Electromagnetic Engagement

By Stillwell03

279K 5.3K 4.3K

Izuku Shimura, the son of Nana Shimura is the holder of a rather powerful electricity quirk since childhood... More

Son of Greatness
Happily Stuck
The Arrangement
Vow of Happiness
Passing The Torch
The Entrance Exam
The Honeymoon
Admittance to UA University
Day 1 in the Dorms
Top Dog
Coozy Date
Power of Lightning
Troubling Endeavors
Making a Family?
Fight for Goals
Charging for Victory
Shimura Struggle
Festival's End
Possible Trouble
Work Study
Work Study Madness
Never Bring a Knife to a Lightning Fight
Women's Ordeals
Telling News
Telling Family
Rescue and Battle
Mad Warfare
Relaxing Day
Camp in the Forest
Heavy Training and Baby Friends
Secrets in the Onsen
Hellish Night
Destined Nemesis
Getting the Drop
Sekitangara the Hero. Dabi the Villain
Start of the End
Peace Returned

Final Exams

2.9K 81 45
By Stillwell03

As the next day came around, Izuku sat at his desk with Eri on his lap sleeping peacefully. The small baby was having a bit of difficulty sleeping the night before to have each of her parents somewhat tired today. Izuku more than anyone since he spent most of the night trying to keep Eri asleep so that Ochako and Momo could get the much needed rest they needed and not have any problems for them or the babies inside them. Those that saw him when they got up however saw a near perfect imitation of their teacher in their electric quirk using classmate. Once the door opened to Aizawa walking in. He addressed the class in his normal emotionless fashion. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." "Good morning *yawn* uncle Shota." Izuku made a mistake of addressing his uncle for the teacher to see him struggle to stay awake. "Did he not sleep well last night?" Aizawa asked directed more towards the two Shimura women for them to seem a little tired themselves. "I think Eri was having nightmares last night or something. Izuku took care of her. She was up a lot though."

Aizawa saw the small child out cold to shrug it off. "I don't blame him for being dead tired. Anyway, final exams are coming up for this term, so I need you all to be ready. For the hero course, you have the regular written exam as well as a physical exam that I won't say." The class went silent before shouting. "WHAT!?" The outburst spooked Eri to wake her and start crying. "Who did it?" Everyone turned to Izuku with lightning coming off of his body and cooling around him like a suit of armor. "Who the hell shouted to wake up my daughter?" The lightning stopped thanks to Aizawa's quirk, but the fear was still there in him. "As much as I'd love to watch everyone clear the room for me to have the class to nap, you'd probably fry almost everyone here if you kept going. Why don't you just take the time to hush Eri and go back to sleep." The teacher let go of his quirk for Izuku to nod and place Eri on the desk before slamming his head on it to fall asleep. Eri followed him and laid on his head like his hair was a fluffy pillow.

"Back yo what I was talking about. Exams are next week with a training camp being done for the hero course students during the summer. This is to get you all ready for the provisional license exam that will be held shortly after you return. For those that fail their exams though, you'll have to take remedial lessons for this." Everyone started to get psyched up with the volume being raised a bit. They stopped though when Izuku lifted his head with the electricity off his body nearly blowing the lights above him. "Can we please not anger the husband of the problem family more? I don't have enough eye drops to stop him from blowing the circuits for this school's electricity." Everyone shut up with Izuku's head going back down with Eri drooling on his head from her sound sleeping.

During lunch

"I HAVEN'T EVEN STUDIED AT ALL!" Both Kaminari and Ashido say this with the earlier being more afraid while the other seemed to be less worried. "Between the Sports Festival and the work studies, I haven't gotten the chance to even open my notes up." "See that Eri? That's who you shouldn't be like. Always try your best and don't use excuses like what's happening around you for not doing your best." Izuku says this as both seemed to nap almost the entire first half of the day away like it was nothing. "Ba." Ochako came over to pick up Eri while Momo thought of her classmates' predicaments. "If you'd like, I can help you all catch up on the harder things." "Really!? You're the best Shimomo!" Both flunkies of class A said this in unison with Jirou walking over. "Would you mind if I join in. I'm not as worried about flunking, but there are some parts of this term's math final that I'm kinda not able to understand so well." "Sure. Why don't we make a study group with everyone. Would anyone else like to join?"

A few hands were raised for Momo to smile. "Alright then. We can meet in the common space after we're done with today." "Honestly, I'm not exactly afraid of the written half as much. The physical though is probably the issue." Kirishima says this while walking over towards Izuku and Bakugou. "Just so you all know, the common end of term exam for first years is robots. However, they might change it cause of how we weren't exactly pushed in the Sports Festival." "So we're probably facing robots? AWESOME!" "EASY A, HERE I COME!" Kaminari and Ashido say this with Izuku rolling his eyes. 'Why do I stay in the same class as you?' There was a sudden growl in the classroom for everyone to look at the origin and notice it was Ochako and Momo. "What?" "....I am not looking forward to my future as a mother if I ever become one." Hagakure states this while Izuku looks at her calmly. "Every woman that's having a baby will most likely be hungry more often than everyone else. It's nature's way of testing the husband to see how far he'd go for his wives." "And would you go that far?" Bakugou says this with Izuku pulling five foot long subs from his bag. "You were saying something?"

