Just Friends?

By DracoMalfoyLover126

11.2K 199 33

Your Harry Potter's sister y/n Potter and you may have hated Draco Malfoy at first but now your starting to f... More

Year 1
The Kiss
The Date?
The quiditch game
Boyfriend and Girlfriend
The full moon
The Secret?
The Dark Mark
Triwizard Tournament
After the Triwizard Tournament
Time Flys
How long can love keep you safe

The movie

772 16 6
By DracoMalfoyLover126

The next morning I woke up and see Mia come out of the bathroom. "Goodmorning sleepyhead." Mia says. I sat up. "Morning." Mia smiles and looks at me "You might wanna get ready the boys will be here any minute." I think in my head. Shit. I forgot the boys were coming. "I'll get it." Mia says as we hear a knock on the door.

I get up brush my hair and the boys come in. "Hey" Blaise said falling on Mia's bed. "Hey." I reply while still brushing my hair. Blaise asks "Are you still in your dress from yesterday?" I realize I never changed last night. I finished brushing my hair and turn around and said "Yeah I was tired last night and just went to bed." Mia laughs and says "You mean after you were bragging about an amazing night you had." She says as I turn around and face her. "If I remember correctly your the one who kept pressing me to tell you about my night." I said as a witty comeback. "I'm gonna change." I say and grab a skirt and a black tank-top go into the bathroom and change.

Mia, Blaise and Draco are talking about last night and how you described it. I come out in a skirt that shapes my curves perfectly and a black tank-top. They all look at me. "What?" I ask looking at them confused. "Oh nothing just two questions. One were you high last night? And two since when you do you wear clothes like that? Blaise asks. I look at Mia annoyed. "Hey don't look at me. I only repeated what you said first." Mia says trying not to laugh. I look back at Blaise "To answer your questions, no I was not high last night and two I've always had these clothes I've just never worn them until now because I didn't think I looked good in them."

Mia says "Even though I've told you that you look amazing. Malfoy doesn't she look good." I walk over to the mirror and put a necklace and earrings on. Draco answers with "She looks hot, I'll say that." I turned around while finishing putting my earrings on and look at him. I just shook my head and walk over to my bed and fixed the blanket. Blaise says "What are we doing today? Since it's raining we can't go to Hogsmed." Mia cuts him off by saying "What if we all watch a movie in here. We have a TV.

(I know that they didn't have TV's there but just pretend they did)

Blaise looks at Draco. "Draco you up for watching movies." Before Draco could say anything I start talking "Are you two sure you wanna watch movies with Mia. She takes forever to pick a movie then falls asleep." Mia looks at me annoyed and says "Says the girl who never liked watching romance movies because you don't believe in them." I respond with "It's not that I don't believe in love. I just don't understand why in every romance movie the guy has to come in and save the girl in order for them to fall in love." The boys just look at eachother. Draco says "Okay before you two go any deeper in this conversation let's just watch a movie."

We sit on the couch Mia puts her head on Blaise's chest and snuggles in. Me and Draco are sitting on the other couch close to each because it's a small couch but not that close to eachother like Mia and Blaise.

"Why don't we watch a horror movie." Blaise says. Mia then says "She doesn't like horror movies. They scare her and me a little." Blaise looks at me and says "You just can't watch any movie can you." I respond with "No I'm not a big movie person now reading about horror and romance I can do so you guys watch your movie I'll be on my bed reading." I walk over to my bed and start reading a book and they play a horror movie. About an hour into the movie Draco gets up and comes over to me .

He sits down on my bed. "Hey watch'a doing." He says quietly. I put my book down and sit up and say "Just reading. Why are you being quiet?." He looks at Mia and Blaise who are sleeping. "Oh that's why I heard someone turn the TV off." I say smiling at him. "Want to get out of here and let them sleep. We could go to my dorm." He asks. "Sure." I said and he stands up. 

We get there and he closes the door and I realize how big his room is. "You're room is huge." I say as he comes up to me. He put his hand on my waist and kisses me.

I kiss him back and he pushes me against the wall. Kissing me passionately. Then we both hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Draco says pulling away from the kiss. "It's Pansy" We hear from a voice on the other side of the door. Draco rolls his eyes and opens the door "Can I help you?" Pansy walks in and sees me. "What are you doing hear, Potter." She says giving me the death stare. "Pansy be nice me and her are hanging out."

"Draco she's a Potter. I will never be nice to her and I will never like her." Pansy looks at me again giving the me death stare and looks back at Draco "Okay Pansy can you leave we are busy." Pansy walks up to him and stands close. "Sure." She walks out of the room and Draco close and locks the door.

He walks up to me and kisses me again. He picked me up and started kissing you neck. He brings me to his bed and lays me down on it.

( You can imagine what happened next)

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