Nesscas Oneshots Galore

By Zuch124

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Nesscas and mild Clausten I don't own most characters I don't own any art I plan to make a lot of these Also... More

You and Me
Quickshot: Fun Dreams
Heist For The Ages
Lucky Draw
Neural Electronic Surveillance System
A Trip Together
Brawl In The Hall
I Can See Him
Schedule + Explanation
Camp Ultimate
I Am Thou
A Cult Following
LucasNess: Season 2
LucasNess: The Complete Collection
Room Mates
A Difficult Escape
A Radical Game
Lover Of The Seas
Take Your Time
One More Game
The Partners Crusade
Brother Battle
Run In
The Demon Dilemma
Sword Fighting
A Day At The Park
Rap Battle
Lost Signal
Small Note
The Rock
Another Trip Together
Can't Post
Rap Battle II
First Days
Break Free
Lucas's Creepiness
AVGN Fighter Concept
Holy Infection
Short Notice
New Data
The Nice Guy
Cannot Into Space
Child Fuhrer
Home For The Holidays
I'm Still Here
Moving Up In The World Tonight
Game Over
Sub Liminal
Mission Impossible
All This Birthday and You Still Aren't Based
Hard Drive
Strike First
Analog of Fear
Analog of Madness

One Long Night

139 2 6
By Zuch124

"Why did we take this job again?"

All four boys stood in front what appeared to be a large warehouse. That was an understatement. It was a gigantic warehouse, far bigger than any other warehouse in the city. It was easily over a million square feet, odd for a warehouse, especially for the company that owned it. 

"Beacause..." Ninten turned around, walking backwards towards the building. "Nowhere else would hire four unexperienced, newly allowed to get a job, teenagers," Lucas looked up at the building and frowed. "I don't like this place...give me the heebie jeebies," Ness chuckled a little, as Lucas glared at him. "What? I've just never heard anyone over the age of five say heebie jeebies before," 

Claus looked at Ninten, and yawned. "You really couldn't find anywhere else? Like somewhere where our shifts don't start at midnight," Claus rubbed his eyes. "Hey, look," Ninten turned around. "If you three hadn't been busy playing that...what was it...Understory? and actually helped me look, we probably could've gotten better jobs. Like...trash boys at a Wendy's," Claus chuckled a little, while Ness looked at Ninten. "For the last time, I told you. It's Under-," Ness was cut off by a bright, illuminating light. The light appeared to be coming from a sign. Lucas looked up at the sign. It was a giant pizza, with what appeared to be a bear beside it. Bright neon words glowed under it.

Fazbear Entertainment Storage and Rentals.

"Wait wait in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. That restaurant with all the dead kids!?" Lucas took a few steps back. "I-I-I dunno if I want to do this..." Ness grabbed Lucas hand and smiled. "It'll be fine. And plus, we're getting payed," Lucas untensed up, as all the worry left his body. Something about Ness could make him forget all his troubles in an instant. If him and Ness were on an active battlefield, he would be as calm as a cucumber.

Lucas nodded, before continuing to walk, still holding Ness' hand. The four boys slowly approached the building, being careful as the blinding light made it hard to see. They eventually made it to a point where the light wasn't all bright anymore. This revealed a small door, directly under the sign. "Guess we're meant to go in here?" Claus shrugged, before going in first. Ninten followed suit, then Ness and Lucas.

When the boys entered, they noticed it was surprisingly dark. "The hell are the lights?" Claus felt around the nearby wall. All of a sudden, the area lit up, revealing that they were actually standing at the start of a long hallway. A voice appeared over the intercom. "Please deposit waivers in receptacle," The voice sounded human, yet robotic at the same time. Ninten nodded, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out four pieces of crumpled paper. He placed them in a small tray nearby. The tray left, disappearing into the wall. "Wait a second...waivers!?" Lucas' panic started to return. Ninten shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, we needed to sign them to get this I...y'know...may have forged your signatures...but only because every time I tried to talk to you all while you were playing that game, you'd just growl at me!" 

Lucas started to silently freak out. Ness, seeing this, started to rub his thumb on the back of Lucas' hand, in hopes it would calm him down. and it did. Lucas turned to Ness and gave a weak smile. "Thanks..."

The voice returned. "Please outfit yourselves, with Fazbear Entertainment's state of the art security guard uniform. It should be behind you," All four boys turned around, to see four jackets hanging from hooks. They walked over and put them on. The uniform was basic, consisting of a blue jacket, a badge, and walkie talkies. "See? We can even talk to each other from anywhere," Ness held up the walkie talkie. Lucas gave yet another weak smile. Ness' main goal for the night was to make Lucas feel safe and happy. He didn't even care about the job. Lucas was priority number one.

