Tom Holland Imagines

By tom_holland76

231K 1.8K 997

This is a book of imagines about Tom Holland. Will include ones of Peter Parker as well. Some stories may inc... More

I'd Never Forget You
Christmas Miracle
Our First Kiss
I'm No Zendaya
Just Ok
So You've Been Lying
One Direction
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 1)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 2)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 3)
First Look
Red Carpet Ready
I Can't Anymore (Part 1)
I Can't Anymore (Part 2)
A Forever Family
The Accident
Moving On
Teenage Romance
Blind Date
Y/N Stark (Part 1)
Y/N Stark (Part 2)
Summer Love
Gone Wrong
F*ck Boy Holland (Part 2)
What Came After
Years Apart (Part 1)
Take Care of You
Accident's Happen (Part 2)
I'll Protect You

Far Away

4.4K 48 9
By tom_holland76

I loved Tom. Every single part of him. His brown curls. His eyes. His kind sweet personality. The way he cares for me. How he will pick me up when I'm down. Care for me when I'm sick. He makes me feel safe. 

But there's just one thing I don't like. It's not necessarily his fault. But it's the distance. Because of his job he's always away. Away from me. 

I know that it's selfish to want him around me all the time but I love him. However I would never stop him. He's living his dream. The smile he brings how when he does that is amazing. It lights up my day. 

However sometimes it gets hard. Coming home to an empty house. No one to share nights with. It's hard. 

Today was one of those nights. I had gotten in from work ordered a pizza and was now sat in bed watching a film. I was sat on Tom's side of the bed in one of his hoodies. It just made me feel closer to him. The fact I could smell his cologne still was comforting. It was almost two months since he left. The daily FaceTime calls weren't enough anymore. 

I was falling asleep when my phone started buzzing. I looked at it and saw a call from Tom. 

"Hiya baby," I answered. 

''Hi darling. How was your day?'' 

''It was alright Tommy. But you tell me about your day. You're the famous actor,'' I laughed. 

He started telling me about his day. His eyes lit up when he talked about his job. He entered this other level of happiness about his job. It warmed my heart to see. It was great that he was so passionate about something. 

He was talking about a stunt he had to do and I must have drifted off into thought as I heard him call my name. 



"Are you ok?" 

"Just listening Tommy," I smiled. 

It was about 1am for me when we started the call and it was now 3am. It was the only we could talk to each other due to the time difference. But it was all worth it. Just to see my Tom. Even if it was through a camera. Anything was better than text.

 I let out a big yawn. My eyes getting heavy. I was used to getting no sleep when he's away. I wanted to spend every moment I could talking to him. 

"Y/N what time is it back home?" 

"3am. What time is it in LA?" 

"7pm," he sighed. "Look darling go get some sleep. You have to be up for work in the morning. I love you." 

"I love you too," I smiled hanging up the call. 

It broke my heart every time I had to say good bye to him. I never got used to it. I couldn't take the distance. It was too much for me. Sat in bed getting lonely. No one to be with at night. 

He was right though. I had work in the morning and needed the sleep. We had to end the call. Tom had told me so many times to quit my job. I never liked it anyway. And it wasn't like we needed the money. I could find something else to do. 

I had quite a big following on Instagram before I even met Tom. And since then it had only grown. I had always wanted to do that as job. 

Maybe this loneliness that I was feeling was the kickstart I needed. I could quit my job. Travel the world with Tom. We wouldn't have to spend months apart from each other all the time if we did. 

This wasn't something I had decided to do on the spot either. I had been thinking about it for a while. Maybe now was the right time. 

I had a sudden wave of confidence to text my boss and tell him I was quitting my job. Yes it was 3am. But I didn't care. I was done with that dead end job anyway. I'd sent the message telling him I wasn't coming to work anymore. 

The next thing to do was to book flights. I'd quit my job for a reason. To spend time with Tom. It all felt right. Like things were clicking into place. 

It was the next day and I was in a taxi on my way to Heathrow Airport on the phone to Tom's PA. 

"So he doesn't know I'm coming?" 

"No not a clue." 

I got on really well with Tom's PA. She was practically my best friend. After all when I did visit Tom I'd spend my time with her whilst he was filming. 

"Yay," I squealed. "Ok so I arrive in LA about 3pm. Can you send me a car. I want to surprise him at the house." 

"It's all sorted Y/N. Don't worry just have a safe flight." 

"Thank you so much. I'll see you soon," I said hanging up the phone. 

Tom had bought a house in LA considering he spent so much time there. So I didn't have to bring too much with me when I went. I already stuff there. I just brought some extra clothes and my chargers. 

The flight was 11 hours. I hated flying. It made my skin dry out and I always felt like crap afterwards. But it was better if I had Tom there. He always found someway to entertain me as I got bored quickly. However, he wasn't there to do that this time. 

Once we had landed I found the car that Tom's PA sent me and it took us to the house. I went in and dropped my suitcase in our room and sat on the sofa. It was 4pm here and Tom always called me at 5pm when he was on his way back from set. I was feeling a bit jet lagged and decided to take a nap on the sofa. I woke up about an hour later to Tom facetiming me. 

"Hiya darling." 

"Hi Tom, good day?" I smiled. 

It was taking everything in me not to tell him I was here waiting for him. 

"Yeah it was good. Tired though. Can't wait to go to bed." He stopped talking for a moment and looked puzzled. "Where are you darling?" 

"Oh, I'm just at a friends house," I brushed off his question. "How long until you get back from set?" 

"Erm about 20 minutes." 

I spent the next 20 minutes talking to him. Trying to hide my excitement. I looked out the window and saw Tom's car pull up. 

"I have to go Tommy. I'm getting tired. But I'll talk to you tomorrow ok? I love you." 

I saw him look down and sigh. I could tell he was upset. After all we barley got anytime to talk to each other. 

"Oh ok. I love you." 

I smiled and put down the phone. I was still sat in the living room when I heard him come through the front day. 

A few moments later he walked into the living room. Stopping in his tracks. Looking shocked. Looking at me intently. Not quite believing if I was real. 

"Surprise," I squealed before running over to him. 

I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist. Before of us holding each other tighter than we ever had before. His sent instantly calmed me. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. Finally feeling safe again. 

"What... what are you doing here?" He whispered setting me down on the sofa. 

"Well. I finally decided to leave that dead end job of mine. So instead of sitting home alone sad and alone I thought I'd spend the time with you. You know because your life is so boring here with out me," I laughed. 

He suddenly cupped his hands to my face pulling me in for a deep kiss. It caught me off guard. But it was long over due. After the kiss he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. 

"I can't believe your here. You have no idea how much I missed you. I love you so much." He leaned backwards and looked confused. Cocking his head to one side. 

"Wait did you say you quit your job? Darling you didn't have to do that for me." 

"Believe me Tom I wanted to quit that dead end job. And here is where I'd rather be," I smiled. 

I yawned and leaned into his chest. He pulled me in close. Wrapping and arm around me. Not wanting to let me go. 

"I'm tired from the plane ride and jet lag in kicking in. Sorry I'm not more fun," I joked. 

Tom kissed the top of my head and started to stroke my hair. 

"All that matters to me is that your here darling," he muttered. 

I began falling asleep cuddled into Tom. Feeling safe. No longer feeling lonely. Quitting my job was the best decision I had every made. Knowing that no longer had to be far from Tom for long period of time made me happier. Happy that I could spend more time with the person I loved. Not feel so lonely anymore. 

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