Broken Promises//

By hrhemmings

4K 149 42

Nash and Cam saved my life. Now I have to destroy one of theirs. How am I supposed to do that? I can't. But I... More

Part 1
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38

Part 2

268 6 2
By hrhemmings

Lily's POV

"Lily," I tell the two boys as I sit in the car extremely weak and in pain.

"I'm Cam and that's Nash," the boy with brown eyes (who is Cam) tells me.

"If you don't mind me asking...What happened to you? Who gave you a black eye?" Cam asks me.

"It's all kind of a blur, actually..." I begin. " I was walking down the street and some man wearing all black just dragged me into the alleyway. He took my money, took my new phone, and then beat me; like, a lot."

"That sucks." Cam responds.

"It's not so bad I guess... I Lived. I just lost my phone and some cash."

"I'll buy you a new phone." Nash offers. "I've got the money."

"Wow...Thank you, I'd appreciate that a lot."
We arrive at the McDonald's drive through a few seconds later and Nash starts to order us all a cheeseburger meal.

We drive up, and get our food. The smell immediately enters my nose and I inhale all I can. I nibble on the fries on our way to what I assume is Nash's house.

When we arrive, and try to make my way limping across the driveway, but I walk through the door, I feel as though my body might give out from underneath me, so I grab onto Nash's and Cam's shoulders for support.

We walk through the house and into the kitchen to find his mom at the sink. "Hey Mom." Nash says, helping me sit down and the kitchen table.

"Hi sweetie-" she says, looking at him and then realizing I'm there. "Who's this?"

"I'm Lily." I say and smile through the pain , trying my best to make a good impression.

"Lily Foster?" She asks, a realization in her eyes.

"That's me!" I say.

Nash's mom wipes her hands with a towel while continuing to talk to me. "Beth Grier. We talked about the babysitting. You're a bit early-" A concerned look replaces her welcoming expression. "Oh dear what happened to your face?!"

Nash explains for me what happened. "Well, I'll drive you back to the House when you finish babysitting." Mrs. Grier offers.

"Wait- so you're babysitting here?" Nash asks in disbelief.

"Yeah," I reply. "I didn't realize this was the house when we pulled up though."

"Well, I'll introduce you to Skylynn." Nash tells me, and he helps me walk up the stairs with him to go to what I imagine is Skylynn's room.


It's been 5 scrutinizing hours of babysitting. Don't me wrong, I love being with Skylynn, she's a little bundle of joy and sass. However, the pain in my eye is getting to me.

I'm sitting on the floor of her pink bedroom after putting Skylynn to bed (after she threw a fit because she wanted to stay up and play "horsies") when there's a thud on the ground next to me. I look down at the floor and see an identical phone to what I had. My eyes go to the door and see Nash leaning on the doorway.

"I told you I'd get you a new one." He says. "And there it is."

"Thanks, Nash." I say smiling and picking the phone up. I stand up and walk to the doorway. "I should probably go, since Skylynn isn't alone at home anymore."

I squeeze my way through the opening in the door and head downstairs. Nash follows me. I stand at the front door and put my phone in my pocket.

Nash stands in front of me,cringing as he looks at me. "Your looks awful." He scoffs.

"Well, I was mugged. It happens." I reply with a shrug. We both lightly laugh.

Nash around the room nervously and puts his hands in his pockets. "So... Are you just gonna walk home?Because I can give you a ride if you want." Nash asks me.

"Oh, thanks but I'm good. I would've walked here too if it weren't for-"

"Yeah, I was just asking." Nash seems a little embarrassed, the reason being... well,I'm not sure.

I hug Nash. He seems surprised, and then hugs me back. "Thank you for helping me." I tell him meaningfully; because I'd probably still be in the alleyway if it weren't for him and Cam.

"No problem." Nash replies, pulling away from hug. "If you need anything just shoot me a text... I put my number in already."

"Okay," I reply, opening the door behind me. "I will. It was great meeting you Nash." I start to walk out of the house.

"You too. See ya' Lily!" Nash shouts from the doorway.

I turn around and wave. "Bye!" I walk the rest of the way to The House grateful to be safe, and to have met such a nice family... but mainly Nash and Cam.

