After the Triwizard Tournament

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Fast forward to after the Triwizard Tournament I wound up going to the yule ball with Draco. I explained to Harry that I forgave Draco but Harry still hates him. Ron's yule ball outfit was I don't even know how to explain it. Hermione's dress was beautiful and so was she as always. In Harrys second task he saved Ron and another girl. I don't know her name. I wasn't really interested in the tournament I just didn't want Harry to get hurt. In the last challenge Cedric died. Voldemort killed him. Me and Mia helped comfort Cho Chang. I think her and Cedric were dating. I know they went to the yule ball together. Dumbledore had called us all to the great hall and said some things about Cedric. Told us how he died. The year was ending and we were all heading back home. We'll me and Harry were going to what I like to call hell but it's the only place we can go. 

We were on the train and I had sat with Harry, Ron and Hermione instead of Draco, Blaise, and Mia. We talked the entire ride until the train stopped we got off and said bye. I went over and said bye to Mia and Draco. Blaise had already left.

During the summer Harry had been having nightmares about Cedric's death. One night we were sleeping and I heard Harry tossing and turning in his bed. Until he sat up. I woke up and saw he was sweating. Like he had sweat all over him. Sweat was dripping from him. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him. "Hey Harry it's okay. It's just another nightmare." I hugged him. "Wanna talk about it?" I said pulling away from the hug. "It was worse. Way worse than the other nightmares." I run my hand through his hair. "It's just a nightmare. Okay Harry. It's over." He nods his head. I stand up and walk back over to my bed and go to sleep. So does Harry. The next day were sitting on swings in the park. We supposed to be heading to Hogwarts soon. Dudley and his friends show up. I ignore them but Harry is Harry so he doesn't. He said something I wasn't listening until Dudley brought up Cedric. He made fun of Harry and his nightmares of Cedric. Harry ran up to him and pulled his wand out. Dudley's friends laughed but Dudley knew what me and Harry are capable of.

"Harry no!" I run up to them. "Don't." I said but Harry wasn't listening he was furious. "Harry!" Then all of a sudden the clouds and sky went dark. Like dark smoke was in sky. Dudley's friends ran and me, Dudley, and Harry ran. It was dementors. We got caught and they were feeding on our souls. I think that's what it's called. God I need to start paying attention in class, well in general but anyways. Harry used magic.

Fast forward to when Harry is at his hearing. I was also there but I wasn't on trial seeing as I didn't use any magic. Professor Dumbledore came. Harry was cleared of all charges. Me and Draco weren't speaking. We had gotten into a fight over the summer when he sent me a letter about he's father saying he needs to start acting like a death-eater. So we weren't talking. I just hope Draco hadn't gone back to his old ways. 

Me, Harry were walking off the train with Ron and Hermione behind us when Draco, Crabbe, Goyyle, Mia, and Blaise came walking up. Draco had started talking "Surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free Pottah. I bet there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." He was back to his old ways. He was wearing a Black suit. It looked liked Harry wanted to punch him but Ron grabbed him and I put my hand in front of him. "Harry stop. He not's worth it. Come on, let's just go." He stand there and smirks at Harry knowing it made him mad. I noticed and started talking to Harry while he started to calm down and Ron let go a little Hermione stood there. "Come on. He's trying to get you mad. Don't lose your temper. He just acting like his father. Ignore it." And Draco looks at me. I don't look back I just push Harry forward and he starts walking. Me, Hermione, and Ron follow.

Hermione starts talking and Draco, Mia and Blaise can hear our conversation just like if they were talking we could hear them. "Y/N why did you say that before to Harry?" I look at her "What I told him not to waste his time with the five of them but mostly Malfoy." Ron looks at me "Well I think it was bloody brilliant. But why did you call him Malfoy I thought you to were dating." I look up from my bag as I was looking for my book while he said that. "Well Ron that was before he decided to listen to his father and start acting like a death-eater. And his friends are listening and still hanging out with him because I'm pretty sure there scared of him. But I don't care. He wants to work for Voldemort the person trying to kill me and Harry, he can. But if we ever have to fight Voldemort and the death-eaters I'll always choose the side of good." Ron, Hermione, and Harry look at each-other. 

Harry says "I'm sorry sis. I know you love him. Even if you never said it to him" I look at Harry. "Loved him. My feelings changed as soon as he decided he wanted to be a death-eater so don't worry about it." Hermione asks "What about Mia? She's your friend." I look at Hermione. "Yeah she was. But she also chooses Draco's side. I found out she's also a death-eater. But it doesn't matter I have you three and I have to share a dorm with her but I can just ignore her." We all laugh.  Ron says "We are sorry. Your giving up your friends and boyfriend-" I cut him off. "Ex-Boyfriend Ron. Excuse I need some air." I stand up and turn around to walk to the door and I walk past Mia, Blaise, Draco. I brush past them. About ten minutes later I come back. Hermione was reading. Harry and Ron were eating sweets and I took out the book I had in my bag and read it. About twenty minutes later we were at Hogwarts. "Guys come on." Me and Hermione said. We got to the great hall in our robes and I had to sit at the Slytherin table.

To be continued

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. There gonna be a lot of drama.  

Don't forget "Love Triangle" comes out tomorrow.

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