Love is Tough

By RonnieTassyisI

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Steffani Jenkins is an ordinary teenager who has awesome friends and family. She has a strong passion for act... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part One
Chapter 13 Part Two
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

71 3 2
By RonnieTassyisI

The morning was normal. Derek, Chad and I were catching up on TV shows. And we were planning on having a movie night tomorrow.

I was watching TV with my brothers when the door rang. My brothers ran to the door. I ran after them. "hi, is Steffani here?" It was a familiar voice. I was pushing them away, but they wouldn't leave. "Oh, why do you need her, you guys have a date?" Chad asked. I wanted to punch him. Well I was right behind him, so I punched his back, he coughed to cover the punch. "Uh, yeah.. You can say that." He said. Then I remembered that Philip was going to bring me to this swimming thing. I stopped trying and just leaned on the wall.

"Oh, so you do like her?" Derek asked.

"it's complicated. Is she here?" He asked.

"Oh, Stef!" Derek and Chad sang together. They saw me leaning on the wall. I motioned, no! Tell him I'm not here!! But they love it when I'm not happy, as a joke. They both carried me to the door. Derek got my feet, and Chad got my arms. Yeah their really buff.

Philip laughed. "What are you laughing at." I said, fixing my outfit. I turned and made a fist with my hand towards Chad and Derek. "Are you ready?" He asked tired.

"No, wa- I told you I'm not going." I said walking to the door, to close it. He took my hand. "Then I guess you won't get your iPod back. And let me tell you, you have some insane good taste in music. I loved these bands." He said.

"How do you have my iPod. Mary is supposed to have it, she was supposed to give it back yesterday." I said looking down remembering.

"Well, Mary told me to give it to you, since I am in your classes. But I thought I hold on to it, incase if I wanted something from you." He said smirking. "You're a jerk." I said making a face at him. I went for the iPod, but he pulled away. "Come on. It won't be that bad. You're going to make a guy happy." He said laughing. He was coping what I told him yesterday about the play. I am so annoyed! "Give me 2minutes."

I got changed. This was only to get my iPod back.

"How long is this going to take?" I said. He parked the car and we got out. "However long I want this date to be." he said smiling. I pulled his shoulder. "This. Is. Not. A. Date." I said. He put his hand on my waist. "Whatever you want to call this coco. Your brothers even think this is a date." he said smirking. He smelled of colon. He pulled me closer. I pulled off. He smirked and took my hand. We got in, and there were huge swimming pools. There wasn't anyone here in this room. He put his stuff down and took his shirt off and jumped in. I was looking around. "Come in!" he said.

"No." I said.

"Then you won't get your iPod back." He said smirking.

"You got me here, now give me back my iPod." I walked over to his stuff, I didn't find it. He cleared his throat, I looked at him, and he was holding it up. "Give it back. I don't have extra clothes, you do." He swam out the pool, and went inside a room. He came back with a huge bag. "Choose your pick." he dropped the bag, and took my hand and he ran into the water.

"What the heck!" I was in the pool. He was laughing. I swam towards the stairs. I started walking up the stairs when he caught my hands. Philip pulled my hand, and I fell back in. There was a big splash. "You're gonna have try another way to get out of here." He said chuckling. I started swimming places, but it was no point, he's a fast swimmer, I saw myself. I swam to the corner, then I was trapped. He cornered me. "Okay, I've been in the pool for a long time, can I get my iPod back?" I asked. He just laughed. I then jumped onto the platform, I jump high. "Haha! I win!" I said running towards the bag of clothes. I picked my outfit and ran into a room to change.

"Hey, whoever's clothes I'm wearing, would she mind?" I asked. I laid my wet clothes on the bench for a while. "It's my sister's, she won't mind." He got up and took his shirt off and got on a new shirt. "Um, do you need a room, I'll go outside." I got my bag and started walking off. "No need, I'm done." He smiled throwing his wet clothes in a bag, and tossing it in the room I changed in.

