The Wolf Rejected the Twink {...

By -yxungest

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Enzo Olivieri is a Beta in the Blood Horizon Pack with his best friend and becoming Alpha, Zev Waters. When E... More

note + cast + playlist
The Wolf Rejected the Twink
Ivan: Live My Life
Enzo: Bonds
Ivan: The New Guy
Enzo: Beta's Dirty Little Secret
Ivan: Hate
Enzo: A Beta's Stubbornness
Ivan: All About Eyes
Enzo: The Human's Help
Ivan: His Lovely Touch
Ivan: Safe
Enzo: Oh No
Ivan: Going Through Motions
Enzo: Bang!
Enzo: He's The One Person I Will Ever Love
Ivan: The Art of Magic
Enzo: The Human Heart
Ivan: In A Flash
Enzo: The Return
Ivan: The Bite
Enzo: The Witch, The Werewolf, and the War {Part I}
Enzo: The Witch, The Werewolf, and The War {Part II}
Ivan: Kind Of Perfect Moment
Enzo: I'll Protect You
Ivan: The Mating Ceremony
Enzo: The New Power
Ivan: Darling, You'll Be Okay {Part I}
Ivan: Darling, You'll Be Okay {Part II}
Enzo: Hidden Thoughts
Ivan: "Welcome" Home
Enzo: Jayden's Here!
Ivan: He's Gone
Enzo: Echoed the Walls
Ivan: We Have Work To Do
Enzo: Soon
Ivan: Favorite Weapon
Enzo: Dream
Ivan: Shaky Hands & Sudden Deaths
Enzo: All Choked Up
Ivan: The Twink Rejected the Wolf
Enzo: Eyes Wide Open
Ivan: Believe Part: I
Ivan: Believe Part: II
Enzo: Don't Leave Me Alone
Ivan: The Bloody Claws
Enzo: Dear Friend
Ivan: Fate Calls
Enzo: Hi, HellØ
Author's Note!

Ivan: Helping the Omega

10K 425 50
By -yxungest

        Luka wouldn't talk. I don't blame him. I clearly head shot his Alpha in front of him and his buddies but I didn't have time for Werewolves to bitch at each other about Luka, calling me a twink, and me being someone's bitch. All we wanted Luka and that's it. I glanced at the boy who was dragging his dirty and long nails on the kitchen table, leaving scratch marks. His eyes were on the table and he didn't move an inch. Zev and Enzo were glaring at him and trying to get him to talk but they don't understand that the boy wanted privacy. 

        "We should leave him alone a bit," I said. They looked at me with dumbfound looks. "What do you mean? He's a Omega," Enzo said.

        "I'm a Rogue!" Luka screamed. Those were the first words that Luka said since we got back to the pack house.

        "You will not scream in this house, Omega!" Zev roared and slammed his fists on the table.

        "Bite me," Luka sneered and resumed dragging his nails on the table.

        "I know who can talk to him," I said quickly.

        "Who? If he can't talk to Werewolves and a Human, who would?" Zev asked.

        "The only person who's the same kind as him."


        Corianne was a sweetheart to Luka. He answered her back with one word answers but, at least, he was answering her questions. I bit my bottom lip when I saw Corianne reached out to touch Luka's hand. He flinched and moved away, glaring at her for almost touching her. She smiled sadly, understanding quickly. Luka's eyes softened and moved back to his place.

        "How can she be so...gentle to an Omega? It's odd," Zev mumbled. I looked at him. He was watching them with a disgusted look.

        "It's called being nice to one another. You should try it sometime," I snapped.

        Zev gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked away. "Whatever. They disgust me."

        "And I disgust you," I whispered. I heard his footsteps stopped moving. I didn't turn around to see his expression. I knew about the Omegas being the lowest of low but I didn't know they were treated bad. How would Enzo feel if I was a Rogue or an Omega? Would he still want me as a mate? Would he reject me still? I frowned about the thought. It's not like Enzo cared about me. He only cared if I was his and that's it. Corianne got up and started walking in my direction.

