attitude problem, brat."

You hum again, looking up at him as he moves your head. You feel precum dripping down your throat.

"Fuck" he mutters again "if you keep looking at me I'm going to cum down that pretty little throat of yours. If you don't want that then you'd better stop."

You don't stop, instead choosing to move faster. He moans deeply, making you throb again as he spills down your throat.

You feel his warm cum shoot into your mouth, and you swallow what you can to keep it from spilling out. He stops his thrusting after riding out his orgasm and pulls out of your mouth.

You lick your lips clean before falling next to him with his arm under you.

"That was... amazing" you say breathlessly. He just nods slightly, looking at the ceiling.

"Are okay?" You ask gently. You flip so you're on your side facing him and put your hand on his chest.

"I'm fine" he responds "I just, haven't done that in a while."

"Do you want to talk about it?" You say after a moment. He just shakes his head before turning it and looking down at you. To your surprise, his hand reaches up and gently cups your cheek.

"Did I hurt you?" His voice is filled with concern.

"No, you didn't" you just smile and withhold a chuckle. "I liked it." There was a clear contrast in his attitude compared to when he was down your throat.

"Are you sure?" He asks again, gently stroking the chin where his hand had met it "I was a little rough."

"Yes, I'm sure" you nod. He accepts your answer, leaning back on the pillows.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower," you say lightly. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure" his face still seems a bit dazed as he follows you to the bathroom.

You go into the walk-in shower and start the hot water, picking up a bottle of soap. You spread some generously on your hands and rub them together to produce foamy suds.

You place your hands on his chest, rubbing the soap over his body gently.  When you're done he does the same for you, his hands kneading your breasts before moving down and cleaning the rest of your body.

You wash your hair and step out of the shower, drying off with towels.

"I didn't bring any clothes" you point out as you emerge from the bathroom.

"Here, you can borrow my shirt" he replies, searching through his closet. He picks out a fancy button-up light blue dress shirt. You thank him, putting on your bra and panties before putting on the shirt while he dresses. You fiddle a bit with the buttons.

"Here, let me help," he says gently, coming over to you. His large fingers effortlessly push the buttons through the holes, buttoning your shirt fully. Again, he helps you cuff the sleeves to a proper length.

"Thank you" you smile, planting a light kiss on his cheek. You slip the same black skirt from yesterday over your shirt, pairing it with the same black heels.

"We should talk about what happened," he says, sitting on his bed. You take a seat next to him.

"I, I don't know what to say. This is an awful idea, y/n."

"Why?" Your stomach sinks. You knew perfectly well going into it was a bad idea. You knew it when you came over last night. You both did.

But that didn't mean you wanted that to be your only time. No, it was too good for that.

"You know that inter-office romances are frowned upon." He shakes his head slightly.

"You consider this a romance?" A slight smile crosses your face.

"Well, no. I'm not sure. I just know this is unprofessional. It shouldn't have happened." You feel your heart sink even lower as a frown becomes evident on your face.

"You didn't want it?"

"I'm not saying that" he clarifies "I'm just saying it's a distraction from work."

"Life isn't all about work, Aaron. And for the record, I didn't regret it." You sigh a bit, turning your head away.

"I didn't say I regretted it, I don't." He says. You sit with his words for a minute and try to make sense of them. For once, neither of you seemed to have any bright ideas about the right course of action.

"Aaron, I think-" your voice is interrupted by his cellphone vibrating loudly on his nightstand. He looks at you, and you nod, telling him to take it.

"Hotchner," he says quickly, taking the phone to his ear. You already know what it's about before he speaks again. "Alright. I'll alert the team. Thank you."

"What's wrong?"

"Another case. Kidnapping."

Hey guysssss

So um

That was an interesting chapter. I'm sorry if it's not the best, I'm better at fluff than smut. But I hope you enjoyed this!

I think this book is going to rotate between casework, smut, and fluff just because I like writing all three. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for future chapters!

Lots of love,

-s 💕

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