Stiles Stilinski x Reader. (R...

By fanficlover_athena

33.9K 891 128

This book will be a rewrite of season 2 of teen wolf. It is the second book of the rewrite saga. (You can fi... More

Chapter 1*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7*
Chapter 8*
Chapter 9*
Chapter 10*
Chapter 11*
Chapter 12*
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14*
Chapter 15*
Chapter 16*
Chapter 17*
Chapter 18*
Chapter 19*
Chapter 20*
Chapter 21*
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23*
Chapter 24*
Chapter 25*
Chapter 27*
Chapter 28*
Chapter 29*
Chapter 30*
Chapter 31*
Chapter 32*
Chapter 33*
Chapter 34*
Chapter 35*
Chapter 36*
Chapter 37*
Chapter 38*
Chapter 39*
Chapter 40
update book:
Update book 3
Book cover for season 3

Chapter 26*

680 18 2
By fanficlover_athena

(Your POV)

"So what are we-" I begin saying, but get interrupted by a loud roar. "Scott??!" I ask, looking behind me. "What?" Stiles asks, looking at me nervously. "Break it." Derek says, making Stiles scoff. "What? No way!" Stiles says. "Scott's dying!" Derek says. "I'm going ..." I say, turning around and frantically running back inside. "Y/n wait!" Stiles yells, but I couldn't stop.

"Allison... please tell her I'm sorry..." I hear Scott weakly say from inside a room. I run in and am met by a startled Victoria. I see Scott on the ground and smell wolfsbane in the air, it already burning the inside of my lungs.

I run towards Victoria, tackling her to the ground. I then stand up and run towards the vial, stopping it from spreading into the room. Suddenly I feel something heavy being punched into the back of my head, making me fly forward and cough up blood.

Derek then runs into the room, and gets stabbed by Victoria. He fights her off and takes a look at Scott laying on the ground and me coughing up blood. He then turns back to Victoria angry and gives her a bite in her shoulder, which makes her scream and run away.

Derek rushes over to us, pulling Scott and I out of the room filled with wolfsbane air. When we get outside, fresh air fills my lungs, and I can feel them starting to heal. "Thanks..." I say to Derek making him nod. "You're welcome." He says, looking back at Scott. "Is he going to be ok?" I ask, seeing him still weak. "Yeah... I think we were just in time." he says, making me nod again.

"What?" I ask, when I see him still staring at me. "'s just." He says, making me frown. "What?" I ask again. "The wolfsbane... It affects you differently... maybe even worse than what it does to us..." he begins "I mean, you were in there for only a couple of second and the wolfsbane air made you cough up blood." He says again, making me think.

"I don't know why that is Derek... It just does." I say, shrugging. "I think it might have to do with the same fact that you have red eyes... you're not an alpha y/n, so it isn't normal for you to have red eyes." He says again.

"So what? Are you saying somethings wrong with me?" I ask nervously, which makes him shake his head. "I don't know... it's something I'll help you find out." He says, giving me a sad smile. "Thanks." I say, returning the smile. "Y/n?" I hear behind me, seeing Stiles run up to us. When he reaches me, he pulls me into a hug. "You ok? Whose blood is that?" he then asks with worry, looking at my stained tank top. "Mine..." I say sheepishly.

"What happened?" he asks, then looking next to me and seeing Scott still on the ground. "I think we need to get him to Deaton... he's healing too slow." Derek says, making me nod. "Help me get him in Stiles' jeep." I say, motioning for Stiles to follow us. "I'll explain everything on the way Stiles... come on." I say when I still see him looking at me expectantly.

I jump in the backseat of the jeep, next to Scott, while Derek sits himself down in the front seat. Stiles begins driving the car and looks at me through the rearview mirror expectantly. "So, anybody going to tell me?" he asks. "Allison's mother tried to kill Scott." Derek says, making Stiles look at him in disbelief. "What? Why?" he asks, making Derek roll his eyes.

"I didn't ask Stiles... I was busy fighting her off and pulling Scott and Y/n to safety." Derek says, making Stiles frown again. "I thought you said she tried to kill Scott... why would you need to carry y/n to safety then?" he asks, worry evident in his voice. "Because the wolfsbane was in the air in that room... it nearly killed y/n as well." He says.