He started getting packed. "Where are we going?" I asked getting my clothes, that were still wet. Great, what are my parents going say, about this...

"We are going to eat. They have an awesome place around here, that has insane food!" He said all pumped up.

I got my stuff and followed him. We got in the car and he turned on FUN. and drove off.

"You listen to FUN? That's like my favorite band." I said nodding my head, listening to Walking The Dog.

"Yeah, I like them. I started hearing them. I've been reading this music blog lately, and it's just so amazing. And she talks about this band." He said looking straight at the road. I grinned. Wait. What.

"A music blog? Huh. I've been writing one myself. Tell me about the writer." I asked.

"Well, she writes like she sounds likes. Actually she sounds like you, come to think of it. It really insane. I love the blog." he said smiling.

"Does it have a title?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can't remember the title. What's your blog's name?" He asked taking a look at me, and looking back at the road.

"Mine is called My Muses." I was smiling.

"Wow, that's insane! You're her! Steffani Jenkins is the writer of My Muses! That's the blog I read. You writing is just incredible." He said looking at me. I noticed that our car was parked already. I got out. "Shake Shack. I freaking love this place!!" I said smiling.

He was laughing. We walked in, and we ordered our food, and ate.

"I haven't been to Shake Shack in so long!" I said getting out.

We got in the car. He started driving. I looked at what other bands he had. I then turned on Vampire Weekend.

"Where are we going next?" I asked.

"Well, i have no idea, so I'm bring you back home." He said.

I nodded. I started jamming along with all these bands he had in his car.

"Hey, your sister. Does she go to our school? I could give her, her clothes back." I asked, lowering the music.

"No, she goes to another high school." he said looking at the road.

"Oh, then I should give back her clothes." I said.

"Give them back when you feel like it." He grinned.

"Yeah... No, I think I'll give it back. Wait a little while in front of my house and I'll give it back to you." I said looking at him.

"sure." He said looking at the road.

I turned back on the music.

I got home, and told Philip to wait like 3 minutes. I changed fast in the garage. And I ran to the car and put them on the passenger seat.

"Here. Now bye." I said taking my arms out of the window. He pulled my hand.

"What."I asked.

"Forgetting something?" He said showing my iPod.

"Thanks." I said trying to get my ipod, but he pulled it back.

"What." I said.

He got out of the car. He walked onto my lawn.

"Wha-what do you think you're doing?" I said catching up to him.

"I walking you to the door." he said looking straight at the door.

"What, no, no you're not." I said jumping in front of him.

"But that's what the guy does after the date is over for the girl." He said grinning.

"This isn't, and wasn't a date!" I said punching him in the arm.

"then you won't get your iPod back." He said smiling.

"Ugh! Fine, but this is not a date, not to me." I said turning around, walking to my door.

He pulled my hand. "Now that's the spirit." he said. He took my hand, and as much as I tried to pull away, he was just more stronger.

We got to the door, and I went to knock on the door, when the door opened. Derek, Chad and Daisy were at the door.

"So how was the date?" Chad said. The other two were just smiling. Derek and Chad probably told Daisy what happened.

"This was not a date!" I said pulling away from his hand and freaking out. Finally my hand was out of his hand.

"Then why did he walk you to the door?" Derek asked.

"And why were you holding hands." Daisy said cheerfully. The eldest, should be the strict one, but instead she's just playing along, yeah thanks Daisy.

"He has my iPod, and he wouldn't give it back unless I do what he says. Thats why--" Philip covered my mouth with his hand.

"I had a great night Stef, bye." he said. And he pulled me towards him.

"Aww!" Daisy, Derek, Chad all said.

"What! No! He's a big jerk, why would I fall for a tattooed, swimmer, jerk!" I said pulling away.

"Ouch! Love hurts!" He said smiling.

"How the hell can you still be smiling after I call you a jerk. And said that I wouldn't fall for you." I asked.