"Please progress down the hallway and into the elevator," The voice returning made all four boys jump a little. They did what they were told walking down the hall. The hall was quite big, and had pictures lining the walls. The pictures appeared to be of old restaurants in the Fazbear franchise. They soon reached the end of the hall, and Ninten pressed the button near the elevator. "This place gives me the creeps," Lucas shivered a little. Claus shrugged "Seems pretty normal to me,"  Ness gave Claus a confused look. "Nor- What! No normal warehouse has pictures of restaurants on the walls!" Claus just shrugged again.

The elevator soon opened. It was a large industrial elevator. The four boys stepped inside. "The hell?" Ninten stared at the inside of the elevator. "There's no buttons!" Just as he said this the doors started to close, as the voice returned. "Thank you for joining the Fazbear family...

...Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for death, harmofbody ,harmofbrain, generalharm, generaldeath, lossoflimbs, lossofbrain, accidentaldigitalconsciousnesstransfer and accidentalreawakeningofadecadesoldserialkiller,"

"Woah woah woah?! The fuck was that?" Lucas started to panic yet again. "Relax, Luke," Claus pulled out his phone. "And besides, if anything happens we can...we can...huh. No service," Claus showed the other three his phone. "Oh god oh god oh god," Lucas got down on the floor, and started to hug his legs, while rocking back and forth. Claus rubbed his eyes "Ness, can you deal with this again?" Ness nodded, before getting down to Lucas' level. "Hey Luke...It-It'll be fine," Ness was lying. In actuality, he was just as scared as Lucas, but he kept it all inside. "I-I'm sure it's safe," Ness gave a weak smile. Lucas slowly stopped rocking, and slowly stood up. He smiled at Ness. "Thanks," 

The doors to the elevator soon opened, revealing a room. The room was an office, well it looked like one at least. It was mostly empty by where the elevator was, but had most of its clutter further down it. It had a large desk at the back, along with four office chairs to accompany it. Along the desk were multiple TV screens, and four two tablets. There were also two large doors on either side of the office, along with a large vent right above the desk. There was also one solitary fan sitting on the desk, along with what looked like a phone. Claus ran up to one of the chairs, hopped right in it. "Ahhh...I'm glad they gave us these...," Claus then proceeded to close his eyes, trying to sleep. Claus was lightly jostled awake by Ninten "Sorry Clausy...gotta stay alert," Claus rolled over in his chair. "Fine,"

Just then, the phone on the desk rang. Ness jumped back in his seat, almost falling out. "For the love of!- Claus, Answer  that," Claus, who was closest to the phone, pressed a button on it, before rolling back over in his chair.

Um, Hello?...Hello, hello...? Hi! I, uh, I just wanted to record a message for you, seeing as it is your first night. Uh, this isn't company policy anymore...but I've been doin' this for years now, so, um, yeah. I, um, I actually used to work in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact. Now, uh, I've been all over. Working as a night guard for a ton of these, uh, locations. And, um, I'm assuming you have I don't see them hiring employees for this position..

So, uh, I'm ture you you know all the basics. Watch the cameras, close the doors, yada yada yada. But, uh, there is one thing about this place that is different. Since the building is so..massively large, the circulation of air is...sparse, to say to least. So you'll want to keep that vent in front of you open at all time...otherwise you might start to...see things...

Now, uh, more about the building. It always struck me as odd how quickly they got this place built. It's even weirder how it is designed. Usually warehouses are designed to keep people out of them. But this place seems to be designed to...keep something in..

So, uh, unfortunately, I'm not here all night. But don't worry. If you have any questions, you can just ask HandUnit. it's the, uh, voice you probably heard when you came here. Uh, between you and me, it always rubbed me the wrong way. Just something about him doesn't feel right. And it doesn't help that it was made by...uh...him...

Well, uh, enough about that. I should be going now. I'll, uh, I'll talk to you soon. Goodnight

"All I got off of that was that the vents make you high," Ness giggled a little. Ninten grabbed a tablet and turned it on. "He said check the I guess we'll do that," Ninten flipped through all the cameras. "I'll look through the cameras...Ness, you and Lucas can manage the vent...and Claus...Claus can sleep," Claus smiled, rolling over in his chair.