"Is that why you have blood over your tank top?" Stiles asks, looking at me with worry. "Yes...
I coughed up some blood, but I'm fine now..." I say, rolling my eyes. "Why didn't you cough up blood?" he then asks Derek. "Because wolfsbane isn't supposed to do that..." Derek explains after he looks at me and I nod at him.

"Then why did it with you?" Stiles asks, looking back at me in the rearview mirror. "I don't know... nor do I care... I'm just glad that Derek pulled me out when he did." I say, looking out the window. Stiles parks the car in front of the animal clinic, and we drag Scott out of his jeep. Derek carries him inside and Deaton immediately jumps into action.

After Deaton has inserted some kind of liquid in Scott's arm, we can see him starting to slowly wake up. "Thank you." Derek then says to Deaton, who nods back at us. Stiles motions for me to follow him outside for a second, which I agree to.

"So... I think we should try to find out why it affected you so differently..." he begins, but I stop him. "No." I interject. "What? No?" he asks in disbelief. "Y/n... you could have died in there ... if they use wolfsbane on you again, it might kill you... we need to find out why and how to fix it." Stiles says, making me sigh.

"Look... we have enough to worry about right now... we have the Argents who hate our guts... we have Jackson, who is killing people without knowing it... we have my sister, who still loses her mind for some unknown reason at some moments... we have an unknown murdered person that is using Jackson to kill murders... and on top of that I have personal problems with my mother... Sorry but I really don't want to add to that list that there might be something wrong with me as well..." I say, making him look at me sadly.

"Let's just forget about it... ok?" I say, making him look at me unsure. "Y/n... this isn't something you can just forget about... this is important." Stiles says, making me sigh. "But when we find out the reason right now... instead of focusing on the other things going on right now... it won't change anything. It will still affect me the same way... so it can wait." I say, making him sigh and nod.

"Ok... but the second that we solve this Jackson stuff, we will look for a reason together ok?" he asks, making me nod at him. "Deal." I say, making him shake his head. "No, promise me... I know you never break your promises." He says, making me look at him. "How do you know that?" I ask dumfounded. "I noticed." Stiles says, making me smile at him. "Ok, I promise." I say, making him smile as well.

We then walk back into the clinic, seeing Scott sitting up on the table. "You're up." I say, walking over to him. "You ok?" I ask, making him slowly nod. "Allison's mother just tried to kill me..." he says, making me frown sadly. "I don't think that's the worst thing about it." I say, making Scott and Stiles frown at me.

"How come?" Scott asks, looking at me nervously. I look at Derek and see him nod my way, telling me I can tell them. "Well... when Derek was fighting Victoria off... and thereby saving both your life and mine... he kind of... bit her." I say, the last part slower than the first.

"Which means one of two things..." I say frowning at Scott's realization. "Actually... she'll die." Derek says, making us all look at him. "How do you know for sure?" I ask confused. "Because they go by a code..." Derek says, making me realize what he meant. "Oh..." I say sadly.

"Why did you bite her?" Scott asks, slightly yelling. "Scott!! He saved you... he had too I saw it... he had no choice." I say, sticking up for Derek. "What do I tell Allison?" Scott asks, making me shrug. "I don't know... if Derek's right... it could be that she's already dead before you get to her..." I say, looking at the ground.

"I won't tell her... neither will you all." Scott says, looking at everyone. "But..." I begin, making him shake his head. "If Derek's right... that means her mother will die... I don't want her last memories of her mother to be bad..." he explains, making me nod.

(Third POV)

Lydia is showering when she hears something, it sounds like a crowd cheering her name. She stops washing herself and tries to listen closely. She then reaches for the end of the shower curtain, slowly pulling it back. Instead of seeing her bathroom, she sees that the scene has changed, and she is now standing on the lacrosse field in her dress that she had been wearing to the dance.

She looks around frantically, seeing that everyone is cheering for her. She then focuses on one person in the bleachers, recognizing her as y/n. Instead of cheering like the rest of the people, she has been crying and screaming for her to turn around.