Later that afternoon

Izuku, Momo and Ochako had sat down in the common space of the dorms with their classmates Ashido, Kaminari, Ojiro, Jirou and Sero. For the most part, everyone was working as hard as they could with the exception of the lightning quirk user. "Dude! Why aren't you working with us on this!?" Sero asked while seeing Izuku with Eri on his lap playing with Korin and Mushu. "I'm trying to keep Eri preoccupied while you all study. Don't worry, I'll manage though." "That's not the issue here." Jirou says before the timer on the oven dings for the young father to get up and place Eri in a harness. After a minute or two, he comes back with a plate of white chocolate almond cookies. "Thank you. I've been craving these." Momo says while taking a cookie to eat while explaining the next problem to everyone. "Oh come on! At least try to be part of this!" Kaminari shouts to get a bolt of lightning that almost hit him. "I told you that everything is fine, so don't worry about me and worry more about yourself. Last I checked, you're not the one who has the grades to worry about others."

Izuku sat back down to place Eri back on his lap to continue playing with the cat duo. "Please tell me he's not gonna flunk the exams just cause he does this." Ojiro asked for Ochako to explain. "Izuku's the smartest guy I know. When we were younger, his mom took him for an IQ test." "...What was the score?" Momo asked, curious now for the brunette to answer. "I don't know. All I got was that he ticked off the instructor cause he found grammar errors with the questions as well as getting a score off the charts. There was a rumour at our school that he had an IQ in the 4 digits." "From what I have noticed is that he has a perfect photographic memory. He once drew a hero that he didn't know the name of, and only saw once exactly how he had seen it and discovered it was an american hero over here in japan for an exchange program." They watched as Izuku began using his quirk to make Eri's hair rise up from static electricity for them to think the same thing. 'Does he even have a flaw?' "Getting back on topic, Jirou, what's the answer to number 6?" The aux cord quirk user struggled while looking at the question. "Uhh..." She tried to figure it out with the formula she believed was the answer with Izuku coming over. "Use this formula instead of the one you're using. It'll help." Jirou noticed the difference and seemed to get to the answer needed. "Nice job. Now Ashido, can you do number 7?" She looked at the question to laugh. "I don't get it." Momo then walked over to explain what to do and tried pointing her in the right direction. It only took about five minutes to explain the problem with Izuku doing the same with Kaminari for it to only take half the time with him.

"Ok, that was a good attempt. Moving onto the next section." Izuku passed Ochako and Momo a bit of tea for them to sip while they continued the session. "Now he's just showing off." Sero points out while he levitates the pot and the cups in the air. "He can show off all he wants. I know he'll do fine." "The sad matter is also that he'll probably do better than me." Momo admits as a way to agree with Ochako for them to continue working while also watching Izuku goof off basically. 'I'm gonna be really annoyed if he does fine on this while I'm working my butt off.' Everyone thinks this while Momo goes onto the next question with Ochako answering it the best she could.

Time skip to the exam

A week went by with everyone working their hardest to get the best score they could with hopes to pass. Well, everyone but Izuku. He spent the entire week focused on taking care of Eri while also watching Ochako and Momo to make sure they don't overwork themselves. This somewhat annoyed those who worked to get a good grade, but was kinda hoping this would backfire on him. When the test finally came, those that worked hard at least saw the difference. "Pencils down." Aizawa says this with the last person in the line coming up and giving the scantrons for them to be graded. For the purpose of everyone knowing what they were able to get score wise, Aizawa had the machine set up in the classroom with the answer sheet for the results to be back in minutes. "Up top is the results of everyone. Fortunately for all of you, nobody failed."

Everyone that was trying to do well saw where they scored with Kaminari and Ashido extremely happy that they scored at least enough to pass everything. Everyone else who was behind on their weakest subject was also happy that they did better than normal. But the biggest surprise was for those that witnessed Izuku goof off for the last week. "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS!?" They shouted seeing Izuku with a perfect score in everything. Not even Momo could do that since she had a 99% in two subjects. Izuku smirked as Kaminari and Ashido slammed their heads on the desks realizing how unfair life was for them. "Now that you all know your grades, put on your hero suits and meet me out by the buses." Everyone grabbed their costumes while heading out to change. During this, Aizawa gave Eri back to the Shimura family since he had the liberty of making sure she wasn't able to distract them from the test. Once everyone taking the physical part was geared up, they found themselves met with the teachers and Nana waiting for them.

"Hello class A. I'm sure you're all aware what this exam will probably hold." Nezu says this while jumping out of Aizawa's capture gear. "Yeah! Robots! Piece of cake!" Kaminari and Ashido say this while thinking they would have an easy time with this. "Ordinarily you'd be correct. However, we've taken the liberty of changing our curriculum a bit." These words made the two stop and look at the small rodent. "Told ya this might happen." Izuku says this while giving his pinky for Eri to tug on. "For today's final exam, you will be put in teams of two and facing the faculty of UA! Isn't that exciting!?" The cheerful tone of the small animal didn't sit well with the students as they all shouted. "WE'RE FACING THE TEACHERS!?" "Daba!?" Eri tries to simulate the shock everyone had to gain a laugh from her grandmother. "This is mainly because you've all seen action before. If by some chance you all did face the robots like you would've, it will be too easy for you. This is more as a way for you to be pushed to your limits. But don't worry, we'll be holding back just enough for you all to pass." "We also have your opponents and who you're put with already set up."

Nana and Toshinori look at Izuku and Bakugou and smirk. "For this exam, you both will be facing us." The two boys looked at each other before shouting. "LIKE HELL I'M WORKING WITH THIS JERK/ASSHOLE!" "Heroes don't get the option of who they face or side with many times. This is also a test for the two of you as a whole. Now, I want to see you both fight us with everything you have and remember our school's motto. Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!" The buff blond begins to laugh a bit before getting a punch to the gut by Nana. "Save the macho talk for the fight you blond oaf." "*cough* yes mother." 'Great. I'm facing my mom and my brother. Worst of all, I'm with the one asshole that I want to avoid having anything to do with.' 'Why did I have to be with fucking Deku of all people?' Neither person wanted to give an inch with the situation they were in not making things any better.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and Bakugou handle being part of the same team next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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