Meet The Thief


26K 663 477

Y/N was hired to break in both of Team Fortress base by unknown client. However, the heist has gone south, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 12

960 29 45

"WAKE UP CUPCAKE!!" Soldier yelled, yanking the blankets off of you, causing you to be shot up from bed, all awake. You turn your head glaring at Soldier, "what the heck man?"

"Don't tell me you forget about your morning training! You know forgetting is unacceptable! Now come along rookie!" he said grabbing your wrist dragging out of your bed.

"Soldier wait! I need to switch out my pjs!"

"What are you waiting for then! Change your clothes!"

"I can't," you replied.

"Why is that!?"

"You're still in my room!"

"So? Just because I'm in your room, it doesn't mean anything! Just pretend I am not here!"

"Okay, that doesn't help."

"Will this help?" Soldier asked as he took his shirt off.

"Soldier what the hell are you doing!?" you yelled as your cheeks got a bit red.

"Going naked," he said casually.

"No! No going naked!" you protest, and then facepalm.

"Too late, I am naked!" he said proudly while you're covering your eyes as your face is red from the embarrassment.

"Great... How did it end up like this..." you muttered.

"Come on change up, rookie. We don't have all day!" He said and you let out a sigh. 'This man leaves me no choice...'

You and Soldier are now outside of the base. Soldier already has you standing in attention, while Soldier is speaking.

"What we're having you to do is you're going to give us 500 push-ups and laps around the base. If you don't think you will make it through! No need to worry, we have provided you something to boost your motivation to win and to stay alive! Remember we want the best of the best! If you accomplished the task, report to me and I will tell you what to do next. Any questions?"

You slowly raise your hand, having two questions on your mind.

"No questions? GREAT!!"

You facepalm, "I have two ques-"


You sigh and begin running like a wind while Soldier watches you as you run past him. As for Pyro, he was just sitting on the ground, playing with his plushies, waiting for Soldier's command.

Around 100 laps, you can feel the burn beneath you. You slowly slow down, panting seeing Soldier in your sight with a disapproving face.

"Don't tell me you're exhausted! You have no reason to be exhausted! Unless I give you a reason to be exhausted!"

"I... ran... like... hundred laps..." you pant while jogging.


Pyro stops whatever he's doing and runs to Soldier and Y/N. With his flamethrower in his hands.

You look at Soldier with a 'really?' "You can't be serious, Pyro wouldn't hurt a f-"

Before you can even finish your sentence Pyro pulls the trigger causing the flames to burst as you open your mouth in shock and horror. Without any warning or any words, you instantly dash away and Pyro starts chasing you with the flamethrower while Soldier smiles.

"My god, I've never seen Y/N run fast like Scout. Unlike Y/N, Scout will always outrun Y/N but he will always be an annoying little maggot."

When you finally finish your last lap, you lean forward, place your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath. Pyro stops chasing you and walks off to get a bottle of water for you. He walks back to you and hands you the bottle of water.

"T-thanks... Pyro..." you said, taking a huge breath and taking the water bottle and taking a sip.

"Good job soldier! Now, your next task is to meet Heavy in the training room! You need to double time! Any question!?"


"GOOD! You are dismissed!" Soldier said before walking off.

"He never gives me a chance to speak," you muttered to yourself before you jog back to the base and head to the training room. Only to find Heavy eating his precious sandvich. Heavy turn his head toward your direction and stop what he's doing.

"Tired already?"

"From running? Yes."

"Wait here, Leetle Y/N. Heavy will grab you something, restoring your strength."

"Thanks big guy," you said sitting, while Heavy walked off, leaving you alone in the room. You take a couple of deep breaths to regain some of your strength. 'At least Soldier didn't make me do 500 push-ups, or I'll probably be dead by now.' You hear footsteps coming toward your direction, only to find Pyro.

"Mph Hmmph" he said, giving you a hug. You can assume that he was trying to apologize. You hug him back.

"I forgive you firebug," you said. Pyro giggles and hugs you one more time before walking off. You smiled, but sadly that moment was ruined when you see the person that you don't want to see.

"Ugh! You again!?" Scout said looking at you disgusted, "how are you not dead?"

"I have my ways," you replied.

Scout rolled his eyes, "you're starting to sound like Spy..."

You gave him unamusement look. First Spy and now Scout. This is getting annoying... "I swear, you and Spy somehow talk and act alike at times. Are you sure you two are not related?"

Scout looked at you with shock and felt offended, "Me? Related to dat snake!? Hell no! If anything I'd rather be related to anyone except Spy! That backstabbing filth can die in a hole!"

"Heavy is back with sandvich!" Heavy said with a smile.

"Is that sandvich for me?" you and Scout asked at the same time. You and Scout stop and give each other a death stare.

"Excuse me?" you asked.

"What? It's not like tough guy made the sandvich for you!"

"Ze sandvich is for leetle Y/N, not for you leetle man," Heavy said, tossing the sandvich to you. You catch the sandvich smiling, while Scout looks at Heavy with his arms crossed.

"Thanks Heavy!" you said, eating the sandvich.

"You know what? Fine, I'll just grab myself a snack!" Scout said, storming off.

"Leetle man will be fine, enjoy your sandvich. Come to Heavy, when leetle Y/N finished gaining strength. Heavy will help leetle Zeif to get stronger."

"Heavy, you're the best!" 

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