        "He said that Ivan killed his father and that he wants him dead, Corianne announced. I wasn't surprised about him wanting me dead but I was a bit surprised that I killed his father. I would be angry if someone killed my father, even though my father was close to killing me with a single bullet to the head.

        "What's the plan, Enzo?" Zev asked. I looked at Enzo who had a thinking face. His teeth was chewing on his bottom lip and his head was tilted. If the boy wasn't going to answer to Corianne, then he could answer to me. I walked towards Luka and he leaned his back on the chair, his eyes ready to kill.

        I sat across from him and blurted out, "My father tried to kill me." 

        His eyes widen from my confession. He didn't say anything as I continued. "I was protecting Enzo because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Finding about your family's secret won't be the same anymore. I killed your father because he pissed me off. He was going to give up anyways. I would like to say sorry but I'm not sorry."

        Luka's eyes went to the table and he stopped dragging his nails on the table.

        "He's not really my father. I thought of him as my father but not anymore since he tried to trade us. He wasn't a good leader either," Luka said and chuckled darkly.

        "Then why did you stay? Why didn't you ask anyone for help? I asked softly.

        Luka's eyes snapped to mine and he frowned. "An Omega has no rights. If you're born as an Omega, you're already dead. You're someone's sex slave, some bitch. I will not be that. I will be known as an Rogue, someone who can kill in the night, a real Werewolf."

        "So you think hurting my best friend will make you a real Werewolf?"

        He shook his head slowly, confusion in his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

        I glared at him. "You know what I'm talking about. A boy with long brown hair, brown eyes, slim, and has a cut on his neck, the cut you made that almost killed him."

        "I don't know who or what you're talking about."

        I sighed. I wasn't getting anywhere. In the back of my head, a voice was telling me he didn't attack my best friend. Then why did Enzo and Zev bring him here? What was he going to do for me? But now that I think about it, he wouldn't have to be around with a bunch of killer Werewolves. We could take him back to his real family and they could see that being an Omega wasn't a disappointment.

        "Come on, let's take you home," I said as I got up.

        "I have no one. You might as well leave me dead," he answered.

        "The last thing I want for you is death. Now that I know you didn't hurt my best friend, Enzo and Zev lied to me."

        "Not to be a nosy person, but what what hell happened?"

        "Someone attacked my friend and I want to know who and why. They won't get away with this."

        Luka raised an eyebrow and a smirk started to form on his lips. "Wow. I never met a Human who has the balls to kill a Werewolf, unless they're a Warrior."

        "What makes you think I'm not a Warrior?" I asked, warning him to answer him.

        "Unless everyone in this house is clueless, ignores it, or stupid. They don't know what you are, do they?"

        I slowly sat down and saw that his smirk was getting wider. How could he tell what I am? I knew it was uncommon for Humans to be like this but it's not like I wanted to be this. I knew I was different from Humans but I wasn't completely different because there were Werewolves running around the fucking Earth.

        "Why do I smell a dead cow in here?"

        I looked over my shoulder to see Alexander with a disgusted look on his face. When his blue eyes went to Luka, his eyes went cold and he actually growled at him.

        "What the fuck is an Omega doing here? Shouldn't they be dead or hunted by Warriors?" He growled. I felt all the adrenaline rush through my veins. My heart started to race but my mind was only thinking about hitting Alexander. And I did. I swung around and slapped him as hard as I could. His head turned to the left, leaving a red hand print on his cheek.

        "How dare you say that to him? He is not known as a Omega or Rogue. He is known as Luka, a Werewolf. If you, Zev, and Enzo can't seem to understand that, then we're leaving," I said coldly. Zev and Enzo rushed towards us as Alexander growled at me. I didn't flinch nor fought back. I will not show I am afraid. I will not cry or show fear.

        "Oh God. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be with mommy and daddy?" Luka said with mockery. Luka got up and stood next to me with his arms over his chest.