"What are we even supposed to do? I mean it's already open," Lucas pointed at the vent. "I don't know," Ninten's eyes were glued to the tablet. "Just make sure it stays open. I don't wanna get start seeing shit," Ness leaned over to Lucas' ear. "Wouldn't be so bad," Lucas chuckled a little, before sighing.

"It's gonna be a long night,"


"I've been flipping through these camera's for the last two hours and nothing! Not a single thing has happened!" Ninten finally put down the tablet. Ness shrugged "Isn't that a good thing? I mean what do you want to happen? Robot animals come to life and try to kill us?" 

"Yeah I know..." Ninten sighed.

"We're getting payed to literally do nothing!" Claus, who was now awake, spun around in his chair.

"Yeah but still. I just wish anything would hap-,"

Ninten was cut off by the abrupt shutting off of the power. "Are you happy now?" Ninten grabbed a flashlight off the table and turned it on. "I mean, not ideally. But at least it's something," Ninten grabbed Claus' hand.

"C'mon, let's go investigate. I've memorized this place like the back of my hand," Claus stood up, following Ninten. They slowly walked out the door to the left. "Well what are we supposed to do?" Lucas yelled down the hall. "Just wait here. You two need some alone time," Ninten smirked a little, while both Lucas and Ness blushed.


"So where are we going?" Claus looked wherever Ninten shined the flashlight. "To the breaker room...and it should be riiiight here," Ninten shined the light onto a door. The door looked old a decrepit, like it hadn't been opened for years. Despite this, Ninten opened it rather quickly, barging in.

The room appeared small at first glance, but upon closer inspection, was quite large. In front of the boys was a control panel. Ninten shined the light around the room. "This place is so big I can't even see the walls!" Claus nodded, and pointed at the panel. "That must be the breaker, then," Ninten slowly approached it, removing the panel. That revealing a lot of dials, that were each at a different rotation. Suddenly, the voice came back.

"Hello, and welcome to breaker repair. In front of you you should see twenty dials. Each dial must be at a specific rotation for the power to be restored. On the back of the panel you pulled off, should be a diagram showing you what rotations to turn the dials to. Good luck"

Claus picked the panel off the floor, and turning it around. "Yep, it's right here," Claus handed Ninten the panel. Ninten nodded and started to turn the dials according to the diagram. He got through about four, when a loud clanging noise started to come from the back of the room. "What was that?" Claus tried to see into the darkness, but couldn't.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

A loud voice came from the back of the room. "Shit! Ninten, somethings back there," Claus grabbed the light out of Ninten's hand, and shined it at the back of the room. All he could see was the vague outline of an animatronic bear. And it was moving. "Fuck...uh, Ninten? Y-You might want to hurry up...s-somethings coming," Claus' look became that of genuine terror, while Ninten started to speed up.

"I see you over there in the dark! Come on out!"

"Shitshitshit!" Claus shined the light on the figure again. This time, its features were much more visible. It had plasticky white skin, along with pink highlights. It also appeared to have a blue puppet on his hand. Ninten was starting to sweat a little. "I-I'm halfway done! H-How close is it?" Claus shined the light back onto the bear. "Pretty fucking close!"

"Hey Bon-Bon, I think that those are the birthday boys over there! we should go give them a surprise!"

Claus started to look around the immediate area, for anything to defend himself and Ninten. He noticed a small PVC pipe, and picked it up. "I got this, just in case," Ninten started to fumble a little. "What are you gonna do? Choke him out with it?" Claus sighed, throwing the pipe away. "I-I'm done fifteen now,"

"I know you're over there somewhere!"

Claus shined the light on the bear again. "H-Hurry up Ninten...h-he's getting closer!" Ninten finished another dial. "Three left!" The clanging noise of the bear walking got louder and louder with each step. Claus shined the light on the bear yet again. It was really close. Claus let out a whimper. "Oh god oh god oh god oh god!" He clung to Ninten, bracing for the worst.

"Get ready for a surprise!"

Just then, with the flick of a dial, the lights turned on. The bear was nowhere to be seen. Both Ninten and Claus let out a massive sigh of relief. Claus was still clinging to Ninten, holding his waist. Ninten smiled. "We, uh, we should probably get back to the office," Claus nodded, slowly letting go of Ninten's waist. "No no no...I-I didn't say stop," Claus smiled and blushed, as they left the breaker room.


