Blue Sky (d.m x reader)


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Y/n L/n's a Ravenclaw that notices her boyfriend Cedric Diggory seems to be beyond distant from her and she h... More

1- Diagon Alley
2- Reunited
3- Six in One
4- Malfoy's Plan
5- Three Slytherin Boys
6- Small Study Session
7- Crack in The Wall
8- Advices
9- Guilt
10- Handling Things
11- Two Week Holiday
13- The Big Mess
14- The Big Fight
15- Jealousy
16- Wednesday
17- The Balcony

12- The World Cup

2.7K 72 13

"The games half is nearly over," Amelia Parkinson paused. "your parents will stay here and you kids can go and explore around. But make sure to come back when they start up the game again!" She finished and the girls nodded quickly bidding their parents goodbye and exiting the stadium.

"What should we do first?" Pansy asked.

"Let's have a small party on the grass. I brought a blanket too! We can lay down on it and eat." Daphne exclaimed quickly pulling her friends along.

"Hey! That sounds fun. But we have to keep watch on the time." Y/n told them.

"Yeah yeah yeah okay! Help me pack some stuff." Daphne hurried running all around their tent, putting it in her basket.

"Okay let's go!" Daphne said skipping out. The two girls followed their friend, who was trying to find a lovely spot on the green grass.

Y/n spread the blanket across the ground and the girls all sat down. Daphne lay down looking at the sky while Pansy and Y/n ate.

All of a sudden Blaise, Draco and Theo came.

"Hey. Mind if we sit?" Theo asked but they didn't wait for an answer as they sat down. Pansy's eyes showed panic.

"We brought food too." Draco said putting down a basket almost as similar to theirs.

"Help yourselves to our food too." Y/n said as she opened the boys' basket filled with all sorts of fruits and foods. Her face lit up and Draco couldn't help but look away as he felt his face go warm.

Blaise laid down next to Daphne on the blanket and she didn't really notice the boys had even arrived as her eyes were closed, probably taking a small nap. Theo didn't sit next to Pansy, instead sitting next to Draco who sat next to y/n, and next to her was Pansy, reading her book she'd brought. Well.. it was y/n's book but she had to occupy herself with something. She didn't want to meet Theo's eyes.

"AHH!" Daphne yelled, sitting up and looking down on Blaise, then around her where the 5 teenagers looked at her.

"What is it?" Pansy asked.

"Nothing.. Just had a fright." She gave a look to Blaise who gave her an unimpressed look. "Don't give me that look. You try waking up with someone right next to you unwillingly."

She laid down again next to Blaise and looked up at the sky, slowly shaking off her nap.

"Unwillingly?" He laughed. "You can leave and go elsewhere if you want."

"Didn't you come here?" She moved her head to him. "I was here first."

"It was much better when you were sleeping. I could hear myself think." He shook his head moving back to the sky.

"I thought the two week holidays was going to be a free ticket from you." She rolled her eyes.

"Better not be seen together. I saw McGonagall earlier in the stands; might make us clean the brooms from both the Quidditch teams or something." He finished and she giggled. She actually laughed at something he said, and it made him smile. He liked her laugh and liked how she actually laughed at something he said.


"Hey Draco? Where'd you go the other day?" Y/n asked.

"I left." He said simply. For someone who thought they liked someone, they weren't doing a very good job at getting to know them.

"Oh." She said to herself. She laid down on her back. She thought maybe her and Draco would become friends but that wasn't the case.

Blaise and Daphne were just above her horizontally while she was vertical below them. She heard their conversation and smiled.

"Hey, that one looks like a chicken." Daphne pointed to a cloud.

"Where?" Blaise replied.

"Right there." She pointed again.



"Where? Point properly."

She slapped the side of his head softly. "Follow my finger with your eyes. Anyone can do that!" She sighed. She was being too patient with him. She moved her finger and saw that his eyes were moving too. She smiled in relief. She could finally move her arm down as it was starting to hurt. She left it up there for a few seconds.

"So do you see it?"

"That's not a chicken. That's you."


"Ow!" He shrieked as he rubbed his shoulder that she pinched. But he laughed to himself and she soon giggled with him as they continued to look at the clouds.

Y/n laughed to herself at the interaction and turned her head back to the sky. She noticed now Draco was laying next to her but she didn't want to pay any attention to him.

