The Date?

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I said goodnight to Blaise, Draco and Mia and go upstairs put my pajamas on and go to bed.

The next morning, Mia wound up staying with Blaise and spending the night there. I got up get dressed. I then go downstairs and see Blaise, Mia and Draco in the common room.

"Hey guys." I said. They all respond with hey's and hi and I sit down on the couch next to Draco because Blaise is sitting on the other couch and Mia is laying on top of him.

Mia says "Nice choice." The boys don't know what that means but I know she means nice choice of sitting next to Draco. I throw a pillow at her and she looks at me and I smile. Draco and Blaise are looking at eachother until Blaise finally said "So you girls coming to the quiditch game today." Mia of course says yes because her and Blaise are dating and they all look at me. I then say "Um yeah my brother is playing. I have to go." Blaise is stroking Mia's hair when she says "When are you gonna stop letting Harry make all your decisions. I mean anytime he wants you to do something you do it. He's controlling your life." And Draco stands up and goes and fixes his hair because it was messy.

"He does not." I say mad at her. Blaise cuts in "Okay. Prove it, do something Harry wouldn't approve of right now." "Fine, if that's what's it takes. I say and think of what I could do. Blaise asks "Too scared?" I stand up and walk over to Draco and kiss him. We kiss for about three minutes until I pull away. Mia laughs and says "Nice." I walk over to the couch and sit back down. Blaise looks at Draco and laughs. "You think your funny Blaise." Blaise stops laughing and says "Draco hasn't she kissed you three times in less the twenty-four hours and you guys haven't even been on one date."

Mia asks "Oh yeah Draco that's what I wanted to ask you are you gonna ask her out." We all look at him. He responds with "I don't know." And I just said something to cut the silence, "Well I'm gonna go. Cause I think that's my cue to leave and I'll see you guys at the game. Oh and Mia we still going to hogsmed tomorrow?" She looks at me and says "Oh yeah. Can the boys come to." I look a little annoyed and they can all tell "Yeah sure, whatever."

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