I'm your girl

By fachigo

17.9K 425 439

***COMPLETED*** The VKs are going to Auradon. Lonnie smart, cute, athletic and a bit of a trouble maker meets... More

The VKs arrive
Jay meets Lonnie
Carlos meets Jane
science fiasco
Jane meets Evie
authors note
Lonnie meets Mal
Carlos meets new Jane
Awkward gym class
the bet
the plan
try outs
new friends
the interview
the sleepover..... characters
the sleepover
the sleepover II- truth or dare
the boys get to know each others
Evie stands up for Jane
STT(getting allies)
STT in motion
project partners
A different approach
Jay gets played
Jay loses the bet?
tourney game
authors note
project presentation
coronation II
new arrivals
the mega sleepover
Carlos stands up for Jane
face reveal
Carlos confesses his feelings
I'm your girl
I'm your girl II

science fiasco II

607 15 5
By fachigo

Hey there it's been a while since I last updated im gonna make this chapter long to make up for it. Happy reading

Doug and Evie
Doug keeps staring at Evie as she was writing. Doug clears his throat audibly to get Evie's attention, Evie looks at Doug and smiles sweetly making Doug nervous.

"Well you are lucky you were partnered with me (more like I'm lucky to be with you)Doug thought because I've always won first place in class" Doug said all in one breath as he breathed in audibly.

"Wow remind me how you are related to doupey again"Evie joked as Doug laughs a little.

"So what should we do?" Evie asked Doug, "what do you want to do" Doug replied.

"Hmm well I've always wanted to have a music box maybe we can make that" Evie said as she looked at Doug

"we can't do that since there is basically no conversion of energy but we can do something similar like a dancing girl that runs on sound" Doug said calmly (he was getting comfortable with Evie).

"So you mean sound to mechanic energy?" Evie asked

"beauty and brains can anyone be more perfect?" Doug thought as he replied yes.

"Okay then let's make our research" Evie said as she pulls out her magic mirror.

"What do I need to convert sound energy to mechanical energy" Evie asked then the mirror showed her some equipment with the name on it.

"What is that?" Doug asked as he saw Evie writing stuff from her mirror

"oh I'm making research see anything I want to know my mirror tells me" Evie said as she showed Doug her mirror.

"Is that your mom's magic mirror which is full of wisdom, I thought it would be bigger and more intimidating" Doug said as he was examining the mirror.

"Well when they defeated my mom, they smashed the magic mirror and this was the only piece my mom could take with her." Evie said.

"Well you can't use that it's cheating we are supposed to work hard and make research.................. put it away if you don't want it to be seized" Doug said as he went back to his textbook researching.

"I don't get it why can't I use my mirror you guys use your phone how am I cheating huh and threatening me not cool" Evie said angrily

"No that's not what I meant okay I mean if the teacher sees you with a magic mirror he would seize it, possibly take it to museum that's why I'm saying you should keep it hidden and work hard so that way you would be proud of yourself for doing it yourself" Doug said nicely.

"But how do you know the others aren't cheating?" Evie asked calmly.

"Because we are in Auradon and beside if someone cheats that's not our problem because we did this the right way" Doug said as he smiled at Evie, Evie smiled back at him and nodded her head and then puts the mirror back in her purse and continues to lay the plan and blue prints for their project.

She wondered why she was feeling so happy with him she stared at him as he was writing in his note book DOUG AND EVIE PROJECT and started writing down the things they would need.

Jay and Lonnie
After the teacher told them to wait after class Lonnie glared at Jay furiously as Jay snickered.

"Great you got me in trouble on my first day guess I just lost 10bucks thanks to you" Jay said as Lonnie was looking at him furiously

"I swear if we weren't in class right now I would have beaten up your pathetic ass" Lonnie said as she clenched her fist."

"Okay just who do you think you are anyway I've never done anything to you and yet you are really mean you just broke my finger and here you are playing the victim" Jay said annoyed.

"I broke your finger cause you insulted my friend and I'm not mean the first time we met instead of you to introduce yourself like a gentleman should you just tried flirting with me and stroke my chin just what do you take me for huh do I look cheap and FYI I'm Mulan and Shang daughter heros of China, and when I say I'm gonna whoop your ass....,............I will whoop your ass" Lonnie said furiously.

Jay watched her as she was talking he didn't even know what to feel he had mixed emotion he was super impressed and was also suprised that a girl could talk to him like that besides Mal and Evie, somehow scared this girl is the daughter of Mulan that meant she wasn't bluffing.

"Would this girl really beat up a guy?" Jay thought as he looked at Lonnie who was writing furiously in her notebook.

"Okay listen I didn't mean it like that to your friend I mean she dresses old fashioned and she's cute in it, it suits her okay and flirting with you that just the way I say hello okay?" Jay said as Lonnie looked up from her notebook to his face to search for any trace of insincerity. Jay being a thief and Jafar's son makes him an excellent liar.

Lonnie just nodded her head "at least you accepted your mistake that's a start" Lonnie said as she went back to her book.

She started writing back in her book and they sat in awkward silence until Jay decided to break it.

"So what are we doing?" Jay asked looking at what Lonnie was writing.

"And why would you care? I thought you let the girls do your dirty works well I would be more than happy to do your work for you *Jay smirked hearing it*, since it means I would spend less time with you and I might possibly not even talk to you till next three weeks." Lonnie said as Jay's smirk disappeared.

"What exactly is this girls deal I tried as a flirt I tried as a gentleman and nothing works what does she want she's making me go crazy I must have her." Jay thought as he looked at Lonnie who was still writing in her book.

"No I actually want to help" Jay said as he was unconsciously giving his flirtatious look Lonnie rolled her eyes and continues her work. "Listen the teacher said that you should help me catch up meaning you can't get rid of me and if I don't improve he would think it's your fault so let me help" Jay said grabbing Lonnie's pen.

"Hey give that back..,............. fine just as long as you don't bother me" Lonnie said as she took her pen.

"Oh thank you"Jay said sounding genuine to any other person's ear but he had other motives.

"So what are we doing "Jay said

"we will be making mouse generator we will be converting mechanical energy to electrical energy.

"Okay that's cool so what do I do?" Jay asked

"easy use your phone and research everything about energy conversion and how to convert mechanical energy to electrical and you are also going to help me get the stuff and we will build the device together." Lonnie said as she wrote what they might need.

"We will need to make more research but for now this is all we need.

"Um I have a question why is our project name JANNIE PROJECT?" Jay asked as he  looked at the name

"oh yeah me and Jane usually do our project together it means Jane and Lonnie." Lonnie said as she smiled at the name. "I wrote it by mistake but then I didn't want to cancel it so I just decided to leave it after all it's kinda like Jay and Lonnie so no one would know it was a mistake" Lonnie said as she smiled at Jay sweetly.

Jay started feeling stuffs in his stomach was he sick to his stomach, why did her smile make his heartbeat louder why was he smiling at the couple name?

"What happening to me? Jay asked himself as he kept staring at Lonnie.

Lonnie started getting uncomfortable at his stare then he stopped and they continued talking about their project and plans.

And there you have it folks I fulfilled my promise it was a bit longer right? Anyway next up Lonnie meets Mal. Any thoughts, request, criticism? Let me know. Bye

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