Nash's POV

I watch Lily walk down the street, her brown hair blowing in the wind. I close the door, still smiling.

I'm not gonna lie, was surprised that Lily hugged me.

It was just a friendly hug, and out of great fullness. I did, in a way, save her life... sort of. But it's not like I can't think anything of it. The hug was warm, and genuine. A feeling came over me that I've never had during a hug, or ever, actually.

I'm lucky that I ran into Lily. I walk up the stairs, feeling like I'm walking on clouds.

"Dude, something's wrong with you." I hear. I look and see Hayes smirking at me. "You're in a daze. You're eyes are glossy. Is Nashy in love?" He mocks me.

I stomp past him, trying to be as mad as I could although I've never felt so good. "Shut up." I walk down the hall to my room, and slam my bedroom door. My body collapses onto my bed and I fall asleep right away.

I wake up to a ringing sound from my phone. My hand flails around my bed stand and grabs my phone. The light blinds me as I turn it on. 8:36. I have a text.

Hey. It's Lily. I told you I'd shoot you a text if I needed anything, and I could really use a hand with something. Any chance your free today?

I respond to her:

I'm free whenever. I was gonna hang out with Cam, so is it cool if he's there too?

Lily: Totally! I'll come over at 11. C u soon then!

Only 2 hours and 24 minutes to get ready. Actually, make that 22 minutes. I don't know why I'm freaking out about this. I text Cam.

Dude. Get over here. Now.

Lily's POV

I walk into my room. "How do I look?" I'm wearing my brown hair up in a high pony tail, a white sheer shirt with a teal tank underneath, jean shorts, and matching teal canvas shoes.

"Why does it matter?" Grace asks me.

"Because I'm going somewhere," I say. "And it's important. Not like I should be explaining myself to you,but I just need your opinion, okay?"

Grace sighs, gets up and walks to me. She places her hands on my shoulders. "Lily. You worry too much. Trust me, you look fine."

"That's all I'm gonna get out of you so thanks. I'm gonna go now."

"Where are you going?" Grace questions me. "This is twice in two days."

"Which is barely anything." I respond, grabbing my phone and getting ready to walk out the door.

"Not for you." Grace says. "I'm not trying to stop you from going I just need to know what to say if someone asks where you are."

"Tell them I'm back babysitting again. Short notice."

"Are you babysitting?"

"No, but I'm going to the same house."

"Well, have fun with that."

"I will." I open and close the door, trying to be as quiet as I can walking out of The House. Luckily, I make it out unnoticed. The walk to the Grier's house is short, but it feels like a million miles today.

I reach their house and Skylynn is the one that let's me in. "Hi Skylynn!"

"Helloooo!"she replies, smiling. She's wearing a pink horsey shirt.

"Is your brother here?"

"Yep! 2 of them!"

I laugh. "Thanks, can I come in?"

"Mmmhm!" Skylynn says and I walk in. "They're in their rooms."

"Okay!" I reply. I go up the stairs and go to the room that has the most noise coming from it. I knock on the door, and hear whispers.

"Dude, she's here."

"Open the door!"

"Why me? You're closer you do it!"

"Ugg your so lazy sometimes. I thought you liked this girl a little and you won't even open the door?"

"Don't you?"

"Point taken."

I'm still standing outside the door, trying not to eaves drop but my ears can't help that they work so well. Cam opens the door. "Hey Lily!" He says, smiling a straight, white smile.

"Hey..." I say. "So.. This is really random and I appreciate you guys letting me come over on such short notice."

"No problem," cam says. "Come on in."
I walk into the room and Cam closes the door behind me. The room is surprisingly clean, considering it's a teenage boy's

"What's your problem?" Nash asks? "What do you need?"

"Well," I say. "I'm wondering what the high school here is like."

"Briorwood Academy is great. People are nice, it's not a bad place to be." Nash says. "So... we'll see you next school year?"

"In 3 months, Yep!" I say. "I'm glad I know people now."

After a few seconds of, for some reason awkward, silence, Nash tells me," You can sit down." pointing to a couch by his bed.
"Thanks." I say, plopping down.

"So how are you feeling?" Cam asks. "Doing any better?"