"Looks like Ninten and Claus fixed the lights,"

Ness took a seat in his chair, while Lucas was flipping around the camera's. "This place doesn't make any sense..." Ness rolled his chair closer to Lucas. "Whad'd'ya mean?" Lucas showed Ness the tablet. "Look. There are like eleven cameras. And one of them is broken," Ness spun his chair around. "So?" Lucas put down the tablet. "Sooo...this place is massive. How are eleven cameras supposed to cover all this space?" Ness stopped spinning "Huh. That is weird,"

Lucas looked at the time, and groaned. "Three more hours...a-and I kinda gotta use the washroom," Ness chuckled a little, before grabbing Lucas' hand. "Alright, we'll go find one," Lucas nodded, standing up with Ness, as they left out of the right door. Lucas smiled a little.

I love being alone with him


They walked down the hallways, using the lights that occurred every so often to see. "This place is a maze...and it doesn't help that having the power on barely helps," Ness nodded, squinting his eyes to try and read the signs on the door.

They searched for a little while longer, until they finally found it. "Here we are, the washroom," Ness pointed at the old looking door. "Okay, I- wait a second...this is for girls!" Ness giggled a little. "So what? No one else is here...what do you think's gonna happen?" Lucas sighed, before entering the washroom. "Fine..."

The washroom was dimly lit, only having a couple of pot lights, and a few lights over the sinks. It also had a large mirror right above the sinks. Lucas made his way over to the stall, and walked inside. He didn't bother to close the door, as he dropped trow and started to take care of his business. 

When he finished he made his way over to the sink to wash his hands. He started to hum a tune as he did so. He thought that the night so far had been great. Sure, he had the momentary freak-out at the start. And yeah, the power did go out. But all that mattered was the fact that he got to spend time with Ness. Alone. Just them.

Lucas finished up, and lifted his head up. He looked into the mirror, and noticed a weird figure standing in the corner. Lucas gave a confused look in the mirror. "What the..." He slowly turned around towards the figure. The light then started to illuminate the figure much clearer. It was another animatronic bear. It had a different design than the white one, it's head being the big difference. It was also brown, and had two hands instead of a puppet. It also had two solitary white dots where it's eyes should be.

Lucas stumbled back at the sight of the bear. The bear let out what sounded like the laugh of a little girl. Lucas looked like he would've peed his pants, if he hadn't already just peed. He stumbled out of the washroom, trying to run away. 

Ness was leaning up against the wall right next to the washroom. He saw Lucas stumble out, a look of fear on his face. Ness, worried, slowly approached Lucas. "Hey Luke, wh-what's wrong," Lucas' face was that of great shock. "B-B-Bear..." Ness gave a confused look, before rubbing Lucas' back. "Hey hey...I-It's okay...wh-what bear?" This helped to clam Lucas down. 

"There was a bear...l-like a robot bear...i-it was watching me...i-it laughed...l-like a little girl laugh," Ness approached the washroom door, before kicking it open. He jumped in, preparing for something to attack him. But there was just...nothing. "Huh, that's...odd," Lucas stumbled back into the washroom, afraid that the bear might still be there. "H-He was just there...standing in that corner!" Lucas pointed at the corner, still shivering a little.

Ness slowly walked towards the corner. He couldn't find the bear anywhere. "Well I guess he's go-" Ness' face turned to a confused look, as he started to hear something. "Hey Luke, do you hear that?" Lucas listened as well, he could hear it too. "I-It sound like radio static," Ness and Lucas both tried to pinpoint the origin of the sound, and the deduced it was coming from above them. Both boys looked up, to find something dangling there.

The thing looked like a hodgepodge of animatronic parts. It had wires dripping down from it, along with sparks coming from some of its joints. It looked like it's body parts had been swapped around. It had three legs, two "arms", and two heads. Each head had an eye, and over one of the heads was an animatronic head. The head resembled a fox, and was white and pink. It also had 2 white and pink ears.

"Don't be afraid...soon you will look just like me...beautiful!"

Ness and Lucas both looked at each other, mortified looks on their faces. The creature slowly opened it's jaw, descending closer towards the boys.

"Now I get to play take apart and put back together!"

Ness and Lucas both bolted for the door. They both were now extremely terrified. "Which way's the office!" Lucas was sweating a little. "I don't know! Just start running!" Lucas nodded, before booking it down a hall. Ness followed suit. The creature busted down the bathroom door, and started to follow Ness and Lucas, by swinging from the ceiling.

Both boys sprinted down the maze of a building that was this warehouse. They took all sorts of twists and turns, trying to lose the creature. It also didn't help that every hall and door in this place looked exactly the same. Old a decrepit. 

They eventually stopped, right in front of a door. Both boys were panting, bending over to catch their breath. "I...I think...we lost...we lost it..." Lucas leaned against a wall. "That...was fucking...fucking terrifying," Ness nodded, squatting down to the floor. Both boys let their guards down, as they thought they were safe. 