When Lydia turns around, she can see Peter walking towards her. She looks back at y/n, seeing her frantically cry and call out for her. When Lydia turns back to Peter, he is closer to her. Lydia tries to run away but is pulled back and thrown on the ground. She tries to crawl away from peter, but he keeps crawling over her and dragging her to him.

Lydia then suddenly wakes up in her bedroom, breathing heavily. She looks down and sees dirt lying in her bed under her. She closes her eyes and a tear falls from them. "Leave me alone" she says. Suddenly peter appears in the bed, lying down next to her. "Unfortunately, I can't. At least, not yet." He says.

"Are you real?" Lydia asks, not daring to look at him yet. "Interestingly, that question can also be answered, "not yet." Peter says, making her look at him. "I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Lydia. All that you have to do... is every single thing I ask." He says again.

Suddenly they appear on her stairs, walking downstairs. "Timing is key here, Lydia. It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in March? It's called the Worm Moon. They call it that because it's the last full moon of winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed. Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?" Peter says.

"But the full moon is on Wednesday... That's Y/n's and my birthday." Lydia says, being guided through her living room. "Exactly! And the Martin sisters birthday is always the party of the year, isn't it? Everyone wants to go to this party... so, we're going to make it a very special party." Peter says. Lydia looks at the garden and sees people walking around in it, like they are enjoying a party.

"And what if I don't?" Lydia asks fearfully. The scenery outside changes into a bloodbath, Lydia can see Y/n lying outside in a pool of blood, surrounded by all her friends. "I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way, no one gets hurt." Peter says again.

"Why me?" Lydia asks. "Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent... she's immune." Peter says smiling. "Immune to what?" Lydia asks frowning. "Oh, that's right-- they haven't told you, have they? Bet you've felt like the last to know for a long time. Doesn't feel good, does it? You deserve to know everything. It's probably best if I just show you." Peter says.

He suddenly disappears, making Lydia look around fearfully. She then looks at the window, seeing two red eyes stare back at her. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lydia screams, when the red eyed wolf jumps through the window and attacks her.


Chris is cleaning Victoria's wound, looking at his wife with worry. "It's not that deep, okay?" he says, trying to convince himself. Gerard then walks down the stairs, looking at the couple intently. "It's all right. I'll clean it myself." Victoria says, nodding at her husband.

Chris stands up and walks over to Gerard, sighing. "It's not that bad. We don't know. We can't know-- not for sure." Chris says. "It's a bite from an Alpha." Gerard says coldly. "She's my wife. Allison's mother." Chris says sadly.

"And I'm the cold-hearted patriarch holding his family to its commitments. We all have our roles. Just don't expect me to play poisoned king to your Hamlet of a son. Not with a full moon coming." Gerard says.

"What about Allison? How am I supposed to get her through this? We just buried Kate..." Chris says in disbelief. "Then tell me-- how long is long enough? When exactly do you think Allison will be emotionally prepared enough to handle the death of her mother?" Gerard counters.

"She can't lose her, too." Chris says emotionally. "Ah, you're getting your tenses mixed up-- your wife is already dead, and that thing over there is just a cocoon waiting to hatch." Gerard says, pointing to Victoria cleaning her own wounds.


Derek and Scott walk into the railway depot, Y/n and Stiles had gone home after Scott had made Stiles drive Y/n. "I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal." Derek says, making Scott look at him. "You mean y/n?" Scott asks, making Derek shrug his shoulders sadly.

"Ugh, I get it-- we can't save Jackson." Scott says, sighing. "We can't seem to kill him, either. I've seen a lot of things, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger." Derek says grimly.

"But how do we stop him?" Scott asks. "I don't know. I don't even know if we can." Derek says, a little defeatedly. "Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it..." Scott then says. "I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault." Derek says sighing. "Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this! I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?" Scott asks, defending Derek.

"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple." Derek says scoffing. "What do you mean? What aren't you telling me?" Scott asks. "Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?" Derek asks in disbelief. "Because you always are keeping something from me!" Scott says in disbelief as well.

"Well, maybe I do it to protect you." Derek says. "Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?" Scott asks, making Derek sigh. "Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe... 'Cause the full moon's coming, and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one." He says again, looking at the ground.

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