He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...

By Novala_Sapphire

103K 1.8K 692

Ever since Lisanna came back, Natsu has hated Lucy. The rest of the guild didn't change, but Natsu did. He st... More

My Explanation
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
You Guys Are Slowly Killing Me 🀣
Thank You

Chapter 49:

877 12 14
By Novala_Sapphire

We've been following the footprints for a while. Probably for almost half an hour. We arrived outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall in Magnolia.

"What the hell! Why would he be here?!" I asked, shocked.

"I don't know, but come on. We have to talk with Master. I doubt he even knows Natsu is here. A perfect hiding place though. No one would have thought he'd bring Lucy back here." Erza said. We went inside and saw that the guild was once again repaired, and the guild members were all mostly healed with some having only a few bandages on.

Wendy gasped and ran over, healing everyone who still had bandages on. Gramps walked over to us and inspected the other slayers. He nodded, knowing that they were back to mostly normal except for the overprotectiveness they've gained.

"Why are you guys here? Where is Lucy and Natsu?" Gramps asked.

"They are here. Lucy is Gray's mate, Master. Natsu wants her as his own mate so he kidnapped her. The trail he left brought us directly here. Do you know a place in the guild he could possibly hide Lucy?" Erza asked him.

His eyes widened. "Come with me quickly!" He said as he ran up to his office, worry and shock on his face. We followed him and he closed the door, locking it and making the room soundproof. He then began searching his papers and filing cabinets, before finally finding what he was looking for. He ran his hand over the file cover, then gasped, shocked. "The enchantment and protection spells have been broken on this file. I know where he is. Follow me." He said.

We ran out of the office behind him, and followed him down to the basement of the guild hall. He began searching the walls and then stopped, and started to push a certain part of the wall aside. Behind the wall was a staircase leading down into the darkness. We stood there shocked.

"Come on, my children! I know he's down here. Let's go." He ordered, snapping us out of our shock. We all went down, with Laxus coming down last, pushing the stone back to hide the entrance, under Gramps command. Apparently this is a secret cell area reserved for Fairy Tail's worst enemies. He says that not even Master Mavis knows of this place. Master explained that this area was soundproof as well.

As we walked further down the stairs, we heard blood curling screams. We panicked and started running down the stairs, careful not to fall down. I recognized those screams. They belong to Lucy.

I suddenly got extremely angry. What kind of pain is she in to give out those kind of screams? What was Natsu doing to her?! We finally ran into a hallway, lined with cells meant to keep prisoners in. They have extremely thick metal bars.

"Ew, these bars look disgusting to eat." Gajeel commented.

"Yes I know. These bars are specially made so that no magic will work on them. Even iron dragons and iron dragon slayers wouldn't dare eat this. It tastes horrible and even they would have trouble biting through this. I went through a lot of trouble to get this, so don't go trying to eat it, my boy." Gramps said.

Gajeel nodded. We kept running towards Lucy's screams and finally slowed down in front of one particular cell. There was Natsu, sitting beside a bed with Lucy curled up on it crying and screaming in agony. It was a sight that made my blood boil. What made me even more furious was that I saw a bite mark on the mark I gave Lucy, which was slowly changing into a reddish golden flame, almost a bronze color. That must have been the source of her pain.

"Lucy!" I yelled. Natsu whipped around and smirked. "I'm surprised you found us, but it doesn't matter. You can't get in here without the key, which I have, and the bars are magic proof."

I covered my hands in protective gloves of thick but light ice, and started punching the bars, hoping to knock them off. My efforts did nothing to them. Damn it! I need to get to Lucy! I thought as my anger and frustration increased.

A question then popped into my mind. "How is my mark disappearing? Marks are permanent." I asked him.

He chuckled. "Yes, while marks are 100% permanent, they can be changed by another dragonslayer that wants the mate as much as the true dragonslayer mate does. But the process of changing the mark is extremely painful as you can see. But it's worth it to have Luce to myself. I'll finally mark her and then we can mate. And once we do, we are together for life. You can't get her back as yours once we mate." He said smugly.

I was fuming. He was causing my Lucy to suffer in agonizing pain, and then he's going to mate with her, to spite me and have her for himself. That is not what a good mate does. I clenched my fists so tight that the protective ice layer around my hands shattered into pieces, falling onto the floor.

The others looked at me but I said nothing.

"Guys stand back." Gajeel warned.

"What why?! We need to get Lucy out of ther-"

"Shrimp I said stand back. He's furious and if we don't stand back we can get hurt from what he's going to try to do." Gajeel interrupted her. He looked at her, and she saw how serious he was. She and the others stepped back.

I silently thanked Gajeel, and started building up my magic power. I activated my devil slayer magic, and my black markings appeared, with icy mist surrounding me. Lucy's screams only fueled my anger. Natsu still looked at me, his smirk showing his cockiness and pride. Natsu Dragneel, I will wipe that smug look right off your face.

Lucy screamed louder than before, which meant that the pain was increasing. I glanced at her to see that my mark is almost fully replaced by Natsu's. She must be in more pain since the process is almost completed. Well, that just made me even more angry. I don't think I've ever been this angry at something or someone before.

I felt my power, plus the power that was given to me by my ice-make magic and the mating season, reach it's limit. I was at full power. I reached my hands out and gripped the bars tightly. The metal slowly turned to thick ice. When the bars were completely made out of ice, I squeezed the bars, and they shattered, leaving a huge opening as an entrance into the cell. Natsu's face went from smug to shocked.

It was my turn to smirk. Lucy, I'm gonna beat his ass and then get rid of that pain for you.

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