Ness looked at the door they were in front of. It actually looked different than the others. This one was more heavy duty, and was a lot cleaner. It also looked a lot like a door you would see in a prison, having a small handle, and a small rectangular window. Ness peered into the window. It was rather dusty, but he could make out one thing. The faint a figure of an animatronic bunny. A golden one.  

Just then, the creature returned. It was still dangling from the ceiling, and it's radio static was even louder. "Shit..." Ness and Lucas both turned around to run in the opposite direction. They only got about a few feet, when another figure rounded the corner.

this figure resembled an animatronic bunny. It looked pretty normal, except for the fact that it had no face, and was missing an arm. Wires were leaking out of it's face, and it had 2 red dots where it's eyes should have been.

"Time to face the consequences of your failure,"

The bunny's voice was much more electronic than the foxes. It was slowly limping it's way toward Ness and Lucas. Now cornered, Lucas let out a small whimper, as he was on the verge of tears. "I don't wanna die I don't wanna die!" Lucas hugged Ness tightly, preparing for the worst. Ness looked around, as the animatronics inched closer. He wasn't going to let him or Lucas die. Not yet. Not ever.

In a last ditch effort, Ness opened the heavy duty door. he shoved Lucas inside, along with himself. Ness quickly turned around and closed the door, it locking automatically. Ness was now sweating bullets. Lucas ran up to Ness, hugging him. "Thank you...! So much..." Lucas was now practically crying. Ness rubbed Lucas' back slowly. "It's okay's okay,"

Ness noticed something slumped over on the wall behind them. It was another animatronic bunny. A golden one. The golden bunny started to twitch. "Wh-What is that?" Lucas broke the hug, to look at the bunny. Lucas let out a small whimper, as the golden bunny stood up. It wasn't very clear, as the room was very dimly lit.

The bunny started to wheeze and cough, almost like...there was someone in there. Ness and Lucas both back up, their backs on the door. They wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go. The bunny stared at Lucas and Ness, silent wheezing coming from it's mouth.

"I always come back!"


Claus and Ninten were wandering the halls of the building, just trying to find there way back to the office. "We've been walking for like an hour now! My legs are getting sore!" Claus whined. "This place in confusing as hell...none of this was on the cameras...none!" Claus groaned, before stopping in front of a door. "Can I just take a break and find somewhere to sit? This room looks fine," Claus pointed at the door he was standing in front of. Ninten sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "fine...but only for a bit,"

"Thanks!" Claus quickly entered the room.

" problem," Ninten followed suit.

As Ninten stepped into the room, he looked around. "Wow...this place actually looks good!" And indeed it did. The room was a server room, and it was about the most modern thing in the building. It was actually bright, having fluorescent lights, and appeared to be actually ventilated. 

"Now this place is nice," Ninten followed Claus, who was walking to the back of the room. "See? I was right?" Claus turned to corner, and spotted two chairs. He made a dash towards them, practically jumping in one. "Ahhh," Claus smiled as he made himself comfortable "You really love chairs, don't you," Ninten sat himself down in a chair. "You know it," Claus put his hands behind his head, leaning back. 

"How do you think Ness and Lucas are doing," Claus closed his eyes. "I'm sure they're loving every minute they get alone," Claus immediately opened his eyes, a serious look now on his face. "What?" Ninten's look became slightly afraid. "N-Nothing..." Claus closed his eyes again. "That's what I thought,"

A few minutes passed, of both boys just sitting there, talking. "So then I told him I-" Claus was cut off by most of the lights in the room going out. "Oh for the love of fuck! We just fixed these!" Ninten raised his arms in the air.

Just then, both boys thought they heard something scurry across the ceiling. Ninten quickly stood up. "The shit was that!?" Claus stood up as well. "I-I don't know...but if it's that fucking bear again I swear to god-"

"Oh, there you are...I've been looking everywhere for you..." 

This voice was a lot more raspy, and sounds a little gargled. "What the fuck!? Can't you just leave us alone!". The figure lowered itself to the ground. It was quite tall. It looked like a mass of wires, and animatronic parts. There were eyes strewn about it's body, along with wires coming out of its mouth. One of it's eyelids was also droopy. It was also wearing a white mask, that had a small little birthday hat on top. Ninten and Claus both stepped back in fear, at the sight of this new horror.