She moved her eyes to Pansy who was now very invested in her book. She moved her eyes to Theo who was secretly looking at Pansy while he ate. Y/n sighed. Those two must have been the most awkward.

Y/n finally caught Pansy's eyes after staring her down for 5 seconds. She mouthed 'Theo' to her and Pansy shook her head.

Y/n had a plan and it needed Draco to get up. She sat up and looked down on him. He was wearing a green jumper that was slightly oversized and black jeans that fit him well. Muggle clothes. But the problem was his eyes were closed; she couldn't help but admire him.

Before she could wake him up a girl sauntered over to the six teens. She had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes; and she was looking at Theo. All of the teens discreetly were listening in to what she would say to Theo. Even Draco was awake.

"Theo." She smiled. He grimaced at her.

"Not now, Pinewood." He told her as he started eating some grapes.

She didn't leave and just looked down on him. He sighed and got up, almost about to shove her away as they walked a few meters away. Draco sat up on his elbows and gave Blaise an amused look.

"Who's that?" Daphne asked, much to Pansy's relief. Daphne gave Pansy a small smile.

"That's Penelope Pinewood. She's convinced that Theo likes her because his mother tried having the two get to know each other. But he doesn't like her at all, she's quite a bother." Blaise shrugged. Pansy looked at the two talking together. She wished she knew what they were saying.

All of a sudden Theo clutched his head and then he glared at Draco and Blaise, going back to talking to Penelope. "Theo is telling her to go away but she won't." Blaise snickered with Draco.

"How do you know?" Y/n asked him.

"Legilimency." He said pointing to his temple.

"Woah, that's cool. I've always wanted to learn." Daphne sat up in small excitement.

"Draco, Theo and I have many books. We could lend a few to you." Blaise said and she nodded happily, laying back down.


"Listen, you're kinda ruining my life." Theo said rubbing his temples.

"But I wanted to spend some time with you before the game started again. I tried calling for you but you didn't hear me." She shrugged.

"Of course I heard you."

"Then why didn't you turn around?"

"Because I don't want to talk to you!" He whisper yelled, glancing at Pansy.

"But your mother said that we should hang out together." She smiled faintly, pointing her thumb behind her to no where in particular.

He muttered curses while rubbing his face. He was going to have a word with his mother. "Okay Pinewood, I'll hangout with you later, go back to wherever you came from. Now, bye!" He pushed her slowly away and she nodded immediately, disappearing away.

Theo came and collected his things. "I'll be back." He said and his friends nodded. He looked at Pansy but she looked down at the pink blanket. He sighed and then apparated at the bottom of the stairs of where his parents were. He ran up them and he saw his parents immediately. He quickly held his mother's shoulder when she was in mid-conversation with his aunt Layla and uncle Zaahir Zabini and apparated them both out the stadium safely, on the grass. They both fell on the grass and he quickly got up and helped his mother who looked a bit cross.

"Theodore Admetus Nott!" She said going up to him and grabbing his ear.

"Ow ow ow! Okay I'm sorry! I had to talk to you.. mummy." He tried to get on her good side by calling her that and she sighed, letting go.

"Hah, look at Theo getting a yell from his mother." Blaise laughed with Draco. The three girls looked on. They were quite far and they couldn't hear a thing.

Angelina put her hands on her hips. "You could have left my hand behind!"

"But I didn't.. Plus I'm super talented at apparating.." His mother gave him a sort of sad look. "Let's walk." He told her and put an arm around her shoulders. They walked really slowly.

"Listen mother. That Pelepa.. or Paula girl-"

"-Penelope?" She interrupted, stopping them both. She put both her hands on his shoulders happily. "Oh! Are you guys talking?" She beamed at him and he gave her an unimpressed look, almost a grimace.

"Please mum. Stop egging her on and giving her false hope. She thinks she has a chance!" He said throwing his arms about.

"Why not? She's a lovely young lady."

"I don't like her at all. She won't leave me alone and she ruined my life just 5 seconds ago." He crossed his arms and looked away.

"What'd she do?" She asked softly. He slowly looked at her.

"Mum, I already like someone, and that girl I like, right, saw Pepper come and she called me by my first.. My FIRST NAME, in front of her.." He whined rubbing his face tiredly. He had no time for this.

"What's the big deal?" She said taking a step towards him. He looked down slightly at his mother. "Mum, it took me forever to get that girls trust now it's ruined."

