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By -Tatianus-

109K 3K 375

Jeon Jungkook is a 20 y/o teacher at Bangtan High,he is a popular omega because of his beauty and kindness. ... More



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By -Tatianus-

*╔═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╗*

"Yugyeom, how do you know where i live?"

Yugyeom's POV

Flashback before the door scene:)

"Hyuuung" i whined shaking JB hyungs arm.

"I told you i won't say it, the boy needs privacy" he said annoyed and massage his head.

"Mark Hyung" i said giving him my puppy eyes because i know he can't resist it.

"Fine it's in..."


"Your dumb Mark Hyung" i heard jinyoung complained teasing him, and i sighed when i was done changing.

"I can finally meet my kookie" i mumbled to myself, you can really tell how happy I am.

I got out of my room and bid my goodbye to them, i walked to the nearest bus stop because i decided to get there early and also because I'm excited to see him. That kookie is my first crush in elementary to high school but it stop when i met my hyungs but still, we lost contact of each other when we graduated which made me sad.

When i knew that Jb and Kookie are teachers at the same school i bothered him and I'm always asking questions like if he was okay, is he healthy some sorts of questions like that, we are like brothers since we are childhood friends meeting him today is such a perfect opportunity to ask him the questions that i always ask my hyung.

I finally reach my destination and stop thinking of the past, i got up to his room, when i knocked on the door there was no response which made me confuse of course.

There was an old lady who passed by and told me that the boy who lives there is out, i nod in response and got to the nearest café.

"Oh, Chanyeol hyung?" i said when i saw the person in the cashier.

"Yuggy? What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"I came to visit my kookie" i responded smiling.

"Oh, that's great, what would you like to order?" he asked me smiling.

"Btw hyung, what are you doing here? I thought your a teacher?" i asked getting intensely curious.

"My friend works here, i just helped him a bit since he's sick" He said and smiled.

I ordered my food and sat at the table near the door, 15 minutes later and my food had just arrived and of course i ate it :). About half an hour past when i saw Jungkook outside the window and i immediately got up and fixed myself.

I was about to go to his apartment room when my phone suddenly started ringing.

"Hello Jackson-Hyung?" i asked and stopped at the door downstairs.

"Yah! Come home, Jinyoung and Jaebum are fighting again" he said in a hurry and i heard fighting and screaming on the background.

"On my way" i shortly said and go back home.

Another fight i sighed and continued walking to the bus stop.

When i got home, i did not see youngjae and bambam in the house so i am assuming they are not here, Mark hyung and Jackson hyung are trying to stop the fight.

"Yah stop!" i yelled making them look at me.

"Finally your here" Jackson said in relief.

"Where's bambam and youngjae?" i asked taking off my shoes so i can get comfortable.

"They left an hour ago, you know they have work right?" Mark responded and i just nodded.

"Care to flippin explain what the freak happened?" i ask putting both of my hands in my waist.

"This stupid Jaebum threw away my favorite shirt" Jinyoung responded growling at Jaebum.

"Oh my gosh Jinyoung hyung stop growling your not a wolf or a dog, and Jaebum hyung why did you threw it away?" i asked once again.

"Well your" mom" threw away my favorite necklace" he answered glaring at Jinyoung.

When they responded they started fighting again like who threw their favorite things first and they kept blaming each other.

Seriously they always act like kids i thought. I got closer to them and spank their heads down.

"That hurts" they both complained.

"Apologize to each other" i said in an angry tone.

They just looked at each other and went away.

"Seriously are they kids?" Mark sighed, disappointed that this things is happening again.

"Being the hyungs is hard" Jackson laughed sarcastically and just made a poker face.

"What a sudden mood change" i said laughing making them laugh too.

"We better wait for the other two, i just texted them" Mark said and stopped laughing.

"Sorry you got home when we knew that you had to visit Jungkook" Mark hyung said in a sad tone.

I just smiled weakly at him, i have two reasons why, first is because i really wanted to meet jungkook and second is about the fight.

"Don't worry hyung, i can go later" i said making him sigh in relief. We waited for a couple of hours, and we heard the door open. We took a glance on who it was and saw the four, two was exhausted while the other two is drunk. We help them get the two in bed and figured that they should talk tomorrow instead.

Once again, i bid my goodbye to them going back to jungkook's apartment room, i sighed in relief when i heard some noises inside the house because it's a proof that jungkook is there, i knock on the door and when i heard a response i panicked so i didn't even got to respond. So once again i knock and this time he opened the door.

Jungkook's POV

"Hey" he greeted nervously which made me smile because i found it cute.

"Yugyeom? What are you doing here?" i asked.

"Can't i visit a friend? He said chuckling.

"Not at all, come in" i invited him in.

"Sorry it's a bit messy, I'm cleaning up" i said in an apologetic tone.

"It's fine" he responded.

"So how'd you know where i live?" i asked him again.

"Jaebum hyung told since i always bother them about you" he said proudl.

"What a shameless person" i teased him making him pout.

"Let me help then let's talk" he offered and i agreed because if i don't he'll just keep begging, we finished after 5 hours.

"That was exhausting" he complained.

"It's like you just moved in" he continued complaining making me frown.

"Yah you said you wanted to help stop complaining" i said making him laugh.

"What's so funny?" i ask him tilting my head a little to the side.

"Nothing nothing you're still oblivious as always" he said laughing more.

"Should i be offended?" I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe?" he said still laughing.

I rolled my eyes and just got us a drink, we talk and talk mostly about me and he also told me how he kept asking he's hyungs about me and how he misses me, he also told me what events happened today and how he waited just to see me. We had a fun talk, we laugh and laugh and didn't even saw how late it is.

"Omo it's this late? I thought we were just talking for half an hour" he said in shocked while looking at the time.

"You should stay the night, its to late to go home now" i offered.

"I'll just contact my hyungs they might get worried" he told me and smiled, while he was talking in his phone, i took a quick bath and got an extra pillow and blanket since my bed is double bed.

That's the double bed:)

I also put some cover just in case so he wouldn't struggle to much while sleeping. When i finished fixing he's bed he came inside.

"Just in time" i said looking at him.

"Kookie I'm the guess, you should've let me do my bed" he said complaining again.

"Want me to redo it?" i asked making him frown.

"Kookie no!! I'm too lazy to do that" he yelled and jumped to the bed.

"Plus i wouldn't let your efforts get wasted" he said making me smile.

"Well aren't you the sweetest" i said smiling once again.

"Yah! I told you i don't like that talks" he complained and i just giggled.

"I'm going to bed, good night kookie" he smiled and fell asleep real quick.

Before i go to sleep i quickly opened my phone because there was a lot of beeping earlier from it, when i checked it i saw many missed calls and texts from my mates, oh cookies i sighed worriedly but i still didn't replied and just slept.

I woke up because i smelled delicious food, one of the reasons why i kept waking up early is because of food.

I walk to my small kitchen and saw yugyeom cooking.

"Hey, your the guest why are you cooking?" i ask him frowning, and you know what he did? He just laughed at me.

"Don't look at me like that i just wanna cook" he defended himself and just let him off the hook because i wanna taste his cooking.

I was sitting on my couch and watched the news but just stop when i heard a knock.

"What's with this guests I'm having" i mumbled, i was about to go to the door when my phone rang.

"Yuggy can you please get the door for me, I'll just take this call" i asked and he just nodded.

"Hey Yuggy who's at the-" i stop when i saw them glaring at yugyeom and look at me, scared.

"So this is the reason"

*╚═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╝*

Edited: 060821

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