"I've been wai-ting"

Ninten and Claus both turned around running for the exit to the server room. The creature hobbled it's way after them. Ninten and Claus were able to outrun that thing, when it was walking. They soon got to the exit of the server room. "The shit was that thing?!" Ninten was panting slightly. "I dunno," Ninten opened the door, but something was on the other side. That goddamn white bear.

"Well hello again! Are you ready for round two!?"

"No no not you!" Ninten and Claus bolted away, now having two creatures on their tail. The white bear let out a laugh as Claus and Ninten darted around the server room. The server room was also quite big, having several twists and turns. Ninten and Claus managed to outrun both creatures for a decent amount of time. 

"I...I don't think I can do this for much longer," Claus bent over for a second, catching his breath. "W-Well we're gonna have to...if we wanna live..." Just then, the white bear rounded the corner. Both boys groaned, as they started to run again. But they realized something. The path they ran down had no other exit. They were trapped.

"Bon-Bon, let's not keep our friends waiting!"

Ninten and Claus were both on the verge of tears. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" Ninten looked over at Claus. If he didn't do this now, he would never be able to do it. He grabbed Claus' he pulled Claus into a kiss. This surprised Claus at first, but he soon melted into it, not caring about the murderous bear about to kill them.

They soon pulled out of the kiss, and looked at the bear. It was still, not moving. They both gave each other confused looks, as they slowly got closer to the bear. They noticed what looked like metallic fingers sticking out of the bears stomach.

Just then, the bear was ripped in two, his body flinging to either side of the hall. And standing behind the bear, was the wire creature. The wires from the bears corpse soon started to slither onto the wire creature. The creature appeared to be absorbing the wires, as they became a part of him. This made the wire creature much taller, and larger.

"There's a little bit of me, in every...body"

Claus and Ninten's state of fear returned, as the creature stood there. The creature seemed to be staring at the badges they had on. It's  face then started to twitch, as eerie noises left it's mouth. It started to crawl closer towards Claus and Ninten.

"Once you desecrate the beauty...once you shatter the integrity of something, all it can ever be is a BROKEN! UGLY! VILE! MONSTER! that's what I am.."

The loudness of the creature scared Claus, while Ninten saw an opening. Between the legs. Ninten quickly grabbed Claus' hand, and dashed through the creatures legs. The creature slowly turned around, getting on all fours to chase after the boys. Ninten and Claus made a dash for the server room door, and actually made it out. But the creature wasn't far behind.

"I'm...a monster"

Ninten and Claus ran down the halls. They didn't have time to think, they just ran. The creature never got for from them though, always on their tail. It was much faster while it was crawling. It seemed to know the halls well, cutting the boys off multiple times. Both boys were panting and sweating, as they tried to catch a quick break. "Did...did we...lose it?" The creature rounded the corner.

"A discarded remnant of what once was!"

"Fuck...nope," Ninten and Claus got back to running. They were both on the verge of collapsing, their legs practically turning to Jello. But the creature wouldn't let up. It's almost like it switched after it saw those badges. It's very purpose had changed, to catching Claus and Ninten.

Both boys rounded the corner, except this time, they weren't so lucky. "Fucking shit! Dead end!" They turned around quickly, but were too late. The creature was already there. It slowly approached Claus and Ninten, like a predator cornering it's prey. Claus stood in front of Ninten, trying to protect him. "If you want're gonna have to go through me!" Claus tried to strike a threatening stance, but in reality, he was the most terrified he'd been in his life. The creature stood up and simply blinked at Claus, before knocking him away, into a wall. Ninten's look turned from scared to enraged. "Hey! Don't fucking touch him!" Ninten's rage made all his logic fly out the window, as he rushed the creature. The creature simply simply lifted Ninten up by his shirt, and pulled him closer toward its face. Ninten started squirming around, as the terror returned.

"And the one you really need to fear!"

Claus looked up, as the creature readied one of it's hands. It was about to do to Ninten what it did to the bear. Claus looked up, horrified. He didn't want to lose Ninten. He looked around the area, for something, anything he could do to stop the creature. He finally noticed something. A fire axe. He quickly grabbed it off the wall and swung at the creatures neck.

The creature dropped Ninten and keeled over, screeching in pain. Claus didn't stop. He continuously hit the creature on the back of the neck. With every hit sparks flew everywhere, and the creatures screeches grew louder and louder. And, with one final hit, Claus decapitated the creature. As it's head rolled away from it's body, the wires forming the creature lost all there form. They no longer resembled a body, just a pile of wires and eyes.

