The Kiss

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Author Notes

I'm skipping year two so I can go straight to the point of the story but basically in year two Harry, Hermione and Ron deal with the chamber of secrets.

Enjoy this chapter

Year 3

Me and Harry get on the train and sit with Hermione and Ron. Me and Hermione read the book that we both brought while Harry and Ron eat sweets.

When I get to Hogwarts I sit at the Slytherin table next to Malfoy the only seat that's open. I got there late so all the first years have been sorted. And I see Mia a girl I met in my second year and became friends with she was sitting across from me. "Hey" she said. "Hey so what did I miss? I ask as we start eating the feast. "Oh nothing really. The sorting hat does think alot of the first years are brave though. Most of them got Gryffindor." Shes says as she hands me a note.

I open the note and read it in my head.The notes says "I know you have a crush on Malfoy, you can't deny it . Would you say he got hotter this year?" I respond to Mia with words and say "Yes I would Mia."

And she laughs when Blaise says "What's this Potter?" He says while taking the note from my hand. "Blaise give it back Mia gave it to me to read." I say but he ignores. Draco asks "What does it say?" Blaise starts to talk and me and Mia go quiet. "It's about you Malfoy. It says, I know you have a crush on Malfoy you can't deny it. Wouldn't you say he got hotter this year?" And Draco smirks. "Draco you've got an admirer." Blaise says playfully. I snatch the note from his hand.

"Don't touch my stuff Blaise." I seem really angry and Blaise can tell. But then I look at Mia and say "I'm gonna head back to my dorm before this gets worse." Mia says "Okay and sorry I should've given you that when they weren't around." I leave and Draco stands up and follows.

I get to the Slytherin common and I'm a little out of breath from running so I stand there for a minute and look at the note again. I got mad that Draco knows I like him and I ripped up the paper and threw into the fire. And I walked around the couch and sit on the back of it facing away from it when I hear a familiar voice. "You know I was thinking maybe you had a crush on me but now this clears it up." Draco says. "Not the time Malfoy. I don't need you teasing me about this too." I said while turning to look his way he's leaning against the far end of the couch with his arm holding him from falling.

"Whoever said I was gonna tease you about this." He responds. I have your arms crossed showing I am clearly annoyed. "Please, now that you know you gonna use this against me". He starts to move closer to me and says "See now that's were you wrong." I feel his cold hand on my waist and I can feel him breathing on me. Him and Harry hate each-other and I know it's wrong but he kisses me and I kiss him back. The kiss only last about a minute because I realized I shouldn't and pull away.

He asks "What's wrong?" I try to stay serious with his charm working on me. "We can't do this. You and Harry hate each-other and he's my brother which makes me have to hate you to." I said. "No it doesn't. Just because me and him don't like each-other doesn't mean you have to choose sides. You can make you own decisions."

And there it is the Malfoy charm. But what he says really makes me think about how all my decisions were basically what Harry wanted me to do. Not what I wanted. What I wanted was Draco Malfoy. And I knew it was wrong but I wanted him anyway. I tried my hardest not to kiss him again and asked "When did you become so wise?" We both try not to laugh when he responds with "That's your comeback. Wow. Although after that kiss its probably the best comeback you can come up with."

I rolled my eyes and ask him something. "Why are you doing this? Why are you being so nice to me all of sudden? You weren't the out first two years. So why now?" He thinks for a minute or two and says "Because I guess part of me has always liked you and I guess now that I know you like me back I figured about time I do something about it." I think in my head and he's actually being sweet and thoughtful and that's not the Draco Malfoy I knew.

I looked at him and realize I don't want Harry controlling my life. I walk closer to him and kiss him and he kisses me back. We're just standing in the middle of the common room until Mia and Blaise walk in. I hear the talking and pull away and Draco realizes why and laughs.

Blaise says "What are you to doing." "Nothing." I say quickly and Mia knows somethings up. Mia says "Yeah. You might want fix the smudged lip gloss on your lip." Blaise laughs and Draco smirks. I look in the mirror that's in the common room and fix my lip gloss. "Thanks a-lot Mia." I say sarcastically.

"Hey you wanna make out with a boy be my guest but you don't have to hide it from me." She says trying not to laugh. Blaise says "It's about time. Me and Mia see the way you to look at each-other."

(Blaise and Mia are dating by the way)

"Yeah whatever." I say trying not to blush. "I'm going upstairs to bed." I finished saying. "I'll be up soon." Mia said.

(You and Mia share a room but Draco and Blaise have there own rooms)

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