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By -laughingheights-

74.9K 2.5K 1.4K

darling, how could you be so blind? They look at each other. One hurt, scarred and in pain. The other stoic a... More

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1.9K 91 50
By -laughingheights-


Tom made sure to have a solid grip on Angelina before apparating back to their hotel room.


"I despise apparition." Angelina groaned. "Why are we here, Tom?"

Tom sat down on the bed, he scoffed," Would you rather we stay there?"

Angelina sat next to him, she rested her back against the head board, "Absolutely not, your uncle was eyeing me like a piece of meat."

Tom moved closer to her, she slightly backed up against the head board. "Strange man wasn't he?" she murmured.


Angelina gasped slightly as his cold hand rested on her thigh. Tom moved closer to her, she reciprocated his actions. Tom removed his coat, she did the same. His wands went up her skirt. Her back arched slightly. His fingers found the clip that attached her tights to her thong, he unclipped them.

His hands slid her tights to her knees, exposing her thighs. A hand rested behind her neck. Tilting her head sideways, Tom kissed her. Angelina's hands rested on Tom's shoulders bringing him closer to her.

"Tom." She managed to say as his mouth continued to kiss her neck. Tom sucked a certain spot on her neck that made her moan.

His lips found their way back to hers. They were soft and gentle. His tongue traced the insides of her cheeks before she could complete her sentence. She felt overwhelmed. She wanted more of whatever he was doing to her. It was addictive.

"Tom," she breathed, in that moment Tom never wanted to let her go. She gave him life. His arms brought her closer to him. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest.

Tom's lips attached to her jaw.

Kissing, caressing, biting anything he could latch onto. In that moment he knew, he knew he would give up everything for the woman in his arms. She was his salvation. She wanted him to take her. She didn't want a refund.

Finally they pulled away, foreheads resting against each other, both of them breathing heavily, their chests falling and rising in perfect sync.

Angelina smiled up at him. She saw something in his eyes, she had never seen before and in that moment she realized something. The fact was sacred, holy even.

"You're mine, 'lina. Only mine."

Angelina's heart fluttered at the nickname. Soon enough, she had drifted to a well-deserved slumber.

But Tom Riddle had different plans. Once he saw, Angelina was out, he apparated back to his uncle's shack.

He found Morfin in the same room where he left him, Tom immediately disarmed him of his wand and any weapon. Tom stunned his uncle and took his wand before he left for the Riddle mansion.

It was quite dark. Tom's dark attire helped him look one with the darkness. He was practically dressed like death herself. He made his way up the hill, his eyes lit up as he saw a manor standing all mighty on the hill.

What made him even happier was the lights were on and it looked like the Riddle's were enjoying family time.

Tom walked up the door of the manor that he could have grown up with a loving family. But fate had decided otherwise for him.

He rang the doorbell and knocked on the door three times. Tom waited for a few moments. He didn't want to barge in and he truly did not want to look suspicious. He wanted to portray himself as a child needing his father, so he came in search for him.


If Tom could do anything, it was to get rid of any filth attached to his name.

He could hear shuffling behind the door. A man who looked as if he was in his mid-forties opened the door. The resemblance between him and Tom was uncanny.

They looked like older and younger versions of one man.

And both men were a good sight to see.

"May I come in, father?"

Tom didn't say father affectionately rather it was taunt.

Tom Riddle Sr. moved out of the way and let his own son that he sired years ago enter his house. He knew that he had to face this day. The day his and Merope's child confronted him on his absence.

"This way," he led Tom into his drawing room.


He was leading to his own death bed and the angel of death was, well his own flesh and blood, his son.

A grown couple was sat on the sofa.

"Honey, who was it-," the woman was silenced by both Toms entering the room. The younger one looked exactly like her son.

"Mother, this is my son with that tramp." Riddle Sr. spoke.

Tom felt anger bubble in his chest. He wasn't worthy of insulting his late mother who made Tom as worthy he was.

"Father," Tom's cold voice cut through like a knife," I advise you to start thinking before you speak. I will not tolerate you talking about my mother like that."

"She put me under a spell and made me wed her. She was evil at the purest."

Tom wanted to laugh at him, he hadn't met his son yet then.

"What spell?"