Claus walked over to Ninten, and helped him up. "C'mon...l-lets go..." Claus held Ninten's hand, as they slowly walked away. Ninten looked back at the piles of wires. "A-Are we sure its dead?" Claus slowly nodded.

"Yeah...It's unfixable."


The sound of the golden bunny speaking sent chills down Ness' and Lucas' spine. The golden bunny slowly inched forward towards the two boys. Lucas held onto Ness, for fear that the golden bunny was going to do something. As the golden bunny got closer, it became more visible. It looked old, really old. There were hole all over the animatronic, along with wires coming out of those holes. But that wasn't the weirdest part. the weirdest part was the there appeared to be a body inside. A human body. It's mouth was still visible through the animatronic exoskeleton, along with other organs visible through the large hole in its body. 

Ness gagged at the sight of this. That plus the rotting stench coming from the creature, made him almost throw up. The creature's eyes also appeared to be part of its original body. It stopped after a while just staring at Ness and Lucas. Lucas quivered in fear, clinging onto Ness.

Just then, something banged on the other side of the door. It was the faceless bunny.

"What is this new prison? Is it me trapped? Or is it you? Perhaps, it's us both."

The sound was slightly muffled, due to the door, but it made Lucas jump all the same. In fact, it scared Lucas so much that he almost fell to the floor, but Ness caught him in time. "Hey...i-its okay..." Lucas was still quivering. Ness helped him get back up on feet. The golden bunny started to move again, but not towards the boys, towards the side of the room. He stopped right in front black box.

"Thirty years since all this happened,"

The golden bunny bent down, and picked something up, he turned around, facing Ness and Lucas. He was holding an axe. He started walking towards Ness and Lucas. Ness hugged Lucas, as Lucas hugged back. They braced themselves. "I love you..." Lucas let out a small whimper.

"I love you too..."

The bunny lift the axe, and swung down. But he didn't hit Ness and Lucas. Instead he hit the door. He then grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. Ness and Lucas opened their eyes to see this. "W-We're alive...!" Ness hugged Lucas tighter. Lucas smiled, as he let out a sigh of relief. 

The golden bunny made his way out of the room, towards the bunny with no face. And in one fell swoop, decapitated the bunny with no face, sparks flying everywhere. The sound of the head and body hitting the floor made Ness and Lucas jump a little. They both let go of each other as they went out into the hall to see what was going on.

They watched, as the golden bunny slowly approached the dangling fox. The dangling fox unhinged her jaw, and lunged towards the golden bunny, But the golden bunny quickly hit the fox with the axe, making him fall to the ground. The golden bunny then hit the fox twice more with the axe.

"Bittersweet, but fitting...fascinating, what they have become..."

Ness and Lucas just stood still, completely silent. They didn't want to do anything that might upset the golden bunny, and make him kill them. The golden bunny's voice sounded much more human than the others, maybe because he had a corpse inside him, or maybe because he was still alive.

The golden bunny gave one last glance back at Ness and Lucas, who were standing there, petrified with fear. The golden bunny turned around, before walking off into the darkness of the hall. "Wh-Why didn't he kill us?" Ness looked at Lucas. "Who...Who cares? We're alive!" Ness smiled for ear to ear, and so did Lucas. "We...we gotta get back to the office...Claus and Ninten are probably waiting for us," Lucas nodded, before grabbed Ness' hand.

The night had gone south real quick. From a simple job, to being chased by killer robots hell bent on making you die, it had to be the worst turn of events in the history of history. 

Both boys slowly walked back towards the office, hoping that nothing bad had happened to Ninten and Claus.


After a long time searching, Ness and Lucas eventually found the hallway that led to one of the office doors. "Fina-fucking-ly...I thought we were gonna die of old age in here!" Lucas let out a small giggle. That was the most happiness he had shown all night. 

They slowly made their way toward the office, using the light from it as a guide. They eventually made their way back to the office, but there was one large omission. "Claus? Ninten? Wh-Where are they?!" Lucas became panicked really fast. Ness' look became worried, as he looked around the office. "W-We should go look for them...I-I hope they weren't taken by one of those...things..." Lucas nodded immediately. He didn't care that he would be putting his life in danger. He just wanted to know that Claus was okay.

Ness and Lucas both exited the left door, readying to look for Claus and Ninten. Just as they were about to head down the hall, they heard a noise come from down the very same hall. It sounded like metal being clanged together. Ness and Lucas took a few steps back, the fear returning.

The brown bear from earlier stumbled into the hallway. Ness and Lucas jumped back with fear, ready to rush back into the office. Except the brown bear looked different, it had marks and holes all over it's body, along with some sparks flying out of it. Almost like it had been attacked.