        "At least mom and dad loves me. They could never love you," Alexander hissed. They had the same brown hair but Luka's hair was lighter. They had almost the same smirk but their eyes were different due to their status.

        "I thought you said had a little sister," I said, looking at Alexander with a raised an eyebrow. Alexander opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it. "You lied about having a brother because he's an Omega?" I asked, understanding the situation. He nodded.

        "How fucking mean can you get? He's out trying to live and you're out going to school, meeting people, and have a house under your roof? He could die and you wouldn't care, would you?" I spat.

        His blue eyes made my skin crawl. "I could careless about a stupid Omega. Why do you care so much? You hate us anyways."

        "I hate the ones who piss me off. You kill Omega for their status, you kill your own kind for what? For doing nothing other than trying to survive. You. Make. Me. Sick," I said slowly.

        Alexander's expression changed from being mad to sad and ashamed. Good. I hope what he's doing to his brother caused him the same pain that he did for his little brother. I looked back at Luka who was looking at me with his glowing red eyes. He looked like he wanted to cry but he held it back.

        "T-thank you," he said softly. I winked at him before grabbing his arm and dragging him upstairs to the room I will be staying in. My phone ring loudly, causing Luka to jump.

        I pressed Answer, without looking at the caller ID, and placed the phone on my ear. "Hello?"

        "Where the fuck have you been? Mom and dad are worried sick about you," Nicki almost screamed.

        I rolled my eyes, not happy that she called me. "I'm at Jayden's house. I told them already."

        "Jayden's not home, nor his family, or anyone! The house is filled with police though. What the hell happened?"

        My blood turned cold. Why would the police be there? Enzo didn't call the police because he told me he called me first. Once they find out that Jayden's not inside, they're going to call his family and wonder where the hell he is. And his little brother! I groaned loudly and Luka gave me a questioning look.

        "I'm fine. Just tell mom and dad that I'm at Jayden's okay? Can you do that for me?"

        "I don't know Ivan. They—"

        "Please? For your brother?"

        Nicki was silent for a few seconds before sighing loudly and movement was heard. "You so owe me, man."

        The line went dead. I put my phone back in my pocket and laid down on th bed with my hand behidn my head. Luka followed me but he moved a bit closer to me, almost having his head on my stomach. I was going to close my eyes when I heard howls ring my ears. I flinched when the howls got louder and the roars took over.

        "You don't like the howls, do you?" Luka whispered.

        "Who does?" I mumbled. I looked out of the window to see a full moon shining brightly, a few Werewolves howling and running around the woods. Another thing I hated about Werewolves was that they would howl whenever a full moon appeared. My family doesn't know about that I would stay up all night to watch the moon turn into a sun because of the howls (or roars) because it was so loud. It didn't make me shiver in fear or want me to close my ears whenever I heard them. Its wasn't a beautiful sound either. It was an annoying calling for Werewolves, it was idiotic to me.

        "I should be eating but those assholes would freak out if I do. Why do you hang out with them?" Luka asked and lifted his head up.

        I frowned and said, "I'm not. Someone almost killed my best friend and I'm trying to figure out who."

        "What if I did hurt your friend? Would you kill me?"

        I looked at him dead in the eyes. "If you did, you would have been dead right now."

        His red eyes flashed with shock and almost sadness.

        "But I have a soft spot for children so you're lucky."

        Luka closed his eyes and placed his head back on the bed, breathing softly. I closed my eyes too but then opened them when I felt a hot breathe breathing down on my face. I was staring at a man with black hair and red eyes. His mouth was open, growling and hissing when I tried to move away from him. His face showed with hunger. I was paralyzed. I wasn't terrified but his face...I've seen it before.

        I gasped and sat up when I saw Luka standing at me with worried eyes.

        "Are you okay?" He said.

        I looked over my shoulder to see a Werewolf with red eyes staring at me.

        This time, I didn't wave. "Ethan?"

        The Wolf disappeared in the night.

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