"You're just like her, aren't you? A wizard or witch, she told me."

Tom nodded, pulling out his ivory wand from his pocket. Twirling it between his fingers as he stood leaned against the wall.

"You didn't answer my question father. What spell?"

Tom Riddle Sr. shifted his spot. "The imperius curse."

Tom felt a weight lift off his chest; he wasn't conceived under a love potion. That meant that he could love her, but why someone so good would love a person like him.

"I was lonely at the orphanage,"

Tom Riddle Sr. cut him off," I am sorry."

"Don't cut me off," Tom raised a finger at him," I was abandoned, alone and scared. Until one day, a girl walked into my life, she became my best friend. She's too pure for this world. She is the only person I care about and will only give a damn about. I plan on making her mine."

"Are you asking for our consent?" Tom's grandmother spoke.

"No you filthy muggles," he spat," I'm here to tell you that you're not going to live to see your bloodline continue."

Tom Riddle Sr. asked, "What do you mean?"

"I am here to be rid of you, father. This is your end. Feel free to plea, I'm not listening."

Tom maneuvered forward, his wand aimed at Tom Riddle Sr. father's. Green light emitted his wand as he took the old man's life.

Tom Riddle Sr. and his mother let out a wail.

"Do you feel sadness overcoming you? Crashing in? Like you can't escape?" he asked," because I felt that too."

Tom took his grandmother's life next, not even hesitating for a second.

They deserved it.

"If you had just accepted my mother, and raised me with her. I would've never been like this."

"God help her, who is going to do the undoing of your deeds."

"Indeed, God help my Angel." He whispered as he raised his wand to do something unforgivable.

Angelina's eyes fluttered open. She blinked multiple times trying to get rid of the blurriness. The room was bright, sun peaked into the room through the big windows. She tilted her head to the side to see Tom sleeping, he looked peaceful.

He finally looked as if he wasn't scheming something which he tended to do a lot. His dark hair rested on his forehead, covering his eyes and small frown was placed on his lips that Angelina thought was adorable.

She slid out of his embrace and headed to the bathroom. She let her nightie slide the floor and stood under the running shower. A sigh left her lips as warm water hit her sore shoulders, she felt her muscles relaxing as water trickled down her petite figure.

Once done drying down, she dressed herself and added some petroleum jelly do her chapped lips. She glanced at Tom, who was still asleep and pondered whether he was sleeping peacefully.

With one last fleeting look, she departed the hotel and headed up the small hill. She found herself stopping in front of a small fruit shop. Fresh fruits were kept in crates, Angelina reached out to grab a green apple, and she picked it up to her face and smelled it.

"It's all fresh darlin'," an old woman from behind the counter spoke.

Angelina walked towards the counter, a small playing on her lips," I would like this one only."

"Do you need a bag dear?" the woman asked.

"No, I'm going to eat this on my walk," Angelina replied pulling out a pound to pay the woman. "Keep the change,"

"Are you from around here dear?" the woman asked, smiling.

"I'm visiting some distant family here with my fiancée; it is my first time here."

"Oh, that's nice. Have a good day dear and be careful! This town isn't very safe anymore." The woman called out as Angelina exited the shop. She momentarily stopped and shook her head and went on with her walk.

With taking the last bite of her apple and tossing the remains into a dump, Angelina approached the forest she visited last night, her wand clutched in her dominant hand. She casted a silencing spell on herself, something she and Tom didn't cast night.

The woods looked the same, just as dark and unnerving. She walked deeper into the woods. The hut was nowhere to be found. Angelina walked into a clearing that was more of a valley. It gave Angelina an eerie feeling. She walked up to a graveyard that was visible from the valley.

Beyond the graveyard stood a manor in its glory but the manor did not seem unoccupied. A small crowd of people stood with their heads turned towards the door. Angelina approached a woman and gently tapped her shoulder.

"Would you mind telling me what happened here ma'am?" Angelina's doe eyes gazed into the woman's grey orbs.

"A massacre," the woman shook her head," The whole family was found dead in the morning by the gardener." Her voice sounded foreign to English. She sounded as if she had a French or even Russian accent.

Angelina's eyes widened slightly and she questioned," Any suspects?"

The woman shook her head once more and a hollow laugh left her lips," There is no sign of harassment or injury. It is if they all were knocked out of life at the same time."