Just then the golden bunny, from a different hallway, rushed the brown bear. He delivered one final swing at the brown bear, destroying it. The brown bear fell to the floor, the power draining from its eyes. The golden bunny didn't stop there, he repeatedly hit the brown bear until it was cut up into several different pieces. Almost like he was making sure it was dead. He then turned his sights on Ness and Lucas, slowly approaching them. Ness and Lucas stumbled backwards, heading back to the office.

"You will not be spared! You will not be saved!...I can taste the fear in your breath!"

The bunny cackled a little, while increasing his pace. Ness and Lucas increased their pace as well, trying as hard as they could to get back to the office. But, conveniently, they both tripped simultaneously. "What the fuck is this? A horror movie?!" Ness was both annoyed and terrified. The bunny slowly approached Ness and Lucas, raising the axe.

"Hey!" The bunny turned around, only to see Claus and Ninten standing there. Claus, still holding the axe, rushed the bunny. Claus quickly swung the axe at the bunny's leg. The golden bunny kneeled over in pain, dropping the axe. Claus then swung once more, cutting off the bunny's left arm. The bunny cried out in pain, as blood poured out of the arm. Claus then grabbed the bunny's chin, so that it was eye level with his face. "Don't ever try to touch my brother again," Claus' face was the most serious it had been all night. He didn't care that it was a killer robot. All he cared about was that it tried to hurt Lucas. Claus lifted the axe, ready to strike the bunny.

Just then, a small wire pierced Claus' right arm, causing him to drop the axe. Claus fell to the floor, clutching the wound. It wasn't a large would be any means, but it still hurt like hell. Ninten kneeled down to Claus' level. "Claus! A-Are you okay!? Wh-What was that?!" Ninten stood back up, only to see a creature made of wires approaching them. "Oh fuck! Not you again! How in the fuck are you even alive!?"

The creature just laughed maniacally. It looked like the wire creature from before, but with a few differences. It didn't have legs anymore, instead just a mass of wires. It also had a different mask, from the white one from before, to one that looked like a bear. The masked appeared to be melted together from other metals. It's one eye was also replaced by an orange light.

"Thanks for letting me join the party...I'll try not to disappoint...!"

The creature had a different voice. the voice was eerily similar to the white bears. The creature slowly approached the four boys. Ninten quivered in fear, helping Claus back up. He didn't want to go face to face with that creature. Not again. "C'mon...let's go...!" Ninten carried Claus closer toward the office. Ness and Lucas both stood up, doing the same.

The creature slowly approached the bunny, and lifted him up by the neck.

"Oh what a pleasant surprise!...Together again!"

The golden bunny seemed to actually have a little fear on his face. He also appeared to be holding something behind his back. It looked like a switch of some sort. The bunny's look then became that of triumph.

"I am here to claim...what is left of you,"

The bunny pressed the switch.

Just then, the building shook. The walls started to crumble, revealing the building burning on the inside. The boys, now in the office, all fell over after the explosion. "Shit! What the...what te fuck was that!?" All four could hear the screams of both creatures. "What time is it!?" Ness looked over at the clock "Six o'clock...why!?" Ninten let out a sigh of relief, before sprinting to the elevator. He pressed a button, and the elevator opened. "C'mon...we can go now...!" The build was starting to crumble, as the four boys rushed into the elevator.

They were soon back on the first floor, in the original hallway. All four boys sprinted down it, eager to get the the fuck out of there. Ness practically ripped of his jacket, throwing it on the floor. The other three did the same.

All four boys ran out of the building, it collapsing behind them. Ninten and Claus flipped off the building, as they ran off towards their house. Ness and Lucas stopped when they were a safe distance away from the building. 

Claus looked at Ninten. "That was fucking insane," Ninten nodded, looking back at Ness and Lucas. "Wh-Why are they stopping?" Claus looked back at them as well. "Th-they're fine...a safe distance away," Ninten nodded, and looked back at Claus. "Um...a-about that kiss..." Claus looked at Ninten. "I loved it," Claus smiled from ear to ear, as Ninten blushed. "Good, I loved it too," Ninten and Claus ran off, holding hands.

Ness grabbed Lucas and pulled him into a kiss. Lucas reciprocated, melting into the kiss. Somehow, this near death experience brought them closer than ever.

"I...I love you," Ness caressed Lucas' cheek.

"I love you too," Lucas pulled Ness into another kiss

They were like that for another half an hour, as the sun rose over them, and the collapsing warehouse

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