"Well, to be honest my eye is still killing me but other than that, fine. Nobody knows it happened though, aside from you guys."

"You didn't tell your parents?" Nash asks.

"No," I say. "I didn't." Which is true, they abandoned me and I have no idea where they are and whether they're alive or not; how could I tell them under those circumstances?

Nash takes out his phone. "Aw man, I have to go. I gotta pick up Hayes from his friends."

"Didn't he bike there?" Cam asks.

"There's a hole in his bike tire. Idiot."

"Okay, I guess I'll leave then." I announce.

"It'll only be a little while. How about we all go to the beach or something, and I'll meet up with you guys." Nash suggests.

"I'm cool with that," Cam says. "Lily?"

"Sounds great!" I say. "I could use something to do."

"Cool," Nash says. "I'll see you guys in a half an hour."

"'Kay. " I reply. Nash walks out of the room, leaving me and Cam alone.

"So," I ask. "Now what?"

"Let's just leave now," Cam suggests, standing up and going to the door. "We can wait for him to get there."

"Okay." I say, and Cam and I exit the house and get into a blue truck. Cam drives us to the beach.

"So, tell me about yourself." I ask.

"Um, why?" Cam asks. He looks left and right, and then continues out of the neighborhood.

"Because I'm in a truck driving with someone I have no knowledge about. You're practically a stranger."

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"The basic stuff." I reply. "Name, birthday, age, favorite food, family, etcetera. And anything else you want to tell me."

"Only if you tell me the same." Cam bargains.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Deal. Okay, go."

"My name is Cameron Dallas. I'm 19 and my birthday is September 8th. My favorite food, well I love food in general but probably chicken enchiladas. I have a sister, and a dog but that's it. Also," Cam quickly takes his eyes off the road to look at me. "I think you're amazing."

I feel my cheeks get red, and an awkward giggle comes out of me. "Thanks. That's really sweet."

I sit there stupidly with a smile on my face for a good thirty seconds before I snap back into reality.

"Oh! Sorry! Umm.. So my name is Lily Foster, my birthday is May 13, I'm 17. My favorite food is definitely Nutella-"

"That's a spread." Cam interrupts while breaking for a red light.

"Well I eat it all by itself so I consider it a food. Do you want me to continue or not?"

"Sorry, keep going." The light turns green and Cam keeps driving.

"Also, You're an amazing person too."

"Thanks. I try to be. So... What,um...What about your family?" Cam asks.

"Oh, um, I'm an only child,and that's pretty much all there is about my family." I say. And it is all there is to my family...At least, as far as I know.

Cam parks the car in the parking spot on the edge of the sand and cement. "We're here." He says. "Wanna just stay in the car and wait? It's kinda hot outside."

"Sure," I respond, unbuckling and swinging a towel Cam gives me over my shoulder. "So, what do we do while we wait."

"Talk?" Cam says. " there's not much else to do."

"Okay. " I answer." I'll start. I'm glad I bumped into you two yesterday."

Cam replies,"I'm glad we found you, and I'm glad you're okay. Are you sure your eye is fine? It's still black."

"It's been a day, Cam. " I say matter-of-factly. "Of course it's still black. And it still hurts, yeah, but nothing I can't tolerate."

"You know, it's weird. I feel like I can tell you anything." Cam says after a brief moment of silence.

"No, I get it." I reply.
" I know this is out of the blue... Can I tell you something?" Cam asks.

I turn to him, he turns to me. I am curious. "What is it?"

"I feel like even though we just met yesterday, I feel like I've known you my whole life." He pauses, and then embarrassedly laughs. "It's stupid, I know." Cam says.

I shrug. "It's not stupid at all. Some people just have that kind of connection with each other."
Cam smiles. "Well if I'm going to have the kind of connection with someone, I'm glad it's with you." He winks at me and I roll my eyes, trying to play off the fact that I'm blushing so much I'm sure my faces is as red as a tomato.

All of a sudden, I feel skin on my hand. I jerk it back and see that Cam was reaching for it. He seems hurt. "Sorry." He apologizes.
"No, you're fine, Cam, it just-" I begin to explain, but Nash knocks on the window.