"Because..." He said smiling.

What! I couldn't say anything, so I just pushed Derek and Chad away. I ran upstairs and changed. And washed my face with cold water. I still felt Philip all over me. I gagged! I decided to take a shower.

I ran downstairs feeling a little better. I saw Derek, Chad, Daisy in the living room. Rocky was in the kitchen with Mom

"When did that jerk tattooed guy leave?" I asked jumping in a couch.

How I met Your Mother was on TV. I love this show. Haha Barney, love that guy!

"He left like 5 minutes ago. He seems like a really nice guy. Why hate on him?" Daisy asked.

"It's complicated." I said feeling tired to explain everything.

" Well, we know how much you like him. And how much you guys look good together. We did something." Chad said, laughing softly.

"What did you do?" I asked. I was feeling nervous, worried, and curious.

They were all laughing now. Then I started to think that it would be funny... But funny for who. Me? Or would it make me mad?

"We invited..." Derek started to say.

"We invited Philip, to movie night." Chad finished for him. I was so close of wanting to run to them 3 and tackle them. But they weren't finished.

"Tomorrow!" Daisy said.

That's when I attacked. We all fell on the couch. I got up a little bit but still kept them all down and started to sit on them.

"Get off of me!" Daisy squealed.

"cancel the movie night tomorrow!" I demanded.

"No!" Derek and Chad said. They pushed me off. Them and their strong-ness. Daisy got up and fixed her hair and outfit.

"We did it because, well I agreed on doing it with the boys because I saw the way he looked at you. He really likes you. And when you asked why he still smiles after you called him a jerk, he wanted to tell you something but didn't. He really likes you, and won't let go. That's why. I want you to give him another chance." Daisy said.

Chad and Derek stuck their tongues out and put their finger over their tongue, and gagged. I couldn't say anything anymore. I ran upstairs.

I went on my computer, and went on oovoo. I saw Mary and Daniel on too. Daniel sent me message.

Danny: hey, I heard you went on a date with a Phil. So you changed your mind about him being a jerk.

Steflovesyou: first of all, how did you know that I hung out with Philip today? And second, IT WAS NOT A FREAKING DATE! And third: he is still a jerk.

Danny: Phil told me all about it. You did it just to get your ipod back.

Steflovesyou: and I still didn't get it back! That little jerk! He's doing things with me because he has my ipod, only because of that. That's really a romanic thing.

Danny: you don't know it do you. It his style. He gets girls by being a badass.

That made me laugh.

Steflovesyou: well, It doesn't work on me.

Danny: what is your style?

Steflovesyou: um, i don't know. A guy that's funny, and can be himself around me. A guy that has something in common with me.

Danny: ooo that's a guy alright.

I didn't have a type for guys really.

Danny: Mars wants to talk along in the chat.

Steflovesyou: NO! She thinks we are cute together. I don't wanna deal with that again. I'm out, bye.

I got off the computer and laid down on my bed. I freaking wish I had my iPod with me. My iPod is like my life. I listen to music 24/7. I love it.

I was about to fall asleep, when my phone was ringing. I used all my strength to move my arm on the side table to get my phone.

"Eh." I said

"Hi." I was trying to remember who this guy was.

"Uh, what" I said still trying to remember.

"Have you heard the news? We have our second date picked!" Philip. That woke me right up.

"No! I am not going to hang out with you anymore! This, what happened today, was not, never a DATE! And tomorrow is not another date, I'm not going to let you in." I said walking around my desk, getting really tense.

"Chill out coco. You do want your iPod back don't you." he said. I could sense that he was smiling. And I had a feeling he was looking at it.

"Why are you still on that! Just give it back! Please." I said.

"uh, let me think... NO." I had the sense he was smiling again.

"Bye." I said. I couldn't get anything else out.

"can't wait for tomor-" he didn't finish because I hung up.

I fell down on my bed. I am so tired.

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