Opposites That Aren't So Oppo...

By XxNekocoxX

179K 7.6K 5.1K

What happens when a tough nerd meets a popular jock? Kayson may not look it but, he is a nerd with attitude... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Side Story - More Than Okay

Chapter 6

6.5K 309 160
By XxNekocoxX

I ignored Kyle as he greeted me with a 'what's up?'. When i didn't reply he frowned. "Did I do something wrong?"

I sighed. "No."

He nodded slowly. "Then why do I get the feeling you're really pissed off?"

"Well, maybe because I am? There is that possibility."

"Okay? Why are you really pissed off?"

"Pertend you have a little sister-"

"I do have a little sister."

"Whatever. Say there was a guy who wanted to take her away and you retarded Aunt is oblivious to it so she lets him come over all the God-damn time. Would you be really pissed off if you found out he was coming over this evening?"

He was silent for a minute. "So, you're saying that guy is coming to your house tonight and you hate him so that's why you're really pissed off?"


I walked down the hall to my locker and opened it, almost hitting some guys hand. "Hey, watch-"

I gave him a death glare. He shut up, quickly grabbed his things and walked away. I turned back to my own locker and started pulling things out and putting things in.

"Wow. I've seen you mad befors but, geez. This guy has got to be a real jerk."

"You think?" I said, slamming my locker door and storming off. He followed me. "Why is he coming over? Is he your Aunt's boyfriend or something?"

I slowed down and clenched my fists. "Thank God, no. It's a personal matter."

"Like what?"

Does this boy not know what 'a personal matter' means?

"Like i said. A personal matter. You wouldn't want to know anyways."

"Is he a CPS agent?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and glared at the ground. Kyle stopped too and watched me. "Hit the nail on the head, didn't I?"

I turned on my heel and made my way back towards the front doors, grabbing my stuff out of my locker. Kyle grabbed my shoulder as i was stepping outside. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

He squeezed my shoulder. "Please, tell me. If the school finds out you skipped class you'll get in alot of trouble."

"I really don't care. I need to clear my head." I jerked my shoulder away and walked in the direction of anywhere. Kyle didn't follow me this time but, i could feel his eyes on my back until I turned a corner and was out of his range of sight.

I turned down an alley and leaned on the concrete wall. I rubbed my temples to try to ease the oncoming headache.


"She needs to be taken proper care of. If you can't do that then we will have to take her away and find her a better home." My mom said holding the tabby cat i had found on the streets. I had begged my parents to let me keep her and they agreed as long as i took complete responsibility for her.

"But, i am! Please don't take her away!" I cried.

"I think it's best if you wait a few years before having a pet." My dad said.

They took her to the animal shelter that night and i never saw her again.

***flashback changes***

"She needs to be taken proper care of. If you can't do that then i will have to take her away and find her a better home." Chase was saying to my Aunt.

I was hiding on the stairs, listening to their conversation.

"But, i promised their mother they would be safe. You have nothing to worry about." My Aunt replied.

"She is tiny and frail. You need to let me have her now before she dies of malnutrition."

"No. She was small when she was born, she is small now. It means nothing. She is a healthy baby and i will make sure she stays that way."

Chase looked like he had sucked all the juice out of a lemon. "But-"

"This conversation is over. I need to get some rest. Goodnight, Chase." My Aunt held the door open and he walked out stiffly.

After the door was shut i raced down the stairs. "Auntie! Is he really going to take Macey away?"

My Auntlooked surprised to see me. "Kayson! What are you doing up? You should have been in bed hours ago!"

I shook my head. "Is he? Please don't let him!"

She smiled. "I'll do everything in my power to keep both of you with me, so don't you worry. Now, off to bed with you!"

I sighed and walkedback upstairs. That night i dreamed about seeing Macey slowly disappeared and searching for her but, never finding her.

***flashback ends***

"Ahh!" I yell as i punch the cold, hard wall over and over again. After using most of my pent up anger on the lifeless stone i stopped, panting slightly. I looked down at my, now bloody, fists. I knew they should be in pain but, i didn't really feel anything.

Sighing, i sat down and rested my head against the wall. I heard a shuffling and opened them to see about seven guys standing around me, all of which were holding knives.

I glared at them. "What do you want?" I asked as i stood up.

"So. You decided to come back, have you?" I glanced farther down the alley and saw a guy i had hoped to never see again in my life. He didn't have a knife but, was walking towards me with a smirk.

I growled. "In your dreams, Bert."

The guy, Bert, laughed. "If that's the case, why are you here? Did you want to get some more, maybe?"

"No and i would like it if you called off your dogs." I replied.

The other guys growled at the insult.

I rolled his eyes. "You're not helping yourselves."

One of the guys advanced, knife raised above his head. He stabbed it into the wall right next to my ear. "Watch your mouth, brat."

Being in enough knife fights i was used to this and didn't even flinch. "Brush your teeth. You smell like a sewer." I said as i scrunched up my nose.

I braced myself as the guy went to punch me but, the Bert grabbed his fist. "Don't hurt him." The guy looked pissed but, nodded. "Yet." Bert added as he released his hand. The guy grinned and walked back to stand with his fellow thugs.

Bert turned back to look at me. "You look good. Healthy. Dyed your hair, i see. Your sister doing okay?"

"Don't talk about my sister." I snapped. "She has nothing to do with this. This is over anyways."

"In your opinion." Bert said smiling as he brushed his fingertips under my chin.

I narrowed my eyes and slapped his hand away. "Don't you dare touch me."

Bert laughed. "You liked it when i touched you before. As i recall," He gripped my hair with one hand and held my wrist to keep me in place with the other. "...you liked it alot."

"I was a child. I had no idea what i was doing."

"You do now."

Then he kissed me roughly. As i squirmed i couldn't help the small moan that left my throat as his tongue flicked around my mouth. Bert pulled back with a smirk. "I guess not much has changed."

I glared at him. "I am not the same ignorant boy i used to be. I know snake when i see one."

Bert just shrugged. "I'll forgive you and take you back if you say you're sorry. I really did like you."

"Not on your life."

"Really? Oh, well. I guess once you always were one to never change your mind. Even if it was obviously the wrong choice." He let go of me and stepped away. Turning back to his group he flicked his head. "You can have your go at him now." He said, walking away.

The guys looked excited. They stepped towards me and i stepped back. I balled up my fists and prepared for a major beating.

Then, "Get away from him." I heard someone bark.

All heads, mine included, snapped in the direction of the voice. I stared at the person in shock. "What-"


Hey everyone! Wow this is a long a$$ chapter! I like the twist i added to it though! Bert will reappear later in the book by the way. He plays a role in later events. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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