"I'm here!" He says, with a childish grin on his face. Worst. Timing. Ever.

Can starts to open the door. "Cam-" I say. I feel bad, if it hadn't startled me I wouldn't have jerked away.

"Forget it." He says. "It doesn't matter. It's fine." And slams the door. I just stare at the door, full of guilt...even though it's not a big deal at all. Then, my door opens and I get yanked out. I scream. My body is flipped around and it's just Nash. "Did I scare you?" He asks, laughing.

"Um, yeah. Don't do that again." I respond.
"Then don't take so long to get out of a stinkin' truck." He replies smiling.

I feel someone looking at me, and I see a sad Cam. It's not obvious, I can just tell by the way he talked to me minute ago. I realize Nash's hands are still on my arms and we are really close together , and that's what Cam is looking at.

I leave Nash quickly and walk to Cam. I'm right in front of him, and he starts walking away. I grab his shoulders, and spin him around so he's facing me.

"Cam, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry I moved my hand, it startled me. It's not a big deal."I apologize.

"I'm not mad about that, Lily. But I'm just not really in the mood for watching that for hours." He replies.

"What?" I ask. Then I understand. " Cam, you can't be serious. That's nothing, why is it such a big deal to you?"

"You seemed to be fine with it. I see the way you look at-"

"And is it any different than the way I look at you?!" I snap back. "Is it Cam? I've known you both for hardly a day, why would I see you as anything else but friends? I can't believe you're getting so hung up on this. I said I was sorry..." I bite my lip and look away from Cam. "I give up. I'm sorry you feel that way, Cam."

I stomp the long trek through the sand to the water. I spread out my towel at the edge of dry sand and sit down, almost to tears. Maybe I didn't handle this the best way, maybe I'll look back and this and think I'm overreacting, but right now it doesn't feel like it.

I have no idea why I'm getting so emotional over this. It's stupid really. I'm just frustrated that he won't listen and be logical about it.

Now the tears come out. My body shakes as I cry. It's awful, and I want to go home, but I can't. Cam is my ride and I don't feel like getting in that truck anytime soon. I feel hands on my arms that lift me up, flip me around, and put me into a standing position. I'm mad at who it is.

Nash's POV

I'm just standing by the truck while Cam and Lily are having an argument. It looks like a stupid one, but they're into it. I decide not to get involved because that could be weird. I watch as Lily stomps off and out of sight. Cam walks to me and says. "I'm gonna go talk to her a sec. Stay here."

"Fine by me." I reply. "Good luck."

Cam runs off, and I stay put. Girls can be so dramatic. I almost feel bad for Cam, having to deal with that.

Lily's POV

"What do you want Cam. I left for a reason. Why'd you follow me?" I ask. I try to get his hands off my arm, but they don't budge.

"Were you telling the truth?" he asks me seriously. "Back there, in the truck, the whole time, was it all true?"

"I wouldn't lie, Cam." I reply.

Suddenly, Cam pulls me into a hug. I'm startled by it at first, but I hug him back. I hear him begin to cry. I didn't realize boys could be this emotional, but they're human just like girls I guess .

"I'm sorry I was being so stupid." Cam says.

"It's fine," I reply. "I shouldn't have stomped off. I'm sorry I did that... and that I yelled at you."

"It's fine." Cam says. "You had every reason to be upset at me."

We continue to hug, not saying anything, when I pull away and ask, "so when I came to Nash's house today, what were you too whispering about?"

His eyes get big. "You didn't hear us did you?"

"I might have," I reply, smirking. "But I'm glad. It was very nice."

"Don't let it go to your head." Cam says.

"Too late." I say. I walk away, and peck his cheek before I pass him completely.

I keep walking and look back for a split second. Cam hasn't turned, moved, nothing. I giggle and keep walking. Nash comes into my vision and I run to him.

"Everything okay?" He asks.

"Yep!" I say. " Cam got sidetracked, but he'll be here soon enough. So what are we gonna do?"

//so that's the end of part 2! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, but I will assure you that IT'S GONNA GET BETTER!!😄😄 I'll try to update ASAP ☺️

/\This chapter is extremely long and the chapters won't always be like that I promise, never as long as this one.

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