His mother slowly opened her arms and he went into her arms, hugging her very tightly. She was a small woman so she was basically engulfed in his arms.

"Aw." Y/n said quietly at the sight.

"Right?" Daphne agreed with y/n, looking also.

Draco rolled his eyes and Blaise scoffed lightly. "Whatever." Blaise mumbled.

Theo and his mother separated. He kissed her forehead and she apparated away. Theo took a big sigh and skipped over to his friends and sat down.

Now that Theo was back y/n could commence her plan. She shook Draco softly and he looked at her.

"Get.. up." She mouthed to him.

"What?" Draco said a little bit above a whisper and she rolled her eyes. She pinched him and grabbed him by the sleeve of his jumper, having him stand up. She shoved him to the side while she went to Theo and grabbed him by his jumper, and shoved him to the space next to Pansy. Once Theo was seated she grabbed Draco again and sat him down in Theo's seat.

"That last shove wasn't necessary." Draco told her, rubbing his arm. She shrugged. She didn't really care. Now Pansy and Theo were seated awkwardly together, they were bound to talk.

Theo slowly laid back on the blanket and Pansy shoved her head into her book, trying to not be distracted by him. He looked at her the whole time she read, admiring her.

It stayed like this for a while and it was nice.

Daphne and Blaise still looked at clouds together, bickering.

Theo laid down and was happy he was even next to Pansy at all, while Draco just took a nap.

Blaise took out his pocket watch while laughing at something Daphne said. It was now time to start the other half of the match. There were four halves, and this was the second half now.

"Hey, I don't know about you guys," He said looking at the girls, sitting up. "but our parents told us to come in time for the second half." He got up along with Theo and Draco. The girls got up after.

"We gotta go too." Daphne said brushing herself off and picking up her basket and blanket.

"Hey, thanks for the food by the way." Y/n told them and the three boys smiled faintly and nodded. Suddenly as they were about to leave, a man that looked like Blaise came to them. Zaahir Zabini.

"Oh, hey uncle." Theo said to him. "Hey, son. You guys need to go back but I need to talk to Blaise." He said, and then smiled at the girls who smiled back and turned to leave. They all left and now it was just Zaahir and Blaise. They started walking together.

"Blaise, your mother told me something interesting." He said. Blaise didn't answer and looked at him confusedly. "When did you change your middle name?" And his father's words got him to stop immediately in his tracks, but he remained calm.

"A while ago." He said almost coldly.

"Why?" His father asked and Blaise's mind went blank. How could someone be so ignorant?

"What do you mean why?"

"Why isn't it Zaahir like it was given at birth?"

"Maybe I didn't want the name of the person who left us to be my middle name. Maybe I wanted it to be the name of the person who cared for me and never gave up on me?" Blaise glared. His father looked back a bit speechless. Blaise took a step forward but then turned around.

"Hey? Maybe I'll add your name back in. But mum's name won't be leaving." And he left before his father could get another word in, apparating inside the stadium.


"Y/n, would you mind getting some more food? If that's okay." Her mother smiled hopefully. She smiled back.

"Sure. Daphne, Pansy, come with me. It's a long way down." They nodded and got up, still watching the game as they slowly went down the stairs. Pansy's hand was carefully on the railing as she watched the game but she slipped, and she fell forward. Her friends didn't notice as she fell on someone with a thud.

"Aye, Pansy, he's cute 'inni?" Y/n pointed to the game, her eyes still glued to a certain Quidditch player.

"What I'd do..." Daphne agreed but they got no answer from Pansy.

They both turned around and their eyes widened. "Oh my, Pansy!" Daphne exclaimed and jumped down the stairs with y/n. They helped her up. Draco and Blaise helped Theo up.

"Sorry Nott! Are you okay?" Pansy said looking him up and down to see if she hurt him. She hadn't hurt him physically but hurt him a bit mentally when she called him Nott.

She absentmindedly turned him around and touched his shoulder to see if he was all good. He laughed and grabbed her wrists. "Yeah, I'm fine, Parkinson." He told her as the six started walking together. Pansy's face turned red and she was hurt a little at his use of her last name.

"Some friends you are, checking out the Quidditch players instead of helping your friend." Draco laughed. Theo and Blaise chuckled. The girls laughed too.

"You guys were down there way before us, you could have helped. Guess you expected the girls to do it for you?" Daphne said raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all." Blaise said as they all went down the stairs to where the food was.

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