Angelina's eyes scanned the crowd," Did you know any of them?"

"Their boy," the woman paused," I knew him."

"How well did you know him? Do you know someone who would want to hurt him?"

"Him and I, we used to be in love before reality waltzed into my life."

Angelina paused, her eyes scanned the woman's. She wanted to know everything about the woman. And in that moment she understood Tom's want and need to know everything.

"What was his name, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Riddle, Tom Riddle."

Angelina fled, she ran to the graveyard. A crashing pain came over her head as a vision played in front her eyes.

She was in the graveyard but it was night time, the pace was even more unnerving if that could be possible.

"I've been here before, in a dream." The voice echoed through her mind, before the voice started to struggle and fall to the ground. It was a boy. A young one.

"Harry, what is it?" Another voice questioned.

"Get back to the cup," the boy named Harry insisted.

"Who are you, what do you want?"

Her vision got clearer, she could see everything play before her eyes as if she was there, and ironically she was.

"Kill the spare." A ghost like voice spoke.

It was a baby cradled in a plump man's arms but the baby was anything but one.

"Avada Kedarva!" the man spoke, Angelina let out a strangled cry. She wanted this to stop.

"NO," they both wailed.

Harry screamed," CEDRIC!"

The boy lay dead on the ground, Angelina mustered the courage to get up.

"Come on Angelina, fight it." Tom's voice echoed through her head. He taught her how to suppress her visions but today it was not happening.

Pain crashed back and Angelina stumbled to the ground, trying to breathe. She was back in the graveyard but in her reality. But her breath was caught in her chest, she couldn't breathe.

"Young girl, breathe."

Angelina clutched her hands to her chest, trying to take deep breaths. The woman she talked to earlier was crouched beside her, re-assuring her.

"Deep breathes; it helped me all the time when my father and brother got mad at me." The woman talked as Angelina's breathing became stable slowly. The woman rubbed Angelina's back as she comforted her.

"It's going to be alright, it will be fine, dear girl."

The woman showed Angelina motherly love, something she had but was deprived of it.

"Thank you." Angelina whispered as she felt her heart go back to normal.

"Who are you, ma'am? You said you knew the Riddles."

"I did until I died sixteen years ago," the woman with brown hair and gray eyes spoke. Angelina scrambled away from her.

"Are you a ghost?" Angelina's hand went into her pocket but her pocket was empty.

"No, don't be afraid. I'm not here to hurt you,"

Angelina looked around for someone, anyone. This woman in front of her was insane and in the possession of her wand.

"Give me my wand back." Angelina stood up, she stood a solid two inches taller than the woman and when she had her chin up, she looked even taller.

The woman handed it to her.

"I couldn't cast a spell even if I was alive."

"Who are you?" Angelina frowned.

"I'm my son's mother," the woman looked up to the sky, a muscle in her jaw twitched," dead mother."

"I don't understand how you are here?" Angelina had her wand in her hand, she felt secure. "What are you?"

"You're special, Angelina." The woman stalked forward," You wanted me here; you wanted to know his mother, his family. You wanted to know why my son is filled of hatred, so you accompanied him here. You want answers."

"Tom," Angelina's voice was a mere whisper, her eyes widened as realization hit her like a bulger. "H-he did this, didn't he?"

The woman shook her head wearily.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." Angelina said trying to control herself and her emotions. The thing about emotions is that if you show too little, you are titled as heartless or emotionless but if you show too many you are said to be dramatic.

"You're blocking me out, dear. I don't have much time left here," the woman grabbed Angelina's hand and caressed her cheek, "Love my son, take care of him, don't let him go off the deep end. If he gets carried away with all of this, he's going to become a monster and he will die without happiness or love. Tell him you need him, stay with him but do not let him continue all of this." She motioned to the house that was on fire behind them.

"Please do me a favor, do his dead mother a favor, dear girl. Make him be able to love. Take care of him. Don't leave him alone."

A tear rolled down Angelina's cheek, "I won't let you down, Merope."

And with that she was gone but her cold touch still picked at Angelina's cheek.



bet you didn't expect that. i want to change the book to lowercase, should i do it?

⁺ ˖˚ ♡ ⁺ ˖˚

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